View Full Version : Optimization Game-Warper's Optimization #5: E8 Madness!

The Kool
2019-04-22, 11:58 AM
Hello, welcome to the the

Game-Warper's Optimization Challenge!

Round 5: E8 Madness!

Have you ever looked over the plentiful E6 contests and felt simply too constrained? Well no more, I say! No more! You get an entire 2 extra levels to work with! What madness is this?!? That's for you to say. What madness IS this? Your build must prominently feature something presented in Lords of Madness, be it a class, race, feat combo, or otherwise. Races that are merely elaborated on in Lords of Madness but with stats given elsewhere count for this purpose.

This character build will be from levels 1-8 followed by 10 epic feats. There is no hard requirement on what form your Lords of Madness element must take, but the connection must exist. Templates, races, and racial level progressions are explicitly allowed (even those found in Dragon Magazine) IF the following condition is met: The race/template must either be of the type Aberration, or appear in Lords of Madness (either the stat block itself or a segment elaborating on the race/template). The entirety of racial level progression (you can't skip out on levels), racial hit dice, and level adjustment must leave the character no higher than ECL 8, with at least one hit die (it can't be all LA). Progressions must be taken before class levels, inherited templates are applied when choosing your race, and acquired templates may be applied at any point you qualify as long as it doesn't take the build above ECL 8. Be careful going too heavy with this, high LA means few hit dice...

Know where you came from: This competition is based on the Iron Chef Competition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?571065-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCV) E6 appetizer edition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572441-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIII)) rules. With the exceptions listed above, we use the same rules and same list of allowed content. As a quick recap: No Dragon Magazine (Dragon Compendium is acceptable), 3.0 content is allowed unless it has been updated to 3.5 (Dragon Magazine updates are specifically allowed), no Leadership or equivalent, no third party material, no generic classes. Flaws are frowned upon as usual, and Item Familiars continue to be banned because they are just that bad.

By entering into this contest, you agree to become a judge. That's right, this is pay to play. Due to our contestants also judging, you are limited to one entry; should you feel compelled to submit more than one, only the last one submitted will count. When submitting an entry, PM it to the chair (me). Should you need to change anything, submit a fully updated version and I'll simply post the last given build. Be careful not to include any references to yourself in the build, I only lightly skim the builds and won't catch something buried in it that identifies you.

The deadline for builds is two weeks from today: Monday, May 13th. You have until I get around to posting them, which could happen any time during the day.

Once all the builds have been posted, follow these guidelines for judging:

1. Entrants will read all of the entries and rate all the other builds. Each build must be given at least a short paragraph of observations, including at least a passing elaboration on each of the following categories: Originality, Power, Elegance, and Theme*. Entrants will not judge their own builds.

2. The judge will summarize all of their thoughts comparing the entries into a final paragraph, and end with a first place selection and a second place selection. If there are at least 5 entries, a third place will also be chosen. Honorable Mention may also be awarded here (explain your choice if you make one), but is not required.

3. These judgments, just like the builds, will be PM'd to the chair. Any entrant that does not judge will be disqualified. You have one week from the posting of the builds to submit your judgment. At the end of this one week period, all the judgments will be posted and a final ranking given.

Scoring: All first place ratings will earn 4 points. All second place ratings will earn 2 points. All third place ratings, should they be needed, will earn 1 point. Ties will be broken by number of 1st place rankings, then by number of 2nd place rankings. If the builds are still tied after that, the medal is shared.

There is no dispute process! What you see is what you get. You can discuss the judgments given after the fact, but it's too late to change anything, so keep it all in good humor, eh?

*The four categories are mostly adopted straight from Iron Chef. Originality, Power, and Elegance use their same definitions, but Theme is the rough analogue for Use of the Special Ingredient. Since what form that takes varies from competition to competition, this category encompasses how well the build utilizes whatever element defines this round, or how well they use the given theme. For this round, it would represent how well they made use of those extra 2 levels, and how centered on LoM the build was. Did they manage something that can't be pulled off with only E6? Did they merely have a feat from LoM and barely use it? Let us know.

Round 1: E6 Flawed Commoner (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?568952-Game-Warper-s-Optimization-Challenge-1-E6-Flawed-Commoner)
Round 2: Dragonwrought Kobolds Are True Dragons (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?571705-Game-Warper-s-Optimization-Challenge-2-Dragonwrought-Kobolds-are-True-Dragons)
Round 3: Beflawed E6 BeatSticks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576522-Game-Warper-s-Optimization-Challenge-3-Beflawed-E6-Beatsticks-Dragon-310-allowed!)
Round 4: Amazing and Terrible E6 Werebeasts (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?580778-Gamerwarper-s-Optimization-Challenge-4-Amazing-and-Terrible-E6-werebeasts)

2019-04-22, 01:01 PM
There is no hard requirement on what form your Lords of Madness element must take, but the connection must exist. Templates, races, and racial level progressions are explicitly allowed (even those found in Dragon Magazine)

As a quick recap: No Dragon Magazine (Dragon Compendium is acceptable), 3.0 content is allowed unless it has been updated to 3.5

so is or isn't dragon material acceptable? you have both...

and to clarify, since this is e8, that means BAB +8 is ok, and 4th lvl spells/powers are ok, and skill ranks can be higher, etc... because all of these things break e6 :)

The Kool
2019-04-22, 01:05 PM
With the exceptions listed above, we use the same rules and same list of allowed content. As a quick recap: No Dragon Magazine ...

There's the line you missed.

2019-04-22, 03:32 PM
Normally in E6(/8) you can't use anything with LA, IIRC. I assume we're voiding that particular rule?

The Kool
2019-04-22, 03:56 PM
since this is e8, that means BAB +8 is ok, and 4th lvl spells/powers are ok, and skill ranks can be higher, etc... because all of these things break e6 :)

Well yeah, but those kind of come with the territory. The Theme category refers to how well you use it, so doing so simply for an extra +2 BAB when you're not even getting an extra attack out of it seems kind of... sad, doesn't it?

Normally in E6(/8) you can't use anything with LA, IIRC. I assume we're voiding that particular rule?

For the races, progressions, and templates I specifically called out, yes that particular rule is void. Just be careful, it's easy to load up on LA and cripple your actual build from lack of real levels.

I wanted to split the standards wide open and see what you guys can do, but didn't want to give you completely free reign (hence the book restriction).

2019-04-22, 04:28 PM
understood. it's just some things can benefit from [redacted] in this round as opposed to normal e6...

thats all i'm gonna say about that :p

The Kool
2019-04-23, 07:13 AM
understood. it's just some things can benefit from [redacted] in this round as opposed to normal e6...

thats all i'm gonna say about that :p

Oh absolutely. Like I said... it's about how you use it :smallwink:

2019-04-28, 09:41 AM
i was totally basing my build off the wrong book.... time to start over lol

The Kool
2019-04-28, 03:55 PM
i was totally basing my build off the wrong book.... time to start over lol

Well that's unfortunate!

I also haven't gotten any builds yet. I would like a minimum of three, so I'll add a week or two if I need to to have enough. Still only a week in though, so I imagine anyone interested is still letting the ideas stew.

2019-04-28, 04:32 PM
I would like a minimum of three, so I'll add a week or two if I need to to have enough. Still only a week in though, so I imagine anyone interested is still letting the ideas stew.

that'd be great, i have two training days this week out of the facility, so won't be able to do anything after today :(

2019-04-29, 04:13 AM
Think I'll have to pass on this one. I don't actually have Lords of Madness, and while I've actually got an idea I'm quite fond of, it is simultaneously highly abusive and not sufficiently on-theme.

