View Full Version : 3rd Ed PrC Help

2019-04-18, 08:32 PM
Was reading a recent thread about divine characters or spells, and went to a book to read something for myself, ended up continuing in said book, found a PrC that I can't recall the name of now. Definitely 3.5 or 3.0, believe it was from a book printed before Eberron was a thing. The class in question I believe had:
D8 HD, 3/4 BAB, advanced animal companion, and advanced any divine caster class you have levels in.

Help with the name anyone? Reread a bunch of threads, but nothing's jogging my memory; unfortunately I have chronic back issues, take painkillers frequently before bed, may have imagined the whole thing. Thanks in advance for any help

Maat Mons
2019-04-18, 09:50 PM
Arcane Hierophant? Lion of Talisid?

2019-04-18, 09:55 PM
Arcane Hierophant? Lion of Talisid?

Had nothing to do with arcane casting, and wasn't lion, I've played that one. Thanks though.

2019-04-18, 11:03 PM
Was reading a recent thread about divine characters or spells, and went to a book to read something for myself, ended up continuing in said book, found a PrC that I can't recall the name of now. Definitely 3.5 or 3.0, believe it was from a book printed before Eberron was a thing. The class in question I believe had:
D8 HD, 3/4 BAB, advanced animal companion, and advanced any divine caster class you have levels in.

Help with the name anyone? Reread a bunch of threads, but nothing's jogging my memory; unfortunately I have chronic back issues, take painkillers frequently before bed, may have imagined the whole thing. Thanks in advance for any help

I don't know if it's pre-Eberron, but Lion of Talisid meets the requirements. d8, 3/4 BAB, animal companion stacking, any divine class. It's definitely a really good PrC and arguably one of the best available for Druids; if you can stomach taking another feat (alongside Favored of the Companions, which isn't a very good feat) to keep up your Wild Shape progression, LoT basically costs nothing further but adds plenty of nice goodies.

Man, swordsage'd and super late and explicitly told that wasn't it.

Can't say I've heard of anything like this before though.

2019-04-18, 11:17 PM
Off the top of my head, Wavekeeper, maybe?

2019-04-18, 11:53 PM

The "Faith Scion" legendary weapon class could maybe be it, since it explicitly stacks with any class-level-based features one might care about, including animal companion and wildshape. And, as before, any divine and d8 hit die.

2019-04-20, 11:36 PM
Thanks all, i think I may have been looking at Planar Shepherd in a time I was also flipping through older stuff. I thought I saw another class that was the same spell and companion progression and had other abilities than shepherd. My DM doesn't allow a lot of Eberron stuff.