View Full Version : Need help building a strong level 4 melee character

Max Caysey
2019-05-04, 03:15 PM
Hi you crazy kids

I'm kind of in a blank here. I need to produce a very competent melee level 4 character. It does not have to be a fighter per say, but it must be melee, can't be monk and and cant use any spells.

Its an urban setting, where spell-casting is disallowed and where guards patrol the city like madmen. Currently they are members of a trading guild, but so far low ranked and therefore they do all the heavy lifting. They have had quite the trouble. So they are bringing in a friend, me. I was told to play a melee character.

I need something that either 1) Can take a beating, 2) Can deal a ton of damage or 3) can control the battlefield. Preferable all of the above, but a minimum of one of them must be met.

The setting aren't really fitting for a battleplate wearing, towershield carrying dude... they sneak and do a lot of social interactions to overcome encounters, but apparently they are in an open guild war right now, and so it has reverted into direct armed conflict lately. That's where I come in.

Its a medium optimization level campaign (what ever that means).

They party currently consists of: a human cloistered cleric (information broker), level 4; a half-orc thug (brawler), level 4; a human melee rogue (calligrapher), level 4; and a human ranged rogue (sneaker), level 5.

Everyone except the half-orc is focused on something besides combat, so I really need to build a beast of a melee combatant of some sort.

Any help will be highly appreciated!


EDIT: We are allowed to use Core, all Complete, Dragon Magazine and nothing setting specific from either FR or Eberron, but generic stuff from these books are ok. Likewise UA is ok too, if it fits the urban setting... and no ToB.

2019-05-04, 03:43 PM
Crusader or Warblade would fit the bill if Tome of Battle is allowed. Barbarian isn't a bad choice either way.

2019-05-04, 04:19 PM
We need to know what sources are allowed.
if ToB is allowed then going with ToB would be best.

2019-05-04, 04:38 PM
Human Wolf totem barbarian 2 (free improved trip and rage) /crusader 2.
Power attack, improved initiative, knock down.

Max Caysey
2019-05-04, 05:54 PM
Ok, so, yes I forgot to mention which sources are allowed. Core, all Complete series, nothing setting specific from either FR or Eberron and no ToB.

Sorry for not mentioning this earlier, I see multiple advises going that direction.

2019-05-04, 06:05 PM
Well, an AoO Spiked Chain Fighter is usually high on Dex, which means low armor. If you also take the Feat Rogue variant(from Unearthed Arcana, also available in the SRD), you can have four levels giving four bonus feats, and also quite a lot of skill points to spend in stealth-related skills. Actually, you should probably take it as Feat Rogue 1/Fighter 2/Feat Rogue +1, which would give you an opportunity to get most Rogue skills to a nice level, although you lose 4 HP.

That would make you nimble and very good at manipulating targets, while also keeping some damage. Not as tanky, but it's pretty good for the sort of urban campaign you're in.

2019-05-04, 08:30 PM
The horizon tripper build could be fun.


Is races of stone available? Goliath barbarians have a substitution level that lets them be large while raging. There is a +1 LA but perhaps you can use the UA rules to buy it off.

Oh would a non-psionic feat from the expanded psionics handbook be allowed? Because standstill is a great feat to keep enemies getting away from you to find squishier targets.

2019-05-04, 11:49 PM
Wolf totem barbarian 2 gives you improved trip without needing to meet the 13 intelligence prerequisite you usually need for it. Then the knock down feat just gives you insurance to use improved trip without trip as your actual attack. After that just take fighter for exotic weapon proficiency in spiked chain and power attack because you like doing damage. Extra feat for anything you want.
No outside books, easy to build and play

2019-05-05, 12:31 AM
Then the knock down feat
only deities and demigods qualify for knock-down feat. Also it is not updated to the 3.5 edition.

2019-05-05, 02:37 AM
only deities and demigods qualify for knock-down feat. Also it is not updated to the 3.5 edition.

It's a general feat, not a deific feat. (If you object to the version in Deities and Demigods, use the version in Sword and Fist, which is identical in absolutely every way except for not mentioning the term "deity.")

