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2019-05-05, 09:53 PM
As the universe is plunged into chaos, you’ve found yourself contacted by a series of trusted private channels and contacts, telling you that you’re the only hope left for stopping the EVULS Empire and to gather in the planet of Sayaka XVIII. For all you know it’s a perfectly normal planet with life, as average as it can be, whitout any particular strategic or political value, one that would be safely ignored by most events due to just not being that important and kinda out of the way of more famous places. The local population is a balanced mix of different races that go around with perfectly normal daily lifes. Nothing noteworthy here indeed, but still the communications leading you here were as solid as they can be and not like you had any better clues about how to face the EVULS Empire. If nothing else, it seems like a nice place to take a break.

Then as you approach the planet’s surface, the biggest mountain range opens and reveals inside an heavily fortified laboratory that can be seen from space and you’re hailed by a communication from inside it.

You see an elven officer in your screens with a cat in their lap.
The cat is also wearing an officer’s uniform and hat.
Then you notice the cat uniform’s insignia heavily outranks those of the officer whose lap they are sitting on.
It’s also not a normal cat, but a Musk Cat. that raises a paw in salutation and speaks in an authorative yet befriending tone:
“Grreetings! I’m vice high majorr Luminous 3.4th rank! Apologies for making you come all the way herre but secrrecy is of the utmost imporrtance and this prrivate planet makes forr a discrrete meeting and planning grround. It’ll be an honorr to worrk with you!

What worrk? Well, as you surrely suspect by now despite most goverrnments in the univerrse telling the people that the currrent crrisis is underr control, the trruth is that the EVULS Empirre is currrently winning this warr. Despite all the cooperration between the Starrst Alliance, GUDE, and millions of otherr grroups, goverrnments and assorrted orrganizations and some herroic victorries such as yourrs, we’rre simply losing in the big picturre.

Our brrightest and best minds trried to think of a solution, and the only plan left is to claw dirrectly at theirr homeworrld, and claw fast. This will not be easy since the EVULS Empirre has set up thrree layerrs of galactic shield-gates prrutecting theirr capital, codenamed Grren, Blue and Orrange that need to be brreached in that orrderr. But at this point we cannot afforrd a full scale assault in eitherr, it would be too slow, too obvious. Only an elite small clowder that can claw in fast and with surrprrise has any hope of succeeding in this. Only ourr best elite can win a futurre for ourr kittens. I was the one tasked with gatherring such a clutter.

We alrready had our eyes on you for quite a bit of time, and now it’s finally morre than time we got you togetherr to worrk as a glaring. Each of you alrready is prretty good on theirr own, but hunting as one you’ll be much, much grreaterr than the sum of your parrts.

I’m sending you the files about the current shield-gate locations. You only need to securre two tarrgets of each colorr to move to the next cirrcle. About wherre to strrike firrst… We’ll leave that parrticularr decision up to you. Yourr instincts and experrience make you the most qualified to make that choice (Also everrybody else couldn’t decide it, damn burreaucrrats and old toms bickerring).

Now my currrent main job will be to supporrt you as best as possible. Make surre you have no lack of fuel and sparre pieces and ammo and that you don’t need to worrry about any borring paperwork and you have a cozy rresting place and warrm food between yourr hunts. I’ll also be coordinating a militarry force to securre all of yourr gains and make surre the EVULS Empirre can’t just take back what you’ve gained the moment you go somewherre else.

If you have any otherr questions, I shall make surre that they are answerred.”

Lord Raziere
2019-05-05, 10:53 PM
A green feminine-looking mecha, with leaf-like designs from pointy leaf shoulder pads that just out ridiculously, to vines and thorns here and there to a pink power rose symbol blooming in the middle of the chest, flies in. The Rose Knight flies on rainbow colored butterfly wings, there is a thorny rapier sheathed at its side, and its face is a feminine one with pink eyes- as it should be. A piece of the goddess Marcilia dwells in the mecha, the part that loves Halyna above all. It is a majestic sight to see, for its a mecha powered by summer fae and marcilia's love, like some kind of fae angel.
Halyna herself with her red hair in a pony tail, green eyes and pointed ears, her pilot outfit also green listens not seeing the cat commander as abnormal in the slightest. there was a culture with talking animals in society back on her home planet of Arundine after all. Any meal involving meat was admittedly awkward though. She says back as she flies towards the laboratory:
"Greetings, my name is Halyna Roseblossom. I'm...purreased to meet you, Vice High Major Luminous."
The pun slips out without emphasis but with a small smile, she hopes it is appreciated.
"As for questions hm...."
How to tell your new commander that the giant mecha you fight with is also technically the goddess you worship and your girlfriend at the same time? And that worshiping her and dating her are the same thing according to her religion?
"I'm sure your familiar with unusual and unique mecha of many kinds. Will there be an introduction process, so that we may familiarize ourselves with each other? It is best we all cooperate and start on friendly terms with one another so that we best help each other fight EVILS."
What an on the nose name, she reflects. Whelp, she can't complain about convenience she guesses.
Through one of the prayer speakers, Marcilia squees in delight and says
"OMG, Cute Kitty!!! I love him! He is so adorable Halyna! best military commander!"
"Yes. That is true, Marcilia. Mind her not, Vice High Major Luminous. I'm sure that talking mecha are nothing new to you."
Halyna responds to her goddesses excited proclamation with her usual quiet smile.

2019-05-06, 08:50 AM
The wyvern rested in extra-solar space, engines currently charging. The ship hummed as it built up power, and its captain took her place on the bridge.

Sonja towered over the rest of her crew, a living colossus among them. It was something she'd come to be used to, being the only Zentradi amongst them. In turn, her crew had come to find commonality with her, and were no longer ill at ease. Still, if nothing else, it allowed her to strike a commanding presence.

"Engines at 60% and rising" Reported one of the consul operators, Jezta, and Sonja nodded "All hands, prepare for super-space warp in ten seconds" Sonja stated, the broadcasting system spreading her words through the ship. 10 Seconds was not a long time by any measure, yet Sonja herself felt the time stretching into hours.

This summons had her on edge. It looked entirely legitimate, which did nothing to dispel her concerns. The battle, no, the war was going badly and things seemed to be constantly turning against them, and then just as she feared they were nearing the point of no return, a message comes out, promising a plan? It was suspicious. She had to go of course, doubts or no. If this wasn't a trap, she wanted to be apart of it. Unable to mount a proper assault on her own had left her on edge, feeling caged and impotent. Day after day had come reports of skirmishes that had turned into routes when a few key decisions could have swung the tide the other way. She needed to get involved, or the impatience would eat her alive.

And if it was a trap, its a trap that would be bringing in allies, fighters who heard the call and came to answer. Her best chance at mustering a force would be snuffed out. She had to go to try and save them, and perhaps, turn a false rallying call into a spark of revolution.

The Wyvern, her great steed in the dark void of space, thrummed as her engines reached critical power. The ship was just as eager as her captain, it would seem. "Engines fully charged!" Came the report. Sonja stood from her command deck, sweeping one arm in an arc as she thrust it forward, fingers extended. She imagined herself grasphing the fabric of space, as she gave the order "LAUNCH NOW!"

High in orbit over Sayaka XVIII, a wormhole gate opened, bringing the light of a newborn star that briefly flashed out, with crackling force as the mighty Wyvern crested over the gravitational waves, surfing the spacial warp into the system. If ever there had been time for a lens flare, this might be it.

"Open a hailing frequency, all channels"
"Aye Captain, putting you through now"
On screens through the system, Sonja appeared, eyes alight with fierce energy, a warrior-queen ready to strike."This is Captain Sonja Bassal of The Wyvern. We've come to put an end to the legion"


The transmission from Luminous had been in person, the meeting would have gone very differently. Sonja didn't dislike Musk cats, but her body certainly did. Allergies were uncommon among her people, but not unheard off. The communication at a distance, preferably orbital distance, suited her just fine. After it concluded, she pulled up a console and opened a channel to the docking bay "Prepare to receive incoming units, I suspect we will be having visitors"

Returning to the open channel to the other pilots....no...to her new allies, Sonja addressed the assembled squad "I'm opening up our docking system. You all now have permission to come aboard, so that we can speak in person"

Next she addressed the Vice High Major "I'll have our quartermaster prepare a list of supplies and send them down. We'll want to stock fully before embarking."

With formalities aside, Sonja departed her chair and made her way down to the docking bay, to meet her new team. As she walked, she felt charged with energy, an electric force not unlike the engines of her ship. She tried to memorize every second, to chronicle for the future. This was the start of the end of the legion, she could feel it.

And it couldn't have come soon enough.

It should not be readily aparent that Sonja is a Zentradi from communications, so if anyone wants to be suprised by her size for a little comedy, go ahead!

2019-05-06, 10:58 AM
Krissa Saavi
Pilot of Obelisk


The void of space. Unsettling to some, the peace and solitude was welcome to the young girl who rested in the confines of the experimental unit. The last jump had taken her into the designated system. The communication channel chirping to life confirmed the coordinates of her destination. She sighed and closed the channel after the Vice High Major had completed his introduction. Anything she needed to discuss could wait until after she was face to face. No need to clutter the channel.

She punched in the coordinates and the machine surrounding her sparked to life. "Planets... so bothersome." Saavi recalled the last time she was on a planet's surface during training. Everything required so much more effort. She sighed as the hum of the singularity drive reached it's peak. Space folded inwardly, collapsing on itself, as the unit was enveloped in the event horizon. She smirked slightly as she felt the pull of the wormhole. The sensors of every other ship and the facility would surely sound alarms as the Obelisk exited the artificial black hole to the surface.

The mecha hovered out of the crater it had created upon arrival. The anti-gravity engines distorting the air around it. At least she had been thoughtful enough to make her jump outside their landing platforms to prevent any damage. Saavi opened the hailing channel again. "Unit - codename Obelisk, requesting permission to approach." Of course, she was already here, so it didn't much matter what their response was.


Full Round: Teleport to surface.

2019-05-07, 12:47 AM
A blue haired cat was curled up on a nice warm console in the engine room of the Wyvern as the ship recharged. One golden eye cracked open staring at the displays showing the important operational functions of the ship and endless stream of paperwork and e-mails directed to the Chief Engineer. One paw on the menu navigation pad. To many the sight of a cat resting on a console in the engine room of a military ship might be odd, but none of the staff here paid it any mind.

