View Full Version : Prepping For The +1 Returning Boulder of Lesser Wonder

2019-05-04, 11:30 AM
A friend who runs some pretty solid games every once in a while just asked if a boulder could be given the Returning property. I said no because a boulder isn't typically a masterwork weapon and thus couldn't be a magic weapon, but were a DM to waive the Masterwork property for a boulder to be enchanted as a masterwork weapon, or otherwise decree that a particular boulder counted as a masterwork weapon, then yes, it could be enchanted in that case.

He then said that he was imagining a massive d20 carved of stone that giants could wield and, well, yes, something like that could probably count, I think. And then he said he wanted it to have a different effect based on any given number rolled, like turning into harmless mist before returning and turning back to stone on the roll of a 1, and I said "Oh, kinda like a rod of wonder's effects?" and he said "Yeah, sorta."

Then he ominously said, and I quote, "Expect this encounter"

Just like that, too, there wasn't a period.

Anyway, I play a Swashbuckler (Daring Warrior variety) and I like to think that I've already got a number of tricks, techniques, and tools for dealing with things in this general ballpark, but... what would you do as a Swashbuckler if you wanted to really prepare for this encounter?

My first thought was to quietly take stonebreaker acid on a shopping trip and maybe do something to help with targeting the weapon, but most of the helpful options for that I can think of involve feat slots and those are at a premium.

2019-05-04, 11:59 AM
Having a way to hit the bolder with antimagic ray could really help, it would get rid of it's magical properties for a limited time to deal with the person throwing it, then once it wears off you now have the D20. If he sets this as an artifact style weapon you may have issues. You could also try to find a way to sunder the item as well.

The Kool
2019-05-04, 12:37 PM
Dispel Magic will also suppress the magical properties of an item plenty long enough to finish off the encounter.

2019-05-04, 03:57 PM
Memory tells me that items of certain material are always masterwork. So an adamantine boulder, while expensive and heavy, should get you past that hurdle.

2019-05-04, 05:05 PM
Memory tells me that items of certain material are always masterwork. So an adamantine boulder, while expensive and heavy, should get you past that hurdle.

Heavy is an understatement!

2019-05-05, 12:29 PM
Get access to Return Shot (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#returnShot) and bounce the chaos-boulder back at the wielder.

Snatch Arrows prevents bouncing back boulders and other massive weapons, but Return Shot has no such restriction.

(Disclaimer: Return Shot has some ugly prereqs that are not trivial to pick up if you aren’t swimming in feats, but c’mon, tell me that wouldn’t be freaking hilarious.)

2019-05-05, 07:07 PM
If you've got 2 feats free (A big ask, I know), you can take Basic Magical Training, and then Advanced Magical Training from Spheres of Power. Use 2 of the magical talents you get from that to take the Alteration sphere and the Giant Traits talent. This will allow you to shape change (Blank form) so that you have the Rock Catching trait, which allows you to make a Reflex save to catch any boulder being thrown at you. And the Rock Throwing trait will let you throw it, if you're large enough.

2019-05-05, 09:19 PM
He then said that he was imagining a massive d20 carved of stone that giants could wield and, well, yes, something like that could probably count, I think. And then he said he wanted it to have a different effect based on any given number rolled, like turning into harmless mist before returning and turning back to stone on the roll of a 1, and I said "Oh, kinda like a rod of wonder's effects?" and he said "Yeah, sorta."

That aspect sounds a lot like the Fist of Emirikol (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20030713b).



2019-05-06, 07:13 AM
Counter the giants with d4 caltrops.

2019-05-06, 08:36 AM
Heavy is an understatement!

Expensive is also an understatement. It'd fund a large kingdom. I think well carved is good enough to call it masterwork.

Even as a valuable magic item I would try to cart it away and sell it rather than destroy it. Realistically, prepared or not you're going to win this fight. So first thing is to get a nice cart. Seems a bit meta, but so is all preparation for this fight. But you could always take up 1e style even before this fight and strip down entire dungeons to sell them. Well built sturdy oak door? Off the hinges it goes. Stronghold builders guide might be handy for prices, though sell for half of course. Weapon rack? Into the cart! Hallway lit with everburning torches? Where's my pickaxe and crowbar? In a hurry? No problem, I'll get my cart when we're done. This is why we have traditions of statues coming to life, mimics attacking as chests or walls or ceiling or floors or decorative rugs. Because PCs were always busy checking, prying and looting them all. Also don't forget to hire henchmen to haul the stuff and to generally abuse.

2019-05-06, 10:16 AM
I would give the Boulder a saving throw vs. Anything. So your acid is less effective.

Mage below

Hold Monster spell off scroll.

1st level spell. Ray of Enfeeblement strength damage you can throw what you can not lift.

Invisibility can not hit what you can not see.

For a fighter enter combat at close range. With out feats that boulder becomes like an arrow shot. Attacks of opportunity every round it is thrown.

Thief stay low stealth move at half movement get behind. Again attack of opportunity.

Cleric? Not much dispel magic.