View Full Version : Player Help Help build me a lightning emperor

2019-04-29, 06:49 AM
I'm nearing the next milestone in a campaign and require a suitable godlike being to stand at its end. The character is well known for his tremendous mastery over electricity, sporting mostly electric powers, buffs, and abilities that "may" be electrically powered in nature. The mere thought of including Fireball in a spell list is unthinkable.

What are some ways you would min-max optimize such a character? I was thinking of going Sorcerer for starters because it seems to have the most elemental advantages and ways to utilize a smaller spell list for optimal lightning-focused combat. Kind of wish Fire Shield had a Thunder Shield variant or something...

Anyhow, picture a superhero like Thor and call down the lightning. How do you make a guy who is good at one thing and only one thing but still strikes enough fear to subjugate a nation with the terror of his power?

2019-04-29, 10:05 AM
What level? This is a pc? What books are allowed?

2019-04-29, 11:41 AM
What level? This is a pc? What books are allowed?

Yeah we kinda need that info.

Also, Druids get a lot of storm spells too, though only Sorcerers get the single-target spells like the Orb series.

2019-04-29, 12:32 PM
What level? This is a pc? What books are allowed?

Full build, lvl 20. It's technically an NPC but being built as a PC. Anything goes because this is primarily a way to peek into splats I haven't read yet.

Druid can work too, it just has to be entirely lightning-based or themed. Kind of a Raiden, God of Lightning vibe. Looking for electrical defenses, attacks, debuffs, controls (stuns), pretty much whatever can fit the concept. The PCs are going to have a particular artifact that shuts down these sorts of abilities rendering him effectively powerless against the person holding it.

Oh and feats too that enhance his lightning mastery or make those lightning bolts even more devastating. Thematic flavor is acceptable too, like being resistant to his own brand of stunning or blindness.

2019-04-29, 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Kyutaru
Druid can work too, it just has to be entirely lightning-based or themed…. Looking for electrical defenses, attacks, debuffs, controls (stuns), pretty much whatever can fit the concept.

Have you looked at the Stormlord PrC? From Complete Divine, p. 65. Not overwheming, but very thematic. Druid with some Stormlord could be an interesting chassis for your concept. It's a 10/10 divine casting PrC, so you won't lose out on any druid casting levels.

Originally Posted by Kyutaru
The PCs are going to have a particular artifact that shuts down these sorts of abilities rendering him effectively powerless against the person holding it.

In which case the feat Born of Three Thunders might be useful, to surprise the PCs when they think they have the upper hand.


2019-04-29, 01:42 PM
I'll second Born of Three Thunders, especially if Eberron material is on the table so you can take Mark of the Dauntless to eliminate its drawback.

Stormcaster, from the book Stormwrack, is pretty good and highly thematic.

Druid and Sorcerer are both good base classes. If you want something a little weirder, grab Shugenja and choose fire or air as your primary element (fire because that's where all the lightning spells are, air because that gives you access to both fire and water as your secondary elements). Shugenja qualifies you for Stormcaster at 7th or 8th level, IIRC.

EDIT: Energy Substitution (electricity), required for Born of Three Thunders, lets you turn any elemental spell into an electricity spell.

2019-04-30, 11:44 AM
So far I love the idea of the lvl 3 Stormlord ability to Storm Walk. It seems to require a cleric of Talos though. I might need to fudge the requirements if I go that route even if it's just a 3 level dip. It's something of a Zeus feel focused on javelins which isn't quite what I'm going for.

Stormcaster definitely seems more my speed with the enhanced caster levels and spontaneous thunderclaps. Having Shield of Winds as an immediate reaction is huge and the Call Storm secures his role as a dominating emperor. Lord of the Storm perfectly fits the concept.

The PrC even suggests Energy Substitution so that's in for sure. Born of Three Thunders is another great feat for this but it's metamagic and may interfere with his plans to Widen, Empower, or Extend everything. I'll have to see how devastating a storm featuring them all would be. Mark of the Dauntless is a gem and automatically included as a defense with great synergy indeed. Needs a dragonmark so I'll have him get a tattoo. Mark of Storm anyone?