The Kool
2019-04-29, 03:41 PM
Think I'll have to pass on this one. I don't actually have Lords of Madness, and while I've actually got an idea I'm quite fond of, it is simultaneously highly abusive and not sufficiently on-theme.

I'm curious to know what it is

2019-04-29, 07:22 PM
I'm curious to know what it is

Heh, I think I'll have to wait until after the reveals. The core element is a template that's not from Lords of Madness but does change your type to aberration, so it's a valid ingredient and I'd hate to spoil it if someone else is trying something similar.

2019-04-29, 07:30 PM
I'll look into this...

The Kool
2019-05-03, 09:49 PM
I will go ahead and confirm that I'm adding a week. New deadline: Monday, May 13.

2019-05-05, 06:10 AM
You know what? I've changed my mind. I can make this work. I'm in.

2019-05-05, 11:18 AM
thanks for the extra time, build in!

The Kool
2019-05-05, 02:29 PM
So we've got one in, one working, and one maybe... That would be a decent run.

2019-05-05, 07:22 PM
Trying to find time. That's my biggest issue

2019-05-07, 08:28 PM
There we go, mine's in.

The Kool
2019-05-07, 08:42 PM
That's two! Plenty of time for more, folks.

2019-05-09, 05:25 PM
Normally in E6(/8) you can't use anything with LA, IIRC. I assume we're voiding that particular rule?:smallconfused:

Q: With only 6 levels, how do races with a level adjustment work?
A: If you use races with a level adjustment, the 6th level cap is a big issue. Use the point buy rules in the DMG as follows:
+0 32
+1 25
+2 18
+3 10
+4 00
Thus, +LA races should start with zero LA, but use the point buy listed here. Keep in mind the difference between LA and racial hit dice (the two combine to give starting ECL).I guess you mean the OP's rules ban them, because E6 has has allowed it for at least the last twelve years. *shrugs*

The Kool
2019-05-09, 07:00 PM
Normally in Iron Chef E6 competitions, LA is banned. I assume that is what was meant.

2019-05-09, 09:09 PM
Normally in Iron Chef E6 competitions, LA is banned. I assume that is what was meant.Maybe.

Kool, the OP, has removed his limit on it and his answer doesn't actually clarify if he is using E6's rule or just calling this deal "E6". So if the OP means E6, and not "level 8 with +10 feats", the LA/PB rule returns and a few well fitting races are adjusted to having a +0 LA modifier. This fits the spirit of the event and Kool's usage of referring to his challenges as E6, but he also said RHD/LA can't take you past ECL8 and has banned all of E6's added content. You could go either way with Kool, but at least I could go with PoeticallyPsyco forgetting some details of E6's rule set.

The Kool
2019-05-09, 09:18 PM
Kool, the OP, has removed his limit on it and his answer doesn't actually clarify if he is using E6's rule or just calling this deal "E6". So if the OP means E6, and not "level 8 with +10 feats", the LA/PB rule returns and a few well fitting races are adjusted to having a +0 LA modifier. This fits the spirit of the event and Kool's usage of referring to his challenges as E6, but he also said RHD/LA can't take you past ECL8 and has banned all of E6's added content. You could go either way with Kool, but at least I could go with PoeticallyPsyco forgetting some details of E6's rule set.

Templates, races, and racial level progressions are explicitly allowed (even those found in Dragon Magazine) IF the following condition is met: The race/template must either be of the type Aberration, or appear in Lords of Madness (either the stat block itself or a segment elaborating on the race/template). ...

This competition is based on the Iron Chef Competition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?571065-Iron-Chef-Optimisation-Challenge-in-the-Playground-XCV) E6 appetizer edition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572441-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIII)) rules. With the exceptions listed above, we use the same rules and same list of allowed content.

Right you are! The quote above is pretty much all I said on the matter, so I will qualify for our applicants: The point-buy-adjustment rules are intended to buy off your level adjustment at character creation, so that you can still have as many levels as the next guy. I don't feel that's entirely in the spirit of this competition as it isn't exactly a level playing field once you do that, and it's party of the reason I gave you two extra levels to work with. So no, you may not buy off LA with fewer PB. You have to suffer the loss in hit dice like the rest of us. Figure out for yourself whether it's worth it.

The Kool
2019-05-10, 03:51 PM
That's three in! Just a reminder to anyone else who might be interested and quiet, you still have the weekend to build. Reveal on Monday!

2019-05-12, 07:50 PM
One day left!

The Kool
2019-05-14, 01:16 AM
A one day extension due to when my free time is...

The Kool
2019-05-14, 02:24 PM
I present to you, in no particular order, our three entries!








Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Intimidate +4, Spot +2, Psicraft +2
Thrall Bred, Aberrant Dragonmark(F), Improved Unarmed Strike(B), Symbiont Mastery

Voidmind Template

+4 Bluff
+4 Natural Armor, Sentient Tentacle, Cone of Slime

Voidmind Template

+4 Escape Artist
Combat Reflexes(B)
Improved Grab, Constrict, DR 5/Magic

Voidmind Template

+4 Intimidate
Great Fortitude(B)
Illithid Host, SR 10+HD, +4 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha

Psychic Warrior
Intimidate +5, Spot +2, Psicraft +3
Illithid Heritage

Psychic Warrior
Intimidate +6, Spot +2, Psicraft +4
Illithid Skin, Aberrant Blood (Flexible Limbs)

Psychic Warrior
Intimidate +7, Spot +2, Psicraft +5

Psychic Warrior
Intimidate +8, Spot +2, Psicraft +6

Illithid Grapple

Inhuman Reach

Extended Reach


Improved Natural Attack: Tentacle

Mark of Madness

Mark of Xoriat

Warped Mind

Durable Form

Improved Grapple

A character whose mark is clearly visible must deal with the consequences of carrying it, as determined by the DM. If a character with an aberrant dragonmark can expect to receive a consistently hostile or unfriendly reaction from NPCs, a DM might want to consider treating the aberrant dragonmark as aboth a flaw (as described in
Unearthed Arcana) and a feat. This effectively allows a character to take Aberrant Dragonmark as a bonus feat because he suffers a significant social penalty for doing so.

Size/Type: Medium Humanoid (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 1d10 + 4d8 + 38 (68 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 25 (+8 armor +2 dex +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+15 (+19 witn Sentient Tentacle)
Attack: Tentacle +8(+9) (1d6+5 plus Improved Grab) or Sentient Tentacle +8(+9) (1d8+5 plus Improved Grab)
Full Attack: 2 Tentacles +8(+9) (1d6+5), 1 Tentacle +3(+4) (1d6+2 plus Improved Grab), Claw +3(+4) (1d4+2), Unarmed Strike +3(+4) (1d3+2) and Sentient Tentacle +8(+9) (1d8+5 Plus Improved Grab)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./15 ft. (20 with tentacle)
Special Attacks: Sentient Tentacle, Improved Grab, Constrict (1d6), Cone of Slime, Dragonmarks, Psionics
Special Qualities: DR 5/Magic+Byeshk, SR 15, Illithid Host
Saves: Fort +12(+13), Ref +3(+4), Will +7(+8)
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 14, Con 18 (normally 19), Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Intimidate +12, Spot +6, Psicraft +7, +4 Bluff, +6 Escape Artist
Feats: Thrall Bred, Aberrant Dragonmark, Improved Unarmed Strike, Symbiont Mastery, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Illithid Heritage, Illithid Skin, Aberrant Blood, Illithid Grapple, Inhuman Reach, Extended Reach, Deepspawn, Improved Natural Attack: Tentacle, Mark of Madness, Mark of Xoriat, Warped Mind, Durable Form, Improved Grapple

