View Full Version : You get Isekai'd

2019-05-04, 11:26 AM
And the being that's doing this is nice enough to let you pick your class and stats! Heres the rules:

78 straight buy (You start at 0 and each stat point costs 1 and your stats, before racial adjustments, must between 3 and 18)
You can choose a race with up to LA +1 (no Templates and the LA can be bought off normally)
You can have up to two flaws
You get to pick the setting you're dropped into as well as the general location.
you get 200 gp to buy your starting gear
You're level 1
You retain all of your knowledge and any skills you may have had before this

Heres me

Changeling Warlock

Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge the Planes, Spellcraft
Feat: Point Blank Shot, Able Learner, Mortalbane Flaws: Cautious, Short Attention Span
Invocation: Beguiling Influence.

Setting wise I'd go with Kingdoms of Kalamar, as its the setting I know best. Probably get dropped in Tharggy as its a pretty nice place to be all things considered. I'd plan on going Chameleon, probably with a single Rogue dip to get that. Once I've got myself somewhat ok I'd go make guns, because I want my AK 47 dangit.

2019-05-04, 12:34 PM
Mine would be human prodigy with stats 13str, 18 dex, 18 con, 18 int, 15wis, 18 cha. with these stats i am good as most adventurers and prodigy will solve most of my issues.

2019-05-04, 02:16 PM
Starts with a Joke.

I 異 Se 世 Kai 界

I 異 - Different
When the character I 異 combine with others Kanji to form words, Supernatural [Powers], Fantastic, Wonder, Horror are possible results.

Se 世 - World

Kai 界 - Boundary, Edge
In fantasy, not ordinary literature, Kai 界 also means World.
Boundary and/or Edge has nothing to do with World in ordinary literature.

SeKai 世界 - World
A redundant way to say world, since Se 世 is sufficient, and Kai 界 alone is sufficient.
KaiO 界王 - World King
DaiKaiO 大界王 - Grand World King

Ha 破 - Destruction
Kai 壊 - Wine Cellar, Bar, Tavern, Someplace that sells alcohol, A portion of a store for alcohol storage
HaKai 破壊 - Fracture
HaKaiShin 破壊神 - Destroyer God
As a joke - Tavern Destroying God. A god that destroys taverns and bars during bar fights.
That's why all of the Gods of Destruction in Dragon Ball Super are named after alcoholic drinks.

76/6 = 13.
All 13 qualifies for reroll. Joke.

Aasimar (LA +1) Cleric 1
Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

Skills: (Add at a later date)

Feats: (Add at a later date)

Spells: (Add at a later date)

2019-05-04, 04:50 PM
I'd prefer not to get Isekai'd in 3.5 since I think there are better systems out there, but sure.

Level 1 Warforged Totemist

STR 12
DEX 16
CON 18 (16 +2)
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10

Feat is Mithril Body. Manticore Belt will be my key soulmeld since I plan on going ranged. Can't find my copy of MOI so this is harder than I thought.

2019-05-04, 05:55 PM
I`d vastly prefer to get Isekaid into other Systems and Worlds, thank you.
I usually prefer being not thrown into a horrible Death World without being more resilient than usual average well... me.

Now if the ROBs dont care about where I want to go, just about HOW I want to go there, then I`d go for this:

Dragonborn (Heart) Dark Warforged Warblade 1.

Flaws: Shaky.

Feats: Adaptive Style, Power Attack.


Strenght 18
Dexterity 12
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 8

Breath Weapons, maneuvers, and being Stealthy as heck should allow me to survive for a while. Later on I`ll likely aim for a Ruby Knight Vindicator if I ahve the time, or keep it to Initiating, who knows.
Gold is used for a nice Guisarme or similar, and some Armmor. Luckily I dont need to eat, sleep or breath.

Oh, and one of the more peaceful areas of Eberron will do. magitech Countries without (local) Epic Duouchebags, thank you very much!

2019-05-04, 06:26 PM
You can choose a race with LA +1 or +) (no Templates and the LA can be bought off normally)

Is that supposed to be +2? And why no templates? I`d also ask the entity what sources are allowed? Am I an experiment or does it want me to do something?
Are the generic classes open, and how do they interact with normal classes? Also, will I be alone?

