View Full Version : Your character's last words

2019-04-29, 07:27 AM
I just finished reading a book where the main character in it was obsessed with people's last words. Have you ever thought what your character's last words would be?

Are last words even a thing in a reality where death is potentially temporary and mutable?

I must go in, the fog is rising - Emily Dickinson
Tomorrow, I shall no longer be here - Nostradamus
"One never knows the ending. One has to die to know exactly what happens after death, although Catholics have their hopes." - Alfred Hitchcock
"Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man." - Che Guevara
"A dying man can do nothing easy." - Benjamin Franklin
"Lord help my poor soul." - Edgar Allan Poe
"Now is not the time for making new enemies." - Voltaire, after being asked by a priest to renounce Satan

--- Sourced from a clickbate article on the internet, so I make no claim as to whether or not these are correct.

2019-04-29, 07:31 AM
This is important, people!

2019-04-29, 07:45 AM
I'd like to think it'd be something witty or inspiring..

Honestly, my Cleric would probably say "Use the Scroll of Revivify in my Bag of Holding."

My Sorcerer would probably curse the gods for being petty ****s.

My Paladin.. would probably ask the party to bring his body home if they can, or a proper burial if they can't.

2019-04-29, 07:47 AM
"See you next tuesday."

Because really, when are your last words going to *stay* your last words?

2019-04-29, 07:50 AM
"See you next tuesday."

Because really, when are your last words going to *stay* your last words?

It does make Nathan Hale seem kind of silly ("I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.")

2019-04-29, 08:07 AM
"Ooo, what's this button do?"

2019-04-29, 08:10 AM
"Ooo, what's this button do?"
Honestly feel like this is the most honest.

Alternatively: "Don't worry, I have a plan."

2019-04-29, 08:12 AM
"Ooo, what's this button do?"

Honestly feel like this is the most honest.

Alternatively: "Don't worry, I have a plan."

"Ohhh, that looks pretty" - Several Rogues I've had

2019-04-29, 08:15 AM
"Ohhh, that looks pretty" - Several Rogues I've had
I also want to highlight my friend's Barbarian. Walked up to the corrupt guard's captain.


2019-04-29, 08:20 AM
"Oops." - Aster Underfoot, Wild Magic Sorcerer

2019-04-29, 08:53 AM
Maybe not the character's last words, but my last words in-character for my PF wizard was announcing the success of the anti-apocalypse plan to the HQ.

The wizard then disappeared for good, leaving all his possession behind. Probably went to another plane.

2019-04-29, 08:59 AM
The last words of a hobbit thief that I played in AD&D:

"I'll check for traps."

Missed the roll, dropped into green slime, and that was the end of that hobbit. (Yes, they made us call them halflings in the book, but he was a hobbit thief, damnit!)

2019-04-29, 09:52 AM
"See you next tuesday."

This is more of my last words as a player, since most games I've been in just stop without warning at some point during the week.

As for characters, I've noticed that they tend not to get last words. The way dying works is that it's usually pretty sudden and you're unconscious while doing death saves, so a lot of times you get knocked out by an unlucky hit, then just bite it. Two of the deaths in one of my campaigns were from disintegrate, so even less chance of last words. So if you mean the last thing they said, it usually ended up being something like, "We should stealth" "I'll cast detect magic" or "let's go north to explore that passage." So, something quite mundane.

2019-04-29, 10:22 AM
I just finished reading a book where the main character in it was obsessed with people's last words. Have you ever thought what your character's last words would be?

Are last words even a thing in a reality where death is potentially temporary and mutable?