Sentient Tentacle (Ex): A voidmind creature's tentacle attacks of its own accord. The creature can direct it to attack certain targets, but the psionic nature of the tentacle enables it to flex and move in combat without hindering the creature's other combat abilities. A voidmind creature that has successfully grappled a creature with its tentacle can attack another creature at no penalty, as long as that creature is within a distance equal of the tentacle's reach.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a voidmind creature must hit a creature of its size category or smaller with its tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. A voidmind creature has a +4 racial bonus on grapple checks made with its tentacle. If the creature wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Constrict (Ex): A voidmind creature gains the ability to constrict its victim with a successful grapple check. When it constricts, one of its tentacles deals damage based on the creature's size (1d6), plus its strength bonus x 1-1/2.

Cone of Slime (Su): Once per day as a standard action, a voidmind creature can expel the psionically charged slime in its head in a 30-foot cone. This attack deals 5d6 points of acid damage. A successful reflex save DC 16 halves the damage. In addition any creature that takes damage from the spray takes a -2 penalty on its will save and is stunned for 1d4+1 rounds (fort save DC 16 negates the stun.) The psionic slime replenishes itself automatically in 24 hours.

Dragonmarks: 3/day Lesser Madness (DC 11 will save) CL 2, 1/day Shield CL 2.

Psionics: 1st: Grip of Iron, Expansion, Bite of the Wolf, 2nd: Body Adjustment; 17 Power Points

Illithid Host (Su): Three illithids form a bond with any voidmind creature they create. A different illithid cannot bond itself to a voidmind creature after creation. The creature's masters are instantly aware if the creature takes any damage, wanders out of range of their control, or is the target of any magic.
Also as a result of this bond, the masters can, as a standard action, see and hear through the eyes and ears of their bonded voidmind creature to a range of five miles. Maintaining this link requires an illithid to concentrate, but the illithid remains aware of its surroundings and can move normally.

Finally, any one of the three masters can take control of the voidmind creature, at will, as the dominate monster spell (no save). While controlling the voidmind creature in this fashion, an illithid can manifest its own innate psionic abilities through the voidmind creature, as though the creature were manifesting the ability itself. Any of the illithid's psionic powers used in this fashion can target or affect creatures within range, line of sight, and line of effect of the voidmind creature. So, for example, an illithid can use plane shift to send the voidmind creature to another plane, or it could send itself to another plane. Likewise, the illithid could use suggestion on a target it sees through the voidmind creature's eyes.

Er.. You have a melee brute with natural attacks. They are rather simple. You have buff powers and a healing power. You will employ your slime attack only if you need to flee. Otherwise your always near at least one of your 3 illithid masters, and they may take direct control over you. However when they take direct control over you, your just dominated, meaning you do what they tell your to do (which you would have done anyways) and now they can manifest through you, which is a scary trick even if they only do this for one round.

You have 6-7 natural attacks to run with, and your grapple mod is pretty good. You can manifest Grip of Iron as an immediate to boost your grapple by 2 more, pushing it to +17/+21. You have improved grab with your sentient tentacle (with constriction to boot) and improved grab with one of your 3 normal tentacles. You have a 15’ reach and a 20’ sentient tentacle reach. Use this to your advantage! Lock down one enemy with the sentient tentacle, and if there is only one other target lock it down with your own grapple, if there are more then just beat them up. Since the illithids can see through your eyes, and your their invested physical guardian, they probably don’t want you to die. Make a prearranged sign that they’ll assist you, like a hand movement that you tells the illithid to mind blast. Although they are smart enough to know how to save your pathetic life.

What you need these?
Voidmind Template is in MM3
Feats are in CP, XPH, ECS, Dragonmarked, LoM (obviously), and Savage Species

[Judge's Note: I apologize to this builder, I had to purge the excessive formatting from yours. I hope I didn't mess anything up.]
Our story begins with two kobolds; Yap-Yap the Destroyer and her brother Yip-Yip the Cunning. Both are rangers; Yap-Yap following the path of twin blades and Yip-Yip the straight and arrow path of archery. And both are devout followers of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. The two had many adventures, and thwarted the machinations of Tiamat wherever they went. In one such adventure, they happened upon a plot to create more minions of the Dragon Queen by combining humans and reptiles with dark magic. They defeated the cultists, put an end to the experiments, and freed the creatures slated for experimentation and the few survivors of said experiments. One such former experiment was a half-human half-snake by the name of Sassafras, and despite being much weaker than the kobold siblings, she decided to join and support them on their crusade. The three went on many more adventures together, and eventually decided to take their devotion to the Platinum Dragon to the next level, undergoing the Rite of Rebirth together.

And here, dear listener, is where things become interesting. Because when I say they underwent the rite together, I mean that literally. And when they emerged from the single egg they had shared, by blessing, curse, or simple coincidence, something very strange had happened. The three had fused together into a single being, sharing in mind, body, and skill. At first they were horrified by this transformation, but after experimentation revealed that they were fully capable of separating and rejoining, the trio began to wonder if this wasn’t more gift than hindrance. While joined, they combined Sassafras’ native agility and divine combat prowess, Yip-Yip’s skill with ranged attacks and cunning, and Yap-Yap’s talent of using many weapons at once (even with her tail!). Separate, they were a formidable team, but together… they became an unstoppable mobile weapons platform, hurling a veritable storm of daggers or wading into melee to heal their allies while damaging the foes of Bahamut. Further experiments with their new form yielded even more natural weapons and increased versatility. Eventually the trio became known as The Siege Tower, after that staple of warfare that shelters allied troops while spewing ranged attacks at the enemy.

Yep, this is the Symbiotic Creature template at work. Sassafras qualifies as a host by merit of the Human Heritage feat. While I don’t think the combination gets to keep the kobolds’ class levels, it very clearly keeps their feats (and since they’re bonus feats, The Siege Tower doesn’t even need to meet the prerequisites after the transformation). For clarity’s sake, I’m including tables for Yap-Yap and Yip-Yip (sans skills, which do not carry over) as well as for Sassafras. The transformation occurs when the kobold siblings are level 6 and Sassafras is level 5.

