View Full Version : Help me build Captain Magic Missile, please.

2019-04-26, 10:27 AM
Inspired by a thread some time ago about a posters GF playing a Sorcerer that only ever utilized magic missile, and an upcoming soda and pretzels game, I was wondering if the community could help me develop the best ever magic missile spammer possible.

The general parameters:
PHB, Xanathar’s, Elemental Evil, and SCAG are acceptable source material.

UA is ok with GM permission, especially some of the earlier material. Recent Ravnica esque material has been less warmly received.

Multi-classing and Feats are OK.

Magic items can be purchased in the game world.

Looking at starting around level 8, and may go as high as 17.

GM is generally very player friendly.

High Concept is just someone who can make the most out of the humble magic missile spell.
Any effects that can be added or triggered by the spell are welcome (such as wild surge).

Versatility, melee capability, proficiencies, even survivability are secondary to the ability to shoot magic missiles.

Spells and abilities that enhance, support, or improve magic missile efficacy are prized here.

Crown of Stars would be considered part of the magic missile family.
Open to discovering any other spells or effects that could be similar or maybe re flavored to do the same.

Thank you to anyone who takes time out of their day to help with this.

2019-04-26, 10:30 AM
Question: Does Hex trigger when someone under it's spell gets hit by a Magic Missile? I don't really care about RAW or RAI, just you DMs opinion.

2019-04-26, 10:34 AM
Evoker Wizard with the old ruling on Empowered Evocation? Draconic Sorcerer with a Force Dragon (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Force_dragon) as their ancestor? Standard-issue Sorlock flavoring Eldritch Blast as also being Magic Missiles?

2019-04-26, 10:38 AM
Maybe talk to your DM about the UA Lore Wizard subclass. The level 3 and 6 abilities could definitely apply to magic missile for you, and give you some neat abilities to play around with in regards to your versatility with magic missiles by changing the damage type if you need to, as well as the damage and range of the spell. Its a strong subclass from what I've seen, but if you're just using it for magic missiles, I don't see what the harm would be.

2019-04-26, 10:40 AM
Our GM rules that Empowered Evocation can be applied to each target.

So no mega missile barrage to one foe, but you can spread the love more effectively.

Hex would only apply once in his universe as he would count the barrage as a single “attack”.

Exception would be if I hasted, surged or twinned the missiles somehow creating more than one attack.

Crown of stars bonus missile + magic missile and a wand blast of missiles could trigger Hex three times.

2019-04-26, 10:42 AM
The wording of Hex: "You deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack"
The rules on what constitutes an "attack": "If there's ever any question about whether something you're doing counts as an attack, the rule is simple: if you're making an attack roll, you're making an attack."

Magic Missile does not make an attack roll. It's not eligible for Hex. It IS eligible for Hexblade's Curse (as that only requires a damage roll). At least, this is what's true using the standard rules.

I think your best bet is to just go Evocation Wizard 14. You could cast Magic Missile against 10 creatures within 120 range, dealing a guaranteed 10 damage each, or you could cast 10 missiles against a single creature, dealing 55 guaranteed damage.

2019-04-26, 10:47 AM
If lore wizard is allowed, you can do that hexblade thing with another sweet trick to increase your damage again. Hit an enemy with a flask of oil using the catapult spell, then subsequently use the lore wizard’s features to change the magic missile so that it deals fire damage. This will more than double your damage per missile.

2019-04-26, 10:48 AM
Hmmm... I will discuss Lore Wizard with limits.
He had looked at it before and said “Nope”.

It gets me closer though.

Back in 3.5 I had a Wizard and a supplement that added all these fun feats for empowering low level spells.
Magic Missile being one of them. I remember it allowing for things like stunning missiles, headshot missiles, rebounding missiles, a light halo, etc...

Also been playing a lot of Pillars of Eternity lately and it has some variation of Magic Missile at each tier of play that gets increasingly awesome.

Maybe that is a route I need to explore:

Sketching up some homebrew Magic Missile Feats / Spells and seeking community consensus on balance.
Could be my lunch hour fun project for next week.

2019-04-26, 10:49 AM
So, my initial thought here would be to be to see if you can be a Draconic Sorcerer of type Force. If that is not possible, Wild Magic would be fun and slightly chaotic.