I must go in, the fog is rising - Emily Dickinson
Tomorrow, I shall no longer be here - Nostradamus
"One never knows the ending. One has to die to know exactly what happens after death, although Catholics have their hopes." - Alfred Hitchcock
"Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man." - Che Guevara
"A dying man can do nothing easy." - Benjamin Franklin
"Lord help my poor soul." - Edgar Allan Poe
"Now is not the time for making new enemies." - Voltaire, after being asked by a priest to renounce Satan

--- Sourced from a clickbate article on the internet, so I make no claim as to whether or not these are correct.

so i had a paladin dragonborn, his thing was he could not die, or more like no one would let him stay dead to long. it got to the point where he was throwing him self into deaths arms as he know the party would bring him back. So i had some fun with last words. things like see you soon as his head was getting cut off.

My favoret

"Its just a gate house, not like its meant to kill people."
"That is exactly what it is meant for gloth"
"I'll be back with the dwarf king in a moment."

2019-04-29, 10:39 AM
My Paladin has been dead once before, carrying the dying body of his Dwarven comrade through a battlefield in the hopes of finding safety. He didn't really learn his lesson so if he were to end up dead I'd imagine his last words would be something along the lines of "Don't worry about me, let's just get you out of here alive."

My Bloodhunter on the other hand, would probably just let loose a string of expletives, cursing the very idea that he would be dead while he still had work to do.

2019-04-29, 11:04 AM
"Wait, I don't get advantage on the save because I lost concentration last round so that roll was actually a 5. Is that good eno...."


"They can do that?"

"I've got this."

2019-04-29, 11:16 AM
This is more of my last words as a player, since most games I've been in just stop without warning at some point during the week.

As for characters, I've noticed that they tend not to get last words. The way dying works is that it's usually pretty sudden and you're unconscious while doing death saves, so a lot of times you get knocked out by an unlucky hit, then just bite it. Two of the deaths in one of my campaigns were from disintegrate, so even less chance of last words. So if you mean the last thing they said, it usually ended up being something like, "We should stealth" "I'll cast detect magic" or "let's go north to explore that passage." So, something quite mundane.

The Angry GM had an article (https://theangrygm.com/fighting-spirit/) about that which I've been meaning to pilfer from for quite a while.

Justin Sane
2019-04-29, 11:21 AM
"I should have seen this comiiiiiiiiiiiiing..." - Kaervek, Goblin Warlock, as he was plummeting into a hellpit after annoying an angel.

2019-04-29, 11:40 AM
"I should have seen this comiiiiiiiiiiiiing..." - Kaervek, Goblin Warlock, as he was plummeting into a hellpit after annoying an angel.

Is that potential/planned, or what actually happened?

Justin Sane
2019-04-29, 11:56 AM
Is that potential/planned, or what actually happened?Actually happened - I had plans to retire the character, and my DM is awesome, so I knew he was going out sometime soon, and things just fell (hah!) into place.

For bonus points - context:

Our group's Sun Soul Monk is a huge fan of preemptive retaliation, so he was visited by the angel that was protecting his former monastery to educate him on the finer points of mercy and the virtue of redemption, all the while waggling his eyebrows suggestively in the direction of the goblin (who always commemorated particularly tough battles with a hearty meal of "Mystery Meats, bloody rare on the inside, charred to a crisp on the outside" - in other words, group was well aware of his alignment).

At some point in the conversation, Kaervek got bored, as he usually did, and said something like "What, are you slow, or something? If you have the power to crush your enemies, why the [redacted] are you letting them gain power? Want their allies to get ideas? Want them to become too powerful for you to handle? What kind of angel are you?".

He really should have seen it coming.

2019-04-29, 12:57 PM
Currently playing a level 5 zealot so his last words would probably be "See you later" or in his best Arnold accent "I'll be back."

2019-04-29, 01:00 PM
Zealot Barbarian's last words: "Tatoo".

On his body is a tattoo saying you'll get a really big gem to resurrect him. Of course, he's a Zealot Barbarian, so resurrecting him has no material costs. Upon revival, he claims that the really big gem in question is the one you used to revive him (which was never lost).

2019-04-29, 01:04 PM
"Okay I'll have a peak inside the devil mouth. "

2019-04-29, 01:07 PM
"Did one of you just say "click"?"