Yap-Yap the Destroyer
LG Small Humanoid (dragonblood, reptilian)
Kobold Champion of the Wild Ranger 6

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Champion of the Wild Ranger 1
Dragon Tail, Track (B)
Favored Enemy (dragons +2), Track, Wild Empathy

Ranger 2
Two Weapon Fighting (B)
Combat Style

Ranger 3
Endurance (B), Weapon Focus (daggers)

Ranger 4
Weapon Finesse (B)
Animal Companion, Bonus Feat

Ranger 5

Favored Enemy (dragons +4, humanoid (reptilian) +2)

Ranger 6
Improved Two Weapon Fighting (B), Prehensile Tail
Improved Combat Style

Rite of Rebirth

Draconic Aspect (heart)

Initial Ability Scores (pre-racial adjustments):
17 STR, 17 DEX, 12 CON, 8 INT, 10 WIS, 8 CHA

Final Ability Scores:
13 STR, 18 DEX, 12 CON, 8 INT, 10 WIS, 8 CHA
Yip-Yip the Cunning
CG Small Humanoid (dragonblood, reptilian)
Kobold Champion of the Wild Ranger 6

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Champion of the Wild Urban Ranger 1
Point Blank Shot, Urban Tracking (B)
Favored Enemy (humanoids (reptilian) +2), Urban Tracking, Wild Empathy

Ranger 2
Rapid Shot (B)
Combat Style

Ranger 3
Endurance (B), Precise Shot

Ranger 4
Combat Reflexes (B)
Animal Companion, Bonus Feat

Ranger 5

Favored Enemy (dragons +2, humanoids (reptilian) +4)

Ranger 6
Manyshot (B), Martial Study (cloak of deception)
Improved Combat Style

Rite of Rebirth
Endurance → Dragon Tail
Draconic Aspect (mind)

Initial Ability Scores (pre-racial adjustments):
STR 14, DEX 15, CON 8, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 14

Final Ability Scores:
STR 10, DEX 16, CON 8, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 14

Sassafras/The Siege Tower
NG Large Humanoid (augmented aberration, aug. monstrous humanoid, dragonblood, human)

Symbiotic Creature Anthropomorphic Huge Viper/Kobold/Kobold 3HD/ Crusader 2/ Master Thrower 1

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Anthropomorphic Huge Viper 3HD
Balance +5, Spot +4
Human Heritage, Aberration Blood (bulging eyes)
Bite (1d4 + poison), Poison (1d6 Con damage), 20ft land/climb/swim speed, Scent

Crusader 1
Balance +5, Knowledge (history) +1, Knowledge (religion) +2, Spot +4

Furious Counterstrike, Steely Resolve 5

Crusader 2
Balance +5, Knowledge (history) +1, Knowledge (religion) +3, Spot +5

Indomitable Soul

Rite of Rebirth
Balance +5, Knowledge (history) +1, Knowledge (religion) +3, Spot +5

Draconic Aspect (wings), lose bite and poison, lose Scent

Symbiotic Creature template x2
Balance +5, Knowledge (history) +1, Knowledge (religion) +3, Spot +5
Combat Reflexes (B), Dragon Tail (B), Endurance (B), Improved Two Weapon Fighting (B), Manyshot (B), Martial Study (cloak of deception) (B), Point Blank Shot (B), Precise Shot (B), Prehensile Tail (B), Rapid Shot (B), Track (B), Two Weapon Fighting (B), Urban Tracking (B), Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus (daggers) (B)
+4 hands, +2 tails (secondary, 1d4), Draconic Aspect (heart), Draconic Aspect (mind), Detach

Master Thrower 1
Balance +5, Knowledge (history) +1, Knowledge (religion) +3, Spot +8, Tumble +2
Multiweapon Fighting, Quick Draw (B)
Quick Draw, Thrown Weapon Trick (palm throw)

Epic Feats:
1. Improved Rapid Shot
2. Martial Stance (assassin’s stance)
3. Shadow Blade
4. Inhuman Reach
5. Deepspawn
6. Extra Granted Maneuver
7. Graft Flesh (silthilar)
8. Starspawn
9. Waterspawn
10. Durable Form

Ability Scores:







Woo boy is there a lot to talk about here.

Yap-Yap and Yip-Yip:
Fairly standard rangers, foregoing spellcasting in favor of greater martial prowess (bonus feats). I chose this route because since they’re built around attacking and feats they barely lose any class features (just animal companions, Wild Empathy, and Favored Enemies) or even action economy, making it far more reasonable that they would choose to stay together in symbiosis. They are kobolds because they are a small race with 0 LA, and because it works really well with the reptilian/Dragonborn theme.

Sassafras Race:
I searched long and hard for a large race with no level adjustment (making it legal for E8). Like the fable of the magic feather, it was of course where I had started all along, in Savage Species. Human Heritage reflects her status as partly human (and sets up the symbiosis later); Aberrant Blood likewise sets up some later feats but also felt appropriate for an abomination of magic/science. If you want to go even cheesier (yes, that’s possible), Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale is also LA +0 and has better stats overall, though worse dexterity. However, it’s far less on-theme.

Crusader 1-2:
Sassafras is lower level than her comrades, so Crusader is a natural pick for both thematic reasons and to support Yap-Yap and Yip-Yip with stances and maneuvers; Steely Resolve compensates nicely for her relatively low HP. At first level she knows Crusader’s Strike (healing), Vanguard Strike and Lead the Attack (help allies hit), Douse the Flames (help allies, especially Yip-Yip, escape), Charging Minotaur (out of actually beneficial support maneuvers; this one is at least fun), and Iron Guard’s Glare (stance, penalize enemies for attacking her allies). At 2nd level she grabs Martial Spirit (stance) for more healing options. This and Furious Counterstrike become much more significant later. At Crusader 1 she also boosts her Strength to 10.

Dragonborn of Bahamut:
Dragonborn was chosen for the build because it provides a reason for symbiosis to occur. The fluff was then built around this, but I have to say I’m pretty happy with how it all works together. Mechanically, it also lets Yip-Yip retrain the relatively useless Endurance to Dragon Tail, and gives Sassafras/The Siege Tower some extra HP at the expense of Dexterity. Each member of the trio chooses a different Draconic Aspect in accordance with their personality.

Symbiotic Creature:
And here we are. The beating heart of the build. This template isn’t from Lords of Madness, but it does change your type to aberration, which makes it both legal and on-theme. However, the Human Heritage feat that makes Sassafras a viable host doesn’t just go away; it promptly resets the combination of her and Yap-Yap to humanoid again, making them a viable host for Yip-Yip (and then they promptly get reset back to Humanoid (human) again, so they still qualify for Aberrant Blood). This combination, henceforth referred to as The Siege Tower, keeps all of Sassafras’ feats and gets all of Yap-Yap’s and Yip-Yip’s feats as bonus feats (meaning The Siege Tower no longer needs to meet the prerequisites for Prehensile Tail to benefit from it). They also keep all their attack forms, special attacks (like Yap-Yap’s dragon breath), special qualities (like Yip-Yip’s immunity to paralysis and sleep effects), and bonuses to skill checks (like Yip-Yip’s bonuses to Spot, Listen, and Search, and arguably the skill bonuses from Favored Enemy). I think that first one makes it pretty clear that The Siege Tower keeps the arms of the guests (bringing the total up to 6 arms), but if you and/or your DM disagree you can drop the Dragonborn from Yap-Yap and Yip-Yip and use the variant kobold with 2 claws (and a bite). This requires some reshuffling of feats (and costs you a feat of your choice from Yip-Yip), but unambiguously gives The Siege Tower 4 extra claws that can be used to wield weapons, as well as two bite attacks (1d3, secondary) that can be used in melee, at the price of the other two Draconic Aspects. Keeping the siblings’ natural weapons means The Siege Tower gets two tails, and getting Dragon Tail as a bonus feat gives them a third. As for ability scores, The Siege Tower keeps Sassafras’ fantastic Dexterity and decent Constitution and replaces her bad Intelligence and abysmal Charisma with Yip-Yip’s strong scores in each. Last but not least, the trio can detach Voltron style if doing so becomes beneficial (e.g. social situations and panicked retreats), though it takes a full day to reattach.

