View Full Version : The Lazy Caster Plan

2019-04-30, 01:58 PM
Ok, so i have played martial characters for the last 2 campaigns and I want to go COMPLETELY the opposite direction.

I want to build a caster who does nothing without magic, he does not cook/clean/fight or really anything without making it easier with magic.

I am thinking Diviner Wizard, just so he can be lazy and screw with others rolls.

What build can be thrown together to make the ultimate lazy full caster?

Combat effectiveness is not exactly a giant priority so no armor or shield, he does everything with magic.

What can we come up with.

All UA and published materials are fine.

2019-04-30, 02:11 PM
Perhaps an Abjuration Wizard. Uses Mage Armor, Shield and Arcane Ward for protection, cantrips and spells to attack. Does rituals to keep both Unseen Servant and Tenser's Floating Disk up so that all his mundane tasks and pack mule duties are handled for him via magic. Cantrips like Prestidigitation and Mend keep his clothes shiny and clean. Give him a good Charisma and proficiency in Persuasion so he's good at getting others to do things for him. Maybe toss in a few Suggestion spells for those who are less inclined to see things his way.

Great Dragon
2019-04-30, 02:44 PM
Enchanter Wizard.
Bracers of Armor asap. Shield for emergencies.

The above suggestion of Unseen Servants and Floating Disks.

LOTS of Charm/Dominate and Hold spells!!

Great Dragon
2019-04-30, 02:46 PM
Enchanter Wizard. Knight Noble for people to carry all the Bags of Holding around.

Bracers of Armor asap. Shield for emergencies.

The above suggestion of Unseen Servants and Floating Disks.

LOTS of Charm/Dominate and Hold spells!!

2019-04-30, 03:24 PM
I'm actually going to say, "Go Conjuror." The ability to conjure various objects at level 2 will enable him to always have whatever labor-saving or relaxation device he wants on hand. Absolutely have those unseen servants and floating disks kept up; in fact, if you can swing it, have four unseen servants who carry you on your conjured palanquin most places.

Mage hand should be an obvious cantrip. Minor illusion is just great for making it casually easy to display anything.

But the conjuration of any random object you like - including, say, a plush chair, or a footrest - is too perfect to pass up for the lazy wizard.

2019-04-30, 04:58 PM
Take a close look at the Divination, Abjuration, Conjuration and Illusion school features. All four offer some great little quirks and perks.
Divination: PORTENT! Refreshing spell slots when you cast Divination spells.
Abjuration: Mindblowingly good defensive features!
Conjuration: Benign Transposition! (seriously, this is stupid powerful.) Focused Conjuration! Never lose control of that summoned elemental again!
Illusion: Malleable Illusions and Illusory Reality!

Pick the school whose features YOU think would flavour YOUR concept.

2019-04-30, 05:06 PM
You know what's crazy? Minor Illusion can replicate an entire verbal sentence, due to it being done so in either Out of the Abyss or Princes of the Apocalypse modules (can't remember which). You don't even need to use your mouth hole to talk anymore.

Although, I think Great Old One Warlock with Tome and Book of Ancient Secrets would take the cake. Start gathering every ritual possible, cast a plethora of cantrips to solve all of your problems, don't even bother talking to people as you use telepathy, change your appearance with Mask of Many Faces so even your physical appearance doesn't matter.

2019-04-30, 05:07 PM
if you can swing it, have four unseen servants who carry you on your conjured palanquin most places.

Use shape water to make the palaquin and then animate it along the ground, just bring along some furs and cushions to stay comfortable and never ever walk.

2019-04-30, 05:12 PM
I was thinking of playing a small race and just have my familiar carry me around.

Diviner using mind spike which is just somatic seems funny.

Ehh not worth talking about or getting a component just flick of the wrist and give people migraines.

Counterspell is also the same.

Although the always available levitate from warlock is kind of fun, I just float around and have my familiar move me.

Might could do something with mystic.

Great Dragon
2019-04-30, 05:32 PM
Although the always available levitate from warlock is kind of fun, I just float around and have my familiar move me.

I thought familiars were limited to tiny size?
My Halflings miss their Riding Dogs.