2019-04-29, 01:36 PM
“Save yourself, mammals! I will fend off the asteroids!”

2019-04-29, 01:38 PM
“Save yourself, mammals! I will fend off the asteroids!”

Okay, there is no way you can just leave it at that! Those words beg the story behind them.

2019-04-29, 02:12 PM
Okay, there is no way you can just leave it at that! Those words beg the story behind them.

High level Druid wild shapes into Brontosaurus, which, being gargantuan, provides total cover to rest of party, from all the incoming damage.

Granted, when you absorb 370 damage and the Cleric takes zero they aren’t your last words for very long...

2019-04-29, 02:16 PM
High level Druid wild shapes into Brontosaurus, which, being gargantuan, provides total cover to rest of party, from all the incoming damage.

Granted, when you absorb 370 damage and the Cleric takes zero they aren’t your last words for very long...

So a dinosaur was killed off by a meteor? Talk about history repeating itself.

2019-04-29, 02:35 PM
"Shine Brightly"

Waterdeep Merch
2019-04-29, 02:55 PM
"We should probably run."

2019-04-29, 03:03 PM
"I knew this was a bad idea, but none of you dolts ever listen to me."

2019-04-29, 03:05 PM
This is more of my last words as a player, since most games I've been in just stop without warning at some point during the week.

As for characters, I've noticed that they tend not to get last words. The way dying works is that it's usually pretty sudden and you're unconscious while doing death saves, so a lot of times you get knocked out by an unlucky hit, then just bite it. Two of the deaths in one of my campaigns were from disintegrate, so even less chance of last words. So if you mean the last thing they said, it usually ended up being something like, "We should stealth" "I'll cast detect magic" or "let's go north to explore that passage." So, something quite mundane.

The actual most common last words at my table (from players, not the characters) is “yes”.

Usually in response to me asking “are you sure?”

2019-04-29, 03:20 PM
"I am a leaf on the wind, watch me-"
As concentration is promptly lost.

2019-04-29, 03:53 PM
"Yeah, I'm sure."

2019-04-29, 04:26 PM
"I'm going to eat your face Acereak!!"

Cue being hit by Magic Missile, a Sphere of Annihilation, and then Power Word Kill before I could take a single turn thanks to Acereak's Legendary and normal Actions


EDIT: I forgot another good one.

"It's just a Dragon, what's the worst it can do?"

Cue being bit and clawed by a Dragon that could smite.

2019-04-29, 04:41 PM
"*cough* Avenge me."

2019-04-29, 04:47 PM
"She didn't teleport away so she must be out of high level spell slots."

2019-04-29, 06:05 PM
"We should probably check the basement"

"I mean, I was in debt at the time"

"Naught should they fear more than I"

2019-04-29, 06:33 PM
"Naught should they fear more than I"

Awesome thing to say.

Terribly ironic last words though.

2019-04-29, 07:02 PM
"Don't worry, Dylthar! I'll save you!"
Dylthar was our barbarian who had just gone down, so me and my scrawny, stupid rogue who had been saved by Dylthar countless times didn't hesitate to stand watch over his body against the charging army of giants. Lets just say the cleric had a fun time trying to find enough of me to put me back together.

2019-04-29, 07:07 PM
From my first TPK as a player

Character last words: “You suicidal maniac!”

Player last words: “What the heck, man? Meteor Swarm on 6th level characters, even if the archmage kills himself?!? How does that even work in a room with 10 foot ceilings? You gotta drop some hints if we were supposed to negotiate!”

Mr. Crowbar
2019-04-29, 09:06 PM
Up against the BBEG, Wizard wanted to challenge the guy one on one because he killed her mentor, then everyone stepped in between her and the BBEG.
Bard: "He needs to pay for what he did to [deceased NPCs]"
Ranger: "and to my home."
Monk: "I just think he's an a-hole!"
Then the BBEG's ritual went wrong and everyone present died and we had to fight him in the afterlife before returning to life. For reference, the monk was a newer player and his character had never met the BBEG until then.