However, the most interesting may be playing a Divine Soul Sorcerer. You can cast bless to help out allies and other boosts that you get from Cleric spells. You can take guidance as a Cantrip too! So, now you aren't a one trick pony, but you can always help out your allies more than just casting magic missile.

You can easily spend your sorcery points to

Quicken: Cast MM twice in a turn
Twin: If you have all the MMs hit a single person, I don't see why you couldn't do this to hit the same creature for all 6 darts.
Empower: Since you only roll the die once for all the missiles, you can re-roll it cha mod times to try and get that 4 to make the damage as high as possible

At level 3, I would likely take Twin and Empower for this build.

You don't much care about upper level spells and you are focusing in combat with MM. So, you can afford to take social pillar spells and other buffing spells for allies that a sorcerer normally wouldn't.

Oh and for magical items, you need 3-4 wands of Magic Missile (of course).

2019-04-26, 10:50 AM
Hexblade curse applies the magic missiles as far as I know. So Prof to each missile is going to be the biggest boost to damage even if it only once a s/l rest

The twilight druid being UA is not a definite but it's definitely effective at using magic missile

counterspells going to be a must to prevent shield from shutting down a magic missile spammer

Too bad there isn't a staff of wands like there was in 3x.

2019-04-26, 10:51 AM
Hexblade curse applies the magic missiles as far as I know. So Prof to each missile is going to be the biggest boost to damage even if it only once a s/l rest

The twilight druid being UA is not a definite but it's definitely effective at using magic missile

counterspells going to be a must to prevent shield from shutting down a magic missile spammer

Too bad there isn't a staff of wands like there was in 3x.

The problem with that is that the DM in question ruled that Magic Missile, when affecting a single creature, counts as a single damage roll. 10 missiles against the same creature would activate Hexblade's Curse a total of 1 time.

2019-04-26, 10:54 AM
Well, evokers have the best magic missile, but if you can get a wand of magic missiles, then sorcerer would make sense since you would be able to both quicken one and use the wand in the same round. Warlock would also be good since they hve slots that recharge on a short rest. I think I would go for some multiclass of evoker and sorcerer, since you don't really mind not getting access to higher level spells. Probably sth like evoker 14/sorcerer 6 as the final build. Grab 2 sorcerer levels early perhaps and the the rest 4 after overchannel? Not really sure.

Definitely lots of wizard levels though. The good thing about this character, is that because they will only use magic missile in combat (and when attacking the darkness!), that leaves space for all your other spells to be good for out of combat utility. Wizards have tons of nice utility options. So maybe going with just wizard levels might not be a bad idea.

2019-04-26, 11:09 AM
The problem with that is that the DM in question ruled that Magic Missile, when affecting a single creature, counts as a single damage roll. 10 missiles against the same creature would activate Hexblade's Curse a total of 1 time.

Bonus damage is bonus damage. the problem with magic missiles if there's no attack roll so there's not a lot of things that affect it. Hexblade is a cheap dip for what you get out of it. Armor and shield proficiency, shield spell, short rest slot, eldritch blast to fall back on, and the hex curse for a boost for using low lv slots for magic missile.

2019-04-26, 11:10 AM
Hold your arcane focus sideways and shout "BRRR-AP-AP-AP-AP-AP-AP!" as you unleash your volley of unequivocal death and power

2019-04-26, 11:15 AM
Bonus damage is bonus damage. the problem with magic missiles if there's no attack roll so there's not a lot of things that affect it. Hexblade is a cheap dip for what you get out of it. Armor and shield proficiency, shield spell, short rest slot, eldritch blast to fall back on, and the hex curse for a boost for using low lv slots for magic missile.

Oh, I definitely agree. 2 levels into Warlock would add a lot to the concept, considering Eldritch Blast is very similar to Magic Missile. When you run out of Magic Missile spells, you resort to knockback Eldritch Blasts!

2019-04-26, 12:11 PM
Why, pray tell, are you playing a magic missile build with a GM who has ruled that multiple instances on the same creature count as the same damage roll? It seems like this takes a huge amount of oomph out of any magic missile build (and they're not even that great to begin with).

2019-04-26, 12:47 PM
Inspired by a thread some time ago about a posters GF playing a Sorcerer that only ever utilized magic missile, and an upcoming soda and pretzels game, I was wondering if the community could help me develop the best ever magic missile spammer possible.

Thank you to anyone who takes time out of their day to help with this.