3.0 material is legal for 3.5 if it hasn't been updated. The big update document (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20030718a) doesn't remove or nerf Knock-Down in any way, and it doesn't rely on any outdated mechanics, so there's no concern with it being originally 3.0.

2019-05-05, 03:04 AM
Yeah, if you don't want to go buffy spellcaster whose spellcasting is hard to detect route (which is perfectly doable, btw), your best bet is probably Barbarian/Ranger. Barbarian gets you Improved Trip, Ranger gets you skills, Rapid Shot and a lot of random stuff (use the Complete Champion ACFs for both; Pounce for Barbarian and Speak with Plants and Animals for Ranger) and then you just wield a two-handed reach weapon (Guisarme is the best) with armor spikes or whatever with a backup bow. The only feats you need are Power Attack and Combat Reflexes, and perhaps Extra Rage (with Whirling Frenzy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#rageVariantWhirlingFrenzy ) as a cherry on top). The rest is just a stat check. I guess you could also be opening up the road for Shock Trooper with Improved Bull Rush.

Str > Dex > Con > Whatever. 14 Con, 16 Dex, 18 Str would be ideal. Your race can be Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/orc.htm), Wood Elf (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/elf.htm#woodElf), Dwarf or plain Human. Your Ranger level should be 1st for the 6+Int skill points (8 skill points is more important than 2 HP from Barbarian maxed HD, doubly so since the list is so much better).

2019-05-05, 11:16 AM
Warforged, Dragonborn of Bahamut, Mineral Warrior (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003e) in that order. You keep your original type and subtype when becoming Dragonborn, so you lose the default composite plating but keep all the living construct traits. Pick the heart aspect from Dragonborn for a breath attack. Mineral Warrior makes you tanky and you can say you already bought off the level adjustment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/reducingLevelAdjustments.htm) so you'll begin play with 3,000 xp less than the rest of the party but still with ECL 4 wealth/equipment and you should get more xp per encounter for being lower level, which will eventually catch you up.

Start out Crusader 3, you can't really go wrong staying single-classed. A super effective build is Crusader 4/ Binder 1/ Hellreaver 5/ Crusader 10, always bind Naberius once you hit Hellreaver 5 to be able to spam that class's abilities. Take two flaws (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm) (more here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?258440-The-quot-Best-quot-Flaws#30)) to start with two extra feats, get Adamantine Body, Entangling Exhalation, Stone Power, and Extra Granted Maneuver. Take the Quick trait (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterTraits.htm#quick) so you'll still have a 30-ft. land speed, having Adamantine Body doesn't cause you to be slowed down by wearing armor (the feat itself reduces your base land speed instead), so you can still use Tumble, so trade Ride for Tumble as a class skill (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a).

Use a heavy shield and a decent one-handed weapon. If your DM lets you keep the warforged slam attack that adds 1.5x Str to damage after becoming dragonborn, then that's your best bet. Make your adamantine body and your shield each +1, and get a Cloak of Elemental Protection (MIC) with a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws added (MIC p234). Plan to get a +1 weapon with Sudden Stunning in DMG2 asap.

Use an entangling breath attack as often as possible to keep as many opponents as possible constantly debuffed. They'll have a difficult time repositioning themselves or moving past you, plus they'll be taking damage from that every round so you'll be presenting yourself as a major threat and they'll be more likely to focus their attacks on you. You'll have a crazy high AC, absurd HP, damage reduction, temporary hp from Stone Power, and the delayed damage pool and healing from Crusader. You'll have a decent Str score and martial maneuvers to add extra damage to your attacks, plus the breath attacks. You'll be an absolute tank, an adamantine dragon(born), and you won't even move any slower than the rest of the party.

2019-05-05, 03:34 PM
Urban Ranger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rangerVariantUrbanRang er) from UA might be useful, at least for a 1-level dip.

"At the game master's discretion, an urban ranger may select an organization instead of a creature type as his favored enemy. For example, a character might select a particular thieves' guild, merchant house, or even the city guard."

