View Full Version : guided strike vs shield, who wins?

Witty Username
2019-04-30, 05:54 PM
So as I understand by RAW, you are not allowed to call guided strike after you know whether or not the attack is a miss.
However, the shield spell can be used as a reaction to being hit by an attack. So if you decided to not use guided strike then a wizard could block your attack without you getting a chance to use guided strike. But it seems that your opponent is putting up a shield is the kind of thematic moment guided strike is made for.

As DM's, how would you rule this one, would you allow a player to use guided strike to prevent their attack from missing due to an opponents shield spell? would you lean in the RAW direction or not? Or am I just completely wrong on how this works?

2019-04-30, 06:04 PM
Shield can only be used when you’re hit with an attack (and magic missile but that’s not relevant here). As such the DM has already said whether the initial attack has hit or miss. As such guided strike cannot be used at that point regardless.

2019-04-30, 06:07 PM
On the flip side, the DM doesn't have to reveal whether or not the Shield is enough to block the attack. You can still grant yourself the bonus to AC and not have it be relevant. So while Guiding Strike has to be made before the hit, and Shield can be called out afterwards, Guiding Strike still has a +5 point lead and is still likely to hit.

There's an RPG Stack Exchange question on this exact topic, if you're interested: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/101276/in-a-possible-guided-strike-vs-a-possible-shield-spell-who-has-to-declare-firs

2019-04-30, 06:08 PM
On the flip side, the DM doesn't have to reveal whether or not the Shield is enough to block the attack. You can still grant yourself the bonus to AC and not have it be relevant. So while Guiding Strike has to be made before the hit, and Shield can be called out afterwards, Guiding Strike still has a +5 point lead and is still likely to hit.

There's an RPG Stack Exchange question on this exact topic, if you're interested: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/101276/in-a-possible-guided-strike-vs-a-possible-shield-spell-who-has-to-declare-firs

Of course any DM who does that deserves a bop on the nose with a rolled up piece of paper.

2019-04-30, 06:10 PM
Of course any DM who does that deserves a bop on the nose with a rolled up piece of paper.

I mean, the player is more likely going to be the one playing the Cleric, and Shield is better for enemy bosses who are often at risk of getting ganged up on. I'd expect a Boss to attempt to use Shield, only to be struck anyway.

2019-04-30, 06:12 PM
I mean, the player is more likely going to be the one playing the Cleric, and Shield is better for enemy bosses who are often at risk of getting ganged up on. I'd expect a Boss to attempt to use Shield, only to be struck anyway.

Eh I wouldn’t. But then I try to use fair play when I run my game- if I provide information to a pc to help inform them of whether or not a spell would be wasted, an npc gets something similar.

Witty Username
2019-05-03, 04:38 PM
It looks like everyone is leaning in the RAW direction on this one, fair enough.

I don't think a boss casting shield to bait out the guided strike is something I see a boss doing, unless they are very familiar with the party and they are not feeling stingy with their spell slots.

All in all, thank you for the input.

2019-05-03, 05:03 PM
It looks like everyone is leaning in the RAW direction on this one, fair enough.

I don't think a boss casting shield to bait out the guided strike is something I see a boss doing, unless they are very familiar with the party and they are not feeling stingy with their spell slots.

All in all, thank you for the input.

Erm, when I mentioned the whole knowledge factor on using Shield or not, I simply meant that it's entirely possible for a boss to use Shield, and then be surprised when someone's Guiding Strike ignores it.