View Full Version : Hack and Slash Races IC

2019-04-21, 03:25 AM
IC thread for the free for all races! Map here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JRfe09CCp7oTvJMwge-Nn8ZCav7Z0izlSBqJrvSjiMc/edit?usp=sharing).

There will be three races. Each will give points based on performance. First place will get 5 points, second gets 3 points, third gets 2 points, and fourth gets 1 point. After each race, each PC can take a short rest. At the end of the three races, the points are totalled, and the (IRL) players take turns picking prizes from the prize pool in order of highest to lowest points. The prize pool consists of a feat, an ASI, or a +2 weapon.

All PCs have resistance to all damage. All races will take place on the same map.

Race 1: Sprint
PCs start in the places currently denoted on the map. All 4 PCs on a team must reach the opposite endzone (denoted by hollow purple lines). First team to do so wins. Each solid purple line is a barrier, and a PC can only cross 1 barrier per round. However, they do not provide cover or block line of sight or effect. If a PC dies, they respawn the following round in the starting endzone, at a position of the IRL player's choice.

Race 2: Relay
Prior to the race beginning, each team must decide a relay order of who will carry the baton. 2 PCs start in the left endzone, and 2 start in the right. The baton can start in either endzone. It then gets run to the opposite endzone, where it is handed off to the next person in the order as an action taken by either of the participants. This can only happen if both PCs are in the appropriate endzone. The barriers acts the same as in the sprint. PCs who are not holding the baton are free to act as they wish. If a PC dies, they respawn the following round in the endzone they are closer to, except if they are carrying the baton, in which case they respawn in the endzone where they picked up the baton. The baton can't be dropped.

Race 3: Hurdles
This is the same as the sprint, except the barriers act differently. You can cross any number of barriers in a round, but each requires a DC 15 Athletics/Acrobatics check (player choice), taken as an action. Failure means that you cross the barrier, but cannot move for the rest of the round (this also applies to flying PCs). You can increase the DC to 25 to expend 15 feet of movement rather than taking an action, and increase the DC to 30 to take the check as a free action.

2019-04-21, 06:57 AM
Huzzah! Happy Easter everyone.

Estron Init: [roll0]
Thumper Init: [roll1]
Caladan Init: [roll2]
Joshua Init: [roll3]

That's 14.75 average.

2019-04-21, 09:32 AM

Hawk: 1d20+5 or 1d20+5
Eagle: [roll0]
Raven: [roll1]
Owl: [roll2]

AVG: 12.5

2019-04-21, 11:07 AM
F [roll0]
N [roll1]
G [roll2]
S [roll3]

2019-04-22, 07:58 AM
Initiative Check.

[roll1] or [roll2]

2019-04-22, 08:24 AM
Storyteller_Arc: 15.500 <- bit unsure about whether or not to include the wolf but it ends up not mattering anyway/
charlesrwest: 14.75
urandom: 13.250
JbeJ275: 12.5

So I think our teams are acting in the above order?

2019-04-23, 04:00 PM
Maybe DM would allow pre-summoned, but Find Steed is a 10min casting time.

2019-04-23, 06:04 PM
"Hey, pup!! Looky here!" Joshua shoots at the wolf as soon as it runs away.

Joshua AOO (warcaster):
Eldritch Blast:
Bolt 1:
Attack: worse of [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] if crit

Bolt 2:
Attack: worse of [roll4] or [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + [roll7] if crit

Estron snorts, then quickly composes himself and pretends nothing happened. "Right then, form up and move out. Time to put these new powers to work."

First Estron and Caladan disappear and reappear far down range, then Thumper and Joshua quickly follow.

Estron casts Dimensional Door on himself and Caladan. They reappear at M21 and N21 respectively. Thumper and Joshua reappear at K21 and L21. Caladan and Joshua will take the doge action, unless someone messes with things using a reaction (in which case they will do something else). Everyone except for Thumper actives their boots.

Map updated :)

2019-04-23, 08:11 PM
I don't see how storyteller people are where they are since there isn't a mount, but I'm acting like they are there.

Nekhbet casts conjure animals. 8 axebeaks.
Summons bear totem at F7 (+12 tmp hp to all). Moves 15 feet forward and mounts.

Scathach moves forward and mounts. Casts silence. Inspires Nekhbet.

Ghislaine moves forward and mounts. Attacks Estron:

dmg: [roll1] crit: [roll2]
dmg: [roll4] crit: [roll5]

Fjallar moves forward and mounts. Casts sleet storm.

Axebeaks move forward. A1, A3 dash (in order to get to where they need to be), the rest use the dodge action.

Concentration check number 8 (sleet storm) (DC 15):

Remember to roll DC 15 dex to avoid going prone if you start turn in sleet storm or enter the area. Sleet storm area is difficult terrain and heavily obscured.

2019-04-23, 08:18 PM
Joshua snaps his fingers and shouts even as the gale springs into being around him. "Oi, some of us like using our gab!"

Counter spelled silence. Apparently out of range for sleet storm (apologies).

2019-04-24, 04:44 PM
As the race began, Team Conquest took stock of their opponents, and how they react to the sounding Horn, judging how they might best react and make their move. The Order of the Unicorn was simple, yet effective in their chosen methodology, calling on the gifts of their patrons to bend time and space around them and transport them instantly so that they were halfway across the field. If it was not for the barrier that halted them from pressing any further at once, it would not be surprising if they transported themselves across the entire field at once.

The response from Team FUNGUS, on the other hand, was much broader. Summoning creatures to both block the way, and function as mounts to aid their journey. Whilst also laying down overlapping fields of control in order to halt and slow down the opposition. One of these, the area of silence they attempted to enforce on the field, was halting by one of the Unicorn Warlocks, but the other, a furious storm that hid the end-zone from view, and would likely impede any further movement through it, save for the corridor they have created in front of themselves, which was filled with their Axe Beaks.

Clever. Very clever... but a bit too reliant on their caster’s ability to hold their focus and concentration.

