View Full Version : Quickly Solved Problems

2019-04-27, 03:35 PM
I love playing adventure modules. I don't know what it is, I simply enjoy it more than running my own series of events. This is pretty weird, however, since my DM style is pretty homebrewed, and I love adding my own material to modules. I just love how they always include something I would never think of.

Our next group is a Heroes-for-Hire setup, and we've agreed that each "mission" should only take a number of session equal to our level. This means that our contracts (aka case-files) will include a 1-session and a 2-session long mission.

Are there any adventure hooks (aka case-files) that only take a session or two to complete, from an adventure module (official or DMguild)?

I know I can easily make something up, but each session is to me an opportunity play a module.

2019-04-27, 03:38 PM
If I remember right, the book Tales from the Yawning Portal is full of short pre-made adventures.

2019-04-27, 04:04 PM
If I remember right, the book Tales from the Yawning Portal is full of short pre-made adventures.

I was reading over that one yesterday, I was thinking about just cutting a big chunk out of Sunless Citadel, since I quite like that adventure.

Which part, which hook?

We've made a sort of contract system where each player can enter a made up case-file in a shared document. It's pretty much a collection of adventure hooks, made by the players. We are rotating DMs each level, so this gives each DM some inspiration for what to run. It also doubles as world-building and anticipation-building, since players will definitely talk about which case they find the most interesting.

I'm mentioning this because I kinda have to advertise the hook ahead of time.

2019-04-27, 09:04 PM
If I remember right, the book Tales from the Yawning Portal is full of short pre-made adventures.
Not really. More like a series of big dungeons. (Hell, Dead In Thay looks like it'd be an entire campaign all by itself)