View Full Version : DM Help Interesting weather effects and Hazards?

2019-04-21, 10:54 PM
I am starting to DM a game based around sandstorm and Darksun, both with some really fun environmental effects that my players are excited to try and survive.

These setting as well as a few others have a lot of environmental effects, what are some of your favorites? what are some weather effects or hazards that could translate from other settings into a desert land?

If you have any ideas on what to add into a sand blasted world like Darksun/Sandstorm and sandstorm that would be appreciated.

Some of my favorite weather effects and hazards are:

Devil Dunes - A racing dune of sand that can move several feet an hour or even faster. The party traveling in a desert and having a sand dune "stalk" them always seemed hilarious to me.

Fog/mist - Fog is always a great weather effect in my opinion, I don't think anything can add to a tense environment more than fog. It being used so much in film and other media has it ingrained on us that bad things hide in the fog/mist and it adds a nice sense of paranoia.

2019-04-21, 11:41 PM
Basics here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/weather.htm
Also see the suggestion at the beginning about changing the table by region, using the default table only as an average starting point.

I do like the idea of adding in supernatural weather too.