View Full Version : Funny 1-off campaign ideas

2019-04-29, 09:17 AM
In my dnd group, we have 3 DMs, and they rotate through campaigns. My best friend's sister and I have been playing for a few years, and our Dms have agreed to let us run a few random 1-off campaigns to help us get a feel for running games. I am a bit more experienced than his sister, but that doesn't really matter.

So far we have run:
Me-The players started out in a magical dungeon that shifts through the planes, with every door having a random chance of what room it opens up into. Every time they went through a door, I rolled a d100, and that corresponded with a large table I had written myself. They got to fight a whole slew of random creatures and met a whole bunch of funky NPCs, as well as rooms filled with nothing but traps. The final boss was a person that I gave the ebility to, where they had to roll below a 20 to hit him, and since half my party optimized their characters all to hell, only half the party was able to do any damage to him. In the end, they were all teleported away from the dungeon with no memory of it whatsoever, able to go about their lives, until they get pulled back in, where in that case, they would regain all their memories. The First rule of the dungeon You don't remember the dungeon

I was wondering if anyone had any prewritten 1-off campaigns, like The Wild Sheep Chase.

We mostly play 3.5, but 5e is still welcome.