Beyond that, depends to some extent how long you expect the campaign to go on for. Firstly because if you're going on for a fair while ability to qualify for prestige classes becomes an important factor, and secondly because Lion Totem Barbarian 1 (CCh) is generally very useful for pounce but if you're not going to be spending much time at level 6+ the Wolf Totem (UA) variant works better for what you want.

In general, I'd say multiclass. The core warrior classes are all front-loaded with good features. Maybe Wolf Totem Barbarian 2/ Urban Ranger 1/ Fighter 1, gets you fast movement, rage, improved trip without prerequisites, urban tracking, favored enemy, and a bonus feat. Extra Rage is probably worth taking at level 3.

Dwarf would work well, as Charisma is a dump stat so you get the Constitution bonus effectively for free, and because if you fail your trip attempt you get a +4 to avoid being tripped in return. Human also works.

2019-05-05, 06:33 PM
Warforged, Dragonborn of Bahamut, Mineral Warrior (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003e) in that order.
Although warforged are in MMIII and mineral warriors could appear anywhere, they do perhaps run afoul of the "no setting-specific from Eberron or Forgotten Realms" clause. Which is a shame, because who doesn't like a platinum ore-encased warforged :smallbiggrin:. Crusader, meanwhile, definitely doesn't pass the "no ToB" rule.


Edit: I was going to suggest monk 2/incarnate 1/crusader 1, but that's not compatible with the source list either.

2019-05-05, 07:13 PM
So no ToB (maybe include that in your edit in the OP), but Dragon magazine is allowed....

Earth Dwarf (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/elementalRacialVariants.htm#racesOfEarth), Half-Minotaur (Dragon 313), and say you've already bought off the level adjustment (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/reducingLevelAdjustments.htm). That gets you large size, Str +14, Dex -4, Con +8, Int -2, Cha -2, and +4 natural armor. Also a gore attack that can be used as a secondary natural weapon with your normal attacks.

With those stats, you could honestly make the character whatever class you want. Begin play with a Hat of Disguise (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#hatofDisguise) to appear shorter and wearing a helmet with big horns on it, rather than showing your own horns.

I'd probably make the character a Cleric, just use long-duration buffs where nobody can see and you should be safe. Say you visited the Frog God's Fane to get Skill Focus: Knowledge: Religion for 2,000 gp, and plan on going Cleric 6/ Divine Oracle 4/ Contemplative 10. Begin play with DMM: Persist and use it for buffs like Divine Favor, get the Travel domain and cast (Extended) Longstrider (and also get the Quick trait), maybe even get Strength Devotion, or perhaps the Wrath domain. Renewal is also a decent domain choice, or Inquisition if you want to be part of the anti-spellcaster organization.

2019-05-05, 08:37 PM
I'd probably make the character a Cleric, just use long-duration buffs where nobody can see and you should be safe.

From the OP:

it must be melee, can't be monk and and cant use any spells.

Its an urban setting, where spell-casting is disallowed and where guards patrol the city like madmen.

I was told to play a melee character.

2019-05-07, 02:29 AM
I'm not very fond of low-level campaign but was coerced to join one. It was limited at 5th level. Level range being is so low makes irrelevant any deep optimization. So I made a build that are perfect at 4th level but becomes weaker at higher levels. Just to show how absurd is to concentrate on low levels. The build is quite grotesque.

Name: Maddog

Abilities: Inherently MAD. So many low abilities are better then one high. Str (attack and damage) > Dex (AC & Ini) > Wis (AC for monk) > Con (for rage).
For 28 point buy I get: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Race: Warforged (LA 0) + Incarnate Construct (LA -2) + Feral (LA +1) + Lolth-touched (LA +1) + Dragonborn of Bahamut (LA 0)
Our hero had a very thorny life journey as you could see. But finally he managed to obtain inner peace and take path of greater good.

Race and templates gives him following ability adjustments: Str +10, Dex -4, Con +12, Int -4, Wis 0, Char -2.
Strength and constitution get amiable boost, but dexterity and intelligence get heavy blow. So the character is about raw power, not clever tricks (he has very too few skill points), not fancy moves as he has poor dexterity.
Assuming 28 point buy you would get: Str 26, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6.

