View Full Version : Archery 3.X (D20 M)

2019-04-28, 10:25 PM
So I am playing an Archer in a D20 M Game (Rwby Style)

and where allowed feats from 3.5 and pathfinder
and I want to go with an Archery style build

I am level 5 and would like to know what feats i should take
I get Prof with my weapon for free
and I start with two bonus feats as a GM Boon

2019-04-29, 02:22 AM
Before anything else: point blank shot and precise shot.

Without those two feats your ability to fire into melee is very limited (wiht them it is still limited, but not as badly.

After those two feats you can start looking and what suits your character concept, but improve initiative can be a good idea - trying to get to the point where you can fill the opponents with arrows before the party's beatsticks get in the way and provide cover.

2019-04-29, 04:27 AM
Try those:


T.G. Oskar
2019-04-29, 06:36 AM
So I am playing an Archer in a D20 M Game (Rwby Style)

and where allowed feats from 3.5 and pathfinder
and I want to go with an Archery style build

I am level 5 and would like to know what feats i should take
I get Prof with my weapon for free
and I start with two bonus feats as a GM Boon

Quick question(s): do the 3.5/PF bonus feats count for the bonus feats acquired from classes? What books from d20 Modern are allowed (i.e., does your GM allow Urban Arcana)? Also, what's your build?

Since d20 Modern is a bit more friendly with feats (you get 1 bonus feat every even level with Base Classes, and every 3 levels with most Advanced Classes), you end up with a lot more feat slots than in 3.5 OR PF (barring a PF Fighter 20, which gets a feat slot every level), and using 3.5 feat versions can save you a few slots. As for the books: since it's meant to be a d20 Modern game, I presume you're using those classes, and not merely the campaign chassis and the classes from the 3.5/PF books (hence, how you get to use those feats). This is important because, if you use d20 Modern classes, you're roughly better suited with Urban Arcana classes, which give you some variance.

Using the Core Rulebook alone, your best bet is to go Fast 4/Shadow Slayer 10, because it combines good Defense (from Fast Hero), gives you Evasion (super good), Uncanny Dodge 1 (also very good), and despite the delay, you only use 1 point of BAB, while getting things like Fast Healing, DR/manufactured weapons, actually turns your weapon into a magic weapon, favored enemy against certain creatures, and you still get three bonus feats. Otherwise, you could go Fast 3/Psionic Agent 10 and get sweet utility powers (like Dimension Door, or Fly) and get to spend your psionic points to boost your damage with your weapon. Top off with Archaic Weaponsmaster or Soldier (I prefer the latter, since it gives you free Improved Crit. in 5 levels) and you're golden.

Based on that, you'll probably get around 4-5 bonus feats (1-2 from Fast Hero, then 3 from the advanced class you take to level 10). You should focus on Point-Blank Shot (prerequisite for many feats), Precise Shot (lets you fire into melee, and also counts as a prerequisite for a ton of feats), then Rapid Shot (+1 attack, but -2 attack bonus), Deadly Aim (like Power Attack, except for ranged attacks and at a rate of -1 AB: +2 damage, increasing every 4 points of BAB), and then immediately get Clustered Shots on your first opportunity (once you get BAB +6). That, plus high-explosive arrows (+1 damage dice, but it's super expensive and very hard to get; it's on Urban Arcana if you want to find it) or a handful of Willie P-tipped arrows (White Phosphorus, +1d6 fire damage, also on Urban Arcana, just as expensive as High Explosive) and have fun. That's roughly 5 feats, so it's easy to achieve and pretty cost effective, feat-wise (now, Wealth-wise...)

From there, you're free to choose your feats as you desire. Before I forget: Precise Strike, from Urban Arcana. If you have enough Action Points, you're pretty sure to NEVER miss, as you hit Touch AC with all attacks you make that round.

2019-04-29, 11:32 AM
If you're allowed to use PoW (or borrow styles from it for ToB), I suggest looking at the Solar Wind style (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/solar-wind-maneuvers/).