If UA is allowed, Artillerist Artificer 3/War Wizard 5 - You should have had wealth and time enough as an 8th level character to have made a PILE(30+) of wands of magic missles(Crafting 2/week @ 100gp each). Your standard action is burning a spell slot for a force ballista turret + BA attack for 2d8 Force Damage. Following rounds Use 6 charges from a full wand for 8d4+8 Force damage to a target and BA to fire your turret. Average DPS is respectable ~37 damage per round. All at range and force damage is pretty solid.

Other interesting things about the build:
- Con save proficiency + War Wizard boosts means you should be great for concentration checks
- Pretty versatile spell section and are a 6th level caster for spell slots
- You can wear medium armor and carry a shield
- 2 Infusions which can be for example: +1 armor and a utility magic item like a bag of holding(to hold all those wands!)
- Effective AC should be something like 22 (18 Half Plate+1, Shield(+2), Arcane Deflection(+2))
- Expertise with a ton of tools
- Extra cantrips including Guidance!

Strongly recommend a gnome for this build for flavor and optimization. You won't be busting out top tier spells but you will be a very tough nut to crack and deal very consistent damage all day long.

2019-04-26, 01:42 PM
At least if it was a Ray build there are tons of supporting feats and rules that make it viable. Heck, Pathfinder Kingmaker as a build that lets you sneak attack with hellfire rays for hundreds of damage and they can crit.

But a magic missile build is all about speed of casting. It has none of the combat advantages fighters get swinging their own weapons a bunch of times, making it like a gimped fighter, save for the no miss aspect. You want a build that promotes extra casts per turn with a Sorcerer base to allow for metamagics.

So anything that gives you bonus actions to use on spells is a must along with either a supporting character to deal with Shield spells or your own silver bullet dispel wands. At least if you plan on spamming the same attack you already know all your weaknesses. Force immune creatures and line of sight are it. Speed of casting and amplification are your only ways of enhancing efficiency.

Since spell progression doesn't matter toooo much, it's worth dipping into Fighter 2 for the action surge. It comes with a few free benefits besides that like a style, which can be straight Defense, along with proficiency in light and medium armor, shields, simple and martial weapons. So you'll have some options when it comes to magic items and staying alive. Fighter has a 13 Dex requirement so you can go for AC.

Another thing is to note the playstyle begs for stalling for time. So acting defensively may be the ideal way to play the character rather than assuming you're the God of Thunder and can blast your enemies to smithereens.

2019-04-26, 01:49 PM
Sorcerer or coffeelock seem like your best bet, for sheer number of spell slots to devote to it and flexibility to modify the signature spell.

2019-04-26, 02:30 PM
Why, pray tell, are you playing a magic missile build with a GM who has ruled that multiple instances on the same creature count as the same damage roll? It seems like this takes a huge amount of oomph out of any magic missile build (and they're not even that great to begin with).

On the other hand, nothing is making a spell concentration check after being struck in the face with that.

2019-04-27, 11:12 AM
Be a protector asimar
Radiant Soul
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your action to unleash the divine energy within yourself, causing your eyes to glimmer and two luminous, incorporeal wings to sprout from your back.

Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. During it, you have a flying speed of 30 feet, and once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra radiant damage equals your level.

Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

2019-04-27, 12:20 PM
If you are starting above level 6, then I would suggest considering the Divination Wizard. I saw a build where the wizard casts Magic Missile (or any level 1 non-concentration buff spell) and then Mind Spike to get back the lower level slot, upcasting either Magic Missile or Mind Spike as needed for combats. The result was nearly doubling your daily spell slots with little concern for Arcane Recovery or AC.

Also, a successful Mind Spike should let you shoot Magic Missiles around several corners if your target is teleporting around in a maze.

2019-04-27, 12:31 PM
Divination also has the advantage of "You take 2 damage, make a DC 10 concentration check, your roll will be 3."

2019-04-27, 12:43 PM
I’ll second (or third) getting at least 2 multi-class levels of Warlock for the 2 SR-recharge slots. Ideally, you’d then go a Spellcasting class to maximize the number of spell slots you get.

I’d also recommend a Ring of Spell Storing to gain 5 extra MMs a day, or whenever you have a few hours of downtime to recharge it.

2019-04-27, 03:52 PM
I’ll second (or third) getting at least 2 multi-class levels of Warlock for the 2 SR-recharge slots. Ideally, you’d then go a Spellcasting class to maximize the number of spell slots you get.