Other racial characteristics:
medium size,
40' move,
natural armor 6,
two claws attack 1d8 each,
improved grab (only for smaller creatures)
dark vision 60ft,
fast healing 3,
immunity to frightful presence
heart aspect: breath 20' line of 2d8 of fire, electricity, acid, cold at choice.

So our hero walks fast, hit hard, has plenty of health, and doesn't rely on items to attack and to defend himself. If he meets swarm enemy he could use breath weapon to deal with it.
The build is focused on getting as much attacks per round as possible since flurry of misses are very fun and unpredictable. The flurry could also be delivered with pounced charge. To avoid obstacles in midway he uses Jump skill excessively. Jump is the only skill the build could afford to max. Remember: each 10' of land speed means +4 bonus to jump checks.
So all class choices are taken to improve attack and damage. Besides I deliberately make build as easy to use as I can. Since there is little fan in thrudging through abundant spell books and spent hours deciding what spells to memorize.

Flaws: Inattentive, Shaky.
The build is melee oriented, so it could sacrifice ranged attack. It has little skills, so no listen and spot either way.

1st level: Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty.
Vow of Poverty is clear degradation. But it makes play easier (since there are much less options). And there is little magic items on low levels, so you could give up on them.

1st level: Two-Weapon Fighting (increasing attack number is the main goal of the build)
Monk bonus: Power Attack (prerequisite for the flying kick)
3rd level: Flying Kick (make charge attacks deal more damage)

Exalted feats (bonus from Vow of Poverty)
1st level: Nymph Kiss (+1 skill point each level)
2nd level: Touch of Golden Ice (attacks are like a poison to evils including undead)
4th level: Vow of Abstinence

Lion Spirit Totem Barbarian 1. (Whirling frenzy variant)
Excellent hit dice, full BAB, decent number of skills, illiteracy is a charming feature. No lawyers and small print additions to indentures. Only honest verbal oaths.
Whirling frenzy instead of normal rage provides extra attack.

Grants pounce - the key feature of the build.
Monk of the Overwhelming Attack 1
This variants grants power attack as first level bonus feat. Which is crucial for getting flying kick. Zero BAB is a pity, but monk has all saves high. Widsom bonus to AC grants extra 2 points.

Monk's unarmed strike is unique. It is treated both as natural and manufactured weapon. It could use any limb to attack. Full attack would include 1 (general) + 1 (TWF) + 1 (whirling frenzy) + 1 (flurry) and 2 (claws secondary) attack with total -6 penalty to AB.

Cloistered Cleric 1
Devotion: Knowledge, Animal
Domain: Celerity.
Cleric has poor BAB at seems inappropriate in this build. But his devotions and domains compensate a lot.
Knowledge devotion provides at least +1 AB, +1 damage (+2 in rare occasions). This feature itself beats AB deficiency.
Animal Devotion 1/day gives Maddog either +2 sacred bonus to strength or +10' sacred bonus to land speed for a minute.
Celerity gives 10' land speed unnamed bonus.

Shapeshift Druid 1
Yet another class that adds zero to BAB. But it provides all-time +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, +4 unnamed bonus to natural armor and change move speed from 40' to 50'. All it require to operate - shapeshift into a predator, losing weapons, armor, and spellcasting. But Maddog employs neither of them. He uses unarmed strike which are still accessible in the changed form, he relies on armor bonuses which are always with him.

In normal campaigns shapeshifting druid is the worst choice for a character. It has poor forms, provides chaffy enhancement bonuses which he could get cheaper from magic items and spells. And it sacrifices two awfully beneficial class options: companion and wildshape. For a low-level campaign it is not a big deal. You have few magic items and spells, so there is no competition in ability enhancement. You got wildshape only on 5th level and lower levels are irrelevant.

In out case it a good choice. And a fun one. The character has enormous strength and equally outstanding carrying capacity. So he could get lot of stuff meld it into the shape and carry while no one suspects him transporting recently snatched vault.

Total BAB: 1
Total Ref: 2
Total Fort: 8
Total Will: 6

The only needed skill is jump. Also take at least 1 point in knowledge feats (Arcane, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Religion, Planes) to get Knowledge Devotion work.

