View Full Version : Pandoras Actor homebrew esc class for 5e

2019-04-28, 04:31 PM
So I really enjoy the idea of a class or etc that can copy abilities and etc.
Moon druid kinda does this

But what I was thinking was make it humanoid instead of beast. And allow it to imitate that many levels of an ally

Here's what I got so far

Hit dice
Requirements = channeling or shapeshifter
Simple weapons
No armor
No shields

3 skills from
Investigation, insight, perception, deception, persuasion, intimidation, stealth
1. Shape Copy
1/2 level rounded up for CR or amount of levels can copy. If something is higher level than your form is capable of copying you copy amount of levels your form can. You use their currently prepared spells if a caster

1/2 the form hp is thp. When thp is gone form ends
Physically indistinguishable from the original*
Mental stats are yours
Use their str, dex, con and any combat feats they have. Elemental adept, great weapon master, sharpshooter, savage attacker.
Use your proficiency
Racial features and resistances are copied
Skill proficiency isn't copied
Armor and weapon proficiency is copied

Any combat related feats you have don't transfer over

Last for number of Hours equal to proficiency bonus
Once per short rest increasing by 1 at ,5,9, and 11

2 , detect thoughts at will but only surface thoughts

3. Form master , when swapping into a form if your carrying armor for that form or a spell focus for it the armor is donned and/or foci put in your hand.

4. A.S.I

5. +1 use of shape copy. Cr or level copy.of 3

6. You have advantage on checks to pass as a form if your reading the surface thoughts of someone who knows them

7. Cr or level copy of 4, add your doppelganger* level to thp you have for shape copy

8. A.S.I

9. Cr or level copy of 5,* +1 use

10 form master add half proficiency bonus rounded down* to c.r or level copy. Copy level 7

11. Copy level 8 , +1 use

12.* A.S.I

13. Copy level 9

14. Their is no longer a time limit for how long you can stay in a form and the temp h.p doesn't dissapear on a long rest

15. Copy level 11

16. Add proficiency to a spells damage or healing, or to damage from a weapon attack.

17.* form cr or level 12

18. A.S.I

19 cr or level 13

20. When a forms thp is reduced to 0 you can spend 1 charge as a reaction to put it back at its max without leaving form

Wording probably needs worked on and that's something I'm not terribly great at.

I have no idea how to word it so that u cant just spam the highest available levels

Was thinking of limiting it to 5th level spells as the highest allowed (sonce warlock gets 5th level back on short rest.)

Thoughts ?

And I'm pretty sure this is gonna be something I scrap because the balance would be rough

Just wanna see you guys brainstorm and see what can be thought of to make something rather fun

Idea is that the forms are higher c.r than moon druid but you arent normally spellcaster