View Full Version : 3rd Ed Class features (not feats) that increase melee reach?

2019-04-20, 10:59 AM
I’m looking for class features that increase the character’s melee reach. This isn’t for a specific character—I’m mostly just curious how rare it is.

Ideal characteristics that I’m willing to be flexible on include the feature working all day every day, the feature not directly increasing creature size, and the feature applying to arbitrary melee attacks (as opposed to granting one specific attack with reach). However, I’m NOT looking for actual spells or psionic powers that achieve these ends. Not looking for feats, either: I specifically want class features.

Off the top of my head without looking, I know that MoI’s umbral disciple gives this as its capstone, BoVD’s thrall of Demogorgon gives a limited-use one, there’s a warblade stance that works on your own turn, and I THINK CW’s warshaper does something (but I’m not 100% sure I’m remembering that one right). Bloodstorm blade isn’t quite the right thing.

That’s unlikely to be where the story ends, though. What else is out there?

2019-04-20, 11:16 AM
Warshaper's 3rd level Morphic Reach gives 5' reach without visual indication as such. Subject to the usual Warshaper restriction of needing to be in the alternate form that gave you access to the class. Changelings therefore have it 24/7

2019-04-21, 04:11 PM
This doesn't meet the "works on any attack" criterion, but if you allow Dragon Magazine, #350 has chaos roc's span for Totemists. Noteworthy for only needing to shape it, not bind it, to your shoulders to give you two 1d4 nonlethal reach wing attacks.

2019-04-21, 06:19 PM
Does the Desert Wind2 maneuver Burning Brand count?

2019-04-22, 02:00 PM
If you can qualify for it, Master of Vipers (Serpent Kingdoms)

2019-04-22, 02:01 PM
If pathfinder is on the table, the PF soulknife can pick up a blade skill that lets them spend their psi focus to extend the reach of their weapon by 5 ft. For one round.

The Viscount
2019-04-22, 03:52 PM
The utterly generic Shadowblade from ToM allows you 10 feet of reach for a round at a time a few times per day.

For the sake of completeness, illithid body tamer, though the racial requirement is punishing.

2019-04-22, 04:22 PM
Oh, probably worth mentioning the Eldritch Glaive blast shape invocation, since it's pretty well unique to Warlocks and thus is more class feature than "feat or spell."