Let's calculate attack routine for a predator form with activate whirling frenzy and animal devotion. Frenzy duration is 3 + Con modifier, 10 rounds. The same duration has devotion.
Strength is 26 (base) + 4 (frenzy) + 2 (animal devotion) + 4 (predator form) = 36
AC is 10 + 6 (natural) + 0 (dex) + 2 (wis) + 4 (form) + 4 (exalted) + 2(frenzy) -2 (charge) = 26
Speed is 50' (form) + 10' (celerity) = 60'
4 unarmed strike attacks with
AB = 1 (BAB) + 13 (Str) + 1 (magic from vow of poverty) + 1 (Knowledge Devotion) + 2 (charge) - 2 (flurry) - 2 (TWF) - 2 (frenzy) = 12
damage = d6 + d12 (flying kick) + 13 (Str) + 1 (Knowledge Devotion)
1 secondary bite attack with AB = 7, damage = d6 + 6 + 1

Druid and Cleric are chosen for their class feature not for spellcasting. But Maddog still have 2+1 spell slots from cleric and 2 slots from druid. Casting is not his strong point, but it is foolish to refuse extra features. So I selected small number of helpful spells that the build can benefit from.

Protection from Evil [Good]: +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus against Evil and immunity to mental attacks from all! for 1 minute
Blade of Blood: swift action +3d6 points of damage to living creatures for your next attack. Costs 5hp damage to you. Lasts 1 round.
Expeditious Retreat (celerity domain): +30' enhancement bonus to land speed for 1 minute.
Snowshoes: +10' enhancement bonus to land speed for 1 hour

Snowshoes: the same as Cleric
Surefooted Stride: move through difficult terrain at full speed, run, charge and tumble as it was clear terrain. Lasts 1 minute. +2 Competence to Climb checks.
Camouflage: +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks for 10 minutes.

Further advancement.
Monk of the Overwhelmed Attack 2 - grants Improved Bull Rush feat which is prerequisite for the Shock Trooper feat
Scout 3 - to get +2 AB and some skirmish bonuses
Warshaper 3 - to get extra bonuses while shapeshifting
Fist of the Forest - 3 to get unarmed attack and Constitution bonus to AC.

But 4th level is the golden age of the build.

If shapeshifting druid is too fun and exotic, then you could choose another druid variants from the UA. Druidic Avenger replaces Animal Companion feature with extra 10' of land speed and extra whirling frenzy. Also Druid replaces wild shape feature with monk's bonus to AC (stacks with Monk), fast movement (stacks with monk), favored enemy (as Ranger) - take spellcasters and Track feat. This gives him 50' land speed in his normal form (+10' from celerity, but it works in both variants). But he loses Strength enhacement and AC bonus from shapeshifting. In that case it is better to take Wings aspect from dragonborn instead of Heart. Wings would not be melded into shapeshifting form and would grant solid +10 Jump bonus.

Max Caysey
2019-05-07, 04:54 AM
I'm not very fond of low-level campaign but was coerced to join one. It was limited at 5th level. Level range being is so low makes irrelevant any deep optimization. So I made a build that are perfect at 4th level but becomes weaker at higher levels. Just to show how absurd is to concentrate on low levels. The build is quite grotesque.

Name: Maddog

Abilities: Inherently MAD. So many low abilities are better then one high. Str (attack and damage) > Dex (AC & Ini) > Wis (AC for monk) > Con (for rage).
For 28 point buy I get: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8.

Race: Warforged (LA 0) + Incarnate Construct (LA -2) + Feral (LA +1) + Lolth-touched (LA +1) + Dragonborn of Bahamut (LA 0)
Our hero had a very thorny life journey as you could see. But finally he managed to obtain inner peace and take path of greater good.

Race and templates gives him following ability adjustments: Str +10, Dex -4, Con +12, Int -4, Wis 0, Char -2.
Strength and constitution get amiable boost, but dexterity and intelligence get heavy blow. So the character is about raw power, not clever tricks (he has very too few skill points), not fancy moves as he has poor dexterity.
Assuming 28 point buy you would get: Str 26, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6.

