View Full Version : Wishing for corpses

2019-05-04, 11:15 AM
Would wishing for a specific corpse (ie I wish for the corpse of a wyrm black dragon) fall under normal wish rules?

Reason I ask is that a corpse is an object but there aren't rules on how much it costs. I know true creation could create it but wish can't duplicate true creation and it's a creation only spell.

Mike Miller
2019-05-04, 11:21 AM
What stands out to me is, you have access to Wish but not True Creation?

Maat Mons
2019-05-04, 12:51 PM
Doesn't Stone to Flesh already make corpses when cast on statues?

2019-05-04, 01:40 PM
Doesn't Stone to Flesh already make corpses when cast on statues?

Only if they were already once a creature, it would just make a vaguely corpse shaped, boneless Mass of meat if used on a normal statue

King of Nowhere
2019-05-04, 02:34 PM
Rules are not specific here, but I would rule it that since you are burning 5000 xp, you can do it. I'd put a limit somewhere, but a wyrm black dragon is ok. A great wyrm gold dragon, maybe I'd balk at it a little bit. A god, certainly not.

2019-05-04, 03:55 PM
Only if they were already once a creature, it would just make a vaguely corpse shaped, boneless Mass of meat if used on a normal statue

I used to think so too, but this:

The spell also can convert a mass of stone into a fleshy substance. Such flesh is inert and lacking a vital life force unless a life force or magical energy is available. (For example, this spell would turn a stone golem into a flesh golem, but an ordinary statue would become a corpse.) You can affect an object that fits within a cylinder from 1 foot to 3 feet in diameter and up to 10 feet long or a cylinder of up to those dimensions in a larger mass of stone.

Seems to imply otherwise. I personally houserule it that it just turns it into a vaguely corpse shaped boneless mass of meat, but that's not the RAW.

2019-05-04, 04:14 PM
Yeah, i would also try and decide on whats the fitting value for a dragon corpse were.
Though looking at just what sort of undead you could make from a Wyrm Black Dragon corpse, then im not certain that 20.000 gold is enough for it.
I mean, if offered to buy it for that price, then im certain your player would not hesitate for a second?
That is a clear sign of it being to cheap.
(at least i assume its for making a skeleton dragon)

2019-05-04, 04:17 PM
You can't use Stone to Flesh because of its horrendously tiny area. You gotta use Polymorph Any Object for dragons.

As for Wish, the answer is yes, if your DM considers corpses are worth less than 25,000gp. If not then it falls under the "greater effects" and therefore 100% up to the DM.

2019-05-05, 08:42 PM
You can't use Stone to Flesh because of its horrendously tiny area. You gotta use Polymorph Any Object for dragons.

As for Wish, the answer is yes, if your DM considers corpses are worth less than 25,000gp. If not then it falls under the "greater effects" and therefore 100% up to the DM.

DM of my current game has a chart on corpse values for the blackmarket, he's quite fond of necromancers to play himself. I dont have it in front of me atm. Kinda sucks a bit since Necromancers are already gold sinks equipping the minions. Oh well nothing you can do when going for the fun rather than the broken. But anyway yeah I'd value a giant dragons corpse quite highly. Probably over 25,000. Because you can make some nasty undead dragons.

2019-05-06, 12:40 AM
DM of my current game has a chart on corpse values for the blackmarket, he's quite fond of necromancers to play himself. I dont have it in front of me atm. Kinda sucks a bit since Necromancers are already gold sinks equipping the minions. Oh well nothing you can do when going for the fun rather than the broken. But anyway yeah I'd value a giant dragons corpse quite highly. Probably over 25,000. Because you can make some nasty undead dragons.

Yeah then you're gonna have to go
1. Spam Fabricate on a colossal block of stone with DC20 Craft Sculpting for a life-like Dragon Statue. Assuming CL17, it's gonna take 30x30x30=27000cft/17cft=1589 castings of Fabricate. I recommend Lesser Planar Binding a Rejkar for its at-will fabricate.
2. Polymorph Any Object to replicate Stone to Flesh's effect to turn it into a corpse.
3. Animate Dead the corpse.

DM might ask you for a Knowledge:Arcana check to see whether you know such a dragon exists or not. Pre-Epic dragons should be within your knowledge range but epic great wyrms like chromatic dragon would be out of your capability.

2019-05-07, 11:09 AM
Wishing for a generic corpse would fall under wealth generation. However, if one recalls, wishing someone alive with wishes takes two: one to produce the corpse, another to emulate ressurection. So as long as you had the name of a long-dead great wyrm, you're golden.

Edit: also, please post this corpse value chart. It is relevant to my interests.