Number 6 and 7 advanced as one, weapons at the ready. A flurry of attacks was launched towards Nekhbet, Team FUNGUS’ Druid. Planning on punching through his defences, and forcing the concentration required to hold his summoned creatures in place to vanish. Which would allow Number 5 and Wolf to move into a more... advantageous position.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2019-04-24, 04:56 PM
Seeing his companions’ attempts at halting Team FUNGUS failed, Number 5 & 8 will stride forwards, Number 8 would call upon the gifts of his ancestors, and use his Fey Step in order to teleport directly behind one of the deadly Axe Beaks, even as Number 7 used his Cunning Action in order to dash to a spot beside him. Now so close to the druid, Number 8 will attempt to Incapacitate him with Hideous Laughter. If this method of incapacitation failed, then Number 5 would follow up with an attempt to freeze the Druid in place with Hold Person. All whilst Wolf would dash up towards the Axe Beaks himself, and if possible, position him close to the dangerous Team FUNGUS.

[roll0] DC 14
[roll1] DC 16

2019-04-25, 04:43 AM
The Warriors pledged to nature were in this instance the last to depart, but they did so in style. Spirits on the wind coalesced into four great white warhorses and an ursine spirit that filled them with vigour. Then they rode forward at a quick pace, the warlock and Druid taking cover between their more martial brethren.

Hawk, I need a warrior’s dispel on the sleet. Raven, if there’s not enough grass to show them the wildwood you do the same.

Owl: Conjure 4 warhorses as an action, bonus action bear spirit
Eagle: Mount up, cast Bless on all others
Raven: Two Eldritch Blasts on Fjaller

[roll0]+[roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3]+[roll4] for [roll5]
on each hit reduce speed by 10ft until end of round.

Hawk: Fires twice with sharpshooter
[roll6]+[roll7] for [roll8]
[roll9]+[roll10] for [roll11]
+[roll12] for first hit.

Concentration checks depend on when and if abjurer’s shield is breached.

With all mounted on a warhorse, they maintain the same letter positions but move up to column 14. Then take dodge action.

2019-04-25, 03:30 PM
Estron blinks a bit as the storm clears and tilts his head. "Alright then." He gestures and the squad leap frogs forward as individual members lay down cover fire behind them.

Everyone except Thumper target Number 5 with Eldritch blast and then move forward. Thumper dashes and moves forward. (map updated with positions). All bolts have 10 ft knockback.

Estron heals himself [roll0] with healing light.

Estron Eldritch Blast:
Bolt 1:
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + (if crit) [roll3]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] + (if crit) [roll6]

Caladan Eldritch Blast:
Bolt 1:
Attack: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] + (if crit) [roll9]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11] + (if crit) [roll12]

Joshua Eldritch Blast:
Bolt 1:
Attack: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] + (if crit) [roll15]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17] + (if crit) [roll18]

Woops. Sleet storm is still up so this got retconned out of existence.

2019-04-25, 06:27 PM
Estron and Joshua slip on the ice as the group tries to move forward. Joshua's cursing is somewhat unconventional. "Spiky ninth lord of the abyss!! Darkness! Radiance take this weather!" The others help them up. Estron calmly thanks Thumper and then calmly orders. "Alright, for up and jump. Let's get out of this mess before the others get here." They quietly form up and vanish, reappearing at the howling edge of the storm.

Estron and Caladan Dimension Door everyone forward to just before the next boundary line. Thumper and Joshua take the dodge action. Estron heals himself (using previous roll for same action).

2019-04-25, 08:49 PM
"Nekhbet? I'm sorry your pet birdies disappeared, now please, get moving." Scathach muttered, poking The frozen feathered .

With a shriek Fjallar and Ghislaines familiars whip past the paladin's face, distracting him just in time for Ghislaine's attacks to slip through, before flapping back to the front.

if one breaks concentration next shot will have sharpshooter.
, [roll1], [roll]1d20+ 9
dmg: crit: [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5], [roll]1d20+ 9
dmg: [roll6] crit: [roll7]

2019-04-25, 08:52 PM

potential concentration save for first hit and second (if hits)

2019-04-25, 09:19 PM
Ghislaine grabs nekhbet and yanks him forward.
Cursing again, Scathach blows an eerie call on her horn, and a pattern of lights appears.

Hypnotic pattern covering number 5-8.

dc 15 wis


Then she likewise runs forward, pulling fjallar with her. While leaving a parting word of inspiration for nekhbet. "Wake UP."

Fjallar limps forward and casts mage armor on himself, dropping the largely useless sleet storm."Could have sworn I got more of em in that.".

Suddenly Nekhbet shakes his wings out, "Uhh what'd I miss?" He starts grooming some misplaced feathers, masterfully ignoring the stares of contempt from his compatriots.

2019-04-26, 04:07 PM
The flash of magic lasts only for a split second, the swirling mass of light and shimmering energy seemingly doing no harm in the short few moments it existed... but it was enough to do its damage, rendering two out of the fives members of Team Conquest under its sway, leaving Number 6 and Number 7 completely under its hypnotic sway.

A quick glance was shared between Number 5 & Number 8, the safer option would be to simply shake their allies out of this stupor, and be on their way afterwards... but, safer didn’t mean best. They were already at the back of the pack, the only ground that had neither mass summoning abilities nor mass teleportation that allowed them to cover the distances between each barrier in an instanst. No. In order to make sure they did not come last, they would have to a... riskier, strategy. Sure, it would potentially lead to them being targetted once again, but they needed to slow down the others if they had any chance to advanced properly.

Hence, Number 5 and Number 8 would both advanced, directing their spells towards the bard known as Scathach, attempting to bring him down low in order to free their allies. First Number 5 would attempt to use Hold Person on them, then Number 8 would follow with their Hideous Laughter.

[roll0] DC 16
[roll1] DC 14

2019-04-26, 04:40 PM
Thanks to the Yuan-Ti’s Magic Resistance, neither attack worked. Luckily, however, Wolf charged forwards. He might not be directed by his master, but that didn’t mean he did not understand the words and directions of the other members of Team Conquest, the large creature ran forwards and lunged at the Yuan-Ti, jaws wide open to rip and tear and break his concentration in this entirely different way!

for [roll1]. + [roll2] DC 13 or knocked Prone.

2019-04-27, 02:53 AM
The Boys continued forwards spurring their horses on at a gallop.

