View Full Version : 3.5 Aquatic Ranger - Tracking ...

2019-04-28, 02:28 PM
The feature "Track in Water" says "An aquatic ranger can follow a trail even across streams or underwater. Such terrain cannot hold tracks, but the ranger uses faint scent traces and lingering disturbances in the water to follow the recent passage of his quarry. Since water (especially if moving) quickly washes away the trail, the Survival DC modifier for tracking in water is +10. For each minute that passes since the trail was made, the DC also increases by 1 (or by 5 in flowing water). Tracking through rushing or stormy water is impossible, except to a character under the effect of a wake trailing spell."

My first gut feel was that it replaces track and only works in water. But all of the language seems to indicate that it is just a more versatile version ("even across streams").

It also doesn't say it's a separate feat, nor that the aquatic ranger does not get the feat. It honestly seems to allow the character to apply the abilities of the feat in additional ways?

How do most interpret the ability?

The Viscount
2019-04-29, 04:31 PM
I would say that this is an expansion of how Track works, and only benefits a ranger who does not trade away Track. It's not a substitution because it doesn't mention anything being lost or replaced, as it does with woodland stride below.

2019-04-29, 05:42 PM
I would say that this is an expansion of how Track works, and only benefits a ranger who does not trade away Track. It's not a substitution because it doesn't mention anything being lost or replaced, as it does with woodland stride below.

My ruling is that this ability enhances the Ranger's ability to use the Track feat.
If you trade the feat away, you do not benefit from this ability unless you then take/get Track again as a feat or through another ability.

2019-05-01, 08:57 AM
Thanks! That's how I read it too --- strange that it enhances the ability without any cost / downside. Not complaining though