Master Thrower:
At this point The Siege Tower has 6 arms, three tails that can be used as arms, an iterative attack from BAB +6, and two more extra attacks from TWF and Rapid Shot. Now that we’ve got Multiweapon Fighting to take advantage of all this, the logical next step is the Palm Throw trick, which lets you throw two daggers with each of those attacks. Yes you read that right, we’re up to twenty four (24!) thrown daggers per round, that can be thrown into melee without penalty. With 12 attack rolls in a typical round, Weapon Focus and especially Furious Counterstrike (which also applies to all 24 damage rolls) really pull their weight. Now, a lot of these daggers are probably small in size, and you don’t get to add your Strength bonus to damage (which is +0, so no tears shed there), but still! The Siege Tower is nearly as formidable in melee; less damage, but with Martial Spirit active they can be healing two damage to themselves or any ally within 30ft with every successful hit, and don’t forget unarmed strikes (sure you’re provoking opportunity attacks if they’re inside your reach, but with that much healing who cares?). I don’t actually know if the kobold daggers benefit from the reach of now being a large creature; RAW I think they do, but it’s not especially significant either way. And don’t forget you can mix thrown and melee daggers.

• Human Heritage makes this whole thing possible, and gives you a few extra skill points to boot.
• Aberration Blood qualifies you for some lovely feats, is thematic with your backstory, and gives you a +2 bonus to Spot checks.
• You have both Track and Urban Tracking.
• Endurance. Eh, it’s okay, especially since it’s several kinds of free.
• Dragon Tail and Prehensile Tail. Now we’re talking. These two (three if you count Yip-Yip) give us 3 extra attacks, which means up to 6 extra daggers. Yap-Yap qualifies for Prehensile Tail so we don’t have to. You technically get a second copy of Dragon Tail, but arguing that that gives you a fourth tail would be abusive (you know, unlike the rest of this build).
• Weapon Finesse. Yap-Yap gets this as a Ranger bonus feat, which is nice because it doesn’t fit into Sassafras’ build.
• TWF and Improved TWF – we can’t qualify for Improved Multiweapon Fighting, but Improved TWF still nets us one extra attack.
• Weapon Focus is a prerequisite; Yap-Yap takes it because she’s dual-wielding daggers like a boss.
• Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, and Precise Shot are prerequisites for Master Thrower. Yip-Yip takes them because he’s going archery ranger.
• Manyshot could come in handy; after all we’ve only got so much range with thrown daggers. We have more than enough Dexterity to tank the penalty to hit.
• Combat Reflexes. It was a bonus feat available to Yip-Yip, when he already had all the good feats he qualified for from the list. It’s much more helpful to The Siege Tower, with their reach and absurd Dexterity.
• Martial Study (cloak of deception) was a solid pick for Yip-Yip (inspired by Sassafras’ combat maneuvers). The really snazzy thing is that because Sassafras is already a martial initiator, The Siege Tower adds it to maneuvers known rather than getting it as a once-per-encounter ability.
• Multiweapon Fighting – duh.
• Improved Rapid Shot. You can look at it as +2 to all attack rolls that turn or as an additional attack for free. Either way, it’s good.
• Martial Stance (assassin’s stance). Here we once again see Yip-Yip’s influence. Cloak of Deception is a swift action, so every few rounds this is +2d6 damage to 12+ attacks (precision damage, so you don’t get to apply it to both daggers from Palm Throw).
• Shadow Blade – why yes, stances do count as maneuvers, so we qualify for this. Dexterity added to all melee damage with our daggers.
• Inhuman Reach. Our second aberration feat, this is really good with Combat Reflexes.
• Deepspawn – two tentacles, for two free attacks in our routine. For some reason, tentacles aren’t on the list of Shadow Hand weapons, but if we get our hands on some weapons with the Opposable (+1) property, once we pass them to our tentacles we can reap the benefits of Shadow Blade, 30ft reach, and/or more thrown attacks (though for thrown attacks we probably want the weapon to also be Returning).
• Extra Granted Maneuver is good on any Crusader; here it also means we’re getting Cloak of Deception more reliably and more frequently.
• Graft Flesh (silthilar) can be used to fill in for magic items we haven’t gotten yet. Bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, natural armor, and movement speed, as well as fast healing and an immunity to being flanked, are all on the table with this feat. (We probably don’t need the bonus to Dexterity based skills, but that’s also available).
• Starspawn synergizes really well with Draconic Aspect (wings), giving you a slower flight speed that doesn’t have a daily limit to use in between gliding for low-stakes aerial movement.
• Waterspawn likewise improves your versatility, giving you the ability to breathe underwater and some cold resistance 5 as a bonus. In a campaign without water, probably swap this out for something else (maybe Bestial Hide). In a heavily aquatic campaign, take this sooner.
• Durable Form is our final feat, and gives us a lovely 12 extra HP to make us a bit tankier and make up for losing 2 HD to LA.

Cityscape – Urban Ranger (web enhancement), Urban Tracking (web enhancement)
Complete Warrior – Master Thrower, Improved Rapid Shot
Lords of Madness – Aberrant Blood, Deepspawn, Durable Form, Graft Flesh, Inhuman Reach, Starspawn, Waterspawn, Silthilar grafts
Races of Destiny – Human Heritage
Races of the Dragon – Dragonborn, Kobolds, variant Kobolds (web enhancement), Dragon Tail
Savage Species – Symbiotic Creature, Anthropomorphic Huge Viper Snake
Serpent Kingdoms – Prehensile Tail
SRD – Huge Viper Snake, Ranger, Combat Reflexes, Endurance, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Manyshot, Multiweapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Tome of Battle – Crusader, Extra Granted Maneuver, Martial Study, Martial Stance, Shadow Blade, maneuvers
Longtusk Two-MoosLE Krynn Minotaur Spirit Lion Barbarian 1/half-ilithid 5/Psychic Warrior 2

Point Buy:
S 18, D 15, C 12, I 8, W 10, C 10
S 22, D 13, C 12, I 10, W 14, C 12


Krynn Minotaur:
Medium, Speed 30, +2 NA
Gore Attack (Nat) 1d6+STR as secondary, 2d6+1.5xSTR on charge
+2 Intim/Swim/Use Rope
Can take Scent as a feat
Languages: Common, Kothian

Half-Illithid (Inherited):
+4 INT/WIS/CHA, Change to Aberration
NA +1, gain 4 tentacle attacks (1d4)
Extract (Ex): if you begin a round w/ 4 tentacles attached and win a grapple check, automatically extract the brain and kill creature.

Improved Grab (Ex): hit a small-Large creature with a tentacle attack. Start a grapple as a free action w/o provoking AoO. If successful, establish a hold and attach to opponents head. Can grab Huge or larger provided it can reach the head. If at the start of a round only 1 tentacle attached, can make a single grapple check to attach the others. Opponent can escape w/ grapple check or Escape Artist, but half-I gets +2 bonus for each tentacle attached.

Mind Blast (Sp): 1/day 40ft cone, Mind Blast. WILL DC 10+half HD+CHA or stunned 1d4 rounds.

Psionics (Sp): as CL 8th, DC 10+spell level +CHA
Detect Thoughts (2nd) 3/day
Suggestion(3rd) 3/day

Special Qualities:
Darkvision 60ft, SR 10+RHD (13)

D12, 4+INT, simple/martial weapons. Light/medium armor, shields (no tower). Illiterate, Whirling Frenzy (+4 STR, +2 dodge to AC/REF, make extra attack at -2 BAB, as well as all attacks this round. Lasts for 3+CON rounds)

Psychic Warrior:
2+INT, d8, gain heavy armor proficiency. Powers, Bonus feat from Fighter (PHB), or Psionic feats in EPH chapter 3.