(Horses move and Dash, E to P30:Q31, H to P28:Q29, R to R30:S31, O to R28:S29)

Once there Raven’s hand reaches out to send a screen of fey enchantmenting magic over the group, Hawk knocks an arrow whispers a word, then fires it at one of the warlocks. Eagle reaches out a gauntleted fist and clenches it as vines and roots erupt from the earth around these warlocks.

(Raven Hypnotic Patterns, Hawk Ensnaring Strikes then shoots targeting Thumper, Eagle Channels Divinity targeting Caladan)
Saving throws:

J: [roll0]
T: [roll1]
E: [roll2]

Hawk shots: [roll4]+[roll5] for [roll6]
[roll7]+[roll8] for [roll9]

PStr Saving Throw(DC 14) : [roll10]

CD Saving throw (DC 13 or be restrained): [roll11] add str or Dex bonuses

2019-04-27, 06:33 AM
"Not naptime yet, chickadees!"

Joshua counterspells hypnotic pattern. Please let me know whether or not you want to change anything about your turn in response.

2019-04-27, 08:45 AM
Estron and Joshua send off cover fire, and then the group vanishes.

Blasts targeting O's horse. 10 ft knockback on each hit.

Estron Eldritch Blast:
Bolt 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + if crit: [roll2]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + if crit: [roll5]

Joshua Eldritch Blast:
Bolt 1:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + if crit: [roll8]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + if crit: [roll11]

Thumper and Caladan dimension door the group to the goal zone and the group disappears.

2019-04-27, 09:26 AM
While Owl is spent sprawling by his horse flying off, Raven turns to look at them and reply.

And not finish time for you, I’m afraid.

After the Eldritch Blasts, Raven uses his reaction to counterspell Thunper’s dimension door.

(I was considering a grapple thing with Owl, but ultimately not worth it. Using my reaction instead)

2019-04-27, 10:32 AM
As the order of the Unicorn lays down a furious barrage, with Estron and Joshua running forward to the goal line after Thumper's teleport fails due to team HERO. Caladan moves over to teleport Thumper out from the entangling vines, but his effort fizzle after team FUNGUS interferes. "Sorry, mate. We'll provide cover fire. Caladan runs to the goal line and turns to face the oncoming teams.

Caladan moves over to Thumper and dimension doors them instead. Estron and Joshua fire just as before then run to the goal line.

Dim door fizzles, so Thumper is stuck. Estron and Joshua had already moved to the goal line, so Caladan just joins them.

2019-04-27, 12:16 PM
Fjallar notices the swift moving team Unicorn about to take the win, and intervenes: "Wait just a moment there" he mutters, counterspelling Caladan's dimension door.

Using 4th level slot for guaranteed counter.
Let me know when the dust settles and its definitely my turn lol. I'm going to be out of contact until fairly late tonight.

2019-04-28, 11:20 AM
With a nod and wink at Nekhbet Fjallar raises his hands and stone walls appear to close around Nekbet (minor illusion).

Within the illusory walls Nekhbet casts conjure animals summoning four war horses.

Upper Left corners in A26, C26, G29, E26

Ghislaine mounts the horse in A26, and pulls Nekhbet up (either with the other half of her move or with action, it shouldn't matter). Then uses action to pull fjallar up (if she used her action then she action surges). Then Scathach mounts the horse in C26, inspires Fjallar, and they all ride off to the goal.

So I should be out, since I don't believe there's anyway to stop this.
Pretty sure this is all RAW (eg that Fjallar can secretly signal to Nekhbet that its an illusion, but enemies have to spend an action to investigate). Explicitly this should block line of sight with number 8, so he can't counterspell. I can also just interpose it between number 8 and Nekhbet.

Obviously if Puzzler says differently or there are fiddly details that are under complaint I may want to revise.

Ghislaine can hold Fjallar to the side if necessary to technically be in goal.
If someone goes prone they can stand up and still mount (since both cost half move).

Not sure what happens to my hypnotic pattern.

2019-04-28, 04:35 PM
As soon as they failed to disrupt Scathach’s concentration, Team Conquest knew that they had lost their chance at victory.

This was... acceptable. They were not built around speed. They did not have access to potent Teleportation like that which The Order of the Unicorn did. Nor did they have the ability to conjure up creatures to serve as mounts for their entire group with a single spell. No. They were built to Conquer. To cripple, to control, to dominante all those they came across. And sadly, this wide, open field of battle, was a place where their abilities would difficult to make use off. They worked best in smaller, more confined quarters, where their abilities to lock down a small area would work best with.

As long as they did not come last in each race in this round. Their results would be deemed acceptable. Otherwise... they would likely be given the same fate of their predecessors.

Hence, their attention would turn to avoid that last place positioning in this round. 1st place slipped away as Team FUNGUS once more summoned creatures out of nowhere in order to bolt across the finish line, luckily freeing their comrades from Scathach’s grip. With Team Bird Boys still mounted, and The Order of the Unicorn having all but one member at the finish line. The decision was swiftly made.

Number 5 and 6 raced forwards, each hoping to close the distance as swiftly as possible. Number 7, with his fleet speed, was able to cross through one barrier, and press himself against the next, directly next to Thumper. With Number 8 otherwise dashing forwards to flank Thumper on the other side. To complete this box, Wolf would streak across the battlefield, positioning himself in front of the remaining Warlock, whilst Number 7 and Number 8’s owl familiars would leave the shoulder’s of their masters, fluttering out into the air, ready at their master’s command.

2019-04-29, 02:40 AM
With owl getting up and dashing forwards and the rest riding clear, they all cross the finish and receive a respectable second place.

2019-04-30, 08:52 PM
Team Unicorn strides into the arena and begins stretching. They look somewhat somber and speak celestial to each other in low voices. Estron hands the baton to Thumper, who takes it with quite dignity. Estron pats Thumper on the back, whispers one last thing and Thumper grins as Estron and Joshua take their place on the other side of the field. When the start signal fires, the Order of the Unicorn springs into action.

Caladan taps his boots and runs rapidly forward to the center of the arena. Once he reaches there, he turns and shoots. Joshua advances as well and fires.