When the Captain announced "All hands, prepare for super-space warp in ten seconds" the cat's eyes snap open and it scrambles to press multiple keys with several feet in a bazaar game of twister and ultimately ends up falling off the console into the adjacent chair as a woman with blue hair and large cat ears. Her hands fly over the console to cut the charging system in time.

After the jump the blue cat goes running down the halls from the engine room to the docking bay.

2019-05-07, 02:19 AM
Aurora had arrived in the Sayaka system and was approaching Sayaka XVIII when a communication from the surface reached her, pausing in her movement through space she waited for the Musk Cat to give her all the information and then was contacted by what she believed was the battleship that was closer to her destination. Hearing the offer from the ship's captain Aurora replied on the shared coms channel, "That would be most welcome Captain Bassal I'll be joining you and your crew shortly" With that said she adjusted course slightly and headed for the ship and its docking bay. As she entered she transformed Aquila into its humanoid form and walked it to an empty repair bay.

Once she had finished doing this she exited the cockpit and went looking for the welcoming committee and soon stumbled upon the captain who she was surprised to see was a Zentradi, she had not met a lot of full-blooded Zentradi only half-Zentradi. Craning her head upwards she saluted Sonya and said with a smile, "S-12 Aurora and the Aquila formerly of the Theviri planetary defence force and currently a mercenary I suppose"

2019-05-07, 02:13 PM
When Zia listens to the announcement from her own room, she gets out of bed and teleports next to the captain of the ship, Sonja. "Captain." she says greeting the Sonja. She then looks at Aurora mostly uninterested and gives her a nod in response and offers a short introduction. "I am the Einst Queen Zia."

Lord Raziere
2019-05-07, 02:49 PM
Halyna lands in the docking bay, the Rose Knight landing next to the others. She gets out, then holds her rose ring on her hand and says
"Rose Knight: Dismiss."
Instantly the Rose Knight disappears in sparkling light and a floating pure pink girl spirit- the Goddess Marcilia herself, or at least a part of her- floats in its place and floats down to twine herself around Halyna's arm with a smile. This piece of her could only interact with the world in limited ways. The most effect she could have on anything other than Halyna herself was lifting about five pounds of anything and some minor miracles, but what mattered is that she was here. Their bond was a strange one- they were bound so tightly could not perceive different things for example, so whatever Halyna didn't notice, Marcilia wouldn't either. In a way they were extensions of each other and could not truly act as two people.
The magic they used was useful for storing the mecha however. There was many a time in her travels where she pulled the Rose Knight out of nowhere to deal with a threat, and who was she to take up extra mecha space in this hangar? Of course the mecha technically didn't go anywhere specifically, it was just changed from a state from Definitely Existing to Potentially Existing In Any Space Large Enough To Fit It. Halyna knew how it worked, but its best to not think about too much.
They walked over to meet the rest, and Halyna copied S-12's salute, hoping its respectful
"Greetings. Halyna Roseblossom um....Champion of Marcilia, Traveler of Arundine. I never really had a military rank, but I guess you can call me a hero."
Marcilia eyes shine as she looks up at Sonya
"Eeeeeeeeeee!! Look Halyna! A Giant woman! So cool!"
"I am aware. She is also our commanding officer. We kind of have to be formal here."
"But I'm like, a goddess, don't I outrank her by default?"
She says jokingly, sticking out her tongue a little.
"The most followers you have today are in a small town we saved months ago, and your a piece of the Marcilia that is leading them. And I don't think military ranks of a completely different civilization cover divine goddesses who fell from power."
Halyna replies back stoically, still saluting.
"That and I'm pretty sure she can crush us outside the rose knight."
"In the bad way or the-"
"Just salute."
Marcilia salutes as well. With the wrong arm. Terribly.

2019-05-08, 01:19 AM
The blue cat comes into the docking bay and up to the Captain. It gives a salute, or rubs it's forehead with a paw, it is hard to tell.

It says "Meow" in such a way that it appears to be asking "Orders Captain?"

A few minutes of research, and years of watching Star-Trek, suggest to me that the Chief Engineer would inspect all weapons, ordinance, etc that is being bought on board for safety purposes. Not sure how in depth we want to go.

Emperor Ing
2019-05-08, 02:32 AM
The Starst Alliance had mobilized into action, in its immeasurably disorganized but bizarrely efficient manner. In the wake of the EVULS Empire's expansion being recognized as a major threat, the economic demand for protection skyrocketed. This manifested both as planetary and interplanetary militias mobilizing to the Alliance's defense, as well as many firms offering open bounties for confirmed captures or kills against EVULS ships and mecha, with greater rewards for the former. In concert with a concerted propaganda campaign. Many hackers were employed to slice into EVULS communications system, broadcasting their desires for peace, as well as avenues for soldiers, wishing to desert or even defect, may use to escape the tyranny of their own government. A lot of effort was put into these avenues to ensure they weren't avenues for infiltration or even attack.

Marius Freeman, a freelance Judge and a pilot to First Principle, had spent much of the war in cooperation with one or more militia. Coordinating actions and engaging in sorties to chip away at the endless horde. Usually this involved First Principle engaged in sorties, to draw enemies away. The gigantic mecha, presented as a threat to be taken down, only to draw enemies either into a trap, or away from a key target. However their existence as an endless horde is the actual problem. Every victory for the Starst Alliance, and their strategy of asymmetric warfare seemed pyrrhic. Every 'decisive' victory they had, every 'key base of operations' flattened or taken was easily and quickly replaced, by the Empire's seemingly endless reservoir of manpower and machinery. The productive capacity of the Starst Alliance's free market was great, but it hardly mattered if the ammunition hoppers would go dry at a crucial moment.

However this looked like a decisive opportunity, to attack the EVULS Empire at its source. Though he wasn't completely confident in the joint operation simply being another pyrrhic waste of resources, he still hoped that maybe this time would be different.

While mechs are large, by nature, the Sunhammer-Ultras were in a league of their own. Larger than many ships, these behemoths were known for their ability to withstand punishment, while dealing it in spades. Exceeded only in size by the Sunhammer-Omega, the arrival of the titanic First Principle is heralded by an enormous fireball, before the massive construct would slow its descent, on golden wings of light. Its plating, a polished white ceramic, with a gaudy gold trim.

From within its chest plate, a tiny opening is visible, lowering someone from atop the behemoth, onto the surface of the planet atop a grav-platform. Once it reaches the bottom, the pilot is clearly visible as a human male, eyeballing the already assembled group.

I seem to be late, I do apologize. My name is Marius Freeman. He says simply, with no titles or embellishments. Then again, the Starst Alliance's military hierarchy is normally quite ad-hoc. It's unlikely anyone held a permanent military rank, making using them pointless.

2019-05-08, 02:43 AM
"Yes. That is true, Marcilia. Mind her not, Vice High Major Luminous. I'm sure that talking mecha are nothing new to you."
“No prroblem princess Roseblossom, afterr finding out there werre humanoids that could speak for rreal, I’ve learrned to keep an open mind about such things.”

"I'll have our quartermaster prepare a list of supplies and send them down. We'll want to stock fully before embarking."

“Cerrtainly captain Bassil. I have prreparred a landing deck for your vessel, but should you prefferr to rremain in orrbit I can starrt warrming up a shuttle to send them up to you,”

"Unit - codename Obelisk, requesting permission to approach."

Alarms start sounding behind Vice High Major Luminous while there’s some cries and people running in the background but the musk cat remains unfazed, just calmly rising a paw and the alarms and cries stop.

“...Perrmission grranted to enterr the landing zone, officer Saavi. Perrhaps you need a bit of maintenance in yourr mecha? That wormhole jump was quite close to the grround. Orr is therre perrhaps anotherr rreason for you to descend beforre meeting yourr new hunting mates?”

"S-12 Aurora and the Aquila formerly of the Theviri planetary defence force and currently a mercenary I suppose"

“We would gladly grrant you the position of vice captain 1.5th rrank rright away if you wish to officially enlist, S-12 Aurrorra , but an official digital merrcenarry contrract is rready to be signed too depending of yourr carreerr choice.”

"I am the Einst Queen Zia."
“It is an honorr that you would grrace us with your prresence, your highness. I hope this collaborration would set a foundation for futurre cooperration between the einst and the otherr civilizations of the univerrse.”


Vice High Major Luminous seems completely smitten and a tear of happyness rolls down his face from hearing this.

“Such eloquence… I knew you werre the best combat mechanic in the univerrse, Lieutenant Commanderr Rraydawn, but I did not know you had such a way with worrds too. You trruly are an examplar for all cats in the univerrse!”

I seem to be late, I do apologize. My name is Marius Freeman.

"Betterr late than neverr, judge Frreeman. Now the clowder is gatherred, the hunt can begin soon. Although prresentations arre imporrtant, do not delay too much, make any rrequests you still have and pick yourr firrst prey from the green galactic shield-gate to claw at."

2019-05-08, 10:07 AM
Krissa Saavi
SUIT Pilot of Experimental Unit: Obelisk


"No maintenance required." Saavi smirked as she released the cockpit seals, fresh air rushing in. She took a moment to enjoy the smell of unscrubbed atmosphere. She stepped out and stretched her limbs. The transmission was still active. "A tactical choice. If this had been a trap, the enemy would concentrate their resources on the ship, allowing me to flank from the surface and strike the leadership directly. I will join them presently."

She stepped back inside and connected herself to the suspicion harness. A swipe of the command board sealed the hatch again. Saavi could hear the filtration system activating to remove the introduced air impurities. The singularity drive flared to life, generating another hole and re-triggering every alarm that had just been silenced. The Obelisk was shunted to the space outside the landing docks, landing gently and walking into the shielded hanger bay.

Once the experimental mecha had been guided into a holding position by ground crew, Saavi breached the seals and descended via repelling cord to the deck. She removed her helm as she walked toward the team that had gathered. Keeping it tucked beneath her arm, she gave the captain a salute and crisp introduction. "Krissa Saavi, SUIT pilot of EU: Obelisk."