Any other ideas? The base book has enough spells I think given all the ways to metamagic them but I'd like to somehow transfer them from one spell book to the other. Meaning either give Druids the lightning bolt spell, chain lightning etc or give Sorcerers the call lightning and storm spells.

2019-04-30, 12:09 PM
Do black puddings still split when hit by lightning? What about some half-blue dragon black puddings as shock troops?

2019-04-30, 12:26 PM
Do black puddings still split when hit by lightning? What about some half-blue dragon black puddings as shock troops?

Can animals mate with fungus? That sounds like we're pushing the cheese level royally.

2019-04-30, 12:50 PM
One of the unique NPC abilities in DMG2 is storm-themed and would be perfect for this character. You should also consider mechanatrix for the race–they heal from lightning damage.

For class, what about Domain Wizard with the Storm domain? Not only does it have all the spells you want, it also gets +1 CL for them.

2019-04-30, 12:52 PM
Can animals mate with fungus? That sounds like we're pushing the cheese level royally.

Dragons can mate with almost anything. They are quite broad-minded, apparently.

Isn’t there a feat that requires you to be hit by lightning as a precondition but gives you some electricity abilities? Dmg 2 or phb 2?

2019-04-30, 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Kyutaru
[Stormlord] seems to require a cleric of Talos though.

Nope; the first sentence mentions that druids are among the most common members of the PrC.

Originally Posted by Kyutaru
Meaning either give Druids the lightning bolt spell, chain lightning etc….

Druids have Call Lightning at third level, Arc of Lightning at fourth level, and Call Lightning Storm at fifth level, which seems reasonably lightning-y.

Also don’t forget Storm Shield, which your Lightning Emperor might think of a clever use for.

Originally Posted by Kyutaru
Can animals mate with fungus?

Dragons are notorious for leaving their genes where you’d never expect. :smallamused:

2019-04-30, 03:53 PM
If it's an NPC you can go with unorthodox races. Giving a Storm Rider (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fey/20040110a)
20 class levels could result in a pretty cool bad guy. Thunder Child (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/thunder-child-creature-cr-2/) is a Pathfinder template but also seems very appropriate.

2019-04-30, 04:53 PM
If it's an NPC you can go with unorthodox races. Giving a Storm Rider (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fey/20040110a)
20 class levels could result in a pretty cool bad guy. Thunder Child (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/thunder-child-creature-cr-2/) is a Pathfinder template but also seems very appropriate.

Ooh, I'd forgotten about Storm Riders.

That also reminds me of the Stormsinger prestige class: convert your bardic music into lightning bolts that do damage equal to your Perform check, control winds, and storm of vengeance, among other things. Full casting progression, and one extra use of bardic music per level.

Either way, this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3IxDrTtqYY) should be the theme song of the character.

EDIT: had the wrong version of the song. Fixed now.

2019-04-30, 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kyutaru
Stormcaster definitely seems more my speed…. Lord of the Storm perfectly fits the concept.

If you’re set on Stormcaster, then Druid 5/Stormcaster 10 could be a good starting point. If you’re open to Pathfinder material, Shaping Focus (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/shaping-focus/) will advance your wildshape to the equivalent of a ninth-level druid. That plus Natural Spell will give you stormcasty goodness from whatever altitude you choose.

(Probably the PCs will have flight too, but at least make them work for it.)

Originally Posted by PoeticallyPsyco
Either way, this should be the theme song of the character.

No, this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skuSBWWmqrw) should. :smalltongue:

2019-04-30, 05:51 PM
Probably not as good as Sorcerer for this NPC, but Warmage also gets a bunch of electricity spells, and can slot into Stormcaster.

In terms of spells, while not lightning based, Great Thunderclap (SC p.107) is a fit thematically, and a neat spell. No SR, and forces three saves (Fort, Ref and Will) to avoid being deafened, knocked prone and/or stunned.