Thumper loudly declares, "Lord Raxxus, I thank you for this speed". He mutters under his breath and rockets forward, matching Caladan's speed even as he turns and shoots as well.

Lastly, Estron moves forward and shoots.

Caladan actives his boots, runs to H14 and fires Eldritch Blast at Nekhbet.
Joshua actives his boots, runs to H11 and fires Eldritch Blast at Nekhbet.
Thumper casts Expeditious Retreat, runs to G14 and fires Eldritch Blast at Nekhbet.
Estron actives his boots, runs to G11 and fires Eldritch Blast at Nekhbet.

All Eldritch Blasts doing 10 ft knockback on hit.

Caladan Eldritch Blast:
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + if crit: [roll2]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + if crit: [roll5]

Joshua Eldritch Blast:
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + if crit: [roll8]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + if crit: [roll11]

Thumper Eldritch Blast:
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] + if crit: [roll14]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] + if crit: [roll17]

Estron Eldritch Blast:
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19] + if crit: [roll20]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] + if crit: [roll23]

2019-04-30, 08:58 PM
3 hits:
11+11+8 = 14 damage after resistance
Concentration checks for horses (dc 10):

Horses vanish.

2019-05-01, 05:28 AM
Hawk, Raven and Eagle mount up and move towards the centre, while Owl dodges focusing on keeping the horses alive.

All take up the JK row, Hawk’s Mount Dashes to 16:17, Raven’s to 14:15 and Eagle’s to 18:19. Owl’s wounded horse provides cover.

Raven Casts Eldritch Blast
Hawk Casts Longstrider on Raven and Eagle.

2019-05-01, 06:52 AM
Team Conquest would hang back for a few seconds when the starting gun went off, taking stock of how the other teams were attempting to either slow others down or race across the battlefield, putting together their own plan of action before moving to engage. The field of battle was thinner and smaller than the previous one, forcing the teams to clump up closer together even when simply racing forwards at full speed. And it was these close quarters that Team Conquest was fully intending to use.

First to move was Number 8, moving across the battlefield to position himself in the direct path of The Order of the Unicorn, though he would also take note how they, and Team Bird Boys, were clumped up together. Perfect for him to cast Hypnotic Pattern against them... it was likely to not function at its full potential, but Number 8 anticipated he would be able to drain their resources regardless, and he was able to draw on the power of the Bladesong to protect himself from any retaliatory attacks.As this happened, Number 7 would casually walk down the waiting area over to Owl and take a stab at him. Hoping to get rid of Team Bird Boy’s conjured horses if at all possible... and for an ironic twist, Number 7’s Owl familiar would Help with the attack.

Then, there was Number 5. Having realized that they were unable to take any position but last, Team Conquest chose to delay their finish of the race by ten whole minutes in order to buy Number 5 time to summon forth his loyal steed, which he began the race mounted upon. Now, he was able to kick the horse into a canter, tearing up the battlefield as he positioned himself between The Order of the Unicorn, and Team Bird Boys. Not only was this the perfect place when his Tunnel Fighter expertise would come into full effect. But Number 5 was able to lift his glaive into the air, summoning the power of his god and force them to feel the weight of his Conquering Presence and being this close to several of them? Well, that just meant that they were within his Aura of Conquest. He would also tell his mount to Dodge in order to try and avoid any attempts to dislodge him from this current position.

As for Number 6 and his loyal Companion, Wolf. They would slip further down the battlefield as well. Wolf racing up to the barrier, Ready himself to intercept anyone who tried to pass him, whilst Number 6 positioned himself close to a straight shot for Number 5, and also Readied himself to help support Wolf.

Number 7’s Attack vs Owl.
[roll0] [roll1] + [roll2]

Hypnotic Pattern. DC 14.

Conquering Presence. DC 16.

2019-05-01, 09:01 AM
Estron notices the hypnotic pattern forming. "No you don't."

Estron counterspells hypnotic pattern.

2019-05-01, 01:49 PM
Nekhbet cricks his neck where the eldritch energy had impacted, letting out a sad "Scree?" at his pets disappearance. He taps Fjallar on the shoulder, lending the gnome some much needed speed, before flapping forward.

Meanwhile as the baton bearer Scathach simply runs forward, sparing a quick nod and compliment to her partner Ghislaine on the way.

Fjallar renews his protections, allowing flickering images to form around him, and huddles in the corner "They're not looking at you, they're not looking at you."

Ghislaine is focussed, snapping off a couple of shots to take advantage of her and Fjallar's familiars.

Nekhbet casts longstrider on himself and fjallar and moves forward.

Scathach dashes forward, inspires Ghislaine.

Fjallar casts mirror image on himself and backs into the corner.
Fjallar's familiar flaps past Owl, distracting him for a crucial moment before retreating. (at max height.)

Ghislaine's familiar flaps past thumper, distracting him as well. retreats (at max height.)
Ghislaine moves up behind scathach, and shoots. First at Owl, but if her first shot disrupts the conjure animals at thumper (use first of the disadv rolls)
dmg: [roll1], crit: [roll2]
disadv [roll3], [roll4]
dmg: [roll5], crit: [roll6]

2019-05-01, 08:56 PM
Caladan looks at his companions as they cower with shrieks of "Not Belame! We aren't ready to face him. The whole 9th legion couldn't stand in his way" as the armored figure strides toward him.

"Well... This is awkward."

Caladan sprints back from the menacing mounted figure and tries to shoot him.

Caladan moves to G12 and then fires Eldritch Blast at Number 5 (whose mount may be dodging, but he does not get the effects of that: https://www.sageadvice.eu/2016/05/23/if-a-mount-uses-the-dodge-action-in-combat-does-the-rider-also-gain-the-benefits-of-the-dodge-action/

If number 5 takes a AOO, remember that it gets disadvantage due to boots and counter spell can be used if a spell is too bad.

Caladan Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback):
Bolt 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + (if crit:) [roll2]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + (if crit:) [roll5]

2019-05-01, 09:10 PM
Caladan's bolts ting off of the paladin's armor. ".... not exactly what I hoped for." Joshua shuddered as the figure grew nearer and a small trickle of blood came from his nose. "Owls! Owls everywhere!" The cry is quickly taken up by the other members of the party. Caladan facepalms, even as they begin shooting.