I’d also recommend a Ring of Spell Storing to gain 5 extra MMs a day, or whenever you have a few hours of downtime to recharge it.

I’m not saying Warlock is bad, but I don’t expect there to be enough short-rests per day for the Warlock spell slots to really compete with this http://reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/7pmth7/5e_revolutionizing_divination_wizard_the_math/ at level 6 a Divination Wizard could double their spells per day, at level 12 they can get up to triple spells per day. Easily outclassing the Warlock multi-class and a Ring Of Spell Storing if we’re just using level 1 Magic Missiles.

2019-04-27, 03:58 PM
I’m not saying Warlock is bad, but I don’t expect there to be enough short-rests per day for the Warlock spell slots to really compete with this http://reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/7pmth7/5e_revolutionizing_divination_wizard_the_math/ at level 6 a Divination Wizard could double their spells per day, at level 12 they can get up to triple spells per day. Easily outclassing the Warlock multi-class and a Ring Of Spell Storing if we’re just using level 1 Magic Missiles.

Ah but what if they took three levels of Warlock to cast even more Mind Spikes?
(The answer is it'd still not be worth it just strictly looking at spell slots)

2019-04-27, 09:53 PM
Sketching up some homebrew Magic Missile Feats / Spells and seeking community consensus on balance.
Could be my lunch hour fun project for next week.

I don't know about feats and spells, but I like homebrewing magic items and I'm bored and avoiding homework. I'll take a stab here at a few ideas.

Extra missiles: This item stores charges; expend one when you cast magic missile at any level to add one extra missile to the spell.

Forceful missiles: Expending a charge on this feature knocks creatures hit by your missiles back 5ft. Perhaps allow a saving throw, but make it 5ft per missile (so if you focus on a single target with a high level magic missile, you can send him flying)

Persistent missiles: Expend a few charges on this one. Your missiles don't go away after hitting a target, but circle around to hit them again automatically at the start of your next turn.

Missile shower: Using this item as a focus, expend a 3rd level spell slot to cast magic missile. Instead of creating five missiles, three missiles are created for each creature (friend or foe) in a 20ft radius sphere. Or in a 120ft line. The missiles rain down from above.

Perhaps stack these effects into a single item. Here's an idea that weaves a few of these together.

The Missile Launcher
This special magical staff is hollow, with one open end and a special chamber at the other end. It is designed to load and launch fireworks. Once per day, a user can cast the spell Pyrotechnics but must select the fireworks version of the spell.
In addition, the staff holds 13 charges, and regains 2d6 + 1 charges each day at dawn. While holding the staff, you can expend one or more charges to gain the following benefits:

Extra Missiles:
When you cast magic missile, you can expend one charge to add an additional missile to this casting of the spell.

Forceful Missiles:
When you cast magic missile, you can expend one charge to empower your missiles with concussive force. Each creature targeted by at least one missile is knocked back 5ft.

Shower of Missiles:
When you use a 3rd level spell slot to cast magic missile, you can expend two charges to convert this casting of magic missile into a shower of missiles. Instead of summoning 5 darts, choose a point within range. Each creature within 20ft of that point is targeted by three darts, which otherwise function as specified by the spell.

Just a few ideas.

2019-04-27, 11:47 PM
I’m not saying Warlock is bad, but I don’t expect there to be enough short-rests per day for the Warlock spell slots to really compete with this http://reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/7pmth7/5e_revolutionizing_divination_wizard_the_math/ at level 6 a Divination Wizard could double their spells per day, at level 12 they can get up to triple spells per day. Easily outclassing the Warlock multi-class and a Ring Of Spell Storing if we’re just using level 1 Magic Missiles.

Not sure what your going for here. Are you suggesting that the OP go away from being “Capt Magic Missile” to become “Capt Mind Spike”? Also, as the divination feature isn’t based on level, I’m not sure why a two level Warlock dip still wouldn’t increase the number of 1st level slots.

And not sure why the Ring of Spell Storing wouldn’t still add 5 castings a day, at least, to any build.