2019-04-29, 10:07 PM
"I drank what?"

Some comedian said these were Socrates' last words, and I've remembered that joke for longer than I care to admit.

2019-04-29, 10:15 PM
"I drank what?"

Some comedian said these were Socrates' last words, and I've remembered that joke for longer than I care to admit.Val Kilmer, Real Genius

2019-04-29, 10:40 PM
The actual most common last words at my table (from players, not the characters) is “yes”.

Usually in response to me asking “are you sure?”

This was almost true for me last week. Was fighting a hydra and decided to try to get out of his reach without disengaging. I got the "are you sure?" I said "yes" and this was followed up by, "Well, then you get 6 attacks of opportunity *roll, roll, roll* all of them hit."

First time fighting a hydra. Didn't realize they got to break the "1 reaction a round" rule. At least the hits stopped coming once I was down.

2019-04-29, 10:50 PM
My cocky drow fighter/mage

"Nah I'm not gonna wait for you to rest and learn Spider Climb. I can make it."

My Dragonborn fighter
"Well...it can't do that EVERY round right?"

My Human Paladin
"Everybody run, I can hold Cthulhu off til the portal closes" And he did

2019-04-30, 02:44 AM
I walk into a cave.
"why hello there fine goblins! Where is the castle? I am looking for directions!" Rolls nat 1 on persuasion check lvl 1 warlock now has 20 or so goblins chasing him, and dies.

2019-05-01, 08:58 AM
Had another one tonight
"I cut off a chunk of the monster and eat it, I bet it tastes delicious"

2019-05-01, 09:40 AM
It does make Nathan Hale seem kind of silly ("I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.")

Context matters. A lot of last words for characters in D&D are going to be silly because death isn't expected. Outside of the shapeshifting druid, most of the deaths are occurring because of tripping a trap or in the midst of a combat the characters would rightfully expect to survive/win. The opportunity for heroic sacrifices isn't all that common in D&D and it is marginalized by the how cheap death is with resurrection options. The combination of these two makes it difficult to have poignant last words.

Nathan Hale's context is that he was at the gallows about the be hanged. He was going to die and his last words allowed him to elevate to martyr status by emphasizing that he would still rebel against the British if he were given the chance for a do over and he would still risk his own death for the cause.

For what it's worth, I'm playing a character in a D&D rule set game set in Victorian Earth where portals to Hell have been opened. She has some interesting powers bestowed on her from her father's experiments with fragments from a meteor which gave her an ability to communicate with souls and house the souls of the deceased in her body (yeah, she's a kind of Legion). Final words is something I've been considering for her because the process for closing these portals involves sacrificing seven willing souls. She has the potential to close a portal with the sacrifice of one living human life, her own, with the assistance of six other souls instead of needing to sacrifice seven living humans.

2019-05-01, 09:42 AM

"Oh fu..."

"Does a 3 succeed?" [this one is meta]

"I hate mind fla-yes master."

2019-05-01, 07:53 PM
For my Paladin, “Goddess have mercy...”

2019-05-01, 09:44 PM
My barbarian: "Is that the best you've got? Come on, then, ugly!" This was right after eating three crits in one round (being surrounded by trolls means a LOT of attacks against you) and being knocked down to single digit HP. It's okay, she was zealot path and was promptly resurrected.

My paladin: "Get the skull out of here! I'll buy you some time." Our party was carrying around a magical skull with a demon lord bound inside of it, because we couldn't find a safe place to offload it. Some rakshasa ambushed us at a party and tried to steal it. When we found out they were effectively immune to our magic (and were more than capable of tearing us to ribbons in melee, since we were at a party and didn't have our armor or most of our weapons), my paladin decided to throw a protection from evil on himself and block the door so the rest of the party could escape.