The rest of the party is stuck, so they start shooting. I don't want to do a ton of posts, so I will give a targeting order (moving on to the next target once it is eliminated):

1. Ghislaine's familiar
2. Fjallar's familiar
3. Number 7's familar
4. Number 8's familar
5. Number 5

Joshua Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback):
Bolt 1:
Attack: worse of [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + (if crit:) [roll3]

Bolt 2:
Attack: worse of [roll4] or [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + (if crit:) [roll7]

Thumper Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback):
Bolt 1:
Attack: worse of [roll8] or [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + (if crit:) [roll11]

Bolt 2:
Attack: worse of [roll12] or [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] + (if crit:) [roll15]

Estron Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback):
Bolt 1:
Attack: worse of [roll16] or [roll17]
Damage: [roll18] + (if crit:) [roll19]

Bolt 2:
Attack: worse of [roll20] or [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] + (if crit:) [roll23]

Each frightened person takes 3 damage after resistance.

Thumper concentration save (dc 10): Best of [roll24] or [roll25]

Joshua fear wis save: [roll26]
Thumper fear wis save: [roll27]
Estron fear wis save: [roll28]

2019-05-02, 03:36 AM
Owl casts a hand to the sky, beckoning a bear spirit totem to surround his allies as he prepares to take an action later.
Empowered by this, eagle rushes forwards and attempts to Shove 5 from his horse and away from the party (Eagle Moves to J14, if 5 loses either strength contest he is shoved to H13, if he loses both he is also definitely prone.)

Str check: w/advantage [roll0] or [roll1]
Second: 18 or 16

As eagle puts his shoulder to 5’s leg he heaves and sends him topplyong off the horse towards the warlocks on the other side. He then puts his shoulder to the beast itself and hurls it on top of it’s master, stepping forward 5ft after it to see the pile of tangled limbs at his feet.

2019-05-02, 06:58 AM
Hawk then Dashes across the field to complete his section of the relay, stopping in K26, Owl then takes the baton as an action and runs to J19.

Raven moves back to K8 and directs blasts at Scatach until one hits, then at 5’s warhorse. (Unsure If prone behind a large creature counts as being in line of sight but will assume so unless told otherwise).

[roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5]

And a 10 ft speed reduction on Scatach if at least 1 hit.

Fear saving throws: Rav: [roll6]
Hawk: [roll7]

So either two 15s or an 18 or 15 depending on whether 5 counts as in line of sight.

2019-05-02, 10:16 AM
Thanks to the combined efforts of Owl and Eagle, Number 5 was dislodged from his mount, and spilt onto the floor, giving Hawk the distance he needed to free him from Number 5’s Aura of Conquest. Not to mention the fact that it seemed to investigate the members of Team Bird Boys, allowing them to shake off the weight of the Conquering Presence. An unfortunate turn of events, but consider the fact that the warlocks of both Team Bird Boys and The Order of the Unicorn missed all attacks not aimed at Familiars, it was impossible to discount how useful the Conquering Presence had already been.

Additionally. It did little to interfere with Team Conquest’s own actions. As Owl spirited away, Number 7’s sword would flash out, trying to dig into the Druid’s skin and punish him, however slight for his actions. Number 5 would be swift to climb back onto his feet and hoisted himself back up onto his mount. Then, heedless of any possible counter strikes, he would kick the horse up into a canter, pushing it to the Goal where he would be able to both pass the Baton to Number 6, as well as help pull Number 6 up onto the horse, which would expertly twist round on the spot, and Dash back to the Barrier. Except, instead of cantering towards the Warlock’s again, they would instead canter up, towards Team FUNGUS.

Not only would Number 5 use his Tunnel Fighting Expertise to prepare himself against Team FUNGUS, but Wolf would race up to join them, Attacking Scathach with his vicious bite, attempting to force the serpent to the floor, all whilst Number 6 called on the power of ice, a Ray of Frost to slow the serpent down, even if he managed to stay on his feet.

As for Number 7 & 8? Well, they would move themselves into more advantageous positions, then Ready their magic. Waiting for the other teams to advance and try to pass on the baton to their other races.

I am assuming that I can’t cross the barrier twice in one turn. If I can, swap where Wolf and the Horse is positioned.

Opportunity Attack:
[roll0] for [roll1].

Wolf’s Attack. Pact Tactics is in effect.
[roll2] or [roll3]. [roll4].
[roll5] DC 13.

Ray of Frost.
[roll6] for [roll7], and speed slowed down by 10ft until Number 6’s next turn.

2019-05-02, 10:32 AM
Hoping that with the aid of his rival warlocks they could rid themselves of the beast before it ferried his foes any further, Eagle would take his great bronze blade and attempt to stab it into the side of 5’s warhorse.

[roll0] for [roll1]

2019-05-02, 12:48 PM
Thumper strikes at his source of fear and Caladan joins him.

Targeting Number 5 without knockback.

I'm not going to stop the paladin that has two of my guys locked down with a fear effect from moving away and his direction of travel is pretty clear.

Caladan Eldritch blast:
Bolt 1:
Attack: worse of [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + (if crit:) [roll3]

Bolt 2:
Attack: worse of [roll4] or [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + (if crit:) [roll7]

Caladan Eldritch blast:
Bolt 1:
Attack: worse of [roll8] or [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + (if crit:) [roll11]

Bolt 2:
Attack: worse of [roll12] or [roll13]
Damage: [roll14] + (if crit:) [roll15]

That's 9 damage after resistance.

2019-05-03, 10:47 AM
Nekhbet flies forward, just out of reach, and taps scathach and ghislaine on the head, casting a spell to increase their speed, before flying back up to the ceiling, out of range of all except the paladin on the horse, before summoning another misty totem of the strong bear.

Ghislaine raises her hand and a twisted wall of thorns to allow scathach to leave unhindered by the paladin. "Stay still false tyrant!" she proclaims, before stepping back and snapping off a shot at the irritating wolf.

dmg: [roll1] crit: [roll2],

Scathach simply runs forward, hoping to safely pass the wolf, and dashes to reach the endzone.