2019-04-28, 01:09 AM
If UA is allowed, Artillerist Artificer 3/War Wizard 5 - You should have had wealth and time enough as an 8th level character to have made a PILE(30+) of wands of magic missles(Crafting 2/week @ 100gp each). Your standard action is burning a spell slot for a force ballista turret + BA attack for 2d8 Force Damage. Following rounds Use 6 charges from a full wand for 8d4+8 Force damage to a target and BA to fire your turret. Average DPS is respectable ~37 damage per round. All at range and force damage is pretty solid.

Other interesting things about the build:
- Con save proficiency + War Wizard boosts means you should be great for concentration checks
- Pretty versatile spell section and are a 6th level caster for spell slots
- You can wear medium armor and carry a shield
- 2 Infusions which can be for example: +1 armor and a utility magic item like a bag of holding(to hold all those wands!)
- Effective AC should be something like 22 (18 Half Plate+1, Shield(+2), Arcane Deflection(+2))
- Expertise with a ton of tools
- Extra cantrips including Guidance!

Strongly recommend a gnome for this build for flavor and optimization. You won't be busting out top tier spells but you will be a very tough nut to crack and deal very consistent damage all day long.

I once thought up a Gnome Artillerist Artificer singleclass, and having the same command word for all 6 Wands of Magic Missile in his 'gattling gun',
For at least 18d4+18 force damage per turn he could do it.

..I might make an NPC like that for my setting. Players can try to recruit him as an ally, or make an enemy out of him and regret it.

2019-04-28, 01:20 AM
Question: Does Hex trigger when someone under it's spell gets hit by a Magic Missile? I don't really care about RAW or RAI, just you DMs opinion.

No but I believe bestow curse would

2019-04-28, 02:28 AM
straight Wizard would be a pretty good option. maybe a one level War Cleric dip, idk.

as for School, I'd avoid Evocation as the school abilities don't really help you all that much with Magic Missile. Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination and Illusion would all be solid.

as mentioned, if you're only spamming Magic Missile and later Crown of Stars for damage spells, that leaves a TON of other slots for utility spells.

this actually sounds like a lot of fun and Magic Missile is a pretty proud little spell with a long history. just have a way of dealing with Shield spells.

i like it.

edit: would Disintegrate and Wall of Force be considered 'in the Magic Missile family'?

2019-04-28, 04:29 AM
Not sure what your going for here. Are you suggesting that the OP go away from being “Capt Magic Missile” to become “Capt Mind Spike”? Also, as the divination feature isn’t based on level, I’m not sure why a two level Warlock dip still wouldn’t increase the number of 1st level slots.

And not sure why the Ring of Spell Storing wouldn’t still add 5 castings a day, at least, to any build.

1. The build still uses the Magic Missile spell as one of it’s primary combat spells. Doesn’t stop them from using Crown Of Stars either.
2. Mind Spike is a garunteed hit, just like Magic Missile, so it seems to fit the build theme.
3. A failed save vs Mind Spike should allow Magic Missile to target a creature with Total Cover that is still in range.
4. The ability to have up to double or triple your spells per day, just by picking a core wizard specialization, seems easier to do than hoping for a specific magic item to be given to you.
5. Multiclassing to Warlock before Wizard 9 should reduce the highest number of spell slots available to cascade the exploit. I’m not saying no multiclass ever.
6. Spell slot renewal happens on casting a Divination spell, instead of having to wait out a short rest.
6a. Spamming low level non-concentration buffs on the Party before combat is less costly with the in-combat Divination renewal.

2019-04-28, 07:00 AM
I don't know about feats and spells, but I like homebrewing magic items and I'm bored and avoiding homework. I'll take a stab here at a few ideas.

Extra missiles: This item stores charges; expend one when you cast magic missile at any level to add one extra missile to the spell.

Forceful missiles: Expending a charge on this feature knocks creatures hit by your missiles back 5ft. Perhaps allow a saving throw, but make it 5ft per missile (so if you focus on a single target with a high level magic missile, you can send him flying)

Persistent missiles: Expend a few charges on this one. Your missiles don't go away after hitting a target, but circle around to hit them again automatically at the start of your next turn.

Missile shower: Using this item as a focus, expend a 3rd level spell slot to cast magic missile. Instead of creating five missiles, three missiles are created for each creature (friend or foe) in a 20ft radius sphere. Or in a 120ft line. The missiles rain down from above.

Perhaps stack these effects into a single item. Here's an idea that weaves a few of these together.

Just a few ideas.