My wizard: "It's immune! It's immune!" We were being chased by some kind of super-powered magical flying construct, and we were throwing everything at it to try and slow it down. When my wizard trapped on the top of a tower, I tried to cast an illusion spell to distract it. It ignored the illusion and promptly threw my wizard off the tower, where the fall damage killed him. (Our DM did try to warn us that we were way out of our depth, but we got greedy and pushed somewhere too high level for us.)

2019-05-02, 10:46 AM
Sadly the dnd death system doesn't work well for letting your character give goodbye words.. you're either unconscious but able to get back up, or dead. Basically incapable of talking. Which saddens me. I really wish you got one free action to say a few things as your character goes past when you can be saved. For closure / story / drama sake

2019-05-02, 10:59 AM
Sadly the dnd death system doesn't work well for letting your character give goodbye words. D&D isn't a computer game. The DM's I've played with for years and years almost all offer up "talking is a free action" moment for "last words" if the Player so desires. Some people like to do that, and some don't.

2019-05-02, 11:09 AM
D&D isn't a computer game. The DM's I've played with for years and years almost all offer up "talking is a free action" moment for "last words" if the Player so desires. Some people like to do that, and some don't.

Agree here, so you are unconscious by the rules. I don't see anything wrong with the PC rallying to say something in their dying breath. It can make the death mean more for the other PCs and overall add more to it.

2019-05-02, 11:17 AM

"Yeaaaa, I don't think we will make it"

"Do you think this hole is deep?"

"****"("A very loud"****" is echoing in the dragons den") never stealth with a -1 and disadvantage. i rolled a 1.

2019-05-02, 11:37 AM
"Do you have any last words?"
"Can I have an hour to compose them?"

2019-05-02, 12:02 PM
Most of them? Probably "Ah, s***"

I play very few characters who intend to die nobly when they could live (nobly or otherwise in some cases), so its not really a thing I consider.

I'm fond of last words being related to the sudden realization of death. So maybe they have some cool or deep or touching last words, but their last word will be something that indicates they've been caught by surprise. Like Kirk in Generations.

I'd like to run a Vengeance Paladin whose last words were about not expecting to die old and surrounded by family and friends (after his adventuring life had started with a violent quest for revenge).

2019-05-02, 12:34 PM
"Run, I'll hold them off"

Spoken by my Zealot Barbarian (with the Acolyte background) on more than one occasion.

Dying for the party is literally his calling.

2019-05-02, 02:30 PM
“I cook it and then take a bite.” (giant poison mushroom did 3d12 damage to my level 1 druid)

“No.” (when asked by the Wizard (hostage) negotiator if there is anything he can do to get the Party to co-operate)

“Spread out, incase they use another fireball or lightning bolt!” (they used another lightning bolt)

2019-05-02, 03:07 PM
Sadly the dnd death system doesn't work well for letting your character give goodbye words.. you're either unconscious but able to get back up, or dead. Basically incapable of talking. Which saddens me. I really wish you got one free action to say a few things as your character goes past when you can be saved. For closure / story / drama sake

We played for a while with a "dead man's ten seconds" rule. When you hit 0hp, you could make a CON roll to try to stay up. I think it gave you disadvantage on death saves, compared to just lying down quietly. This was in a campaign with PvP; two of the PCs fought each other and were both staggering around at 0hp for several turns, trying to finish each other off.

2019-05-02, 04:33 PM
Some of these are entertaining haha

2019-05-05, 09:17 PM
Played in a long-running campaign and my character made it all the way but one of our players wasn't so lucky:
"I feel something... slimy." followed by gurgle gurgle as he was dragged beneath the water by a huge tentacle beast.
"I call this one!" attempted to tame a gargantuan dinosaur.
"What's donjon?" self-explanatory.

2019-05-06, 01:18 AM
PC: Not like this. NOT LIKE THIS!