Full Round:

Lord Raziere
2019-05-09, 08:59 PM
Marcilia gazes upon all the arrivals, smiling and shivering in excitement. To understand Marcilia one must know that her domains are things like Love, Compassion, Tolerance, Diversity and so on. She has to embody these concepts, and thus finds things to love and care for in all things, or at least almost all things. On Arundine there is a noticeable observable spiritual tendency called the Survivalist Principle, where even a spirit embodying certain abstract concepts has a form of survival instinct so as to continue embodying such concepts rather than become so extreme that die from stupidly upholding what they are too far. While there is no limit to her love and compassion, there is a limit to how much it controls her actions. This is a vital thing to understand why such a seemingly peaceful goddess would make warriors to fight for her or be willing to fight at all. After all, you cannot have peace without people to protect it.
"Oh my me, oh my me, oh my meeeee. More cute kitties. Three sharp professionals! A mysterious Einst queen. This looks the making of something great! I like them already."
"Indeed." Halyna says with a small smile "Though I must note, liking something is your reaction to almost everything."
"And whats the problem with that? Life is too short to spend not liking things."
"You will probably literally outlive everyone here."
"and? Eternity is still too short for that, and what about the immortal souls Halyna? Think of the immortal souls!"
Halyna nods sagely at this.
"I will. Wait, Major why did you call me a princess? I am rather common born. Well aside from the changeling thing, but even then I was never born from fae nobility."
"Well technically kings and royalty are divinely chosen by gods for their divine right to rule, so I'm guessing he meant I made you one?"
"What would I even rule though? Did you even have a kingdom that crowned people in your name?"
"Nah, I was never good at that part. Maybe you could by a plot of land and rule over bunnies!"
"I could, but you know how fast they'd multiply and they'd all be complaining at me about problems and conflicts between their burrows. I'm not experienced in bunny politics, are you? Not a good plan. Anyways lets see what planet to go for..."
They look at a few moments.
"I know what I'm picking."
"Your thinking G16 hot springs aren't you? For shame."
"What? It'll be fun!"
Halyna looks at her goddess reproachfully
"...Sure it will be."
"What? My thoughts are wholesome." Marcilia feigns innocence.
"That is a lie and you know it. I still remember our previous journey."
"I'm not a goddess of truth."
"Oh no. My goddess. Lying." Halyna says jokingly. "How will my faith ever make it through this shocking revelation?"
Marcilia giggles and rolls her eyes. Halyna looks at the map.
"But seriously, where are we going?"

2019-05-09, 11:43 PM
Aurora is surprised by the sudden appearance of Zia and she shifts into a combat stance before the 'new person' introduces themselves as an Einst Queen. Relaxing from that surprise but still on edge from that revelation, Aurora goes back to looking over the starmap that the group had been provided with by the Vice High Major before the more mundane arrival of the other pilots interrupts her scanning of the info.

"We're quite a motley crew here it seems: we've got an Einst Queen, a goddess and her champion, an android, and a couple of humans." The silver-haired robot says ticking each off on her fingers as each newcomer arrives at where she was standing near the Sonja.

"I have no preference on where we should go first in our counterattack so I will defer to everyone else on this choice" Aurora says in response to Halyna's inquiry turning her head to look at the knight.

2019-05-10, 04:09 PM
Zia observes for a little while before speaking. "I would like to see G16 for myself. I have memories, but I haven't experienced what a vacation looks like. "At the same time, G13 has something about that... makes me my blood seem to run hot." the queen says. She then frowns. I can't say much about G9 however- going there with another Einst Queen in the area; it makes me feel anxious."

2019-05-10, 05:59 PM
Krissa Saavi
SUIT Pilot of Experimental Unit: Obelisk


"Only the destination matters. The path will be littered with bodies, no matter the route chosen." Despite the morose statement, the young woman held a pleasant smile. The combination created an uneasy feeling.


Full Round:

Emperor Ing
2019-05-12, 01:01 AM
Rather than take the simple route of being indecisive, Marius looked over his options. He was unfamiliar with most of these worlds, but there was one route, he saw, which jumped out at him as a special opportunity.

Designation G9. He pointed to a holographic projection. Previously under siege by an Einst Queen. While the Einst are by no means our allies, their liberation could create a potential ally in the war effort, as well as lead to a lasting peace, in the far future. He suggested. While the Einst and Starst were by no means friendly, there was always a large interest in their development of biotech. Perhaps this peace could lead to future trade relations, later on?

I propose we free that world, first.

2019-05-12, 04:17 AM
"I will. Wait, Major why did you call me a princess? I am rather common born. Well aside from the changeling thing, but even then I was never born from fae nobility."
"Well technically kings and royalty are divinely chosen by gods for their divine right to rule, so I'm guessing he meant I made you one?"
"What would I even rule though? Did you even have a kingdom that crowned people in your name?"
"Nah, I was never good at that part. Maybe you could buy a plot of land and rule over bunnies!"
"I could, but you know how fast they'd multiply and they'd all be complaining at me about problems and conflicts between their burrows. I'm not experienced in bunny politics, are you? "

“Not verry surre what is the properr term to call the chosen champion one of a goddess. We need to put in something, militarry prrotocols you know? You’rre not exactly a prrophet or avatarr and indeed you have no suborrdinates orr land yet so queen wouldn’t fit verry well eitherr. But a prrincess needs not worrry about such details, she can just play arround or go on adventurres. Well, no use fretting the details now, yourr title has alrready been registerred as prrincess and it would be a chorre to change it. Everryhing is betterr with prrincesses anyway.”

"I have no preference on where we should go first in our counterattack so I will defer to everyone else on this choice"
“An exemplarr soldierr, knowing when to follow. You could also pick a leaderr among you to make the imporrtant decisions.”

Zia observes for a little while before speaking. "I would like to see G16 for myself. I have memories, but I haven't experienced what a vacation looks like."
“You neverr experrienced vacations? Then trruly G16 would be a prriorrity forr you! Life is not worrth living if one can’t enjoy vacations! Therre would be little betterr causes to put one’s life in the line!”

"Only the destination matters. The path will be littered with bodies, no matter the route chosen."

“Rreally? With yourr caliberr of weaponrry, I don’t expect whateverr’s left of yourr enemies to still qualify as a body.”

Previously under siege by an Einst Queen. While the Einst are by no means our allies, their liberation could create a potential ally in the war effort, as well as lead to a lasting peace, in the far future.

“Yes, besides Queen Zia herre most Einst have ignorred any rrequests for dirrect cooperration, even if they arre attacking us less and morre the EVULS Empirre. A prroperr joint operration would send waves of hope thrrough the univerrse.”

Lord Raziere
2019-05-12, 11:36 AM
“Not verry surre what is the properr term to call the chosen champion one of a goddess. We need to put in something, militarry prrotocols you know? You’rre not exactly a prrophet or avatarr and indeed you have no suborrdinates orr land yet so queen wouldn’t fit verry well eitherr. But a prrincess needs not worrry about such details, she can just play arround or go on adventurres. Well, no use fretting the details now, yourr title has alrready been registerred as prrincess and it would be a chorre to change it. Everryhing is betterr with prrincesses anyway.”

"Princess Halyna....I like it, has a nice ring to it!"
"Its just a title, meaningless. Or worse has that old meaning."
"Not if its given a new meaning! Sure the old "real" meaning from long ago sucks, but look they clearly already made a new better meaning. Clearly Princess in this new galactic culture just means some specific type of heroine! If its a military rank, then clearly it doesn't involve some silly marriage. I love it! A repurposing of the term to be an elegant heroine with class and soft touch, to go forth and save the world to truly empower those with the title! I think I'll adopt the custom, who knows my new order of holy warriors might all be called Princesses!"
"Then I'm glad that you were inspired by this and that I can help. Anyways...I'll vote for G9 like the Judge. reaching out to the Einst sounds like a good cause, and I am curious about them as life forms, though I suspect I can just ask Zia here."
"I vote G16 as well!"
Halyna gives her a look. Her goddess was...extremely loose in her views on love. She has set up Halyna with dates with other women before, and saw no reason why Halyna couldn't love others as she did Marcilia. Granted, there were... successes amidst things that were just awkward and Halyna herself kept an open mind, but aside from Marcilia she kept it strictly casual.
"This better not be another beautiful orc amazon incident."
"You had a good time, didn't you? Besides we both know left to your own devices you don't socialize with anyone."
"Yes, but we're not lone travelers anymore. Kind of have more important things to do."
"Major Kitty clearly disagrees, and why would argue with adorableness?"
Halyna concedes the point with a shrug.

2019-05-12, 09:28 PM
"So G9 appearrs to be the one you'rre morre interrest in rright now, closely followed by G16. Forrge frriendship with the einst then rrelax in hot sprrings. Perrhaps invite the einst to soak a bit in the pools too? A cunning strrategy, I'm prroud of you.

Chief Engineerr and Captain Bassil? Arre you abstaining from the decision or still ponderring overr the choices?"

Marcilia and her goddess: G16 and G9
Aurora: blank vote.
Queen Zia: G16, G13 and G9
Krissa: Blank vote.
Freeman: G9.

Not voted yet: Iari and Sonja.

2019-05-13, 07:35 AM
The art of leadership is often simply the art of appropriate observation. A lot of self proclaimed leaders miss that fact, presuming that leadership is only about giving orders and forcing others into submission. While serviceable in the short term, it is a fragile and ineffective means of running an operation. People, regardless of race or creed, will generally act in a manner that they perceive to be in their own interests; they want to see their goals accomplished. Leadership is therefore about learning the goals of your subordinates and working to ensure that achieving the mission objectives for the team aligns with achieving the mission objectives of the individuals, and when that is not possible, explaining why it is still beneficial to the outliers to remain with the collaboration.

Observation, Communication, Encouragement, Management. The four pillars of leadership. Well, that and paperwork, of which there was always more to be done.

As allies assembled, Sonja exchanged greetings with each, making an amicable show of welcome, but largely refraining from anything beyond pleasantries for the time being while she took stock of the newcomers. True enough she'd been given profiles on each, it could hardly be said that she'd ever have allowed an Einst on board without proper vetting, but documents couldn't convey the character of an individual in the same way that face to face could.

To Halyna and her goddess, Sonja gave a smile "I'll admit I am not a very religeous person" True enough, religeon was an aspect of culture that had yet to propegate through the Zentradi "But if your deity would like, we can erect a shrine for her on board. Perhaps, once I better understand the subject, I'll convert to her faith"

Saavi was cool and distant, which was not an entirely undesirable thing. Battle had a way of chilling soldiers, and given the choice, Sonja would much rather a reserved but competent agent rather than a warm but unreliable one. A professional nod of acknowledgment was all that she exchanged with the Obsidian Pilot.