2019-05-04, 06:49 PM
Is that supposed to be +2? And why no templates? I`d also ask the entity what sources are allowed? Am I an experiment or does it want me to do something?
Are the generic classes open, and how do they interact with normal classes? Also, will I be alone?

No, I had it as +0 and now realized that that was stupid wording lol And I went with no Templates because the last time I did this everyone turned into templated monstrosities, and I wanted to see what happens when everyone is more generic

All of 3.5 is allowed

Do what you want, you're just getting dropped in.

No, because it confuses things

You show up by yourself.

The Glyphstone
2019-05-04, 06:54 PM
Howabout a Level 1 Human Wizard with a Viper familiar. I'll chant the name of Pazuzu three times...:smallcool:

2019-05-04, 10:15 PM
All right.
Str-18 (+2)
Dex-14 (+4)
Con-12 (+4)
Int-10 (+2)
Wis-14 (+2)

class would be Mystic Ranger.
Race would be Greensnake naga.

Equipment would be a jug of shapesand, cheap armor, and a backpack with the basics.

No idea what flaws and feats I'd take. Mostly likely ranged focused. maybe I'd grab aberrant dragonmark through mark of xoriat to not be so squishy.

Plan would be to start on or get to the island of Lantaan in Faerun. Get to the church of Gond and offer them the plans for a steam engine. After that I just have to get into their good graces with information on machines and whatnot. Then it is just a matter of grinding levels.

Maat Mons
2019-05-04, 10:28 PM
Psion (Telepath)
Aiming for Psion 5 / Crystal Master 8 / Psion +7

Str: 6
Dex: 8
Con: 18
Int: 18
Wis: 8
Cha: 16


Craft (Gemcutting) 2
Concentration 4
Diplomacy 4
Knowledge (Gemology) 2
Knowledge (Psionics) 4
Psicraft 4
Sense Motive 4

Feats: Improved Initiative, Psicrystal Affinity, Psionic Mastery

Flaws: Noncombatant, Solitary Paragon

Future Levels

Skills to Max: Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Psionics), Psicraft
Skill Rank Targets: Bluff 5, Craft (Gemcutting) 4 (by level 5), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) 5, Knowledge (Gemology) 4 (by level 5), Sense Motive 5
Feats: Psicrystal Containment (by level 5)

I'll never die of old age, on account of being an Elan.

At character level 9, I hit level 4 of Crystal Master, imbed a bit of jade in my body, and stop taking penalties for aging. Elans hit middle age at 1,000 years, so as long as I can manage to hit character level 9 in less time than that, I'll never take any aging penalties.

I put as much as I could in Charisma (while still being an Elan) because I want people to like me... as long as I can achieve that by gaming some sort of system, instead of having to be nice to people.

For setting... let's say Spelljammer. I've always wanted to travel in a spaceship. If not that, then Eberron.

2019-05-05, 10:13 AM
Artificer with artificer stats. I'd be human but would seek immortality immediately.

Any world that canonically connects to earth will do.

The goal becomes to use every RAW exploit to get back home to my family. Then use magic to let us live un-impoverished, cancer-free lives.

2019-05-05, 10:25 AM
You guys are not getting my Dragon Ball Joke at all.

The Glyphstone
2019-05-05, 10:53 AM
You guys are not getting my Dragon Ball Joke at all.

This might not be the right audience for making puns in Japanese kanji.

2019-05-05, 11:01 AM
Domain specific language is harder to decipher without sufficient experience. Of course, the single character (kanji) meaning, and a domain specific word make of multiple characters takes some experience to learn.

2019-05-05, 12:07 PM
As participant of the annual "you gain a level" thread, I'm already a fully legit Human Occultist 4. No need to repost stats, feats, spells and stuff.

2019-05-05, 10:28 PM
Okay - so if we're going full-on isekai, I've got to know the tropes and use them to my advantage. Being isekai - certain things are bound to happen - and I'm gonna make the most of them, and make sure that they go well for me.