Longtusk was born a great warrior. Born into a clan of great warriors, but different than the others. Stronger by far. The Shaman often sent him as battle leader on important missions.

After one such mission, the Shaman rewarded him with a drought from a special jar he held in reserve. After downing the contents, Longtusk immediately felt stronger, more virulent, and immensely more powerful. Awakened within him he felt another consciousness whom he warred with for control. It was glorious.

As time went by, his heritage began to show itself more and more. Eventually he even transformed himself and became the new War Chief of his clan. All who stood in his way met death.

The name of Two-Moos conjured visions of doom.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features


Half-Illithid Barbarian





Climb 4, Intimidate 4, Jump 4, Survival 4

Aberration Blood

Whirling Frenzy, Illiteracy, Spirit Lion Totem

Psychic Warrior





Climb 5, Jump 5

(B)Improved Unarmed Strike

PP, Powers


Psychic Warrior 2





Climb 6, Jump 6

(B)Improved Grapple, Warped Mind


1-Aberation Blood – Flexible Limbs +2 Grapple
7-Improved Unarmed Strike
8-Improved Grapple - +4 to Grapple
8-Warped Mind – + to WILL (+2 total) = half of aberration feats, gain 1 pp per aberrant feat (+4 total)

Epics Feats:
1-Deepspawn – Gain 2 tentacles (secondary attacks) from waist. Gain +2 to Grapple
2-Starspawn – Gain Fly (avg) at half land speed, flight for consecutive rounds of 1+CON, wait 1 round between uses. Gain Cold Resist 5, Immune to altitude sickness/fatigue.
3-Multiattack – secondary attacks at -2
4-Illithid Heritage – half of total Illithid feats as bonus to saves vs spells/psionics (+3 total)
5-Illithid Skin - +1 to NA
6-Illithid Grapple – Gain a tentacle attack (1d4)
7- Illithid Grapple - Gain a tentacle attack (1d4)
8- Illithid Grapple - Gain a tentacle attack (1d4)
9- Illithid Grapple - Gain a tentacle attack (1d4) and lower half of face transforms
10-Symbiot Mastery - +4 to ego check, and +2 HP’s

1-Expansion, 1 PP: Double height, length, width, and weight (x8). Increase size to Large. +2 STR, -2 DEX, -1 to attack/AC. Increase Reach/space to 10ft. Increase damage of natural weapons 1 step. +2 PP spent = duration is 10 mins/level

1-Grip of Iron, 1 PP: immediate action +4 to Grapple

7 PP total available

Grappelate your foes for great justice! (woe). Use starspawn to fly if needed to get either tactical advantage, or to reach the head of larger foes. Use suggestion if needed to try and get your foe to let you “hug” them for a few minutes. Your grapple doesn’t need to do damage, you just have to hold on for 1-2 rounds. You have 10 tentacles available, only need 4 attached for a full round to extract their brains and kill them for no save. Alternatively you have Mind Blast to stun, and Pounce if you need to charge. With 2 fists, 10 tentacles, and a gore attack, Multiattack is a must especially since only 1 tentacle needs to hit in order to trigger Improved Grab.

Whirling Frenzy gives you another attack when you really need to make sure one or more of you tentacles hit. Your BAB isn’t great, but the sheer number of attacks available (and a high STR) means you have probability on your side. Otherwise, you can essentially be in a Rage all day long thanks to your symbiot, granting you higher STR/CON for even greater grappelation and some more HP’s to offset only 3HD.

Aberrant and Illithid feats combine to pump up your crappy saves to decent levels.

Complete Champion: Spirit Totem – Lion p46
Complete Psionic: Illithid things 61-62
Dragonlance Campaign Setting: Krynn Minotaur p42
Expanded Psionic’s Handbook: Psychic Warrior p24
Fiend Folio: Gutworm p220
Lords of Madness: Aberration Blood p179, Deepspawn p179, Starspawn p181, Warped Mind p182
Magic of Eberron: Symbiot Mastery p51
Monster Manual: Multiattack p304
PHB: Barbarian, Feats
Underdark: Half-Illithid p89

http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm - Whirling Frenzy ACF

Sword and Fist: page 62 has rules for bonuses to grappling from extra limbs. A +4 bonus for each set of limbs beyond the original 2. 4 limbs = +4, 6 limbs = +8, etc. (+20 total)

Fun Items:
Glove of Titan’s Grip (MiC): +8 enchancement to Grapples for 7 rounds, 3/day
Armor Spikes/Razors (PHB/Und): 1d6 pierce/slash and can enchant separately.
Magical Location: Sunken City of Pazar: 1min/day act as though Powerful Build

Fun with Grafts:
Aboleth Tentacle FF208: +4 STR when using, deal 1d6 +STR and force DC 10+half HD+CON FORT save or begin transform as if struck by an aboleth’s tentacle $50k

Grappling Tentacle FF211: +4 STR when using AND +4 more to Grapple. $20k
(getting both of these eventually would also net you another +4 to grapple checks for extra limbs, and a further +4 against your opponent attempting escape)

Gutworm FF220: +2 CON, Rage/Will for 4 rounds as Barbarian (+4 STR/CON +2 WILL, -2 AC), no fatigue after, Neutralize poison 1/day
(( Magic of Eberron lists the “cost” for some symbionts, it’s the only place that does. However you can obtain them through story arcs or as rewards for things as well. By comparison, best guess on cost is 4-8k, standard WBL at 5th is 9K, so you could have this at “creation”))

Grapple Bonus’s beyond to hit:

+8 from (Aberrant Blood 2, Deepspawn 2, Imp Grap 4)
+4 Grip of Iron
+20 Extra Limbs
+18 if all 10 tentacles attached
+ expansion for size bonus
+4 if Grapple Tentacle (Which adds +2 more to tentacles attached bonus)
somewhere around 50ish
+8 to that if Gloves of Titan’s owned
Grapple check = BAB+STR+Size+misc

Due to the timing of the vacation I will be taking next week, you have slightly over a week to submit your judgements. I expect them in my inbox by the time I reach my computer Friday May 24, whenever that may be. Best to have them in Thursday night. If you are uncertain at all about the judging process, please review the OP and ask if you have any questions.

2019-05-15, 08:42 AM
I toyed around a little with a Synad Ninja 8 with Hidden Talent (Psionic Minor Creation) for poison making, and snagging some number of uses of Alter Self through feats to turn into an Ethereal Filcher and shoot arrows at people from the ethereal, run through walls, and the like, but I didn't really like the Ethereal Filcher's version of Ethereal Jaunt, couldn't quite hit the ML to qualify for Metamorphic Transfer, didn't have anything to actually do with Synad multitask, and just didn't have the time or wherewithal to hammer it out into something that I really liked.

2019-05-24, 03:28 PM
Last day to get your judgments done!

The Kool
2019-05-24, 03:30 PM
Well, a little overdue actually, but I'm still waiting for one more I think and I have a lot on my plate so you've got a bit longer before I call it and drop the late one.

2019-05-24, 04:53 PM
Hey guys. Sorry about the sudden dissapearance. Health issues popped up for my wife, and we have a 3 year old boy that we need not mess up by being on screens near him, so I haven't really had real free time to live up to my responsibilities. Im proud of your mutiny.