The Einst Queen made her way to the meeting ground, and Sonja had to conciously prevent herself from tightening. The Queen had made no display of hostility, but Sonja had experienced her baptism in fire against the unending swarm of Einst. Some things were harder to change than others, and this one would take some getting used to. The first step to that was to offer a smile, even if her full heart wasn't in it. Hopefully seeing the swarm turn against her enemies would help to calm such fears.

As the conversation turned towards tactical matters, Sonja weighed in at last, her tone shifting from personable to professional, less present with emotion as she spoke clearly and concisely "G16 seems to be a viable starting location for our efforts, and it is certainly within range to deploy to. The Wyvern can serve as a strong-point for our engagement, and if we act swiftly, we can secure a breach in the empires fortifications before they can mobilize."

Lord Raziere
2019-05-13, 04:17 PM
"Oh no no. Conversion will not be necessary. It never is."
Marcilia says tot he captain.
"I do not ever desire anything compulsory for anyone beyond being a good person, or not being a jerk."
"Indeed. Everything Marcilia is, is voluntary. It is against us to require people to do things, and when the Marcilia religion was more widespread, worship was incredibly varied and tailored to many different people. She has been a mother, a friend, a lover, a father, a healer, a protector and many more things with different sects having different tenets as necessary for what they do. We wish only to help, not to gather people to our point of view. Only worship if you feel you want to with your heart, not because you feel you need to. And even then, the form of worship is highly flexible."
Halyna says very seriously.
"Belief is a thing of the HEART! do not give it away so easily or casually!"
Marcilia says in affirmation.

2019-05-14, 11:10 PM
To Vice High Major Luminous
"Mew Prrrrrawwww" (Dear sir, praise of such magnitude from one such as yourself means a great deal and I am honored to receive it.)

Iari shifts to her humanoid form so that everybody can understand her.

"While G16 is known by many as an excellent vacation spot, I understand that it also has wonderful R&D labs and I would like to see them."

2019-05-15, 09:53 PM
"Mew Prrrrrawwww"

The vice high majorr puffs up a bit in clear pride.

"Why yes I don't give such prraise lightly!


Amura XIII, codename G16 will be yourr chosen destination then. You can cerrtainly expect for therre to be enemy patrrols everywhere so you must go in prreparred forr the worrst from the starrt. Sadly we lack the intel about wherre the enemy main command centerr is so I would rrecommend you starrt in orrbit and surrvey the surrface from above firrst.

All that's left to me now is wishing you good fortune and that you teach the EVULS Empire we still have some sharrp claws. I look forrwarrd to the news of your firrst success as a clowder."

Ok, if you have any last-minute buffs or preparations now would be the time.

For interplanetary travel, Captain Sonja can use Warp Speed from Heaven Sailing Dragon with the Wyvern to transport everybody to G16, in which case NineOfSpades should take the relevant action IC. Or if you have some other way to get to your destination, make an IC post for it too please.

Also the matter of where exactly in G16 you'll be arriving first, whetever in orbit as per Luminous suggestion or if you have some other target in mind.

2019-05-16, 12:27 PM
Krissa Saavi
SUIT Pilot of Experimental Unit: Obelisk


"How long will it take the ship to reach the system? A proper nap in a rack instead of a piloting harness holds a great deal of appeal at the moment." Krissa tucked a stray strand of hair behind her pointed ear. The regimented stiffness of her saluting stance upon her introduction had become more relaxed.


Full Round:

2019-05-16, 10:59 PM
"Thank you for your well-wishes Vice High Major, we won't disappoint you with how sharp our claws will prove to be" Aurora says to the Vice High Major as she waits for the others to notify him of whether they have any needs for the journey ahead of them.

Emperor Ing
2019-05-18, 06:19 AM
A vacation-world? Marius wondered if there was more to the "R&D Labs" than he realized, or if they weren't getting vacation days wherever they're employed, and in their desperation, chose somewhere as an excuse to soak up some rays. Then again, they make headway against EVULS, so everyone wins, who is he to judge?

Hmm, I understand. It would have been my second choice, anyhow. I'm ready to jump.

2019-05-22, 11:36 PM
Iari turns to Captain Sonja Bassil and stands at attention.
"Orders Captain?"

2019-05-23, 08:10 AM
Sonja nodded as the decision was made. "We'll load up all pilots and equipment, make sure supplies are stocked, and then set to launch"

Allowing other PCs an interval if they need any remaining prep, as well as to fill the fluff action of stocking the Wyvern

At the helm, Sonja clenched her fists, the anticipation of plunging into the battle ahead was like lightning in her veins. "Bring engines up to full and prepare for super-space warp" she commanded, watching the gauge on her com-screen as the space fold regulator was calibrating for their leap across the cosmos and into the outer perimeter of Empire space. "We'll be jumping to the edge of the system, well outside the gravity well, and hopefully far enough to avoid triggering perimeter defenses while we make an initial survey of the scene. That said, I cannot guarantee that we're not dropping into a hornets nest, so be ready to launch battle-fighters. Perimeter defenses on standby."

The crew on the bridge worked to bring the ship up to position. It was a taxing prospect on their systems to ready both warp-space navigation and weapon systems, but if their captain called for it, they'd do everything in their power to make it happen.

"Engines at full charge. All hands, prepare to launch our counterattack against the empire!" Sonja bommed, and her cry was joined by the roar of the Wyvern as it breached the wormhole and catapulted itself towards Amura XIII

Lord Raziere
2019-05-23, 11:40 PM
Halyna explains as they travel
"Just to let you know, Captain Sonja: My mech does not need normal docking procedures. I can summon it at any space large enough to contain it, and dismiss at any time as well. However any damage it takes, I take some of it as well, as I have a bond to it. I can also summon non-mech weapons and armor. If you need me to play infiltrator or otherwise lay low until I need to attack, I am fully capable of doing so and am a good element of surprise when you need it, as well as a good combatant in tight spaces. I can also cast magic both in my mech and by myself, though I mostly have spells that burns things. Also, I willing to help however I can in diplomacy. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll find myself a position"
She walks to the hangar with the other mechs finds somewhere comfortable to sit.
"Wow, we're really in space aren't we? These people are so advanced...Arundine never had this level of technology, not consistently."
"Yeah we're only here because of the most scientific nation on Arundine figuring out the whole space travel thing and being grateful for me saving their libraries from a big monster corrupted by Vehemal.

You think this EVULS Empire is a Vehemal puppet?"
Marcilia shrugs
"Maybe? I doubt he is the only evil out there, and he has....particularities to him. His style is more to wreck everything, turn people against each other in hate and war, cause confusion and ignorance, divide but not conquer like a meanie. EVULS is too united and too focused on actual gain for his work. They're evil, but they're not the hateful, spiteful ruinous evil that is Vehemal or at least, not all of them."
"Thats a blessing at least. After all, if he was an empire builder, he would've made one."
they sit and enjoy look at the stars as they fly through space.

2019-05-24, 01:10 AM
As the Wyvern emerges from the wormhole, Amura XIII is clearly visible with its natural orbital rings and you quickly notice the stars sprinkled around are in a clearly different pattern than before you entered. You also find yourselves surrounded by music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84lGS4sGg2w) in the background of all com channels and even seemingly vibrating through the Wyvern's hull despite it being in the void of space. The source is quickly found. An EVULS force of nine medium Battuta IIs mechas and a trio of huge Mosso Type P battleships are not far away, although they seem distracted attacking what appears like a large and defenseless orbital escape pod in dance-like patterns, following the music's theme with mechanical precision.




As discussed before, bi dimensional (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=17946.msg324467#msg324467) rules will be used for space combat for simplicity's sake (the space rules also apply).

You start in the top right corner and get a surprise round.

The orbital escape pod is currently off-map.

Roll initiative too please, and knowledge checks (Geography, Local) if you have them.

Battuta II G(1d20+4)[24]
Battuta II D(1d20+4)[21]
Battuta II F(1d20+4)[21]
Battuta II B(1d20+4)[20]
Battuta II E(1d20+4)[20]
Battuta II M(1d20+4)[19]
Mosso Type C (1d20+2)[18]
Battuta II H(1d20+4)[15]
Mosso Type B (1d20+2)[14]
Battuta II I(1d20+4)[13]
Battuta II J(1d20+4)[10]
Battuta II K(1d20+4)[10]
Mosso Type A (1d20+2)[8]
Battuta II A(1d20+4)[7]
Battuta II C(1d20+4)[5]

Letter identifications go from up to down and from left to right.

2019-05-24, 01:28 PM
Krissa Saavi
SUIT Pilot of Experimental Unit: Obelisk


The experimental unit's singularity drive flared to life inside the hangar. Waves of distortion pulsed from it's frame as the ship warped into the sector. Saavi did not bother with comms. It was obvious that the EVUL AI had channels scrambled. Utilizing the linked ship scans, she quickly assessed that the Mosso Type P were a larger threat to both the escape pod and the Wyvern.

Spurring the Obelisk out of the launch ramp, it was a flurry of action as Saavi called upon her training to make the most of the tactical advantage. The SUIT did not move far, just enough distance to allow itself some defensive maneuverability while still being able to intercept attacks against the Wyvern. The stabilizers that surrounded the shoulders like a collar began to channel energy from the drive into the hands until it formed had formed a worm hole in front of the mech. It fired a blast of graviton particles into the portal immediately. At the same instant, a multitude of worm holes opened around the closest Mosso, bombarding it from all directions with the crushing force of the graviton magnification.


Initiative: [roll0]
Knowledge (local): [roll1]
Knowledge (geography): [roll2]

Spirit: Valor (double damage); -40 spirit
Move: Move from Wyvern to G4
Free: Evasive Maneuvers (-50 mu movement; +5 ac / ref / will)
Swift: activate Neo Kaballah System (+11 ac / ref; no flank); -15 energy
Standard: Worm Smasher (ref dc 32 for half; no free / immediate action vs attack); -20 energy | targeting Mosso at Z5, Pinning: Creatures dealt damage by this weapon have their movement speeds halved for 1 round
Damage - [roll3]; x2 (Valor)
Soul Crusher - target loses 20 spirit
Zero Attack - target loses 24 hp

2019-05-25, 03:21 AM
As soon as the Wyvern had exited the wormhole Aurora was settling into the cockpit of her mecha going over her pre-flight checklist while she waited for the hangar to become open to space. Once it was open to space the Aquila launches out of it right behind the Obelisk's large bulk, once the two mecha were free of the ship's gravity Aurora slammed her thrusters to full to get to the other side of the AO. Once she had arrived there the missile pods under the wings open up and launch a volley of missiles at the closest mecha.

