View Full Version : Background Help

2019-04-25, 12:27 AM
So I built a background that I thought would work really well for a grave cleric shephard druid multiclass, however my DM doesn't feel like it works 100%. I have to change classes or shift the background.

Specifically, can you think of a deity that would offer both the grave domain and work as a druidic god?

2019-04-25, 12:48 AM
So I built a background that I thought would work really well for a grave cleric shephard druid multiclass, however my DM doesn't feel like it works 100%. I have to change classes or shift the background.

Specifically, can you think of a deity that would offer both the grave domain and work as a druidic god?

Why do you need a "druidic God" Druids don't pull magic from a Divine being. All you need is a grave domain deity that doesn't want you to pervert and destroy nature. Which to my knowledge should be easy.

To get a better how to help, what about your backstory did he not like? Just the deity? Are all pantheon's fair game?

2019-04-25, 12:50 AM
We're playing Curse of Strahd. My story was:

The druid lived in a grove with his parents until he accidentally allowed a spirit of evil that spread undeath and corruption in. Everything was destroyed, his family was made undead after he submitted to the dark presence, and Meilikki cast him out to the underdark, from where he eventually escaped. He's now been drawn into Barovia.

The issue is the DM doesn't feel like Meilikki would grant grave cleric powers. In fact, I'm not sure whether the DM would even let me multiclass druid with tempest cleric with Meiliki as my patron... Only Nature? Nature domain cleric is not only the worst cleric domain, the multiclass with a shephard druid would be completely useless, because you already pretty much get everything you get with the cleric domain for free as a shephard druid...

So, I'm not sure where to go from here.....

2019-04-25, 12:59 AM
I would ask your DM if the issue is with the background or the multiclass. It honestly sounds like he's trying to block the multiclass by rejecting your backstory.

If that's not the case I'll look for a suitable deity. Any restriction on which Pantheon I pull from?

2019-04-25, 01:03 AM
the response I got from the DM was:

What Druids think about undead doesn't really have anything to do with what Mielikki's domain is. Mielikki is not only a God to druids, she is a Deity of Nature, which is where her power comes from. If you would like to use her as your deity for becoming Cleric you will have the Nature domain and reason why she would give you powers after she denounced you before. If you would like to do Grave Cleric please make adjustments to your background. Either be a druid or a grave cleric alone, or have a good reason why a deity with a grave domain, like the ones listed in the book would have an interest in a fallen Druid that was denounced by another deity.

2019-04-25, 01:05 AM
Out of the grave domain deities listed in the book... 3 are egyptian gods, 1 is from eberon, one is greyhawk, and only one is in the forgotten realm.

2019-04-25, 01:27 AM
We're playing Curse of Strahd. My story was:

The druid lived in a grove with his parents until he accidentally allowed a spirit of evil that spread undeath and corruption in. Everything was destroyed, his family was made undead after he submitted to the dark presence, and Meilikki cast him out to the underdark, from where he eventually escaped. He's now been drawn into Barovia.

... seeking redemption for what he did, he decided to try and stop anyone from acting as impulsively and foolishly as he had. He now knew. It was knowledge not earned by study, years of experience or teachings, but from the horros he had witnessed. He now knew that death and the afterlife are a foundational part of the multiverse’s workings. To resist death, or to desecrate the dead’s rest, was an abomination. That's why his purpose now was to prevent this delicate balance from being disturbed and to restore it when it was.

I think that sth like that would be enough for most DM's to have a deity that offers the grave domain to pay attention to the pc. The fact that you still hold on to your druidic customs and traditions could fit in like that. The deity does not like it, and has not fully embraced you, so sending you to Barovia might be something like a test. Essentially going up all the undead horrors there could actually determine if your current beliefs about the sacredness of afterlife and all that, is just an echo of guilt or a cause your character will actually want to dedicate to. Or simply the deity is a bit of a jerk and wants to see how strong their new toy is...

2019-04-25, 01:32 AM
Kelemvore. I've never even heard of him before tonight.... is the Forgotten realm grave domain God. He was a wearpanther when he was a human, so... having his own connection with nature, maybe he'd be cool with my being a druid as well?