The Kool
2019-05-24, 05:00 PM
Hey guys. Sorry about the sudden dissapearance. Health issues popped up for my wife, and we have a 3 year old boy that we need not mess up by being on screens near him, so I haven't really had real free time to live up to my responsibilities. Im proud of your mutiny.

Hey, life takes priority. Glad to see you back. If you want to take the reigns back, I'm happy to return them, or I can keep it going for a bit if you need the time.

2019-05-24, 06:18 PM
Hey, life takes priority. Glad to see you back. If you want to take the reigns back, I'm happy to return them, or I can keep it going for a bit if you need the time.

Keep the reigns for a bit more, we aren't out of the weeds, not by a long shot.

2019-05-24, 07:17 PM
Hey welcome back!

The Kool
2019-05-24, 09:55 PM
Keep the reigns for a bit more, we aren't out of the weeds, not by a long shot.

Got it. I'm slowly developing a theme for the next round, I think we'll be back onto a 20-level progression for that one if everyone's cool with that?

2019-05-25, 12:33 AM
Works for me.

2019-05-25, 03:23 PM
Im proud of your mutiny.

both of those are good things to hear :)

2019-05-27, 10:30 PM
When are we going to reveal the scores? Or are we still waiting on the third entrant?

The Kool
2019-05-28, 11:43 AM
I will give our third entrant until later this week. Sorry for the delays, life and holidays and all that.

2019-05-31, 08:37 PM
i think we've been more then lenient. will you post the reveal please?

The Kool
2019-05-31, 10:20 PM
I had a nagging feeling some responsibility was eluding me. I have a nasty habit of posting "I'll get back to it" then only being reactive to other posts and not having a to-do list...

Sadly, our third competitor did not have time to judge, and thus by the rules stated they don't receive a ranking. Below I have shared the thoughts of the two of you who did judge, and both of you can congratulate each other on a shared win.

The Siege Tower: PoeticallyPsycho
Longtusk Two-Moos: jdizzlean
Warped One: Falontani (disqualified, did not judge)

First, a note about myself. I’m actually very new at this. Though I started reading 3.5 books as a kid, I didn’t actually play (not with traditional rules, at least) until relatively recently; I’m still on my first real 3.5 campaign (though I have played some 4th edition and 5th edition), and we’re only to level 5. This is the 3rd or 4th optimization challenge I’ve ever entered, depending on how you divide the dates, and I’ve only judged one more (two if you count Gamewarpers, where the entrants judge). This is most likely to make itself apparent in the Originality section; unless you use something from one of my relatively few spheres of knowledge, almost everything mechanical is equally new to me, so I’ll probably weight fluff and overall character concept much more heavily than a typical judge.

The Warped One:

At the risk of sounding like a jerk, this entry really illustrates the importance of fluff and generally describing your character. I had to infer from the tactics section that TWO is a guardian for the group of illithids that transformed him or her, and look up almost all of the feats/psionic powers to figure out what they did and how they played into that greater purpose. Without a flavorful description or even an in-depth description of the build/tactics, it can’t help but feel bland, no matter how much creativity went into it.

That opening paragraph pretty much sums it up as far as Originality. Even after going through all the feats, powers, and abilities, it doesn’t seem like you’re doing anything interesting mechanically beyond Voidmind and having several natural weapons.

Power is likewise made hard to figure out without an explanation of how it all works together. You do have an impressive reach, and several natural weapons (my count reaches 6 even with the unarmed strike and bite of the wolf; I don’t know where the 7th is coming from). You take Symbiont Mastery and then never mention symbionts again? I think Thrall Bred is more trouble than it’s worth, but it is very thematic. You have 3 illithids who can control you at any time, but are also invested in keeping you alive and can channel powers through you to that effect. And the ability to grapple a foe while still taking a full turn up to 20ft away is going to be useful in almost every encounter.

On to Elegance. I don’t have Complete Psionic, but D&D Tools assures me that neither Illithid Heritage nor Illithid Skin are psionic or fighter feats, and thus both are ineligible for being taken as Psychic Warrior bonus feats. You’ve got an extra skill point at 1st level, but I’m prepared to chock that up to Voidmind having supposed to be acquired (boosting your Int) before that first level of fighter. Psicraft still isn’t a class skill for you, so you’ve exceeded the maximum ranks every level but the first. And you take a flaw. But the last penalty is the most damning. Voidmind Creature is a template with LA that does not change your type to aberration and isn’t from Lords of Madness, making this build illegal for this contest.

Theme. Much as I wish there was some flavor text, some indication of personality, of, you know, character to this character, there is no denying that all the mechanical choices are pretty well on theme. A personal guard for an illithid is hardly unique to Lords of Madness, but it would be churlish indeed for me to criticize someone else for sticking to the looser theme of aberrations. Obviously you’re taking advantage of the ability to use LA for the build, but you’re not really doing anything with the extra two levels besides increasing your numbers and picking up a healing ability that will consume most of your PP.

Longtusk Two-Moos:

Applying the half-illithid template to a Krynn minotaur is definitely an interesting decision, as the latter are primarily sailors and pirates – hang on, this is just Davy Jones, ain’t it. 😉

Originality: a minotaur Davy Jones who flies at his opponents, grapples up to 8 of them, and commences eating their brains is an original character concept as far as I’m concerned. Lion Totem Barbarian is hardly original, but I think the rest more than makes up for it. Not really much more to say here.

Now for Power. You’ve got a more than respectable bonus to grappling, and having all 4 Illithid Grapple actually lets you grapple multiple opponents at once (albeit as a full-round action, so not after a charge, when it would be most useful), though you’ll want to get at least 4 tentacles per opponent when possible, naturally. Still, that’s two people, both in danger of being Extracted. You don’t need to care about the damage most of the time, so you can just target their touch AC. Your Achilles’ Heel is that you’re pretty squishy for a melee character, with only 3 HD.

Elegance. Half-Illithid means you don’t need to spend a feat on Illithid Extraction; clever. However, Aberration Blood requires you to be humanoid, and your type is aberration. That means you’re losing the benefits of a lot of your feats. To qualify again, the only thing I know of is Human Heritage, but that requires a much larger change to your backstory and build than I’m willing to just handwave in exchange for an Elegance penalty.

Last but not least, Theme. You’re making the best use of your aberrant feats out of the three of us… but as I just covered, you don’t actually qualify for them. A half-mindflayer is pretty on theme. You’re making good use of LA, obviously, and the extra two levels are necessary to make your character at all viable as a melee combatant/manifester.

I find myself conflicted. Both of my competitors screwed up pretty royally as far as Elegance, both with far-reaching repercussions. I’m more than half-tempted to call Voidmind Creature on theme [I]enough[/] to be legitimate, though that’s partially because before I realized Longtusk didn’t qualify for all those aberrant feats Longtusk would still have been the winner. If we don’t pardon The Warped One, Longtusk is the clear winner, but if we do Longtusk still has actual character, more interesting mechanics, more power (but only if you disregard the mindflayers that can channel their powers through TWO), and a better (attempted) use of Lords of Madness material. So let’s look at this two ways. If we treat LTM’s feats as actually illegal, he loses all points in Elegance but they count as legal for the rest of the categories, which means he then wins handily in Originality, at least ties in Power, and wins in Theme, which I think is enough to give him the win total. OTOH, if we treat the build as legal for Elegance (the feats are a penalty), he still wins handily in Originality, loses in Power, wins handily in Elegance, and barely loses in Theme; I think that’s still enough to call Longtusk the winner.

