View Full Version : Godzilla

Death Giant
2007-10-03, 07:32 AM
Is Godzilla really evil? It's just that last night I saw Godzilla 2000, and this question came up in my mind. I think that he's more good than evil. P.S. I know his real name is Gojira' so please don't go insulting me because I said Godzilla instead of Gojira'

2007-10-03, 08:14 AM
No Godzilla is not evil. He's just a foul-mouthed drunken Irishman with poor co-ordination (http://www.neomonsterisland.com/tktarkv/vol3/024/1200/1.html) (NSFW). :smallcool:
I go now. Find more threads to kill. Coat > Door > Cab.

2007-10-03, 08:52 AM
Wow, didn't even make it past the first post with out a NMI reference! That's somewhat surprising, and somewhat not.

Officially, no Godzilla is nowhere near evil. He's more of a high impact version of the Gaea thesis. Essentially when something decides to screw with Mother Earth, Mother Earth sends Godzilla to go stomp it flat*. For some reason she has a bone to pick with the people of Japan, so she schedules all the bouts in downtown Tokyo. If stomping doesn't work, Godzilla is more than willing to rely on good old fashioned nuke breath.

The Japanese don't mind, of course, as they make a killing in the international entertainment industry filming the bouts and selling them as ready made films. All they have to do is whip out a quick moral and dub in some actors, and it pays for the cardboard and glue necessary to rebuild Tokyo.

* She also tries to send Mothra to serve as referee, but after a bad call in a fight with Rodan Godzilla has had doubts about Mothra's impartiality, and so generally removes him from the battle on principle.

2007-10-03, 01:07 PM
Godzilla's not evil. He's just misunderstood.

Crazy Owl
2007-10-03, 01:10 PM
Is an animal that kills a human evil? He is just an animal in the end... that breaths radioactive fire....

2007-10-03, 03:00 PM
Officially, no Godzilla is nowhere near evil. He's more of a high impact version of the Gaea thesis. Essentially when something decides to screw with Mother Earth, Mother Earth sends Godzilla to go stomp it flat*.

Godzilla is 100 meters of gamma ray breathing hippie justice?

Yes he is.

2007-10-03, 04:05 PM
I think that Godzilla is much more like an unstoppable force of nature that enjoys putting humans back in their place after they get too uppity. He also doesn't like other monsters horning in on his turf.