The reserve feats (CM) Clap of Thunder and Storm Bolt and both good fits, if you can squeeze them in.

2019-04-30, 06:06 PM
For class, what about Domain Wizard with the Storm domain? Not only does it have all the spells you want, it also gets +1 CL for them.
I have to look into that one. That sounds very promising.

Probably not as good as Sorcerer for this NPC, but Warmage also gets a bunch of electricity spells, and can slot into Stormcaster.
Warmage I'm not completely sold on because it can't Heavy armor cast and takes 15 levels to get Widen so it doesn't stand out as that special. It does however get auto-empower at 7th level... that can be very good.

No, this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skuSBWWmqrw) should. :smalltongue:
And here I was thinking this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihjx3mX75y8) should. At the least, Thor demonstrates the concept quite well.

2019-04-30, 06:36 PM
Other lightning options:

Lightning Leap: Spell from Complete Mage that transports you up to 60ft in the form of a bolt of lightning, damaging anything in your path.
Stormrage: Spell from Complete Divine and Spell Compedium that lets you fly while surrounded by a barrier of winds, shooting lightning from your eyes.
Conductivity (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/spelltouchedFeats.htm#conductivity): Feat that lets you shoot lightning after you take electricity damage
Blue Dragon Lineage: Feat from Dragon Magic that lets you burn a spell slot to shoot 1 orb of lightning per spell level, each dealing 1d6+Cha damage.
Mechanatrix: Planetouched race from Fiend Folio that's immune to electricity, and heals 1 hit point for every 3 points of damage they would have taken.

2019-04-30, 06:53 PM
If you go Stormcaster, you should find a way to pick up Discordant Malediction (Complete Mage, page 102). Combine it with Born of the Three Thunders and cast it on yourself. You'll be dazed for one round, but the spell lasts 24 hours so you're fine. Stormcaster makes you immune to the damage from Discordant Malediction but the effect (1d6 electric, 1d6+5 sonic, Three Thunders Stun/Knockdown, and Thunderbolt stun) still activates every time you cast any spell. It's thematically appropriate and somewhat useful if enemies try to get close.

2019-04-30, 11:11 PM
No mention of Storm Elementals in MM3? You can get a greater one with Summon Nature's Ally VIII, or Summon Monster IX, or a huge one for one spell level lower. If using Summon Nature's Ally you can use Ashbound to buff it and a Ring of the Beast to summon one from a lower level spell (or summon multiples of them for the same spell level).

Consider making him an Archivist (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051007a&page=3), this allows him to cast nearly any spell in the game (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?445204-Lowest-level-versions-of-spells). Plus you can dip something for Divine Metamagic: Persistent. Archivist 11 gets decent class features (no-save stun!) and leaves room for prestige classes.

Definitely get Energy Substitution: Electricity and use it with a Persistent Three Thunders Flame Blade and/or Ice Axe. So he'll have a 2d12+10 thunder and lightning axe, and/or a 1d8+10 thunder and lightning sword, each of which stuns and knocks prone a target on a hit. You can even empower those for 50% more damage. TWF and Gloves of the Balanced Hand, with DMM: Persistent Divine Power should be a given. You can power attack with those, dealing additional damage of the same type as the weapon itself, in which case include Armbands of Might as well.

Include Energy Substituted, Three Thunders, Fell Frighten, Persistent Fire Shield (twice, a cold version and a hot version). Anyone who hits him in melee with a non-reach weapon takes damage from both of those and gets Shaken > Frightened for ten rounds, in addition to needing to save against two Three Thunders spells. He'll be literally surrounded by a terrifying thunderstorm, which happens to protect him from fire and cold.

Consider giving him a 6th level Pearl of Power and a standard Metamagic Rod of Extend. Every other day prepare Energy Immunity twice, use the pearl to cast it three times with the rod so each lasts 48 hours. On the days in between, prepare Superior Resistance and Energy Immunity each once, cast those and use the pearl to cast Energy Immunity a second time, using the rod on each, so they'll last 48 hours. This grants constant immunity to all five energy types and a +6 resistance bonus to saving throws, for two 6th level spells per day and those two items.