+4 for Longtusk Two-Moos, +2 for The Warped One.

Voidmind is daring considering the consequences, the rest is pretty vanilla.
Thrall bred is a double edged sword, a minor bonus to attack as long as you stay close to your charge, but twice the penalty if 30ft or more away for any reason, or your charge dies. And if you designate one the first week of a month, and it dies, now you have 3 weeks left in the month where you get stuck with that penalty…

Symbiot Mastery does nothing for you, you don’t have a symbiote… (your attached tentacle isn’t a symbiot)

Considering that Voidmind gives you DR 5/magic, it seems a waste to take Mark of Xoriat at Epic 7 for DR 5/random letters

You spend skill points because you have to, but what exactly are you using intimidate and psicraft for in this build?

No Save Dominance from your masters isn’t a good thing. It’s a big weakness. If you get dominated, it’s not likely that you’re going to survive the encounter…

You list a claw attack, but where’s that coming from?
You take a flaw/bonus feat through what I’d consider a dubious means. Especially since you provide no justification or clarification for doing so other than taking it.

Listing which source each feat came from would’ve been a lot easier than “I used these books”

You don’t list which SLA you’re getting from Aberrant Dragonmark.

Please denote cross class skills somehow on your next build..

You take Illithid Heritage as your bonus feat at Psy War 1, but because you tanked your WIS score, you have no power point reserve, and therefore don’t qualify to take it. This snowballs down your build.

Clearly you’re an aberration, and Durable Form really stacks on extra HP to make up for the loss of HD. However you don’t have any one clear role despite grapple things. You have no flight or other movement ability, so can be shut down in a myriad of ways. You have no ranged combat ability beyond a few

I mean, wow.
Assuming all this worked, I mean, WOW.

You may be able to make multiple NATURAL attacks, but you can’t make but 2 weapon attacks from your BAB, so you can only throw 4 daggers in a round, not 24. Rapid shot would let you do 6 (if you can convince someone that a dagger is a ranged weapon. Being used in a ranged attack *thrown* doesn’t make it a ranged weapon). TWF likewise would give you maybe 2 more attacks, so now you can be at 8. Then it gets even greyer w/ prehensile tail.
Symbiotic Creature can only be applied to 2 creatures, not 3. Further, if your intention was to have 1 of the 3 be part of a symbiotic template twice, it can’t because it’s now an aberration and not an animal, humanoid, plant, or vermin as required.

Further, this is even worse than attempting 2 different were’s w/ dvati as you’re trying to say that having all three aspects of dragonborn is a thing, especially since you say all 3 creatures somehow come out of one egg from the rite of rebirth, which also isn’t a thing.

Symbiotic is also vastly under LA’d for the simple reason of minmaxing ability scores, so here’s some cheese penalty.

Graft Flesh requires you to have 10 ranks in Heal, which you don’t.

Master Thrower requires 4 ranks in Sleight of Hand, which you don’t have.
This build does however shine a big old beacon fire on the ludicrousness of the symbiotic creature template. However, using Human heritage as the lynchpin of your build and not something aberration based goes against the SI being the chief ingredient.

Frankly, I have issues with both builds, and it’s more of a choice of a lesser of two evils for ranking. In this case, I’m actually saddened by not having disputes because I think there is a LOT of clearing up that needs to be done, but sadly this format doesn’t support that until afterwards..

I'll post the next round shortly. Stay tuned!

2019-05-31, 10:59 PM
I am so sorry I couldn't get to judging! You guys both did awesome. I was trying to do a full judging like I'd do in another competition. Then when I realized I didn't need to do that I had completely run out of time. Finished a long running campaign this past week, holiday weekend, and spouse's birthday, along with family issues all while working more hours than usual.

Complete Psionic does list illithid heritage feats as psionic.
I took psymbiont mastery because I was originally going to use a daelkyr half blood, but since it was an aberration I couldn't apply the voidmind template. But I liked the idea of it.
I messed up on my skills admittedly.
I listed which sla was chosen in the statblock.
Dr 5/byeshk+magic > dr 5/magic. Nothing's natural weapons count as byeshk.
His claw attack is a crawling gauntlet. In Eberron illithids are servants/creations of the Daelkyr, as are symbionts. I felt that with the feat and theme it made sense for that to be Warped One's primary weapon before tentacle madness could truly begin.

Warped One was bred in the illithid thrall pits much like one may breed a powerful Bull. He was bred for strength, for his Dragonmark, for his position. There were probably dozens or more casually tossed aside babies. When he was selected it was because he was the best of the offered stock. "Genetically superior." Then he was trained. Once trained up appropriately they made him into a voidmind. His purpose was to defend, to guard the three illithid masters. And just like a rancher would attempt to defend his sheep dog from an overzealous fox, the illithid masters are willing to use their power to defend their voidmind. They'll not risk themselves for it, but they won't stand idly by and let it die. And they are mentally superior, so being dominated only leads to better tactics.
Finally, as a guard to the three illithids, he will always be attending at least one of them. Usually the one out in the open, the one more likely to be attacked. If the guard begins to fight to defend it's master the other two may assist the third as long as they are within range. Usually thrall bred and illithid host are both detrimental, however to Warped One they are beneficial.

2019-06-01, 05:29 PM
Huh, I could have sworn Rapid Shot had a clause for thrown weapons. Must have been mixing it up with some other feat I was looking at. Likewise, I totally screwed up on the skill requirements.

Yeah I'm taking the Symbiotic Creature template twice. Normally that wouldn't work because, as you said, it changes the type to aberration, but Human Heritage resets it to humanoid.

All those extra attacks come from Multi-Weapon Fighting, since The Siege Tower has 6 hands and 3 tails that count as hands. That's nine attacks; one more from BAB and another from Improved Two Weapon Fighting brings it up to 11 (12 if Rapid Attack counts, but you're right about that), and Palm Throw lets you lob 2 with each attack roll. Now, it's possible that you don't get to keep the hands of the guest creatures, but just in case I mentioned a way that gives you the extra hands unambiguously (kobold variant with claws, forgo Dragonborn on Yap-Yap and Yip-Yip).

Symbiotic is a pain to use for players, because as I read it you can only use it if both creatures have a playable LA, so basically the only playable options are a large creature with Human Heritage (or a couple of really oddball cases, like there's a type of Naga with the humanoid type) and a small humanoid. Uh... I think I was going somewhere when I started this paragraph, but I've forgotten what the ultimate point was supposed to be. The coming out of one egg was basically just fluff; nothing weird happening mechanically (beyond Symbiotic Creature). Symbiosis gives the combined creature the special attacks (dragon breath), special qualities (arguably immunity to paralysis/sleep effects), and skill bonuses (the other part of Aspect of the Mind) of the guests, so while The Siege Tower doesn't literally have all three aspects it has the effects of the other two, and I thought it was neater from a bookkeeping perspective to just list it as gaining the other two.

Lastly, Human Heritage is a necessary part of the build, but the lynchpin is definitely Symbiotic Creature.

Um, I think that's everything.

2019-06-02, 08:28 AM
just a quickie on this, i'll circle back around later for full comments

i think in this comp in particular, that we all tend to try to push the boundaries more so than in the other comps, and we all tend to make that 1 "minor" mistake that affects everything. we get so caught up in "breaking" things that we miss over that thing and then stuff like this round happens.

2019-06-19, 03:04 AM
How do we score this? Do I get 2nd because I have less points, or do we call it a draw?