Fjallar takes the flag from scathach and with a sudden burst of speed from a muttered Expeditious Retreat runs much faster than his short legs should allow.

longstrider by nekhbet
ghislaine casts minor illusion of the opaque wall of thorns, bonus action shoots. 5 cannot see scathach so cannot make opportunity attacks.
bear totem in f13

2019-05-03, 01:52 PM
Caladan moves over to Thumper. "Relax, mate. Let's get you where you need to go." The pair vanish and reappear at the goal line

Joshua quickly shoots at the large owlish figure bearing down on his group and then moves over toward the goal line. "Owls, amm'rit?"

Estron runs over and takes the Baton, then moves out from the goal line.

Thumper pulls out a pouch of dust and throws it in the air. The entire Order of the Unicorn vanishes.

Caladan dimensional doors himself and Thumper to the goal line.
Joshua shoots Owl and moves to H3.
Estron moves to I1 and takes the baton then moves back to I3 (using reaction to go before Thumper).
Thumper uses dust of disappearance. All of the Order of the Unicorn becomes invisible for 1d4 minutes. Thumper then moves to G9.

Joshua Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback):
Bolt 1:
Damage: [roll1] + (if crit:) [roll2]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + (if crit:) [roll5]

Thumper wis save: [roll]1d20+3
Estron wis save: 1d20+3

2019-05-07, 04:23 AM
Owl bounds forward and turns into a warhorse, moving to K10. With a bonus Action he moves bear spirit on top of Fjallar.

Raven moves and dashes to I1.

Eagle moves to F13, attempts to initiate a grapple with Fjallar.

Best of [roll0] or [roll1].
Then, [roll2] or [roll3]

Then if either is successful moves to F15, if both are successful he also shoves the wizard with the stupid name prone.

Hawk shoots 5’s warhorse and if successful in killing it shoots at wolf.

[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]

2019-05-07, 07:34 AM
Whilst Ghislaine’s mist stopped Number 5 from lashing out at her serpentine companion, and the careful flight of Nekhbet meant that the Paladin was unable to strike out against him. There was no protection from Number 5 offered to Ghislaine herself, and as she tried to retreat, Number 5’s glaive would flash outwards, trying not to simply wound her, but to bring her attempt retreat to a dead halt. Additionally, whilst Scathach was safe from Number 5, he was not self from Wolf, and the canine’s fangs flashed out to try and halt the Bard in his tracks and trip him up.

Not to mention, Number 7 was primed and ready to try and stop any attempts to pass over the baton at the end zone with a Hideous Laughter.

Number 5
[roll0] [roll1]
If successful, Ghislaine’s speed is dropped to 0 for the turn.

[roll2] [roll3]
If successful, Strength Save DC 13 or Prone:

Number 7. DC 14 Hideous Laughter vs Fjallar

2019-05-07, 05:01 PM
The loss of Number 5’s mount, was unfortunate, as it meant that Number 6 did not have the speed necessary to cover the distance between himself and Number 7. But, this was not a significant factor for Team Conquest regardless. Indeed, despite Team Bird Boy’s having proven themselves to be the largest thorn in The Orginization’s side so far. Number 5, who managed to land on his feet, as well as Wolf, would decide that Eagle’s attempt and halting the wizard was a smart play to make, and that they would go and aid him. Number 5 stepping right in close as he brought his glaive to bear, hoping to destroy several of the mirror images with his Attack. And as always, prepared to use his Tunnel Fighter talents to get in his way. Plus, this would help set Wolf up for his own Attack

As Number 6 Dashed as close to Number 7 as he could, with the rogue patiently waiting for his chance to grab the baton, Number 8 would take note of how The Order of the Unicorn had clumped themselves up, before vanishing into nothingness. As well as how Raven had so nicely positioned himself amongst them... and, well. Even if he was stopped again. He was rather sure that he would be able to draw at least one member of The Order of the Unicorn out of their invisibility with a second Hypnotic Pattern

Number 5
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

[roll4] or [roll5] [roll6]
If successful, Strength Save DC 13 or Prone:

Number 8. DC 14 Hypnotic Pattern

2019-05-07, 07:35 PM
Nekhbet flies back, staying as high up as he can, and casts fog cloud covering much of the center.

Scathach moves forward slightly, and inspires fjallar once again, before creating a minor illusion of mists covering Nekhbet (with Nekhbet detecting), and returning to the back.

Fjallar gulps at the looming enemies, and clutching hands and misty steps away, before running forward, and handing off the baton to Ghislaine.

Ghislaine dashes forward.

2019-05-07, 09:03 PM
Thumper looks uncharacteristically frightened and fires wildly into the fog. "Where is he, where is he?"

Thumper shoots at Number 5 (not visible due to fog cloud, surprising to number 5 due to not being visible):
Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + (if crit:) [roll2]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + (if crit:) [roll5]

2019-05-07, 09:11 PM
"Oi, chill out mate!"

Caladan moves to E13 and shoots Number 5.

Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll0]+7
Damage: [roll1] + (if crit:) [roll2]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + (if crit:) [roll5]

2019-05-07, 09:21 PM
Estron cowers and looks around frantically for a way out, while Joshua runs out of the mist and pops into being next to Raven as his spell finishes casting. "Gotta ask, how attached are you to the whole 'bird' thing?"

Joshua moves to J3 and casts polymorph on Raven.
Raven save (wis DC 15): [roll0]

Estron readies a move action for if he loses his fear or the bird boys get out of his way.

Thumper fear save: [roll1]
Estron fear save: [roll2]

Joshua looks disappointed as nothing happens and Thumper and Estron remain cowering.

2019-05-08, 05:14 AM
Dust jumping up from the wildshape hooves owl canters into the end zone, rears up and lays the baton in Raven’s waiting hand, Raven in turn runs straight off, leaving himself open to the blows of the warlocks but largely unconcerned. Instead seeking as much speed as possible, Hawk’s magic still energising him.

Rather more attached than you seem to be to victory. He shouts over his shoulder as he sprints off.

Eagle is similarly uncaring in regards to the warlock next to him, just turning and sprinting into place, ready to receive this baton. Hawk meanwhile looks over the field warily, eying the opponents with his bow ready and an arrow nocked.