Spirit: Focus (+6 to attack rolls, AC and saves. Attack rolls automatically hit on a natural 14+ and attack rolls against you automatically fail on a 6 or less); -15 spirit
Move: Move from Wyvern to G30
Free: Counter (one extra swift/immediate action for Pilot Feats or Defensive Weapons)
Swift: Activate Ranger (AW Missiles use Dex instead of Str for Trip attempt); -5 Energy
Standard: AW Missile -1 ammo | You can attempt a Trip as a free action on the target without provoking attacks of opportunity nor needing to make a new attack roll, even if at range. If you hit a flying enemy, they instead fall 5 mu for each 5 damage taken. creatures damaged by this attack
Attack- [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2019-05-25, 01:43 PM
By the time the Wyvern exits the wormhole, Zia stands on the shoulder drone she made from her former mecha. On hearing contact with EVUL forces being detected, she mentally commands her drones to fly out. the oval shaped weapon platform drone moves out first, getting within range. It uncharacteristically opens up, revealing a full fledged organic mouth lined with teeth. A stream of acid blasts out at the southern battleship. The largest of the drones that resembles a metal plated canine flies out at top speed towards the rightmost Battuta in the southern formation. As it approaches, it does a full 360 spin, its limbs stretching out to strike the Battuta. Finally, the drone that was Zia's old Bellzelute flies next to the southern battleship. Zia then activates her own boosters and takes off from its shoulder. A long tail of crystalized metal suddenly grows on Zia. As swiftly as it appears, Zia strikes a Battuta and the battleship with the tail as a scorpion would.

Holy crap this was a lot of work.
Init(drones act on Zia's): [roll0]
Actions are assuming that Zia's Drone are in the docking bay and are flying out from the specified squares.

Drone III(200)(40): Charges at enemy on Y8 from E5, stopping at W9 -23 Energy (17): Attacking enemy on Y8 with 4-Linked Peitsche Attack Rolls: [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] Damage Rolls (split up due to bonus damage): Attack 1: [roll5] + [roll6] Attack 2: [roll7] + [roll8] Attack 3: [roll9] + [roll10] Attack 4: [roll11] + [roll12] Properties: Disarming, Finesse, 4-Link. Disarm attempts are aimed at weapons then accessories if there are no more weapons. If Y8 dies, then any remaining attacks go to the Z6 battleship.

Drone II (130)(70): Move Action to S6 from F3(-15) and use Vencom Kanone, attacking in a 100ft line down to ?6. Attack: [roll13] Damage: [roll14] Properties: Area, Brutal, Power, Rending -15 Energy(40)

Drone I(60)(100): Double move from F2 to occupy X&W 2&3(-20) (80).

Alien Arts(Anytime Free action): Bounty of Einst Garden: Grow a Dreschmaschine Sichel reducing max energy by 20. (85)
Spirit: Focus: For 1 round you gain +6 Perfection bonus to attack rolls, AC and saves, plus your attack rolls automatically hit on a natural 14+ and attack rolls against you automatically fail on a 6 or less -15 Spirit(45)
Move: None
Free: DC 10 Balance (autopass) to remain standing on Drone I's shoulder until it completes its double move. Fight on Mecha scale (-1), take a 5-foot step onto Z4(-1 energy).(83)
Swift: Way of the Sword( Dreschmaschine Sichel) -36(47)
Standard: Chain Attack, targeting Y4 and Z5 with Dreschmaschine Sichel. (-10 for attacking, -6 for using a 1st level maneuver) Attack Rolls: [roll15] [roll16] Damage Rolls: [roll17] + [roll18] [roll19] + [roll20] Properties Downfall, Concussive. (31)

2019-05-28, 01:55 AM
Following the relatively smaller mechs Iari launches in the Nyoiyari. After locking onto some of the Wyvern's external hard-points the Nyoiyari reconfigures into artillery mode and takes aim at one of the enemy battleships.

"Target in sight, permission to fire captain?"

Initiative: [roll0]
Move: Launch from hanger and parks on one of Wyvern's external hard-points.
Swift: Transform into Tank mode.

If the Captain grants permission to fire then:

Standard: Fire a shot at Y21 [roll1] to hit, [roll2]+[roll3]+6=63 damage, range 390 mu, Rending, Power, 19-20x3 crit.

Emperor Ing
2019-05-29, 09:45 AM
To attach First Principle to a ship would be quite difficult, however when berthed to the exterior hull, it was relatively simple, however cumbersome. Though this had the added benefit of being able to detach and deploy into battle fairly simply. The glittering white and gold mecha raising its arm-mounted laser cannons as Marius prepared his firing solutions. Doing his best to try and ignore the music. It was decent, but nothing he would even consider submitting his free will to.

He targeted the small fry first, as he imagined they would become annoying, pretty quickly. Fortunately they were in a tight cluster, towards the left. He fired two blasts of highly unstable light. All that he needed to do was wait for the fireworks.

[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Geography

Free: Initiate Absolute Barrier (Reduction 60%, vulnerable to Missiles, immune to Heat)
Spirit: Valor (Double Damage.) Current Spirit total: 56
Move: None
Standard: Use Squad Breaker maneuver. Current Energy total: 70
Targeting square z25. All enemies in a 40 mu radius of that square must make two separate reflex saves, DC vs the following attack rolls:

[roll2] Attack 1
[roll3] Attack 2

[roll4] 48 Damage 1 (Power, Disarming, Twin-Linked, Rending)
[roll5] 36 Damage 2 (Power, Disarming, Twin-Linked, Rending)

2019-06-03, 03:06 AM
Krissa’s graviton assaults almost manages to one-shot the Mosso Type P but its E-field manages to absorb enough damage so that what gets through can’t fully collapse the main hull, although it’s left heavily damaged, smoke and fire emerging from multiple breaches.

Zia and her drones quickly close in with the enemy, the surprised Battuta II’s proving easy targets and not nearly as durable as the Mosso Type P, so once those are destroyed the einst queen and her children have enough momentum to target the exposed engine of the Mosso battleship and watch it explode in an huge ball of fire!

Aurora easily hits her own target, although the Battuta II proves durable enough to not go down to a single missile.

Marius makes a white sphere explode in a rainbow of colors at the middle of the enemy formation, and when it clears the Battuta II hit by Aurora is gone, but the remaining enemies inside are still in one piece. The Mosso Type Ps seem to have managed to strenghten their E-fields at the last moment and took only light damage, with 5 heavily damaged, 2 only showing some average damage, and one seemingly having ducked just in time behind the Mosso to evade all the damage.

Iari stands by aiming her shot and waiting for permission to fire, although the window of opportunity is closing fast...

The Batutta II is the main “grunt” unit of the EVULS Empire, and proved a critical role in their rapid expansion. Although the EVULS Empire started its conquests with armies of the basic Batutta, they quickly developed the more advanced Battuta II as a reaction to initial resistance. Sporting higher specs all around while being just as cheap to mass produce, they easily overwhelmed the mass produced units of virtually every other faction. Their typical upgrade loadout is Agility, Battery, Targeter, ODE System Paradox Prototype and Balanced. They are piloted by AIs specialized in speed and space combat, being adept at evading, predicting and countering, being loaded with Burning Justice and Into the Danger Zone attack patterns. Both arms and legs can be used as melee weapons plus it usually loads a Glaug CCS Missile Pod. If given the chance, the AI will self-destruct or perform a last suicidical attack against the enemy if it calculates its termination is imminent. Not only that, the AI of the Battuta II is programmed to consume the souls of defeated machines, both enemy and ally, and thus each units has the potential of “growing” by itself at the expense of others. So although the Battuta II factorie have been destroyed or converted to producing newer, even more advanced units, there’s still plenty of Battuta II accross the EVULS Empire area of control that have been growing by themselves.

The Batutta II is the main “grunt” unit of the EVULS Empire, and proved a critical role in their rapid expansion. Although the EVULS Empire started its conquests with armies of the basic Batutta, they quickly developed the more advanced Battuta II as a reaction to initial resistance. Sporting higher specs all around while being just as cheap to mass produce, they easily overwhelmed the mass produced units of virtually every other faction. Their typical upgrade loadout is Agility, Battery, Targeter, ODE System Paradox Prototype and Balanced. They are piloted by integrated AIs specialized in speed and space combat, being adept at evading, predicting, attacking and countering, being loaded with Burning Justice and Into the Danger Zone attack patterns. If given the chance, the AI will self-destruct or perform a last suicidical attack against the enemy if it calculates its termination is imminent. Not only that, the AI of the Battuta II is programmed to consume the souls of defeated machines, both enemy and ally, and thus each units has the potential of “growing” by itself at the expense of others. So although the Battuta II factories have been recently destroyed or converted to producing newer, even more advanced units, there’s still plenty of Battuta II accross the EVULS Empire area of control that have been evolving by feasting in the many mecha remains left from the war.

The Mosso is the current EVULS Empire standard Stage Ship deployed to play their themes in the battlefield, and the Type P in particular is usually assigned for patrol duty, specializing in surveillance and support through music. It can run many patterns of music like Inspire Greatness, Inspire Courage , Inspire Competence, Fascinate and Countersong. Certain Mosso units are loaded with draconic data for mixing in their Inspire Courage clips. If there's more than one Mosso in an EVULS Empire force, it is 100% certain they each have a different kind of music which harmonize with each other for a greater group effect. They are fully automated and captained by cold AIs with singing, Leader, Counter, Guardian and Defense protocols plus can emulate Weapon of Love and Armor of Friendship. Technically able to output artificial magic, they use it mostly for optimizing their own systems while running support tasks. Each Mosso also possesses the ability to consume the souls of defeated mechas to expand their abilities similar to the Battuta II. The Mosso Type P is armed with standard battleship weaponry as well of anti-air guns, twin-linked missiles and a beam battery besides a strong hull and E-Field for extra protecion and energy shielding. Like all battleships, they're particularly vulnerable to attacks from up close.


Emperor Ing can make 14 disarm rolls for Marius.

Lord Raziere and NineOfSpades didn’t post their actions yet.

Turn will advance by saturday at the latest, with players who didn’t post their actions yet counting as skipping their turn.