Therefore I'm going with a Pathfinder build (since you didn't specify) and going with a

Rakshasa-Spawn tiefling (+2 Dex/Cha -2 Wis) / Bard

Feat: Weapon Finesse
Gear: Rapier/studded leather/shield (heck yeah 22 AC for survival!) alchemist's fire, & lots of random useful stuff

Skills: Diplomacy/Intimidation/Bluff/Perform: Oratory/Stealth/Perception

So - I'm gonna have trouble doing much damage myself until I eventually grab the Fencing Grace feat. But that doesn't matter - because being isekai the first thing is that my tiefling looks will make a random jerk/jerks suspicious of me, and then a cadre of powerful ladies will be there to save me. My 20 freakin' CHA will assure it! Then I can just hang out, buff them, and let them do the heavy lifting. (probably literally with a 10 STR) Note: I will not do any sort of relationship with said ladies other than mooching unless my wife gets to come with - and then only with her.

As for setting - I'd pick one without gunpowder since I personally know how to make it. (75% salt peter / 15% charcoal / 10% sulfur)

2019-05-05, 11:01 PM
3.PF Gestalt.

Talented Bard|Avowed (Paragon).

Take Bardic Knowledge and Eye for Detail, then load up on Sneak Attack and Deadly Range. Take Dragontouched to qualify for Draconic feats, particularly Senses/Knowledge.

2019-05-06, 06:35 AM
Me, I'd like to live in a world which has newspapers with foreign correspondents at least. Being restricted to knowing about the immediate province would be an unpleasant change. Eberron seems like a good start, and Wroat in Breland seems like it'd be a decent place to live without triggering my acrophobia like Sharn would. And it's on the lightning rail.

Let's go with a (Pathfinder) Chronicler of Worlds Bard. It's a bard which is Int-focused, gets a lot of mileage out of the Linguistics skill and gets bonuses to planar travel eventually. Buffs are the way to making friends I think, and who doesn't want friends in a strange and dangerous land? Plus Int as the main stat would feel best to me, and should I want to go home eventually planar travel will probably be involved.

As for setting - I'd pick one without gunpowder since I personally know how to make it. (75% salt peter / 15% charcoal / 10% sulfur)
Do you know how to make it or just the recipe? And do you know how to identify saltpetre? There's a couple of possible roadblocks along your path.

2019-05-06, 07:31 AM
Do you know how to make it or just the recipe? And do you know how to identify saltpetre? There's a couple of possible roadblocks along your path.

Well - saltpeter was a compound known of long before gunpowder. I expect my Bardic Knowledge could help finding what it's known as and/or used for. :P

Plus if not - I know that it can gotten from bat poop - it crystallizes. That's why Fireball spells require a bit of bat guano (it's a joke). Just filer enough bat guano in water and you should get some saltpeter crystals.

And it's surprisingly easy to make. You literally just mix up the ingredients.

2019-05-06, 07:38 AM
I could also go with Talented Bard|Mindblade Magus. Take Spell Finesse (Int), build to Sublime Chord.

2019-05-06, 11:32 AM
Okay - so if we're going full-on isekai, I've got to know the tropes and use them to my advantage. Being isekai - certain things are bound to happen - and I'm gonna make the most of them, and make sure that they go well for me.

So - I'm gonna have trouble doing much damage myself until I eventually grab the Fencing Grace feat. But that doesn't matter - because being isekai the first thing is that my tiefling looks will make a random jerk/jerks suspicious of me, and then a cadre of powerful ladies will be there to save me. My 20 freakin' CHA will assure it! Then I can just hang out, buff them, and let them do the heavy lifting. (probably literally with a 10 STR) Note: I will not do any sort of relationship with said ladies other than mooching unless my wife gets to come with - and then only with her.

Unfortunately you have made a grave miscalculation. With a high charisma and interesting tiefling character design, you couldn't possibly be the main protagonist of an isekai anime! If you're not a dark-haired teenage boy with the collective personality of a bag of rocks, you are thoroughly unqualified to be the protagonist of such a franchise! :smalltongue:

2019-05-06, 12:32 PM
Well, the only race I want is pixie because I want to be an adorable little fairy with wings, but that has too high an LA for this, apparently. :(

2019-05-06, 12:48 PM
Well, the only race I want is pixie because I want to be an adorable little fairy with wings, but that has too high an LA for this, apparently. :(

Will a Petal Work?


