View Full Version : What are some spherical monsters?

2019-04-30, 08:23 PM
Obviously, Beholders are orbs with eye stalks. But I'm really not feeling like having a beholder.
Are there any other spherical monsters?

2019-04-30, 08:36 PM
Will-o'-wisp, umbral blot, gibbering orb, chichimec (arguably), some animated objects.

Doctor Awkward
2019-04-30, 08:38 PM
Epic Level Handbook has Umbral Blot (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/umbralBlot.htm) which is basically a living sphere of annihilation.

The Prismatic Golem from MMIII is basically a ball of light and can be kind of spherical.

2019-04-30, 08:45 PM
Xag-ya and Xeg-yi the positive and negative energy beings?

2019-04-30, 09:03 PM
Animated objects can be spherical. An animated bowling ball, perhaps?

Psicrystals can be spherical gems.

Lantern archons, of course.

And depending on which body part he chose to use for the process, a demilich...

...an eyeball demilich. What did you think I was referring to?

2019-04-30, 10:04 PM
A mimic can take the form of a sphere

2019-04-30, 10:13 PM
Vasuthant, MM3. Spherical cloud of impenetrable darkness. Comes with tentacles and a reroll-bad-saves function.

2019-05-01, 12:30 AM
A horrid, dire, pangolin or armadilo.

2019-05-01, 12:56 AM
The gelatinous cube's more refined cousin, the non-Newtonian dilatant sphere? Now with 100% fewer rough edges. And it's less expensive, too, because of all the cut corners.

2019-05-01, 01:04 AM
Monodrone modrons!

2019-05-01, 01:48 AM
Gas Spore, for when you don't really feel like having a beholder, but you wish to give the exact opposite impression.

Ascomoid (Dungeonscape) is quite a cool sphere monster.

2019-05-01, 08:44 AM
The Plague Brush from MM3.

Just a giant tumbleweed.

Not even much of a threat really. All it can do is roll over things. At CR 17 it's a joke in the general case.

Used in place of that boulder chasing Indy through the temple though... There's an idea.

Piggy Knowles
2019-05-01, 09:17 AM
The Aoa from Fiend Folio are perfect spheres.

2019-05-01, 09:28 AM
The gelatinous cube's more refined cousin, the non-Newtonian dilatant sphere? Now with 100% fewer rough edges. And it's less expensive, too, because of all the cut corners.

Well played, sir, well. played.

The Ghael Eladrin (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/ghaele.htm) has an alternate form that is a Medium-sized version of a Lantern Archon, essentially.

Make a Sphere of Annihilation an intelligent item and it's a creature that's spherical (it's in the name!).

Pufferfish (though I don't know that there are stats for them) can puff out into spiny spheres. Sea urchins are spherical. As are hedgehogs.

The bullette has vaguely armadillo-like properties; having one roll into a sphere could be plausible.

Arguably, a Living Flaming Sphere would be a living spell that retains its spell's shape.

Galeb Dhur are rock-people who spend most of their time rolled up as boulders.

MAke a "rat king" monster by tying a swarm of cranium rats' tails together, stripping the Swarm subtype, making it a Large or Huge creature with a slam attack and improved grab with a special "multiple bites" attack it can use on any grappled creature that does its swarm damage, and it can roll around like a giant ball of horror.

Skulking cysts are spherical, except for the detritus of the host that "birthed" them still attached.

2019-05-01, 10:24 AM
Xag-ya and Xeg-yi the positive and negative energy beings?In that case, there are other Energons in the Planar Handbook:
Xac-yel - fire energon
Xac-jig - acid energon
Xap-yaup - electric energon
Xong-yong - sonic energon
Xor-yost - cold energon

Deepspawn, Flameskull, and Nishruu in the Lost Empires of Faerūn

Eyewing in the Bestiary Of Krynn, Revised

Euralden Eye (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20070518a)

Shothragot, the Essence of Shothragot, and a Black Cysts (http://web.archive.org/web/20090218080718/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/drfe/20080318a)

2019-05-01, 11:03 AM
The Elder Evil Pandorym's body is a giant living sphere of annihilation.

2019-05-01, 02:44 PM
An odapi, it's a ball of arms, each have has an eye on the palm, it's in one of the monster manuals

2019-05-01, 06:51 PM
A horrid, dire, pangolin or armadilo.

Or a monstrous pill-bug.

2019-05-01, 07:08 PM
Or a monstrous pill-bug."They are capable of taking in heavy metals such as copper, zinc, lead and cadmium and crystallize these out as spherical deposits in the midgut."

That would actually make an interesting monster. Too bad they're herbivores. Ofcourse, they can be a real plague.

2019-05-01, 07:10 PM