I am so. Stealing. The Floating GoO Warlock!
But, would go Chain/Voice to not even bother showing up in person for meetings!!!

Many Faces to keep people wondering what I really look like for when I do appear!!

2019-04-30, 05:45 PM
I thought familiars were limited to tiny size?
My Halflings miss their Riding Dogs.

I am so. Stealing. The Floating GoO Warlock!
But, would go Chain/Voice to not even bother showing up in person for meetings!!!

Many Faces to keep people wondering what I really look like for when I do appear!!

They are size tiny but halflings only weigh like 30 lbs. an imp or whatever can lift that and carry it around or fly with it. Levitate makes it even easier.

I am so taking voice of the chain master and just using my invisible imp’s senses and talking through it while relaxing at the inn or something.

Great Dragon
2019-04-30, 05:49 PM
I just thought

Take that GoO Warlock to get what you want, then go for the suggested Conjurer Wizard the rest of the way.

Can't find a comfortable chair next to the fire at the tavern/inn? Just make your own!!

2019-04-30, 07:23 PM
I would run as a Variant Human Enchanter Wizard. For the bonus feat, I would snag Magic Initiate (Cleric) for Guidance, Mending, and a daily cast of Cure Wounds.

As an alternative, an Archfey Tomelock with Tome of Secrets is a great ritual caster with loads of options.

2019-04-30, 08:29 PM
In this thread I created what I called The Lazy Chainmaster; essentially you get your familiar to do everything for you. Even talk.


2019-04-30, 09:40 PM
Right now I am thinking warlock 5 of the chain for an imp servant and voice of the chain master.

Might take gift of the ever living ones on celestial just to be a massive hp sponge.

Other invocation for levitate.

After that it gets iffy.

2 more warlock for another invocations?

Any of quite a few nice wizard subclasses?

Bard or sorcerer to keep the cha synergy?

I can see lore bard being very nice. Cutting words to insult people into failing?

Diviner to portent people into doing things for me?

I would say mystic but not sure I will have the int to back it up.

2019-04-30, 10:04 PM
While I'm a big proponent of the Conjurer's level 2 ability, I must point out that the things you make with can't be any bigger than 3' in any dimension. You're not going to make much of an easy chair with that.

2019-04-30, 10:15 PM
Lore wizard: Change Dominate Person/Monster to what you believe their weakest save will be and have a slave do it for you.

Necromancer wizard: pretty much the same idea but animated dead and eventually dominated undead do the work for you.

Conjuration Wizard: summon swarms of mephits to do the work for you.

Transmuter: Animate objects to do the work for you.

Enchanter Wizard: Charm and dominate people and critters to do the work for you.

I think you're picking up what I'm putting down by now.

Great Dragon
2019-05-01, 01:21 AM
@Chronos: 3' x 3' lazyboy, eh?
that's ok, the OP didn't say anything about which Race. 🤣

I was thinking Rock Gnome.
But - any Dwarf; any Halfling; Goblin; or Kobold, also works!

But, I think for anything other than maybe Goliath or Firbolg, this idea still works. They just don't have The Emporer's chair!!
Wiz is lazy, not an egomaniac!

I do like these other types of Lazy Caster.

Maybe I'll make a Kenku GoO Chainlock.
The only time anyone heard his voice (and he has to recall what he has heard recently) is when he talks through his Raven Familiar.

I have a (bad?) habit of pre-planning my PCs all the way to 20th level.
All I need is to Roll Stats - I really hate Point Buy!!!

Starts out with Voice of the Chain Master and Eldritch Spear.

Spell Sniper feat at 4th level.
Resilient (Con) feat at 8th level.
Ritual Caster feat at 12th level.
Two ASIs.

Armor of Shadows at 3rd.
Devil's Sight at 5th
Sculptor of Flesh at 7th.
Acendent Step at 9th.
Witch Sight at 15th.
Master of Myraid Forms at 18th.

I’ll take Eldritch Blast cantrip at 1st level, and Mirror Image at 3rd; but all the rest I'll most likely leave blank, and add things as needed.