2019-05-06, 01:06 PM
I just realized that there wqas a no Template Rule.

Is that set in stone, or is my build above "this side of stupid OP Templates"?
If not, I will adapt it.

And as it came up above: While I am assuming you would have mentioned Gestalting if it was a thing, you did indeed not specify if it was pure 2.5, PF or 3.PF. Could we get a clear Answer from the ROB for this please? ^^

2019-05-06, 01:24 PM
Modern day, a world indecipherable from our own but with (long lost) magic and planar access to the Great Wheel, in the Midwestern US (near the largest zoo that can be found). As mentioned, magic is a lost art, but it does function as RAW states. Also, psionics/magic transparency.

Gestalt human factotum // abrupt jaunt conjurer wizard, focusing on Int > Dex > Cha > Con = Wis > Str. Beyond that:

Assuming I start at first level and can gain XP and everything that goes with it, abrupt jaunt conjuror wizard, with Precocious Apprentice (ray of stupidity). And I'd take Sanctum Spell, as well. Then I'd be crafting Sanctum Spell'd scrolls of ray of stupidity (as 1st level spells), enough to fire off a half-dozen or so. Then I'd go to Africa, hire a driver, and start sniping elephants with RoS. At CR 7 each (more if I get a few herds), I should be able to gain enough XP to planar bind a genie within a few hours. From there, it's not terribly difficult to go epic within a couple of rounds. Then I'd retrain everything to a monstrosity of a gestalt build (which isn't hard to pull off at that level, even in non-gestalt).

So, yeah.

Flaws would mean Invisible Spell is on the table, so I could hit up the nearest zoo with elephants and knock a few out for some really fast leveling. Won't cause any real damage to the elephants (though having to do that does make me feel rather bad; still, no harm done, and I can make it up to them later).

I'd be epic rather faster than is commonplace, so I could go anywhere I wanted after that. From there, the multiverse is my oyster.

2019-05-06, 01:43 PM
My first instinct is to max out Int and Cha and go for Elan Psion (Telepath) with an eye towards getting in good with a wizards' guild or wizard so I can buy a PAO casting by around 5th level. Intent is to qualify for Beholder Mage by level 5 or 6, and then Cerebromancer that with Psion. Yes, I look weird, but I have friends who know me by then and can make it work.

If I'm playing up the Isekai tropes aspect, I acknowledge I'll wind up with a harem and explain it by going Thrallherd. No, I'm not mind-controllig people; I'm just recognizing that I'm an Isekai protagonist and that harems happen to us. They're all super-badass babes, too, which is why I'm travelling with the 5th- and 6th-level Believers as well as my waifu--er, Thrall (who's probably the first girl I met and hopefully isn't a tsundere). May as well embrace the skeeviness on my own terms. :smallyuk:

Off-topic, building an Isekai protagonist as a Thrallherd would be an interesting exercise.

On a less cheesy scale, some sort of full-caster with Wizard as the basis would likely be a favorite. Ironically, if I'm doing it personally, necromancy loses its appeal because corpses are gross. But if the ROB is kind enough to help me with such hangups, I know a lot of tricks for making highly effective necromancer minionmancers. But a full-caster Wizard would be a must, regardless, for the survivability and eventual world-shaking power. Even if I don't live up to the potential with it, having it avaialble would be nice.

2019-05-06, 04:16 PM
I just realized that there wqas a no Template Rule.

Is that set in stone, or is my build above "this side of stupid OP Templates"?
If not, I will adapt it.

And as it came up above: While I am assuming you would have mentioned Gestalting if it was a thing, you did indeed not specify if it was pure 2.5, PF or 3.PF. Could we get a clear Answer from the ROB for this please? ^^

No templates, we're going basic.

Also no gestalting and it's either 3.5 or PF, just specify which

2019-05-06, 04:29 PM
No templates, we're going basic.

Also no gestalting and it's either 3.5 or PF, just specify which

I feel Half-Fey LA 1 is more of a racial thing than template. http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a

2019-05-06, 06:08 PM
Well - saltpeter was a compound known of long before gunpowder. I expect my Bardic Knowledge could help finding what it's known as and/or used for. :P

Plus if not - I know that it can gotten from bat poop - it crystallizes. That's why Fireball spells require a bit of bat guano (it's a joke). Just filer enough bat guano in water and you should get some saltpeter crystals.