Owl runs to G/H:1 and as an action passes the baton to raven.
Raven meed oves and dashes to F:17

Eagle dashes to H:26

Hawk shoots someone dependent on conditions.
[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

If my delay in correcting my action made it unnaceptable I instead only get to I15.

2019-05-08, 06:33 AM
The race was beginning to enter its final stages.

With The Order of the Unicorn’s runners still frightened by Number 5’s Conqueering Presence, only on their second member. They were out of the running. Number 8 dryly realizing that he had quite frankly been wasting his spell slots on them, Number 5 had already slowed them down so much, that it had not mattered if they were Invisible or not. Team FUNGUS and Team Bird Boys, however, had passed their Baton only their 3rd Member and were moments away from passing it over to their 4th Member for the final run as well. Both teams needed to be slowed down, preferably brought to a stop, if Team Conquest was to take the first place in this race and make up for their humiliating loss in the first round.

Number 6 stepped forwards over the line, handing over the Baton to Number 7, before stepping back out and darting down the line, positioning himself in front of Eagle. As he did so, he called for his loyal companion. Calling for Wolf to Dash from where he was over to Eagle as well, ready to try and trip him as he collected the Baton for his team. At the same time, Number 8 would retreat back to the goal line, and cast a favoured spell of this round. Mirror Image. Preparing himself for the run to come.

Number 7, meanwhile, would fly into the air, Dashing forwards with his Cunning Action. And whilst he could, potentially, fly all the way to the second barrier this turn, he chose not to. Instead, hanging back in order to Ready an Action, prepared to try and slow down Team Conquest's current opponents. The same would be said of Number 5, as well. Moving into position, and Readying An Action, whilst again, calling on his experience with Tunnel Fighting in order to take full advantage of every opportunity granted to him.

2019-05-08, 09:50 AM
Number 7 triggers Hawk’s readied Action and gets shot twice in the back.

2019-05-08, 01:45 PM
Ghislaine runs forward, keeping the fog between her and 7 until the last moment (and avoiding the range of any enemies). Then prepares to pass the baton to nekhbet as soon as possible.

Scathach run forward, and casts hold person on Number 7 and Raven as Nekbet drops the fog cloud.

#7 [roll0]
Raven [roll1]

Nekhbet flies forward (at a slight down angle), dragging Ghislaine the final 5 feet into the end zone with him. Accepting the baton he will then dash back as far as he can fly, though he is forced to come closer to the ground to accept Fjallar's touch.

Fjallar casts shield (before his turn begins) and dashes forward with expeditious retreat, and casts invisibility on nekhbet before retreating to the illusory mists left by Ghislaine.

2019-05-08, 07:39 PM
As Ghislaine stepped out from the Fog Cloud, they would find that Number 5 was waiting for them. As they moved towards the end goal, attempting to reach their destination in order to pass the Baton to the fourth and final runner of their team, Number 5's glaive would lash out, attempting to halt them in their tracks, even willing to step forward and strike against if the first attack did not succeed in its goal of stopping the Fighter.

But that was not all Team Conquest had done in their preparation. After shaking off the attempt to Paralyze him, and force him to drop the concentration of his spell. Number 7 unleashed it the instant that the druid Nekhbet began to move. The Arcane Trickster hoping to use the Hideous Laughter to bring the fellow flier crashing to the ground. Even if Number 5 was successful in halting Ghislaine, it was best to be prepared.

Number 5's Opportunity Attack:
[roll0] [roll1] vs [roll2] DC 6.

Number 5's Readied Action: Stepping 5ft forwards so that Ghislaine is within 10ft of them. Meaning that when Ghislaine moves away, they provoke a second Opportunity Attack.
[roll3] [roll4] vs [roll5] DC 6.

Number 7's Hideous Laughter. DC: 14

2019-05-08, 09:22 PM
Caladan sees the winged tiefling as is about to soar overhead. He runs forward nearly to the goal line, (carefully dodging around the reach of Number 5's weapon) before turning around and casting. "Nice wings, mate!"

Caladan moves to E25 and casts polymorph at Number 7.
Wis save (DC 15): [roll0]

Number 7 makes a somewhat disgruntled squeak as he suddenly finds himself falling from the air with his new form as a Killer Whale.

2019-05-08, 09:38 PM
Joshua and Thumper begin shooting at Number 8.

Estron dashes forward, carefully not getting closer to number 5 and drags Caladan the last 5 ft to the goal line.

Estron moves to F26 and drags Caladan behind the goal line.

Joshua Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + (if crit:) [roll2]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + (if crit:) [roll5]

Thumper Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Beam 1:
Attack: worse of [roll6] or [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] + (if crit:) [roll9]

Beam 2:
Attack: worse of [roll10] or [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] + (if crit:) [roll13]

Thumper wis save: [roll14]
Estron wis save: [roll15]

Estron and Thumper look grumpily at Number 5, but without fear.

2019-05-09, 12:17 PM
Raven continued running forward but finding himself just short of the end goal instead stepped into a proving patch of fey mist and reappeared at G:26 and passing the baton to eagle.

A second later Eagle followed, stepping forward towards the fighter only to take a Misty Step and reappear at H20 before dashing to H16.

Hawk muttered a few words and released two arrows flying towards Nekbhet, magic tied into their shafts. Cast Ensnaring Strike

1st: Worst of [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
2nd: Worst of [roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5]

If either hit saving throw DC14 [roll6]

Owl will move to A6 and revert to humanoid form.

2019-05-09, 01:31 PM
... Well.

That could have gone better.

It seemed that the only effective attempt at inhibiting the movement of their opponent’s this round, had been with Number 5’s Conqueering Presence, and even then it had only managed to affect the Order of the Unicorn. Now though, after Team Conquest’s doubly failed attempts to halt both Team FUNGUS and Team Bird Boy’s from successfully passing over their Baton to their Fourth Member, and bringing themselves second away from victory. The Order of the Unicorn chose the path of Spite. Targetting Number 7 with a crippling effect, instead of attempting to stop either of the near-winners of this round.

It was a troublesome situation. But, it was a situation, that there was at the very least, a chance. A chance of being resolved, of turning the situation back to their advantage, and giving them the possibility of, if not victory, at the very least, a respectable, second-place finish. If Team FUNGUS and Team Bird Boy’s were able to secure 1st and 2nd place once again. Then the difference between them, and both Team Conquest and The Order of the Unicorn, would be insurmountable.