Battuta II G(1d20+4)[24]
Krissa (1d20+4)[23]
Zia (1d20+3)[23]
Sonja (1d20+6)[22]
Battuta II D(1d20+4)[21] destroyed
Battuta II F(1d20+4)[21]
Iari (1d20+6)[20]
Battuta II B(1d20+4)[20]
Battuta II E(1d20+4)[20]
Battuta II L(1d20+4)[19]
Mosso Type C (1d20+2)[18]
Aurora (1d20+7)[16]
Judge Marius (1d20+4)[15] Initiative
Battuta II H(1d20+4)[15]
Mosso Type B (1d20+2)[14]
Battuta II I(1d20+4)[13]
Battuta II J(1d20+4)[10]
Battuta II K(1d20+4)[10] destroyed
Mosso Type A (1d20+2)[8] destroyed
Battuta II A(1d20+4)[7] destroyed
Battuta II C(1d20+4)[5]

Lord Raziere
2019-06-06, 08:19 PM
Halyna raises her hand and says
"Rose Knight: Summon!"
She is lifted up into the air and the Rose Knight forms around her in a display of light and poses while Marcilia possesses the mecha once again, and they go flying out of the hangar into space, drawing the Thorn Rapier.
Halyna looks around assessing the situation. Yeah, she was in charging range, so she just speeds up to a Battuta II next to the Mosso Type B to stab it through the cockpit with blinding speed and accuracy with a few flourishes while it does so.

(The Rose Knight speed is 80mu, so literally about 50 squares greater than the actual map. thats how insane the speed is on this thing)
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]+[roll3]

2019-06-07, 08:14 AM
Time is a flexible thing. That is a poetic statement, but also a matter of scientific truth. The warp technology used to bypass normal lightspeed limitations and travel between star systems relies on bending spacetime, literally changing how fast the cosmic clocks are ticking. A second can become an hour.

Emerging from the warp gate, Sonja took in the tactical situation, screens lighting up with radar displays and reports from her staff. Three enemy battleships with full escorts, an imposing display. They had to strike fast to make any hope, however the Wyvern needed an opportunity to recharge from the space jump. She tightened her grip, frustration crawling through her gut. This was exactly why she'd wanted to keep their distance, but the targeting system for the jump-gate must have been off. A more logical, detached part of her thoughts made a note to re-calibrate the alignment lenses so that next time this wouldn't happen.

At her console, Sonja began manually directing the ships systems. Her fingers deftly moved over the inputs, like some sort of warrior musician. The two skills where not all that dissimilar, she mused, since both were about understanding the flow and rhythm of the movement.

"Fire at will Iari, and lets see about taking out that second ship" Sonja called out "Mighty Goddess, there's an opening on your 6, take advantage of it!". As one hand pointing towards their enemy while her other dispatched tactical information, broadcast to her pilots. "Keep pressure on and don't let the fleets group up. You are the best of the best, and so I expect to be impressed"

*Deep Breath*
Ship lost half energy from warp jump and cant recharge energy for 3 turns. Thought we'd be further away and would have time to cool down before moving to attack, so I'm limited in my options.

Knowledge checks both benefit from ships database, also having second officers aid me on my check.

Knowledge Geography: [roll0]
Knowledge Local: [roll1]

Swift Action: Assume Great Commander Stance. Leadership Bonus is now +5 to Attack rolls and AC to all allies in 60 mu.

Full Round Action: Focus Fire On Target [4th level: 20 Energy] (Halyna and Iari may make a normal attack as a free action against the Masso). You both gain a +8 bonus to attack and damage rolls for this attack.

Free Action: Cheer Targeting Krissa. If your next attack destroys the target, you learn all pilot feats known by the defeated enemy and can gain one you qualify for.

Extra Spirit (Executive Officer): Cheer Targeting Aurora. If your next attack destroys the target, you learn all pilot feats known by the defeated enemy and can gain one you qualify for.

Sonja Status:
HP: 122
Energy: 22/42 (+25/Round)
Spirit: 52/72 (+10/Round)

Ship Status
Jump Cooldown: 3 Rounds Remaining
HP: 250
AC: 29
Energy: 81/162
Energy Recovery Per Round: 0

2019-06-08, 10:23 PM
Halyna manages to pierce right through the weakened Battuta II’s head from behind where the cockpit should be, although what’s inside instead is a bunch of AI circuits that start sparking before initiating a series of chain explosions that obliterate the automated mecha.

Iari has little trouble hitting the Mosso, her gun punching through the shield and making a hole in the hull from which some smoke and fire start coming out, but the stage ship remains operational.

As Sonja distributes orders, one of the Battutas II finally turns to face you, head starting to glow while picking the closest target, Halyna, then firing a yellow beam from it visor at the Rose Knight!

The Batutta II is the main “grunt” unit of the EVULS Empire, and proved a critical role in their rapid expansion. Although the EVULS Empire started its conquests with armies of the basic Batutta, they quickly developed the more advanced Battuta II as a reaction to initial resistance. Sporting higher specs all around while being just as cheap to mass produce, they easily overwhelmed the mass produced units of virtually every other faction. Their typical upgrade loadout is Agility, Battery, Targeter, ODE System Paradox Prototype and Balanced. They are piloted by integrated AIs specialized in speed and space combat, being adept at evading, predicting, attacking and countering, being loaded with Burning Justice and Into the Danger Zone attack patterns. If given the chance, the AI will self-destruct or perform a last suicidical attack against the enemy if it calculates its termination is imminent.

The Mosso is the current EVULS Empire standard Stage Ship, and the Type P in particular is usually assigned for patrol duty, specializing in surveillance and support through music. It can run many patterns of music like Inspire Greatness, Inspire Courage , Inspire Competence, Fascinate and Countersong. Certain Mosso units are loaded with draconic data for mixing in their Inspire Courage clips. They are fully automated and captained by cold AIs with singing, Leader, Counter protocols at least.


For the record in case I didn't make it clear, the map is in mu scale, aka each square is 5 mu per 5 mu. Luckily the Rose Knight is still fast enough to cover the distance with a charge, but to cover 50 squares of the map would demand 250 mu speed.

Halyna and Iari get a free attack against the Mosso, feel free to roll it as soon as possible. Moving through the initiative order in between to keep things going.

Halyna targeted by a beam, hit [42], damage [46] piercing plus [10] sonic. I believe you have a miss chance, feel free to roll it or if you have other defenses you may want to use.

Krissa, Zia and Sonja next in the initiative order.

Battuta II G(1d20+4)[24]
Krissa (1d20+4)[23] CURRENT TURN
Zia (1d20+3)[23] CURRENT TURN
Sonja (1d20+6)[22] CURRENT TURN
Battuta II D(1d20+4)[21] destroyed
Battuta II F(1d20+4)[21]
Iari (1d20+6)[20]
Battuta II B(1d20+4)[20]
Battuta II E(1d20+4)[20] destroyed
Battuta II L(1d20+4)[19]
Mosso Type C (1d20+2)[18]
Aurora (1d20+7)[16]
Judge Marius (1d20+4)[15] Initiative
Battuta II H(1d20+4)[15]
Mosso Type B (1d20+2)[14]
Battuta II I(1d20+4)[13]
Halyna (1d20+3)[11]
Battuta II J(1d20+4)[10]
Battuta II K(1d20+4)[10] destroyed
Mosso Type A (1d20+2)[8] destroyed
Battuta II A(1d20+4)[7] destroyed
Battuta II C(1d20+4)[5]

2019-06-10, 05:33 PM
Krissa Saavi
SUIT Pilot of Experimental Unit: Obelisk


With the initial assault going so well, the Obelisk continues to push the advantage and attack the larger vessels. It move out and away from the Wyvern in hopes of forcing the enemy to choose separate targets opposed to attacking with weapons that could target an area.

Again the singularity engine generated dozens of portals around the damaged Mosso, seeking to collapse the hull completely with gravity.


Spirit: Valor (double damage); -40 spirit
Move: Move to G19
Free: Evasive Maneuvers (-20 mu movement; +2 ac / ref / will)
Standard: Worm Smasher (ref dc 32 for half; no free / immediate action vs attack); -20 energy | targeting Mosso at Z20, Pinning: Creatures dealt damage by this weapon have their movement speeds halved for 1 round
Damage - [roll0]; x2 (Valor)
Soul Crusher - target loses 20 spirit
Zero Attack - target loses 24 hp

2019-06-11, 01:44 PM
The massive mechanical wolf resumes its spin of terror, inching closer to the two nearby Batuttas to finish them off. In the meantime, Zia points toward the next formation and her old mech takes off towards the formation, leaving a blue trail behind. With a call unheard through space, Zia and the remaining drones form up and follow the trail at blistering speeds. As the Queen arrives, she makes a snap with her fingers- one that echos through the void of space deliberately alerting the EVULS forces to her terrifying presence. A piercing glare from her bores into the Mosso. The ovalish drone circles around to the other side of the Mosso. Its maw opens, with two longs lunging out to stab the battleship! Meanwhile, Zia's old mech simply backhands a nearby Batutta almost as if it was reprimanding it for simply existing nearby Zia.

Holy crap this is complex. I have an order of operations just to keep track of it. Let me know if I messed something up.

Order of Operations: Drone III's actions. Drone I's movement. Zia's actions. Drone II's movement. Drone I's charge attack. Drone II's Attack.

Drone III(200)(17): Regain energy(+5). Takes a five foot step down left(center on Z8)(-1). Attacking enemy on w6 with 4-Linked Peitsche Attack Rolls: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
Damage Rolls (split up due to bonus damage): Attack 1: [roll4] + [roll5] Attack 2: [roll6] + [roll7] Attack 3: [roll8] + [roll9] Attack 4: [roll10] + [roll11] Properties: Disarming, Finesse, 4-Link. Disarm attempts are aimed at weapons then accessories if there are no more weapons. If Y8 dies, then any remaining attacks go to the ?6 Batutta.(21)

Drone II (130)(40): Regain energy(+5) Move Action to w21 from y18(-4)(41) and attacking with Peitsche.
Attack Rolls: [roll12] [roll13]
Damage Rolls: [roll14] + [roll15] (Swarming tactics) [roll16] + [roll17] (Swarming tactics)
Properties: Disarming, Finesse, Twin-Link. Disarm attempts are aimed at weapons then accessories if there are no more weapons.