And it's surprisingly easy to make. You literally just mix up the ingredients.

A sort of junk gunpowder can be made with wee, bird droppings and charcoal. I dont remember where I learned that though. :smallconfused:

2019-05-06, 06:14 PM
Well, the only race I want is pixie because I want to be an adorable little fairy with wings, but that has too high an LA for this, apparently. :(

When you are asked what race you want, you look that entity right in the eyes and say Faen*, And don't back down.

*See Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved. Has the option to pupate into a spryte at 3rd level.

2019-05-06, 06:44 PM
Unfortunately you have made a grave miscalculation. With a high charisma and interesting tiefling character design, you couldn't possibly be the main protagonist of an isekai anime! If you're not a dark-haired teenage boy with the collective personality of a bag of rocks, you are thoroughly unqualified to be the protagonist of such a franchise! :smalltongue:

I figured that my dumped WIS and barely average INT would help me to fit the role.

2019-05-06, 07:42 PM
Well - saltpeter was a compound known of long before gunpowder. I expect my Bardic Knowledge could help finding what it's known as and/or used for. :P

Plus if not - I know that it can gotten from bat poop - it crystallizes. That's why Fireball spells require a bit of bat guano (it's a joke). Just filer enough bat guano in water and you should get some saltpeter crystals.

And it's surprisingly easy to make. You literally just mix up the ingredients.
You'll get something which goes bang if you just mix powders of those together. If you want something with even grain sizes for reliable use in guns, ideally smallest grain size for fuses/matches and largest for cannon, you'll need to prepare it further. I suspect that going into detail about the process would cross some sort of line on the forum rules but there are dangers of self-fumigating, starting fires accidentally and if you really screw up possibly getting a small explosion close to your hands. There are reasons why bomb-makers are respected within terrorist organisations, they're taking more risk than most.

BTW your bat guano crystals will have a fair amount of urea in them. Not impossible to work with but not ideal either. Better if you're some place which is too poor to afford salt (NaCl) for food preservation and may use saltpetre for the purpose.

2019-05-06, 08:05 PM
I've made a choice for the yearly "gain a level" threads, but that build is best for life in a nice and safe developed country. Ideally I would simply choose to appear in a homebrewed setting that would be exactly identical to the real world, where magic was a lost art and the world was free of monsters and extraplanar invasions for some mysterious reason.
If I suddenly became a level 1 hobo in another world, well... I'd want a build like this:

Level 1 Human Spontaneous Cleric (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/spontaneousDivineCasters.htm) of Kol Korran, worshipping the Sovereign Host (appears in a major city in Eberron that isn't hostile to Clerics of the Sovereign Host)
Domains: Commerce, Travel
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 14
Skills: Concentration +4, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Profession (gambler) +18, Spellcraft +7,
Feats: Worldly Focus, Flaws (City Slicker, Frail Immune System), Wedded to History (Survivor), Healing Devotion, Protection Devotion
Spells known:
0: Detect Magic, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
1: Endure Elements, Lesser Shivering Touch, Comprehend Languages (D), Longstrider (D)
Gear: TBD

According to the costs from the character upkeep rules on page 130 of the DMG, this build can make a decent enough living relying entirely on Profession (gambling). Profession (gambling) is actually a skill mentioned as a prerequisite for multiple PrCs in separate sourcebooks, and is therefore an entirely valid way to mechanically simulate making a living from gambling despite cheats, bull**** and rigged games.
This build will also never suffer from old age, which is nice.

If I ever have to get into fights and level (which will inevitably happen, seeing as this is an Isekai), here is my "future build": Cleric 3 / Church Inquisitor 1 / Sovereign Speaker 3 / Church Inquisitor + 2 / Sovereign Speaker +1 / Contemplative 2 / Sovereign Speaker +1 / Divine Disciple 5 / Church Inquisitor +2
Domains (in order) : Commerce, Travel, Inquisition, War, Magic, Luck, Mind, Trade, Celerity, Animal

2019-05-06, 08:12 PM
BTW your bat guano crystals will have a fair amount of urea in them. Not impossible to work with but not ideal either. Better if you're some place which is too poor to afford salt (NaCl) for food preservation and may use saltpetre for the purpose.

