View Full Version : Optimization Seasonal Eladrin and Fey Step: Has anyone found a use for Summer Eladrin?

2019-04-20, 11:50 PM
Autumn: Great for Glamour Bard 6 or a CHA based gish.
Winter: Great allround for Casters, bonus points for CHA Caster.
Spring: Excellent for problem solving or getting your Barbarian to the thick of battle, or if for some reason you're a Feylock and think 2 free teleports per day is too much.
Summer: Great for a gish, but you'll be sitting at 3 damage until level 4, and by the time you cap it for 5 damage you'll be at level 8 or 12.

2019-04-21, 05:53 AM
Autumn: Great for Glamour Bard 6 or a CHA based gish.
Winter: Great allround for Casters, bonus points for CHA Caster.
Spring: Excellent for problem solving or getting your Barbarian to the thick of battle, or if for some reason you're a Feylock and think 2 free teleports per day is too much.
Summer: Great for a gish, but you'll be sitting at 3 damage until level 4, and by the time you cap it for 5 damage you'll be at level 8 or 12.

One thing in particular comes to mind, for what it's worth...

The Summer Eladrin's damage aura following Misty Step isn't particularly strong. It could be used, however, to trigger the +2d6 from the Elemental Bane spell. By itself, Elemental Bane isn't much, but upcast to affect multiple targets (2 at 5th level, 3 at 6th, and so on) it would combo well with the Summer Eladrin's Misty Step damage: 2d6+5 against two or three targets isn't bad at all. Burning a short-rest ability and a 5th level spell slot is a bit much, but Elemental Bane is a concentration spell so if you've got more sources of fire damage it might be worthwhile.

2019-04-21, 06:03 AM
Summer doesn't necessarily need to do a lot of damage, because it's an auto-hit AoE appended to a bonus action teleport. That 5 damage is just pure +5 true DPR per target. Think of it like a free Maddening Hex added onto your teleport. Or like the DPR of a tier 3 Thunderclap or Word of Radiance or Sword Burst with an enemy having ~50% chance of saving, going off at an optimal position, without using your action.

Summer: Great for a gish, but you'll be sitting at 3 damage until level 4.

Just to get some perspective on this:

At level 3 (the only level you'll have it before reaching level 4), that 3 damage is taking up the area of a level 1 Thunderwave spell (except with you at the center), and doing about half the DPR (for only a bonus action that doubles as a teleport). For example, a Thunderwave will deal ~6.4 damage per target against basic orcs (and much of that damage is because of the "save for half" benefit; if it was save negates, it'd only be about 4.1 DPR).

Or for another example, a level 1 Thunderclap or Word of Radiance cantrip would take your action and deal 2.4 DPR per target to those orcs. A Sword Burst (targeting Dex instead of Con) would do about 2.6 DPR. Summer is dealing 3 DPR per target, as a bonus action that also teleports you.

Even if it affects only one creature, it's like having an extra sneak attack die that auto-hits.

By contrast, Autumn and Winter can miss entirely, affect fewer targets, face frequent resistance/immunities (Charm and Frighten both have lots of them), and won't help you 100-0 burst things when your high damage gish is porting right next to someone to unleash a string of attacks. So I'd say Summer already has a use.