Drone I(60)(80): Regain energy(+5) Charge so it occupies ! and ? 18-19 from x and w 2-3(-10)(70); targeting Batutta on ?21.
Attack Roll : [roll18]
Damage Roll: [roll19] + [roll20]
Properties: Disarming, Finesse. Disarm attempts are aimed at weapons then accessories if there are no more weapons.

Note: Focus should've taken up 18 spirit to due to it being not of Zia's spirit type, so I corrected it here. Note 2: Does using Overwhelming Presence count towards the turn buildup for Berserk?
Current Stance: Way of the Sword
Energy Regen: Reactor III(+25) + Reactor I(+8) + Base(+5) + Orchid Corde(85) + Artificial Lotus(85)(85)
Spirit Regen: (+10)(52)
Alien Arts(Anytime Free action): Activated after Drone I's movement. Zia moves to ?20, Drone II to Y18, Drone III to occupy Y-? 15-17.(-10)
Spirit: Focus(targeting all of her drones instead of her self): For 1 round you gain +6 Perfection bonus to attack rolls, AC and saves, plus your attack rolls automatically hit on a natural 14+ and attack rolls against you automatically fail on a 6 or less.(-18)(34)
Move: None
Swift: Orchid Code, Targeting the Mosso on Y21. DC 18 Will save or become unable to use spells/SLAs/powers/maneuvers/activated items/similar for 1 round and for the duration they take +30% damage from spells/SLAs/powers/maneuvers/activated items/similar. Even if they make the Will save, for 1 round they take a -4 penalty to CL/ML/IL/similar and take +10% damage from spells/SLAs/powers/maneuvers/activated items/similar.
Standard: Overwhelming Presence: Enemies within 60mu must make a DC 21 Will save or be stunned for 1 round. Dazed if they're immune to stun.(-30)(45)

Order of Operations: Zia's Spirit Activation. Drone III's actions. Drone I's movement. The rest of Zia's actions(Orchid Code before all else). Drone II's movement. Drone I's charge attack. Drone II's Attack.

2019-06-15, 01:30 PM
The opening shots of the war were going well, and Sonja felt an urge to spur forward, take the battle to the frontlines. It was a difficult to resist temptation, but one she kept under wraps. From their current position, she could maintain an ample field of effect without putting the ship in danger. Afterall, if the Wyvern went down, there was no means of escaping for any of the pilots flying under her, and the'd be doomed.

Of course, the same held true in reverse. Take out the enemy battleships, and the fighters are doomed. Only difference was that they were unnamed drones. Still, keeping their support system out of the game was in everyones interest.

"Keep weapon systems at the ready, they are going to regroup and start counterattacking" she warned, just as her instincts warned her. "Alright, those attacks were perfect, keep it up and lets see if we can't bring the second battleship offline before they start pumping out any sonic weapons"

Yes, things were going well. All that mattered was to see if they would keep going well.

Start of turn recover +25 energy and +10 spirit for Sonja (fully charged at start of turn with 42 energy), +0 Energy for the Wyvern. Still recoverying from warp jump, 2 turns left.

Full Round Action: Focus Fire On Target [4th level: 20 Energy] (Halyna and Iari may make a normal attack as a free action against the Masso). You both gain a +8 bonus to attack and damage rolls for this attack.

Sonja Status:
HP: 122
Energy: 22/42 (+25/Round)
Spirit: 62/72 (+10/Round)

Ship Status
Jump Cooldown: 2 Rounds Remaining
HP: 250
AC: 29
Energy: 81/162
Energy Recovery Per Round: 0

2019-06-19, 03:56 AM
Iari’s second attack is a new clean hit, but the stage ship stubbornly refuses to sink, still broadcasting its EVULS playlist.

Zia’s drone III swiftly dispatches the two nearby Battuta before they had a chance to properly react while the Einst Queen and her drones close in with the next Mosso, attacking the exposed points and tearing chunks of machinery although it never pauses its performance.

Zia’s backhand blow succeeds in stunning a couple battuta and the third Mosso.

Krissa finishes off the crippled vessel, crumpling the weakened hull into a ball that then explodes!

With another stage ship’s destruction the last Mosso stunned, the EVULS music stops ressonating through space and the Battuta’s movements clearly get more sluggish!

The battuta closest to Zia and her drones ejects several bits of its plating, exposing its inner generators that start to glow as they charge up energy in a ball.

“B-a-t-t-u-t-a B-l-a-s-t-e-r!”

The energy ball explodes in a destructive cone covering almost all of the einst! The Battuta’s generators remain exposed however, although considering how quickly the others were dispatched, it makes sense its AI calculated there is no use trying to defend itself.


Overwhelming Presence does count towards the turn buildup for Berserk.

Zia and her drones I and III take 31 damage each, reflex save with DC 18 for half, pinning property.

Halyna and Iari get another normal attack as a free action against the last Mosso from Sonja. You both gain a +8 bonus to attack and damage rolls for this attack.

Iari next in the initiative order.

Battuta II G(1d20+4)[24] stunned
Krissa (1d20+4)[23]
Zia (1d20+3)[23]
Sonja (1d20+6)[22]
Battuta II D(1d20+4)[21] destroyed
Battuta II F(1d20+4)[21]
Iari (1d20+6)[20] CURRENT TURN
Battuta II B(1d20+4)[20] destroyed
Battuta II E(1d20+4)[20] destroyed
Battuta II L(1d20+4)[19]
Mosso Type C (1d20+2)[18] stunned
Aurora (1d20+7)[16]
Judge Marius (1d20+4)[15] Initiative
Battuta II H(1d20+4)[15]
Mosso Type B (1d20+2)[14] destroyed
Battuta II I(1d20+4)[13] stunned
Halyna (1d20+3)[11]
Battuta II J(1d20+4)[10]
Battuta II K(1d20+4)[10] destroyed
Mosso Type A (1d20+2)[8] destroyed
Battuta II A(1d20+4)[7] destroyed
Battuta II C(1d20+4)[5] destroyed

2019-06-19, 11:54 PM
Seeing the ship explode Iari takes aim at the next available target.

Free attack from Sonja: [roll0] to hit, [roll1]+[roll2]+6=65 damage.

Swift action: Aim with Targeting Simulator (IV) +4 to attack rolls.

Full round attack on W29:

1st shot: [roll3] to hit, [roll4]+[roll5]+6=62 damage.

Instant Reload (No action required).

2nd shot: [roll6] to hit, [roll7]+[roll8]+6=56 damage.

3rd shot: [roll9] to hit, [roll10]+[roll11]+6=66 damage.

Attacks have range 390 mu, Rending, Power, 19-20x3 crit.

Looks like I was forgetting to include my mecha's accessory on attack rolls in previous posts, they both hit so it does not matter.

2019-06-22, 04:33 AM
Iari keeps striking true, the big stunned ship may as well be a sitting target at a shooting gallery. However its shields are still operational, reducing the power of the impacts enough for the frame to hold in one piece.

The battuta behind the last Mosso speeds up towards the sniper, ejecting several bits of its plating along the way and exposing its inner generators that start to glow as they charge energy in its head.

“B-a-t-t-u-t-a B-e-a-m!”

It fires a long yellow ray of energy!

It completely misses Iari.

And also misses the massive ship behind her as well, harmlessly disappearing in the void of space. It appears like they're still calibrating to be able fight with no music.

Some static sounds come from the last Mosso as its AI seemingly tries to reboot.


Well that was a natural 1.

Aurora next in the initiative order.

EDIT: Judge Marius also can act now.

Battuta II G(1d20+4)[24] stunned
Krissa (1d20+4)[23]
Zia (1d20+3)[23]
Sonja (1d20+6)[22]
Battuta II D(1d20+4)[21] destroyed
Battuta II F(1d20+4)[21]
Iari (1d20+6)[20]
Battuta II B(1d20+4)[20] destroyed
Battuta II E(1d20+4)[20] destroyed
Battuta II L(1d20+4)[19]
Mosso Type C (1d20+2)[18] stunned
Aurora (1d20+7)[16] CURRENT TURN
Judge Marius (1d20+4)[15] CURRENT TURN
Battuta II H(1d20+4)[15]
Mosso Type B (1d20+2)[14] destroyed
Battuta II I(1d20+4)[13] stunned
Halyna (1d20+3)[11]
Battuta II J(1d20+4)[10]
Battuta II K(1d20+4)[10] destroyed
Mosso Type A (1d20+2)[8] destroyed
Battuta II A(1d20+4)[7] destroyed
Battuta II C(1d20+4)[5] destroyed

2019-06-22, 05:48 PM
Aurora seeing the last remaining Mosso is stunned decides to take advantage of this and deftly transforming her mecha fires her GN Long Beam Rifles at it

Regain 12 energy and 5 spirit
Spirit: Focus (+6 to attack rolls, AC and saves. Attack rolls automatically hit on a natural 14+ and attack rolls against you automatically fail on a 6 or less); -15 spirit
Free: Transform to humanoid mode
Full: GN Long Beam Rifle -10 energy | This weapon ignores half the target's Natural armour, Armor and Shield bonus to AC, rounded up
Attack- [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2019-06-22, 09:39 PM
Judge Marius can act now too, they're next in initiative order.

Emperor Ing
2019-06-26, 06:45 AM
Marius targeted the remaining machines within range of his weaponry, their visage appearing as a circular reticule on his heads-up display. With a thought, golden light arced out from First Principle's laser cannons, sweeping over every target available.

Using Multi-Target Strike (15 energy) on all enemies in range (7 enemies)
Using Valor to double damage

(Attacks have Twin-Linked quality)
Targeting R18

Damage (Double results from Valor. Damage ignores half DR, Armor and Nat Armor bonus to AC from Rending + Power.)

Disarm checks (Disarming quality)

Targeting Y19

Damage (Double results from Valor. Damage ignores half DR, Armor and Nat Armor bonus to AC from Rending + Power.)

Disarm checks (Disarming quality)

Targeting ?21

Damage (Double results from Valor. Damage ignores half DR, Armor and Nat Armor bonus to AC from Rending + Power.)

Disarm checks (Disarming quality)

Targeting Y23

Damage (Double results from Valor. Damage ignores half DR, Armor and Nat Armor bonus to AC from Rending + Power.)

Disarm checks (Disarming quality)

Targeting W28

Damage (Double results from Valor. Damage ignores half DR, Armor and Nat Armor bonus to AC from Rending + Power.)