Consider including two or more levels of Hexer from Masters of the Wild to give him a few choice Sorcerer/Wizard spells, such as Arcane Spellsurge* from Dragon Magic. He can DMM: Persist that and cast a spell every round that's automatically quickened for free and still be able to full attack. I would actually make him some kind of big guy like a Primordial Giant Half-Ogre or similar. Have him use (Greater) Planar Ally or maybe Obtain Familiar + Improved Familiar for a Storm Elemental that carries him around like he's standing on a stormcloud. This can also give him the needed mobility and reach to full attack every round with his thunder and lightning axes/swords, while spamming swift-action spells every round. He can even use Time Stop as a swift action, summon a bunch of storm elementals, and still get to full attack.

*After typing that all out I re-read Arcane Spellsurge, it specifies reduced casting time for arcane spells. However, since you're the DM and it's thematically appropriate since lightning is fast, you could just say he's researched a divine version of it that only functions with other thematically appropriate spells.

2019-05-01, 12:03 PM
I'm going to put in another vote for Stormsinger. It advances any spellcasting, so your entry path can be pretty flexible (Divine Bard and for heavy armor casting, and if you don't want any Bard casting you can get Bardic Music from Warrior Skald at the cost of a caster level). This also gives you fallback options when the PCs negate your lightning powers with Bardic Musics. With Draconic Heritage and Dragonfire Inspiration you can use Inspire Courage optimization to give your minions (emperor gods have minions, right?) Lightning damage on hit.

2019-05-01, 01:30 PM
I think you probably want inspire awe over inspire courage, if that's what you're doing.

2019-05-01, 01:36 PM
I think you probably want inspire awe over inspire courage, if that's what you're doing.

Bard base with Inspire Awe into Sublime Chord and you can pick up Inspire Courage with Warrior Skald to have both. Sublime Chord gives you two lost caster levels for free since you can't get in till 11 but only need 3rd level spells (Bard 8) and you still end with 9s. You can lose more caster levels if your spellcasting comes from Sorcerer or Wizard (or an own casting PRC ).

Rough build:
Silverbrow Human
Human Paragon 1/Bard 6/Human Paragon +2/Warrior Skald 1/Sublime Chord 2/Stormsinger 8
Alternate Class Features (minimum): Inspire Awe
Feats: Magical Aptitude (1), Draconic Heritage - Brass (H), Power Attack (3), Cleave (6), OPEN (B7), Dragonfire Inspiration (9), Storm Magic (12), rest open.

Sprinkle ACFs and Feats to taste.

2019-05-01, 03:27 PM
If we using Bard, then Seeker of the Song have Anthem of Thunder and Pain, Refrain - 20' ray, touch attack, 10d6 electricity damage, may arc to additional targets

How about psionics? Kineticist (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030328b)...

Storm Druid (Dragon #328) can spontaneously convert prepared spells into Storm Magic (Obscuring Mist, Gust of Wind, Call Lightning, Air Walk, Call Lightning Storm, Chain Lightning, Control Weather, Whirlwind, or Storm of Vengeance)

For Sorcerer: Dragon #330 has "Sorcerers are special...ists, too" article, which introduced Spheres for Sorcerers: +1 CL for the "in-Sphere" spells, but -2 CL to spells from the "opposite" Sphere
Also, if you're OK to trade away the Familiar, Dragon #332 have Draconic Ray ACF - it does 1d4+Sorcerer's level damage, and inflicts some debuffing rider effects; unfortunately, it's just 1/day

And how about the Breath Weapon?
Say, Half-Dragon (Blue or Bronze), then - Clinging Breath, Enlarge Breath, Flyby Breath, Lingering Breath, Split Breath, Shape Breath, Spreading Breath, Extend Spreading Breath, Strafing Breath, Entangling Exhalation, Exhaled Barrier...