In MERP (LoTR Roleplaying), an Elf killed by an arrow through the chest, seconds before plunging off a staircase on the side of a chasm, and into the darkness below:

PC: Should've... gone... *West*.

2019-05-06, 01:23 AM
Duergar PC (the only one with 120' darkvision, and only 20' movement speed) peering in the darkness ahead of the party and spots [horrific monster]; sighs, turns to the rest of the party while cutting off his own finger; handing it to the Cleric (with True Resurection).

Duergar: 'You know what to do. Now run.'

2019-05-06, 03:52 AM
Duergar PC (the only one with 120' darkvision, and only 20' movement speed) peering in the darkness ahead of the party and spots [horrific monster]; sighs, turns to the rest of the party while cutting off his own finger; handing it to the Cleric (with True Resurection).

Duergar: 'You know what to do. Now run.'

a most heroic sacrifice

2019-05-06, 04:39 AM
a most heroic sacrifice

Nah don't think so. That 20 speed? He was just making sure part of him got to get resurrected. (Though the part about true Resurrection confused me, because that doesn't need a body. But if he didn't need a body why lost a finger??)

2019-05-06, 05:03 AM
"We're losing the battle. Let's flee." - My first D&D PC

"You're not going to shoot me." - BBEG NPC who I made(promptly shot)

2019-05-06, 05:36 AM
the bbeg's last words before dying were;
"I'm going to tell my mummy on you!!!!"

At the time he was a 7 year old brat.

He will come back later as a warlock paladin oathbreaker undead later.

2019-05-06, 05:53 AM
"Oh, yeah! More bling!"

2019-05-06, 06:44 AM
There was once a bugbear rogue, who was a bit of a kleptomanic.
DM (me) You enter a vast cavernous room, in the centre is a glowing rock,-
Rogue:I take it!
DM Are you sure:?
rogue Yes
DM roll an intelligence save
rogue I got a 3
DM you tske 3d6 force damage
Rolls dice
15 damage. How much health are you on?
rogue: ummm.... 7?
3 failed death saves, and medicine throws, and he died.

2019-05-06, 06:48 AM
Nah don't think so. That 20 speed? He was just making sure part of him got to get resurrected. (Though the part about true Resurrection confused me, because that doesn't need a body. But if he didn't need a body why lost a finger??)

I imagine it was just a typo. :smallbiggrin:

2019-05-06, 07:26 AM
Dysfunctional (in character) party :"I hate you all."

2019-05-06, 08:15 AM
DM (me) You enter a vast cavernous room, in the centre is a glowing rock...

...in front of the rock is a large green gazebo...

2019-05-06, 08:25 AM
...in front of the rock is a large green gazebo...


Of course there is!


2019-05-06, 08:38 AM
As a Gnome PC (knowing as player with a different character in the same module we were missing vital information because we did not rescue the prisoner earlier) seeing Goblins (or Kobolds, forget which,) gambling on Giant Weasels (?) fighting in pit at the found (of 4) entrance.

“Maybe We can talk our way in.”

Cue TPK for party with no persuasion or deception skills at all.

Edit: The other of 2 TPKs was the majority of the home brew party insisting we, averaging 7th level, kamikaze Rays Nisi. Seems they were bored by ToA with their AL legal characters and wanted to try out the surrogate rules. The Moon Druid fled and I died along with all the Kamikaze players. Last game with that group.

2019-05-06, 02:48 PM
My friend's character had a very near miss. He's playing a Blue Dragonborn (important in context) and decided to try and talk to some Copper Dragonborn guards in a city we were supposed to visit.
In the setting, a feud between native chromatic and metallic dragons makes them... essentially racist towards each other.

He introduced himself, a self-described "bright blue" chromatic, to three high-level, obviously prejudiced metallics (the DM made a point of noting that they were glaring at him from across the way) by saying:

"Greetings, brothers! We'd like to enter the city!"