Disarm checks (Disarming quality)

Targeting X29 (The mosso)

Damage (Double results from Valor. Damage ignores half DR, Armor and Nat Armor bonus to AC from Rending + Power.)

Disarm checks (Disarming quality (does it work against capital ships?))

Targeting W32

Damage (Double results from Valor. Damage ignores half DR, Armor and Nat Armor bonus to AC from Rending + Power.)

Disarm checks (Disarming quality)

2019-06-26, 09:38 PM
Aurora manages to land a direct hit in the exposed enginee room of the Mosso making it erupt in a ball of cosmic fire while Judge Marius torrent of lasers finishes off all of the remaining, weakened battutta! One still manages to self-destruct over the einst queen and her retainers while another fires a last beam at First Principle.

With the EVULS patrol defeated, you can hear a static-filled distress call from the escape pod they were attacking early.

“Hello? Somebody there? Anybody? Our cameras have been destroyed and our systems are failing! We need help! Please!”

A quick sweep through the wreckage of your opponent reveals the souls of the mechas they had trapped escaping into the void of space, and what remains behind looks like it would still be worth 34 000 cosmic credits.

Otherwise everything now feels quiet in orbit.
A bit too quiet.

Zia and her drones each need to make a Reflex save with DC 18 or take 35 damage.
Last attack against Judge Marius, beam hit 36, damage 51.

Everybody please roll spot and listen checks.

Also 1 cosmic credit is equivalent to 1 GP.

Emperor Ing
2019-06-27, 11:46 PM
This is Marius Freeman and First Principle. We've come to liberate your system, just sit tight, we've got you. The Starst Judge replied on the frequency of the escape pod, flying towards it in an attempt to retrieve it and bring it to safety, inside of their own ship. He couldn't help but smirk with some satisfaction as he saw the laser beam from the now-fallen mech flash harmlessly against the near-impervious hull of First Principle.

I don't like this. Once we retrieve the pod, we should fall back immediately, that patrol has no doubt called for reinforcements, and we should engage them on our terms, not theirs. He suggested to the rest of the squad.


Absolute Barrier reduces damage from non-missile attacks by 60%, reducing damage to 21
damage of 21 fails to pierce First Principle's damage reduction.

2019-06-28, 10:31 AM
Krissa Saavi
SUIT Pilot of Experimental Unit: Obelisk


The HUD of the Obelisk went dormant without targets. It took a moment for Krissa to disengage her neural pathways from the combat systems. She took a few steadying breathes while reflexively opening her comm channels again and surveying the area with her scanners.

No significant damage sustained by any of the team during their first skirmish, that was a good sign. The Singularity Drive hummed to life once more as she propelled the SUIT through the vacuum of space back toward the Wyvern.


Move: Return to Wyvern

Spot - [roll0]
Listen - [roll1]

2019-06-28, 04:54 PM
As the Battutta explodes all of Zia's drones managed to brace them against the oncoming blast. Zia however takes the full brunt of the blast, coming out of it wounded and visibly annoyed. Zia's regeneration quickly kicks in and all the wounds she suffered simply disappear. Despite the lack of enemy contact, the queen doesn't feel safe. Leaving her drones behind to remain on guard, Zia prepares herself to make a jump to her ally nearest to the pod, onto the shoulder of First Principle.

I completely forgot damage reduction. I'm bad at this.
Drone III(200)(17): Regain energy(+5)(22)

Drone II (130)(41): Regain energy(+5) (46)

Drone I(38)(70): Regain energy(+5) (75)

Note: Focus should've taken up 18 spirit to due to it being not of Zia's spirit type, so I corrected it here. Note 2: Does using Overwhelming Presence count towards the turn buildup for Berserk?
Damage: 26
Current Stance: Way of the Sword
Energy Regen: Reactor III(+25) + Reactor I(+8) + Base(+5) + Orchid Corde(85) + Artificial Lotus(85)(85)
Spirit Regen: (+10)(44)
HP Regen: Artificial Inisght(+8) + Artificial Lotus(+7) + Regeneration 3(46)(155)
Alien Arts(Anytime Free action): Rapid Regeneration Choose either the Einst Queen or one of her Drones under Queen’s Will to recover 4d12 lost HP and remove all non-permanent non-instantaneous ill conditions affecting them.(65)
Recovery Roll for Drone I : [roll0]
Move: See standard
Standard: Activating Traveling Protocol, destination set to the shoulder of First Principal. It's a one round action, so I'm assuming the teleport won't take effect immediately.

2019-06-29, 02:28 AM
There’s cries of happyness and relief from inside the pod as Marius Freeman tells them the good news.

“Liberate us? We had lost all hope of the Alliance sending a liberating force to Omura! We were just trying to get away from the E.V.U.L.S empire or die trying. Thank you! Thank you so much!

But we’re not safe in this area That patrol, they taunted us that they were just pinning us down! Something about using us a test target for some new prototype weapon! ”

Other smaller asteroids of the belt are slowly moving not on a natural pattern but forming something that looks like roughly a massive cylinder about 50 000 mu from your position.

The cylinder is moving to aim at your current position. There’s some flashes of light suggesting strong energy gathering.

You manage to intercept and decypher what sounds like communications from E.V.U.L.S force in the Omura sphere:

“...Patrol #4 ceased communications. Alliance forces detected in the same quadrant. Continue testing.”

You manage to intercept and dechyper a few more communications.
“...Prototype E.V.U.L.S. Magna Cannon MK VI calculating coordinates. Ready to fire in 18 seconds...“

2019-06-29, 06:48 AM
The Aquila raises its right arm to point at the asteroids rearranging themselves and over the comms, Aurora says, "I believe that they were being held here for whatever the asteroid field is being changed into, judging by the energy building up in there. I suggest we evacuate our current position before we find out what the EVULS are trying to test on us"

Emperor Ing
2019-06-29, 08:23 PM
We need to move. Now. Marius agreed, activating thrust on First Principle, with the escape pod in his massive mech's hand, moving at full speed perpendicular to the trajectory of the shot.

2019-07-07, 02:12 PM
"Agreed: Helmsman, take evasive actions!" Sonja instructed, bolstering the ship and her crew as best they could. Whatever weapon was being prepared, she didn't want to find out its capabilities first hand.

Leader Bonus is currently at +5. Use tactical leader to give a covering order, dropping attack bonus to -5 to grant a bonus on reflex saves of +10. "Justice Is On Our Side" doubles that bonus at a cost of 25 energy, so together thats a +30 bonus to AC and a +20 bonus to Reflex saves (not sure which of those is being targeted), so I decided to cover both. Combined, that should give us a decent chance to avoid the attack, but just in case in case, also using the spirit Forsee, guarenteeing the next attack against the wyvern is a miss. Everybody docked with the ship will therefore also be safe.

2019-07-07, 03:03 PM
Agreeing with Marius' suggestion Aurora transforms her mech back from its humanoid form to its jet form and returned to the Wyvern's hangar bay.

2019-07-08, 12:07 AM
Iari takes her Nyoiyari into the hanger as well.

2019-07-11, 05:37 AM
The prototype cannon fires a dual spiral blast of green and yellow energy, crossing the distance between you in an instant, too large and fast to dodge or evade if you were still in the area. Yet Sonja’s preparations allow the Wyvern to position itself right between the twin spirals of energy so they avoid harm, with about zero room for error. One degree to either side and they would’ve taken the blast full force.

However the attack doesn’t stop. The distant cannon keeps firing, and the radius of the blast is getting wider!

The Wyvern and everybody inside it protected by Foresee.

Anybody who was trying to escape but couldn’t move at least 300 mu away from the starting position takes 94 damage (no save), half fire, half force, pinning.

Emperor Ing
2019-07-13, 04:22 AM
Even going at full speed, away, First Principle is not able to avoid the full force of the blast, and is engulfed in the light.

Only to emerge, almost entirely unscathed, the shield and thick plating having absorbed the overwhelming majority of the damage. Hhhhooo-okay. Marius clearly sounds like he just expected to die. Let's go save the planet, now, yeah?

First Principle receives 6 damage

2019-07-16, 08:54 AM
As she teleports over to the First Principal, at first Zia is confused at the sudden change in direction. It is then when she finally notices the massive blast coming towards her direction. She braces herself for the incoming blast as it hits her and her drones! Comings out of the blast, Zia appears to be gravely wounded, but the wounds she does have appears to be regenerating quickly. While the orb and quadruped drones appear to get out with some damage, the one made from her former mecha appears to have been utterly destroyed, leaving Zia a mixed of devastated and utterly pissed off.

Zia takes 82 damage, but recovers 61 of it on her turn(134). Drone I is destroyed, Drone II takes 64 damage(34), Drone III takes 74 damage(126)

2019-07-17, 03:12 PM
Krissa Saavi
SUIT Pilot of Experimental Unit: Obelisk


Despite the sudden jolting of the Wyvern, the Obelisk stayed upright. Krissa had already docked it into the restraining harness in the hangar bay. Still, the movement bounced her all over the cockpit as she had unhooked herself from her own rigging. She cussed under her breath as she nursed a bruised shoulder and opened up her comms again.

"Do we need to redeploy?" She asked as she sat down again and started strapping back into the harness.



2019-07-18, 11:26 PM
"I suppose that might be a good idea, we should find a way to remove that weapon as a threat, otherwise the planet will still be cut off from any trade" Aurora says from where she had landed the Aquila in the hangar bay. "Once its dealt with we could head for the planet's surface and see what exactly the EVULS were doing down there."

2019-07-24, 01:16 AM
As you hesitate to take action, the energy around you keeps glowing brighter and brighter until it overloads all your sensors and senses for a moment, and then you find yourselves inside a massive metal room, big enough to fit a small fleet of Small Principles. Below you there's a scorched ring still smelling of fresh ozone, and all around there's mecha and space ships debris along some asteroid and satellite bits, all kinds of things you would expect to find in space.

Yet your navigational tools report that you're somewhere below Amura's surface. Almost certainly some sort of deep underground facility. Your guts tell you that the prototype weapon transported you here.

The walls look sturdy, but far from indestructible, in particular for the likes of you. There are sealed blast doors at both the floor and the ceiling plus another in one of the four walls. Each is wide enough that if open would allow for even First Principle to fly through.

A cold and cruel voice fills the room:
[Exit your machines and surrender in the name of EVULS. Further resistance is futile, you cannot escape this place.]