Meilikki sends me off to go on a quest for her, and I pray to him, to help me honor her?

2019-04-25, 01:55 AM

You were a Druid with no deity. You only worshipped nature. Undead came in and ravaged your Grove, to escape them you and some others fled/were chased into the underdark. You found a group that were dedicated to a grave domain deity that ultimately saved you from the undead that were pursuing you. You found their teachings alluring and began following them.

Then you were pulled into Barovia.

I can't stress enough that Druids don't need a deity to get powers.

2019-04-25, 07:17 AM
I can't stress enough that Druids don't need a deity to get powers.DMG pages 10-13: forces and philosophies. That is all that the DM needs to refer to for a Druid's divine source. And for that matter, in the PHB, around p 205 (ish) in the side bar, the Druids access to the weave is from Nature itself.

All magic depends on the Weave, though different kinds of magic access it in a variety of ways.
The spells of clerics, druids, paladins and rangers are called divine magic. The spell casters' access to the Weave is mediated by a divine power - gods, the divine forces of nature, or the sacred weight of a paladin's oath. (p. 205 PHB) Too easy. But I think the DM's problem is the cleric's deity. This is a multiclass.

2019-04-25, 12:11 PM
Here's what I came up with:

Aaedimus was born to a happy Druidic couple in a secret grove deep in the forest. At a young age, he knew nothing but peace. It was the family's honor to tend to this quiet paradise, earned by his father and mother after years of dedication to the Goddess. As an additional reward for their service to the grove, Meiliki had blessed their child with a heavenly bloodline. Diligent to their duties, and loving of their child, they protected him from all of the evils of the outside world by forbidding him to ever leave the confines of the grove.

Aaedimus, however, innocent to the harshnesses of the outside world was curious and would travel sometimes into the wild of the deep forest. One day during his adventures, he met a faceless figure in a dark hooded robe, wandering through the outer forests. In a raspy voice, the figure knelt down and asked him what he was doing so deep in the forest. Aaedimus was honest and trusting with his first stranger, and asked him not to tell his parents. The figure asked if he could meet Mother and Father. He needed help because he was lost and sick. So Aaedimus took him by his gloved hands and led him into the grove. As they entered through, the dark figure sat on a tree and asked Aaedimus to go on and grab his father. He was too tired to go much further.

Father, upon hearing of the Stranger, was immediately worried, grabbed his special staff and had Aaedimus lead him to the place where he had left the man. He was nowhere to be found, but the log he had been sitting on had withered and grown black and fetid. Panic rose to Father's face, as he pulled Aaedimus back towards their home. As they ran through their once beautiful forest, with every step it seemed a corruption, and death was growing and invading, infecting the once sacred area. Mother was missing once they had reached their home and a sickly laugh grew from behind them. As the dark figure came out of the woods, enveloped in a sickly fog, birds fell dead from the branches of trees, as the trees, moss, and grass turned first brown than black with decay.

Father rushed towards the figure with his staff in hand, ready to strike and was immediately felled. For the first time, Aaedimus saw blood flowing over the forest ground. Terrified, he stood there, frozen except for the sound he felt welling from his throat. He screamed for Mother, and the dark voice cackled. A breathy sickly voice laughed: "your Mother is in the sacred clearing."

The child rushed towards the clearing, tears streaming down his cheeks, and as he grew closer to the clearing, the sickness grew deeper. The forest grew dark and was quieter than he'd ever heard it. Only his footsteps, as they crunched through the leaves made any sound until as he grew closer Aaedimus heard a sloppy wet sound coming from the clearing. It was filled with death. All manner of forest animal were strewn across the forest floor, with a great elk lying in the center of the clearing, Mother crouching over it. Aaedimus cried and rushed towards her, but as he reached the elk, was terrified by what he saw. Mother was ripping the elk to shreds with her bare hands and ravenously consuming whatever she could fit into her mouth. She was covered with blood and making feral grunting noises as she chewed. Aaedimus heard the voice laugh "You see boy, I saved her from death!" As Mother turned towards him, dead eyes, face gaunt. There was just a moment of silence before she leaped at him biting and tearing like a starving creature. Aaedimus ran, a peal of sickly laughter chased him as he ran from the place he once called home.