First things first. They needed to free Number 7 from the form he had been trapped in. And that meant Number 5 and Wolf closing in on Caladan, and Attacking him with fang and blade.

Number 5’s 2 Attacks.
[roll0] [roll1].
[roll2] [roll3].

Wolf’s Attack:
[roll4] or [roll5] [roll6].

Caladan’s Saves. DC 10 for Concentration. Unless I manage 12 or more damage with an attack. Then DC 13 or be Prone.
[roll7] or [roll8]
[roll9] or [roll10]
[roll11] or [roll12]

2019-05-09, 01:56 PM
Thanks to the burst of divine power unleashed by Number 5’s glaive as he cut through the Warlock’s skin with a might blow, his concentration over the spell holding Number 7 in place vanished, allowing the Tiefling to return to his normal self. At the same time, however, Number 6 would decide that Hawk had the right idea. Summoning up his Ranger training in order to infuse his bow with an Ensaring Strike, that he shot towards the Invisible Nekbhet, hoping that one of his arrows would find its mark, and bring the druid to a screeching halt.

As for Number 7... well. Whilst his last attempt had failed. It did not mean he could not try again now, could it? Casting Hideous Laughter at the still visible Eagle, even as he moved forwards towards the barrier, Dashing towards the goal line thanks to his Cunning Action. Whilst the waiting Number 8 would Ready a spell of his own, just in case his companion's attempts did not work out in their favour.

Oh and Number 5 readied himself for some more Tunnel Fighter action again. Because of course he was.

Number 6’s Attacks:
[roll0] vs [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] vs [roll4] [roll5]
Ensaring Strike, DC 12

Number 7’s Hideous Laughter. DC 14

2019-05-09, 03:08 PM
Scathach moves up to A10, giving a triumphant blow on her horn to inspire Nekhbet for the last moments of the race, before casting a spell of silence blanketing the members of Team Conquest and the Order of the Unicorn near the end zone to ensure a peaceful departure.

Fjallar uses his innate sneakiness to cast nondetection on himself again.

Nekhbet will simply dash off to the end zone, at a decent height, and avoiding Owl's square. When he (presumably) reaches it they all disappear.

I'm assuming silence will block any readied spells from casting. Also just noting that currently only #8 is listed as readying an action.

2019-05-09, 08:57 PM
Estron strides over toward Eagle and nods at the two disappeared teams (rather silly because he is invisible). "That was rather unexpected, wasn't it? Say... Would you fancy a spell as a fish?"

Estron moves to K12 and tries to cast polymorph on Eagle.

Eagle save (wis DC 15): [roll0]

A newly visible Estron stares at Eagle as he transforms into a Killer Whale. "I suppose he was the more open minded of the bunch." Estron whistles as he runs toward the goal line.

2019-05-09, 09:13 PM
Caladan nods to Estron. "Yo, boss!" He moves fully into the goal line and readies a spell.

Thumper and Joshua take careful position and ready spells as well.

2019-05-10, 02:39 AM
Hawk shoots the fish

(I presume they have like 2 hit points)

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

Raven blasts the fish
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]

If one of these kills fish and forces a reversion in form the others target Eastron.

Eagle, now no longer a fish runs and dashes to cross the finish line. Claiming second plaice.

(Get it?)

Scrapped on account of being the result of a scan, and lack of clarity regarding killer whale. Replacement post when I get around to it.

2019-05-10, 11:54 AM
The team just unloads a storm of magic and missiles at Eastron.

Owl: for

[roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4]

[roll6] for [roll7]
[roll8] for [roll9]

All DC 10


2019-05-10, 12:50 PM
Just after the eruption of spell fire from the Bird Boys, the Order of the Unicorn replies in kind.

Readied actions fire off just before it is team Unicorn's turn.

Caladan Eldritch blast at Owl:
Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + (if crit:) [roll2]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + (if crit:) [roll5]

Joshua Eldritch Blast at the Eagle/Whale (AC 12):
Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + (if crit:) [roll8]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + (if crit:) [roll11]

Thumper Eldritch Blast at the Eagle/Whale (AC 12):
Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Beam 1:
Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] + (if crit:) [roll14]

Beam 2:
Attack: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] + (if crit:) [roll17]

2019-05-10, 12:59 PM
Estron runs over to Caladan and pants. "Need to work on my cardio." He drinks a potion of heroism to cool off. Caladan takes the baton and sprints forward.

Joshua and Thumper ready spells.

2019-05-10, 01:06 PM
Last turns action, I forgot to add it.

Eagle bites his tounge, then squirmes 10 ft left

[roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]

62/90 of the way there.

2019-05-10, 02:57 PM
Don't forget the eldritch blast damage or resistance. Also, it's 90 hp.

2019-05-10, 03:49 PM
Don't forget the eldritch blast damage or resistance. Also, it's 90 hp.

Resistance doesn't carry over when you get polymorphed. Also Polymorph is a cheat spell and very stupid.

2019-05-11, 02:47 AM
Hawk shoots the unmoving and frankly co-operative whale twice more.

[roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3] or [roll4] for [roll5]

Raven moves to G18 and gets ready.

Eagle reverts form then walks to G17, the second the new round starts the readied dimension door carries both Raven and Eagle to the end zone. Claiming a second place that was much harder than it needed to be.

2019-05-11, 02:08 PM
Right as Owl moves toward them, Thumper and Joshua unleash their magical might.

Readied actions firing (with knockback if what he readied is a spell and without if it is not due to terms of readied action):

Joshua Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Bolt 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + (if crit): [roll2]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + (if crit): [roll5]

Thumper Eldritch blast (10 ft knockback on hit):
Bolt 1:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + (if crit): [roll8]

Bolt 2:
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] + (if crit): [roll11]

Owl concentration saves corresponding to each attack if he readied a spell (DC 10):

2019-05-11, 03:20 PM
Caladan dashes and moves to I1, avoiding getting too close to any of the Bird Boys. Joshua casts hold person on Eagle.

Eagle save: [roll0]