They didn't like the association.
He got beat up within 1HP of his life, and our Animal Hybrid Fighter had to intervene before they straight-up murdered our friend.

Oh yeah, and the thing that makes this even darker is that in the setting our Dragonborn is the age equivalent of a 10-year-old. Our DM did several other dark things to the Fighter and my Rogue to even it out, though.
--- Edit ---
He was by no means tricked into this. The DM and our other PCs reminded him, multiple times, of the feud. True to character, though, he innocently insisted that the guards wouldn't be biased. After all, they were guards.

2019-05-06, 02:58 PM
Oh, and less than 10 minutes after being mugged within an inch of death he tried to fight Thor. Yes, Thor.

His almost-last-words were "What's he gonna do, zap me?"

The DM threw him a bone and said that the townspeople dragged him to the back of the crowd and foisted him onto our Fighter, who had to make an impromptu check to catch him. Otherwise, not even his resistance would have saved him from the 'zap' Thor would have bestowed.

2019-05-06, 06:02 PM
Our Gunslinger had a massive feud against Hermes, the fastest Greek Pantheon God in our Planescape campaign.

Hermes kept intercepting every bit of help the party was supposed to receive and the last straw was when he denied our gunslinger lightning rounds for his rifle.

Over the course of a year this guy just grabs so much initiative wherever he can just to be able to catch Hermes, and then one day he does it. He beats Hermes’ +30, with his +14 in an initiative battle, snatches Hera’s letter out of the air before Hermes does, draws his rifle, memes “YOURE TOO SLOW!!!”, and fires the first real hit we’ve had against him. Hermes (and probably the GM) did not take kindly to this.

Everyone else loved him for that.

2019-05-06, 07:10 PM
Our Gunslinger had a massive feud against Hermes, the fastest Greek Pantheon God in our Planescape campaign.

Hermes kept intercepting every bit of help the party was supposed to receive and the last straw was when he denied our gunslinger lightning rounds for his rifle.

Over the course of a year this guy just grabs so much initiative wherever he can just to be able to catch Hermes, and then one day he does it. He beats Hermes’ +30, with his +14 in an initiative battle, snatches Hera’s letter out of the air before Hermes does, draws his rifle, memes “YOURE TOO SLOW!!!”, and fires the first real hit we’ve had against him. Hermes (and probably the GM) did not take kindly to this.

Everyone else loved him for that.

That's a red flag. "How dare you hit this character I've been using to harass your party with no chance of being stopped?"

2019-05-07, 08:15 AM
In a Shadowrun 4th edition game I was running:

Group is meeting up with the head of the entire West Coast Triad
PC: Greetings, wise and honorable leader, it was gracious of you to meet us on such short notice. You are a great example of the generous spirit of the Japanese people.
(large amounts of gunfire and magic later and the whole party is dead)

Pathfinder Game:

Playing a Swashbuckler/Monk parrying machine:

"There are how many archers?"


While talking to the emperor and about to be sent on a mission:

"So essentially we are being sent to fix your screw up."

D&D 3.0

"Did you say White King or Wight King?"


His last words, but he did not die. He faked his death, so close enough.
"What a loss to this world that it shall be deprived of my work"
(A Tzimisce Elder who "sold" beauty to people.)


"Yes, I stole your Jarl Hammer, you can have it back when you grow up."


Playing a rather horrible Pinkerton
"You must be part of the Motesa Tribe. Well, that is what the last one says working on my farm, "Mo Tea Sa?"

Mutants and Masterminds:

"I have really got to stop using super speed and teleporting at the same time."


"That can't be the right number of dice for that roll..."

2019-05-07, 11:31 AM
(These are not mine, but from the game I'm DMing.)

"What's he carrying?"

"I can take it."

"Selune, here I come!"

"Angry noises. Angry noises!"

"They're coming back."

"We won, right?"

"I don't understand. What's happening?"