And so he traveled, looking to rid the world of the scourge of undeath that killed his parents. He knew he lacked the strength of knowledge to combat the evils that had destroyed his life. The memory of his mother was burned into the back of his mind. Every night, as he slept on the ground, a homeless vagrant, he prayed to whatever God would listen for the chance and the power to combat the scourge that had destroyed his home. In a dream, a panther came to him, walking through a thick fog. The panther spoke to him: "I am Kelemvore. Find my temple, and you will be given the opportunity to combat the unnatural evils you hate" And so, as Aaedimus found his way to the temple of Kelemvore, and was taught about the teachings of the Lord of the Dead. About He wanted to do more, however. The Panther came to him in his sleep: "Child of the forest, there is an unnatural evil to the North. If you want to dedicate yourself to my cause, search for a land of mist and you will find the opportunity that you seek." And so, on he went.

2019-04-25, 01:54 PM
Here's what I came up with:

Aaedimus was born to a happy Druidic couple in a secret grove deep in the forest. At a young age, he knew nothing but peace. It was the family's honor to tend to this quiet paradise, earned by his father and mother after years of dedication to the Goddess. As an additional reward for their service to the grove, Meiliki had blessed their child with a heavenly bloodline. Diligent to their duties, and loving of their child, they protected him from all of the evils of the outside world by forbidding him to ever leave the confines of the grove.

Aaedimus, however, innocent to the harshnesses of the outside world was curious and would travel sometimes into the wild of the deep forest. One day during his adventures, he met a faceless figure in a dark hooded robe, wandering through the outer forests. In a raspy voice, the figure knelt down and asked him what he was doing so deep in the forest. Aaedimus was honest and trusting with his first stranger, and asked him not to tell his parents. The figure asked if he could meet Mother and Father. He needed help because he was lost and sick. So Aaedimus took him by his gloved hands and led him into the grove. As they entered through, the dark figure sat on a tree and asked Aaedimus to go on and grab his father. He was too tired to go much further.

Father, upon hearing of the Stranger, was immediately worried, grabbed his special staff and had Aaedimus lead him to the place where he had left the man. He was nowhere to be found, but the log he had been sitting on had withered and grown black and fetid. Panic rose to Father's face, as he pulled Aaedimus back towards their home. As they ran through their once beautiful forest, with every step it seemed a corruption, and death was growing and invading, infecting the once sacred area. Mother was missing once they had reached their home and a sickly laugh grew from behind them. As the dark figure came out of the woods, enveloped in a sickly fog, birds fell dead from the branches of trees, as the trees, moss, and grass turned first brown than black with decay.

Father rushed towards the figure with his staff in hand, ready to strike and was immediately felled. For the first time, Aaedimus saw blood flowing over the forest ground. Terrified, he stood there, frozen except for the sound he felt welling from his throat. He screamed for Mother, and the dark voice cackled. A breathy sickly voice laughed: "your Mother is in the sacred clearing."

The child rushed towards the clearing, tears streaming down his cheeks, and as he grew closer to the clearing, the sickness grew deeper. The forest grew dark and was quieter than he'd ever heard it. Only his footsteps, as they crunched through the leaves made any sound until as he grew closer Aaedimus heard a sloppy wet sound coming from the clearing. It was filled with death. All manner of forest animal were strewn across the forest floor, with a great elk lying in the center of the clearing, Mother crouching over it. Aaedimus cried and rushed towards her, but as he reached the elk, was terrified by what he saw. Mother was ripping the elk to shreds with her bare hands and ravenously consuming whatever she could fit into her mouth. She was covered with blood and making feral grunting noises as she chewed. Aaedimus heard the voice laugh "You see boy, I saved her from death!" As Mother turned towards him, dead eyes, face gaunt. There was just a moment of silence before she leaped at him biting and tearing like a starving creature. Aaedimus ran, a peal of sickly laughter chased him as he ran from the place he once called home.

