View Full Version : Ideas of lvl 2 pregen characters for tomorow's session

2019-04-24, 04:33 AM
Hi folks.

A friend of mine is back in town, and will maybe join my Dragon Heist campaign, maybe just for one session, and as he has never played 5e (to my knowledge) plus has an habit of hesitating a lot during chargen even with systems he's used to, I was thinking of creating a few lvl 2 characters in advance and letting him choose from them. Alternatively, as he might be here just for one session, I could propose him to play with a NPC statblock for this one and then to work together to make a PC afterward.

Regardless, I'd like ideas for lvl 2 PCs, if you have any.

All the official books and multiclassing are allowed, but no UA or homebrew. I'll do the stats and the like, and the builds certainly do not need to be optimized/ made with high level in mind, nor does it need any synergy with the group I currently have. I mostly need ideas for race/background/class(es) combos.

Thank a lot in advance!

2019-04-24, 07:27 AM
Honestly, I would say you are best off giving him an NPC from the Dragonheist storyline. I don't know the storyline at all (other than the basics since I that is the next campaign our group is doing in a few months). Maybe a guard Captain, a different guard, Yusdrayl or Sir Braford from Tale of the Yawning Portal?

Or if you are going to do a Pregen PC, why not grab something from the WOTC 16 pregen characters in the started set.

Also, I did find this with some googlefu, which looks pretty awesome for you situation.

2019-04-24, 09:10 AM
I'd recommend something like a War-Domain Cleric. It has good survivability. It can fight. It has some spells, so he can see if that is something he wants to develop. Etc. And it should be a welcome addition to any group.

2019-04-24, 09:42 AM
Honestly, I would say you are best off giving him an NPC from the Dragonheist storyline. I don't know the storyline at all (other than the basics since I that is the next campaign our group is doing in a few months). Maybe a guard Captain, a different guard, Yusdrayl or Sir Braford from Tale of the Yawning Portal?

Fair. I thought about doing that, but we're not really at a point where most of the storyline's NPCs would adventure alongside the PCs just yet.

If the group wasn't lvl 2, I would propose him to play Dragonbait from Tomb of Annihilation. I was thinking of introducing this NPC a bit later. But the saurial is way too powerful as an helper for now. I had a couple NPCs from the changes I've done to the module that could be interesting, though.

Also, I did find this with some googlefu, which looks pretty awesome for you situation.

Thanks, it'll be useful if I'm in a bind.

I'd recommend something like a War-Domain Cleric. It has good survivability. It can fight. It has some spells, so he can see if that is something he wants to develop. Etc. And it should be a welcome addition to any group.

Thanks for your suggestion.

2019-04-24, 12:10 PM
You probably want something that provides enough of a tactical challenge so that he can enjoy the game in the short amount of time that he has. Where other players will get joy from learning their features over time, he'll have to learn to enjoy them in the short amount of time that he has. In other words, you have to pack an entire campaign's worth of fun into a single build for this guy.

So we need some major front-loaded features.

The Paladin has a lot of options, between spell slots, Lay On Hands, Divine Sense, Fighting Styles, Divine Smite, and combat proficiencies. The best part is, the only thing you need to decide for him is his Race and Fighting Style, as everything else at level 2 is customizable by the Paladin as needed (including spell choices).

The Barbarian is incredibly simple and powerful at low levels. If you don't expect your friend to know all of the rules and want him to play something that matches his experience level, the Barbarian is a great choice.

The Storm Sorcerer is a lot of fun at lower levels as you bounce in-and-out of combat with your thunder and lightning spells. With such a narrow focus, it's hard to pick spells that don't contribute to the overall playstyle.

2019-04-24, 12:25 PM
A retired city guard (using the soldier background) fighter/paladin.

I will make him a vHuman for cool greatsword GWM/GWF for the "I cleave this guys for the safety of the city", or a Mountain Dwarf for easier to hit attacks(if he will get to lv4) and less pressure form deciding when to use GWM(use a mual as it look like a dwarf will be better at smashing then cleaving) "This is my city and I will smash you"