This is pretty cool actually. Using properties that don't already exist to customize magic gear to the player's playstyle would really help make his preferred gameplay work for him. The existing items assume a wizard is playing according to the existing rules and not solely using a single spell. So if your player is going for that specialized combat approach, give him specialized gear for it.

2019-04-28, 07:52 AM
Inspired by a thread some time ago about a posters GF playing a Sorcerer that only ever utilized magic missile --

Hmmmm, this is eerily familiar subject! ;)

2019-04-28, 09:03 AM
So after absorbing a lot of info from the thread, I am leaning towards the following approaches:

1. Play a Wild Magic Sorcerer and gear my meta magic choices towards long range or silent / quickened missiles etc. GM is pro surges so could be fun.

2. An Evoker, and maybe splash some Sorcerer in there, for early meta magic, cantrips, etc....

3. A wizard and try to home brew my own subclass, built around magic missile mastery using some of the ideas in that custom magic item thread.
Some general thoughts:
Level 2 feature: Missiles do 1d6+1
Level 6 Feature: Casting Magic Missiles recovers a spell slot of one level lower than what is used. Casting the level 1 version of the spell is now a cantrip.
Level 10: piercing Missiles: Ignore force resistance. Force immune enemies are downgraded to resistant.
Level 14: Concussive Missiles: Magic Missiles now have a 5’ radius.

4. Option 4: Abandon the concept entirely and create a Blast Lock with all the blasty invocations.

2019-04-28, 10:01 AM
Quicken: Cast MM twice in a turn

Not possible. If you cast Magic Missile (or any other spell) with your bonus action then you are limited to a cantrip for your main action.

2019-04-28, 10:26 PM
Seconding Twilight Druid

2019-04-28, 11:38 PM
Option 4: Abandon the concept entirely and create a Blast Lock with all the blasty invocations.

Personally, abandoning a concept because it might not be über good is a bit boring option.
Not every character has to be godlike murdermachine. Sometimes flavor > function.
On hindsight, having played alongside my GF's magic missile sorcerer (yes, I believe it was my post you were talking about in the OP), ever since Xanathar's came out, I've been toying with the idea of actually trying this as a War Mage instead.

War Mage gets to add a flat bonus to damage with any wizard spell they cast (as long as they have power surges available). Since Magic Missile doesn't need an attack roll to deal its damage, I see little value in adding a bonus damage die or dice to it. Flat damage bonus can be much better, all things considered (in my opinion).

Besides, as a War Mage, you'll want to focus on spells that require concentration (especially at higher levels), so you can afford spending your spare spell slots on Magic Missiles.

2019-04-29, 06:24 PM
On the diviner mind spike build.

The fact that mind spike is only somatic is great.

However the damage is crap, having great max damage is good and all but not when it takes so long to get across.

2019-04-29, 08:41 PM
Personally, abandoning a concept because it might not be über good is a bit boring option.
Not every character has to be godlike murdermachine. Sometimes flavor > function.
On hindsight, having played alongside my GF's magic missile sorcerer (yes, I believe it was my post you were talking about in the OP), ever since Xanathar's came out, I've been toying with the idea of actually trying this as a War Mage instead.

War Mage gets to add a flat bonus to damage with any wizard spell they cast (as long as they have power surges available). Since Magic Missile doesn't need an attack roll to deal its damage, I see little value in adding a bonus damage die or dice to it. Flat damage bonus can be much better, all things considered (in my opinion).

Besides, as a War Mage, you'll want to focus on spells that require concentration (especially at higher levels), so you can afford spending your spare spell slots on Magic Missiles.

Thanks for jumping in.
Yeah, I think it was your post, and yeah I agree that fun > performance.

I like the idea of expansive missile barrages that light everything up, and tear enemies down in bright happy explosions.

Right now I am working with my GM on the idea of a Wizard Specialist Sub class like I sketched above.

Also toying with one built around mage armor.

2019-04-29, 08:43 PM
I like the idea of expansive missile barrages that light everything up, and tear enemies down in bright happy explosions.

Right now I am working with my GM on the idea of a Wizard Specialist Sub class like I sketched above.

If he's not a fan of a single spell being all you cast, maybe suggest Greater magic missile spells.


2019-04-30, 01:44 AM
Magic missile cheese wint 2ork with this dm.

Go divination wizard/ hexblade and spam mind spike while getting a lower level spell slot back each time you cast it