View Full Version : Need GM tips for existing party

2019-04-30, 08:34 AM
So I’m about to lose my virginity as a GM. For some time now I have been in a party that has been going on for a close to a decade. We play about once every two weeks. My character in the party is a Fighter/Archblade. There are about 9 player in the plus a GM. But most of the time we have about 4 to 6 players. The world is a homebrew world. The world is divided into two hemispheres that have normally no or very little interaction.
On the light side we just finished a ritual that took the party years to prepare and about a year to perform. It was made to cleanse some dark stain on the light side. The ritual succeeded. As far as I know the ritual was in part instigated by an entity called “Taal” the Dutch word for language. He thought some kind of rune magic to some of the party members. But Taal is keeping a low profile because of reasons not entirely known, but I think he fears some other entities from the dark side. Taal is as far as I can tell neutral.
The next quest/adventure is to go to the dark side of the world and to kill/put out of action/remove from power “Old Granny”. She is one of the reasons Taal is hiding. Old Granny runs a city where blood rituals are an industry. Very few people know that she is the main power of the city. Most think she is just a crazy old women living in a smelly hut.
Now my party is going to join some rebel forces to remove Old Granny.
This is where I come in as GM. My idea is the rebel force don’t trust us 100%. We have to prove ourselves first.
Now I was thinking the following:
The people in power enjoy all kinds of privilege. Good wine, food, maybe drugs etcetera. These come from an external unknown source. The rebels have been trying to cut that source, so far unsuccessfully. Yes one or two caravans have been stopped but nothing of any real consequence. Now my party has to find a way to permanently stop the flow of goodies. The rebels have no clear idea where the goodies actually come from. The whole setting is jungle. There is a sort of perpetual fog in that part of the jungle where all the scouts get lost or are never seen again. My ideas about the mist
1) They are party a natural phenomenon
2) The fog is enhanced by LSD/hallucinatory drugs
3) There are tiny crystals placed in that part of the jungle that confuse sense of direction etc.
4) There is a small stronghold in the center run by an outcast drow or drider. (1 leader lvl14-16ish 4 leader lvl12-14, 20 to 30 thugs lvl6-12)
The stronghold is built on top of large underground caverns where slave grow food and produce wine, ale etcetera. Also there is a rune portal on the ground floor of the stronghold. Rune magic, portals and drow/driders are a recurring thing in the story line for some time now.
The drow that runs the show will get away through the portal and might become an ally of some sorts later in the story line. Yes he is evil, but he is also an outcast of drow society. The next adventure will lead the party into drow territory. Where they will have to get rid of some high priestess of some sort. But that will not be my adventure.

How is this as a basis for an adventure as virgin GM.

The Kool
2019-04-30, 08:44 AM
Sounds pretty good to me at first glance. Hopefully this decade of regular play you speak of means you have the system mastery as a solid foundation, so I won't say anything about that, but I'm going to share my personal experience first piece of advice for a new GM:

Don't plan out the story start to finish "A leads to B leads to C...". Write an outline of the story, and keep it flexible. You want milestones in the story and an awareness of what surrounds them. If you plan that your players need to go to XYZ coordinates and say ABC thing to Mr Plot, then you will be disappointed, or you will railroad your players. On the other hand, if you say "the players need to find out X... Maybe they will find a letter, or talk to Mr Plot, or witness Z..." then you can introduce this organically into the story when it's appropriate. Bring the story to the players. They don't know what you're changing in your head at the last second, so feel free to adapt and fit it to them.

Anyway that's my 2cp. Happy to answer specific questions. Your setup looks good, but ask yourself what the flow of the story might look like?

2019-05-01, 12:18 AM
biggest mistake made by new GM is to not remember the world goes on regardless of what the party does. In specific I mean certain things happen regardless of the party, not just because of it. Some foe's get stronger, some lose power. Foes that escaped long ago might be hiding, been killed by others, or might be building for revenge. Large organizations go on regardless of particular members.

Don't get too focused on what the party is doing. Your job is to be the interface for the players to the entire world. The party might think they are important, but there are things that happen despite or because of them. No group short of demi-god level disrupts the entire world.

There are always other equally or greater level that have their own plans. The party members interfere with those at their own peril, and usually ignorance.

2019-05-01, 03:35 AM
Is there a good place where I can download character sheets for NPCs and maybe some floor plans of buildings etcetera. I will probably need to tweak them but it's faster then scratch build characters and locations.