Other racial characteristics:
medium size,
40' move,
natural armor 6,
two claws attack 1d8 each,
improved grab (only for smaller creatures)
dark vision 60ft,
fast healing 3,
immunity to frightful presence
heart aspect: breath 20' line of 2d8 of fire, electricity, acid, cold at choice.

So our hero walks fast, hit hard, has plenty of health, and doesn't rely on items to attack and to defend himself. If he meets swarm enemy he could use breath weapon to deal with it.
The build is focused on getting as much attacks per round as possible since flurry of misses are very fun and unpredictable. The flurry could also be delivered with pounced charge. To avoid obstacles in midway he uses Jump skill excessively. Jump is the only skill the build could afford to max. Remember: each 10' of land speed means +4 bonus to jump checks.
So all class choices are taken to improve attack and damage. Besides I deliberately make build as easy to use as I can. Since there is little fan in thrudging through abundant spell books and spent hours deciding what spells to memorize.

Flaws: Inattentive, Shaky.
The build is melee oriented, so it could sacrifice ranged attack. It has little skills, so no listen and spot either way.

1st level: Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty.
Vow of Poverty is clear degradation. But it makes play easier (since there are much less options). And there is little magic items on low levels, so you could give up on them.

1st level: Two-Weapon Fighting (increasing attack number is the main goal of the build)
Monk bonus: Power Attack (prerequisite for the flying kick)
3rd level: Flying Kick (make charge attacks deal more damage)

Exalted feats (bonus from Vow of Poverty)
1st level: Nymph Kiss (+1 skill point each level)
2nd level: Touch of Golden Ice (attacks are like a poison to evils including undead)
4th level: Vow of Abstinence

Lion Spirit Totem Barbarian 1. (Whirling frenzy variant)
Excellent hit dice, full BAB, decent number of skills, illiteracy is a charming feature. No lawyers and small print additions to indentures. Only honest verbal oaths.
Whirling frenzy instead of normal rage provides extra attack.

Grants pounce - the key feature of the build.
Monk of the Overwhelming Attack 1
This variants grants power attack as first level bonus feat. Which is crucial for getting flying kick. Zero BAB is a pity, but monk has all saves high. Widsom bonus to AC grants extra 2 points.

Monk's unarmed strike is unique. It is treated both as natural and manufactured weapon. It could use any limb to attack. Full attack would include 1 (general) + 1 (TWF) + 1 (whirling frenzy) + 1 (flurry) and 2 (claws secondary) attack with total -6 penalty to AB.

Cloistered Cleric 1
Devotion: Knowledge, Animal
Domain: Celerity.
Cleric has poor BAB at seems inappropriate in this build. But his devotions and domains compensate a lot.
Knowledge devotion provides at least +1 AB, +1 damage (+2 in rare occasions). This feature itself beats AB deficiency.
Animal Devotion 1/day gives Maddog either +2 sacred bonus to strength or +10' sacred bonus to land speed for a minute.
Celerity gives 10' land speed unnamed bonus.

Shapeshift Druid 1
Yet another class that adds zero to BAB. But it provides all-time +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, +4 unnamed bonus to natural armor and change move speed from 40' to 50'. All it require to operate - shapeshift into a predator, losing weapons, armor, and spellcasting. But Maddog employs neither of them. He uses unarmed strike which are still accessible in the changed form, he relies on armor bonuses which are always with him.

In normal campaigns shapeshifting druid is the worst choice for a character. It has poor forms, provides chaffy enhancement bonuses which he could get cheaper from magic items and spells. And it sacrifices two awfully beneficial class options: companion and wildshape. For a low-level campaign it is not a big deal. You have few magic items and spells, so there is no competition in ability enhancement. You got wildshape only on 5th level and lower levels are irrelevant.

In out case it a good choice. And a fun one. The character has enormous strength and equally outstanding carrying capacity. So he could get lot of stuff meld it into the shape and carry while no one suspects him transporting recently snatched vault.

Total BAB: 1
Total Ref: 2
Total Fort: 8
Total Will: 6

The only needed skill is jump. Also take at least 1 point in knowledge feats (Arcane, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Religion, Planes) to get Knowledge Devotion work.