Very true. I know that during the Napoleonic wars one major advantage that the British had was that they had better gunpowder due to their control of India and the saltpeter found there.

I know that there are better places to get saltpeter; I was just going with the only one that I know I'd be able to get it in a pinch.

2019-05-06, 09:15 PM
Also no gestalting and it's either 3.5 or PF, just specify whichThen I'll start as a 3.5 wizard. It's not like I don't know of ways to gestalt myself later on anyway (see fusion + astral seed).

2019-05-06, 09:39 PM
The only thing that makes either system tolerable is the inclusion of rules from the other.

edit: Cutthroat Soulknife to Mystic Archer, dip Talented Rogue and Talented Monk. VMC Bard.

Rogue grants low-light vision and 10 feet of deadly range, plus an extra 1d6 or 2d6 sneak attack.

Monk grants unfettered kata, which stacks with improved mind armor, deadly strikes with mind bolt, and still mind to qualify for Monastic Legacy.

Mystic Archer allows me to make sneak attacks out to the range of my blindsight.

2019-05-07, 05:21 AM
My first instinct is to max out Int and Cha and go for Elan Psion (Telepath) with an eye towards getting in good with a wizards' guild or wizard so I can buy a PAO casting by around 5th level. Intent is to qualify for Beholder Mage by level 5 or 6, and then Cerebromancer that with Psion. Yes, I look weird, but I have friends who know me by then and can make it work.

If I'm playing up the Isekai tropes aspect, I acknowledge I'll wind up with a harem and explain it by going Thrallherd. No, I'm not mind-controllig people; I'm just recognizing that I'm an Isekai protagonist and that harems happen to us. They're all super-badass babes, too, which is why I'm travelling with the 5th- and 6th-level Believers as well as my waifu--er, Thrall (who's probably the first girl I met and hopefully isn't a tsundere). May as well embrace the skeeviness on my own terms. :smallyuk:

Off-topic, building an Isekai protagonist as a Thrallherd would be an interesting exercise.

On a less cheesy scale, some sort of full-caster with Wizard as the basis would likely be a favorite. Ironically, if I'm doing it personally, necromancy loses its appeal because corpses are gross. But if the ROB is kind enough to help me with such hangups, I know a lot of tricks for making highly effective necromancer minionmancers. But a full-caster Wizard would be a must, regardless, for the survivability and eventual world-shaking power. Even if I don't live up to the potential with it, having it avaialble would be nice.
Great minds think a like there mate i will be going to same road as you with only diffrent think is i will be using leadership sphere instead of leadership and trallheard( my favorite prestige class) and with prodigy i will have flexibility for most situations. what feats i will get depend on the world i dropped in to but i will be using few personal cheats to punch little bit higher then my weight class.

2019-05-07, 05:41 AM
No templates, we're going basic.

Also no gestalting and it's either 3.5 or PF, just specify which

Hmm, OK, going PF then, and equating everything Race builder wise that does not increase the challenges by more than 1 CR as "Equal to LA +1".

Likely will be going Sorcerer or a PoW CLass then.

Gonna edit this post once I am home with my books.

2019-05-07, 12:13 PM
Will a Petal Work?

For some reason, I never knew that petals had wings. Yeah, that'll be fine.

2019-05-09, 05:26 AM
With a 78 straight buy you can buy 4 18's and 2 3's before racials. In Pathfinder there is the +1LA race known as the Azlanti Pureblood which are Humans with a +2 to all stats. This means a valid option is to be an Azlanti Pureblood with the following.


Not sure what class, feats, or abilities I would go for, but with those stats any Int or Wis full caster works nicely. I don't even care that I have the personality of wet cardboard and even less of a chance of punching my way out of it.

Mind's Eye
2019-05-14, 10:49 AM
Human Peasant
Con: 18
Feats: Quick Draw, Throw anything, Dodge
Flaws: Chicken Infested
Just run and dodge emitting a cloud of chichens as I make my escape.