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View Full Version : What are some fun undead minions?

2019-04-23, 02:47 PM
So for this upcoming campaign I’m playing in the DM let me take Undead Leadership as a feat. My character is a copy of an old character that I stopped playing a couple years ago because the group drifted apart, but I loved the character and want to see his story come to a satisfying end.

I’m just stuck trying to figure out which undead to take, I don’t know a lot about all the various options and combos which is why I’m looking for help.

The character in question is a level 6 half-orc bard with 3 levels in the dirge-singer prestige class. My stats are (12, 12, 14, 11, 7, 18) and mu spells are either illusions or party buffs. I’ve pumped almost all the skills related to lore and persuasion (plus performance and concentration, duh). My feats are Extra Music, Improved Initiative, Requiem, and now Undead Leadership. I’m starting with basic gear, 5,000 gold, but no magic items. The DM said he was going to give me some unique ones and didn’t want to spoil the surprise, he’s pretty creative and knows the game well so I trust him.

The rest of the party is a Diviner, a Wild Shape Ranger, A spellthief, and a melee focused cleric. We aren’t super optimized but not underpowered at all. The campaign often has a lot of downtime.

2019-04-23, 05:38 PM
There are some interesting undead minion options in this handbook:
Collection of Necromatic Oddities (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=8963)