Let's calculate attack routine for a predator form with activate whirling frenzy and animal devotion. Frenzy duration is 3 + Con modifier, 10 rounds. The same duration has devotion.
Strength is 26 (base) + 4 (frenzy) + 2 (animal devotion) + 4 (predator form) = 36
AC is 10 + 6 (natural) + 0 (dex) + 2 (wis) + 4 (form) + 4 (exalted) + 2(frenzy) -2 (charge) = 26
Speed is 50' (form) + 10' (celerity) = 60'
4 unarmed strike attacks with
AB = 1 (BAB) + 13 (Str) + 1 (magic from vow of poverty) + 1 (Knowledge Devotion) + 2 (charge) - 2 (flurry) - 2 (TWF) - 2 (frenzy) = 12
damage = d6 + d12 (flying kick) + 13 (Str) + 1 (Knowledge Devotion)
1 secondary bite attack with AB = 7, damage = d6 + 6 + 1

Druid and Cleric are chosen for their class feature not for spellcasting. But Maddog still have 2+1 spell slots from cleric and 2 slots from druid. Casting is not his strong point, but it is foolish to refuse extra features. So I selected small number of helpful spells that the build can benefit from.

Protection from Evil [Good]: +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 resistance bonus against Evil and immunity to mental attacks from all! for 1 minute
Blade of Blood: swift action +3d6 points of damage to living creatures for your next attack. Costs 5hp damage to you. Lasts 1 round.
Expeditious Retreat (celerity domain): +30' enhancement bonus to land speed for 1 minute.
Snowshoes: +10' enhancement bonus to land speed for 1 hour

Snowshoes: the same as Cleric
Surefooted Stride: move through difficult terrain at full speed, run, charge and tumble as it was clear terrain. Lasts 1 minute. +2 Competence to Climb checks.
Camouflage: +10 circumstance bonus to Hide checks for 10 minutes.

Further advancement.
Monk of the Overwhelmed Attack 2 - grants Improved Bull Rush feat which is prerequisite for the Shock Trooper feat
Scout 3 - to get +2 AB and some skirmish bonuses
Warshaper 3 - to get extra bonuses while shapeshifting
Fist of the Forest - 3 to get unarmed attack and Constitution bonus to AC.

But 4th level is the golden age of the build.

If shapeshifting druid is too fun and exotic, then you could choose another druid variants from the UA. Druidic Avenger replaces Animal Companion feature with extra 10' of land speed and extra whirling frenzy. Also Druid replaces wild shape feature with monk's bonus to AC (stacks with Monk), fast movement (stacks with monk), favored enemy (as Ranger) - take spellcasters and Track feat. This gives him 50' land speed in his normal form (+10' from celerity, but it works in both variants). But he loses Strength enhacement and AC bonus from shapeshifting. In that case it is better to take Wings aspect from dragonborn instead of Heart. Wings would not be melded into shapeshifting form and would grant solid +10 Jump bonus.

Wow this is awesome... this is really an imaginative build. I'm definitely going to look more closely into this.

And to all others. Thank you you for your contribution. I think I might just have to ask our DM to look into ToB again. Seems like that might be something there.

I'll report back, when I have a build worthy of feedback


Max Caysey
2019-05-13, 03:40 PM
Just wanted to touch in...

I ended up running a mundane melee tripper, wielding a living chain. Although not the most imaginary, it worked wonders. Except for some gun slingers using an exotic form of large caliber shot gun, hiting touch ac, and some spells, I wasn't hit all evening. So that was great!

Thanks again for all the suggestions and feedback!

2019-05-14, 04:53 PM
Oh, cool! One of my backup characters is a Soulborn who specialized in tripping folks. Haven't played him yet, but I like the concept a lot.

Max Caysey
2019-05-15, 07:35 AM
Oh, cool! One of my backup characters is a Soulborn who specialized in tripping folks. Haven't played him yet, but I like the concept a lot.

Yeah its quite fun. Every time someone tries to get close, AoO and down they go. Its a super potent build at low level, when spells and flying and what not are not prevalent in every fight...