View Full Version : Player Help Pathfinder Desert Classes

2019-05-05, 01:50 AM
What are some good time based or sand based classes that you guys know of? 3rd party is also fine too,

2019-05-05, 02:34 AM
I never bought the book, so I can't give you a review or anything, but you might want to check out Desert Classes of Porphyria, which has five classes- Ascetic, Defender of the City-state, Sandcaster, Scarab Savant, and Sharif.

The Endzeitgeist review can be found here (http://endzeitgeist.com/desert-classes-porphyra/), which should help you see if it's something you'd want to get.

2019-05-05, 05:24 AM
If you're interested in Spheres of Power at all, it's not hard to make a time-specialized caster, or even a fighter with some control over time or earthy terrain if you want.

2019-05-05, 01:22 PM
If you're interested in Spheres of Power at all, it's not hard to make a time-specialized caster, or even a fighter with some control over time or earthy terrain if you want.
id look into it if i was familiar with PF

2019-05-05, 01:29 PM
id look into it if i was familiar with PF

Spheres of power has a wiki (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/), so you can take a look and see if it's something you like without risking buying the book and deciding you don't like it after all.

2019-05-05, 02:06 PM
Spheres is nice, but if you were looking more for 1st-party, Paizo has plenty to consider. A good place to start would be any splat books focused around Golarion's desert regions, like Osirion, Thuvia, Rahadoum, Katapesh, Qadira, or the Mana Wastes. In particular, you can find lots of Egypt- or Arabian Nights-themed class options and archetypes, like Desert Druid, Crypt Breaker Alchemist, the desert favored terrain for Rangers, the Dervish Bard, or a divine class /archetype dedicated to a deity with a desert-themed aspect like Nethys, Sarenrae, Lashunta, Rovagug, Pharasma or Irori.

2019-05-06, 10:22 AM
If it helps, I have my stat block, 16,15,14,14,12,11 But otherwise, i'd like to try something ranged, if at all possible.

2019-05-06, 10:30 AM
Could you narrow it down a bit further? Do you want a bow, gun, spells? Arcane or Divine? How much casting? Any specific abilities on your wishlist?

2019-05-06, 10:44 AM
I'd prefer to try tech for this character, I'd like to try anything and casting is something I'd like to try when using a gun, FOr abilities... anything based on time or sand.

2019-05-06, 01:42 PM
Oracle has Time (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo-oracle-mysteries/time/) mystery, Witch has Time patron. Hunter has the Scarab Stalker (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/hunter/archetypes/paizo-hunter-archetypes/scarab-stalker-hunter-archetype)archetype for desert animal focuses and desert terrain movement. Druid has the Desert (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/archetypes/paizo-druid-archetypes/animal-and-terrain-domains/desert-domain/) domain. Alternately, with certain druid or hunter archetypes or DM permission you can replace the animal companion with a plant companion, which includes some cactus creatures from Ultimate Wilderness.