And so he traveled, looking to rid the world of the scourge of undeath that killed his parents. He knew he lacked the strength of knowledge to combat the evils that had destroyed his life. The memory of his mother was burned into the back of his mind. Every night, as he slept on the ground, a homeless vagrant, he prayed to whatever God would listen for the chance and the power to combat the scourge that had destroyed his home. In a dream, a panther came to him, walking through a thick fog. The panther spoke to him: "I am Kelemvore. Find my temple, and you will be given the opportunity to combat the unnatural evils you hate" And so, as Aaedimus found his way to the temple of Kelemvore, and was taught about the teachings of the Lord of the Dead. About He wanted to do more, however. The Panther came to him in his sleep: "Child of the forest, there is an unnatural evil to the North. If you want to dedicate yourself to my cause, search for a land of mist and you will find the opportunity that you seek." And so, on he went.

That SHOULD be perfect. If your DM rejects that it's an issue with the multiclass.

2019-04-25, 10:11 PM
Yeah, She rejected it. She said: So it wouldn't make sense for you to be a druid, because you were so young you wouldn't know about druidic tradition.

That's fine I guess. I'll just be a straight up grave cleric. IDK if she thought I was powergaming, but straight grave cleric is allot stronger than a shepherd druid grave cleric multiclass.

I'm really dissapointed though. I've been waiting to play that character for over a year. That druid was the original Aaedimus that inspired my username here.

2019-04-25, 10:20 PM
Try approaching it backwards, at this point. Politely say, "Hey, if you're alright with multiclassing, I really want to try this combination. And I feel like it would make a great character. Are there any backstories you would approve of? I'd like your help figuring this out."

If it's a "no dice," that's that, and you've tried. It's sounding like she may not want to deal with the combo or MC in general, but it's still possible she's just particular about what fits the flavor of the world to her. If it's the latter, then bringing her into the creative process and working from what she approves may get you a character you're both fond of.

2019-04-25, 10:29 PM
Well, we have a kenku sharpshooter, and a rogue fighter, so it's not strict about multiclassing... I think it was honestly just the story... It's to late, we've already played a session like that.

2019-04-25, 11:07 PM
Thematically, Circle of Spores might pair better with Grave.

At one point, I believe Mielikki’s portfolio included Autumn after Myrkul died. Doesn’t seem to be called out as a thing in 5e, and I guess Myrkul is back, too. But could be both Druid and Grave cleric in the metaphorical aspects of autumn: transition from summer/life to winter/death.

2019-04-25, 11:08 PM
I'm sorry. When you've put a lot of love into a character concept, it's like a mini grieving period if you have to let it go.

If it's any help, I'd be happy to hear about what you've got for the current version of your character. Were there any traits you carried over, or things you might be eager to play up for him?

2019-04-26, 11:35 AM
Lol idk, I tried playing as the same character but he was supposed to be a kind of wild, animalistic man that cared very much for people in need, and was mostly ruled by his emotions.
You remove the druid completely and none of that seems to fit anymore. Now he's just a priest.
I thought the social aspect would end up being super interesting. I was excited to play curse of strahd because I felt like it was really the only setting where I could create some really complex and deep social interactions and character development beyond the normally very shallow playstyle you get with most D&D. A real story building experience.
Honestly, I've been trying so hard to find that kind of experience, and I just can't...
Maybe it's because I'm 30, but I don't know any older D&D enthusiasts... i get all of my groups by attending adventures leagues than trying to get into private games.

I really love D&D, but it really makes me sad that I can't find that anywhere.

Maybe it gets to me more because I feel like all of my interactions in life are just as shallow as the games I play and maybe I really miss experiencing that deep kind of real social connection... damn. This just got really depressing

2019-04-26, 11:42 AM
It's funny, if she wanted to stop me from "powergaming" she took me from being the least optimized to being the most powerful member of the party. And if she wanted to have a socially focused game, she removed everything socially interesting about my character.