View Full Version : Rules Q&A Readied Dimension Anchor vs Teleport

2019-05-07, 08:43 AM
Imagine the following: Creature A has an action readied to cast Dimension Anchor if the target casts a (Teleportation) spell. Then, Creature B casts Teleport on herself and one other creature (Creature C) to flee the scene.

What happens if:

1- The Dimension Anchor spell is cast on Creature C? Does B teleport leaving C behind?

2- The Dimension Anchor spell is cast on Creature B? Does C teleport and B stays behind? Does the spell fail entirely?

How would you rule this?

Mike Miller
2019-05-07, 09:16 AM
I would rule option 2. The DA is a RTA and affects creature B. Creature C is unaffected and thus goes bye bye

2019-05-07, 09:44 AM
I would rule option 2. The DA is a RTA and affects creature B. Creature C is unaffected and thus goes bye bye

What do you mean by "option 2"? We're talking two different scenarios here. Also, what is RTA?

2019-05-07, 09:44 AM
I'd say the opposite for question 2, based on the fact that Teleport says you can "bring along" people or objects, which suggests that they come with you, not that they can be teleported without you.

For question 1, I don't see any reason why targeting creature C would stop creature B from teleporting, as creature C is not the caster and a RTA only affects one creature unless there's a specific reason otherwise.

Edit: RTA = Ranged Touch Attack

2019-05-07, 10:23 AM
Imagine the following: Creature A has an action readied to cast Dimension Anchor if the target casts a (Teleportation) spell. Then, Creature B casts Teleport on herself and one other creature (Creature C) to flee the scene.

What happens if:

1- The Dimension Door spell is cast on Creature C? Does B teleport leaving C behind?

2- The Dimension Door spell is cast on Creature B? Does C teleport and B stays behind? Does the spell fail entirely?

How would you rule this?
1 - B leaves. Teleport always transports the caster.
2 - Spell fails. Teleport must always transport the caster. If they don't go, no one does.

2019-05-07, 11:06 AM
1 - B leaves. Teleport always transports the caster.
2 - Spell fails. Teleport must always transport the caster. If they don't go, no one does.

This is the correct interpretation, you "bring along" other creatures, you can't bring them along if you don't go anywhere.

2019-05-07, 11:29 AM
Creature with dimensional anchor stays.

Rule as written says if anyone creature has said anchor in the group leaving spell fails for all. If the caster has it spell fails for all.

I think this is wrong. If caster has anchor then yes spell fails for all. Getting the caster is best.

If any creature has an anchor on it they get left behind [house rule] the others can escape.

2019-05-07, 12:17 PM
Rule as written says if anyone creature has said anchor in the group leaving spell fails for all.

What makes you say that?

2019-05-07, 12:21 PM
Rule as written says if anyone creature has said anchor in the group leaving spell fails for all.

Really? Where does it say that?

2019-05-07, 01:06 PM
Dimension door :

You may bring along a willing creature. If not willing it does not say what happens any longer.

Same thing with teleport

Older I ssystems may have where I got it from. 1978 is quite a while afterall.

2019-05-07, 03:25 PM
1- The Dimension Door spell is cast on Creature C? Does B teleport leaving C behind?

2- The Dimension Door spell is cast on Creature B? Does C teleport and B stays behind? Does the spell fail entirely?

Do you mean Dimensional Anchor where you've written Dimension Door here? I think this may be causing some confusion...

2019-05-07, 03:30 PM
Do you mean Dimensional Anchor where you've written Dimension Door here? I think this may be causing some confusion...

Damn! I do! I'll fix it now

2019-05-07, 04:22 PM
+1 to no bring = no go (for anyone).

2019-05-07, 04:35 PM
+1 to no bring = no go (for anyone).

You're saying the spell always fail? Or are you saying only the dimensionally locked person doesn't go?

2019-05-07, 06:34 PM
You're saying the spell always fail? Or are you saying only the dimensionally locked person doesn't go?

I'm saying the teleport would fail - it would fail for the locked person, and since they're not going anywhere, neither are their passengers.

2019-05-08, 07:49 AM
I'm saying the teleport would fail - it would fail for the locked person, and since they're not going anywhere, neither are their passengers.

What if the locked person was one of the passengers? Would the spell also fail for all?

Aotrs Commander
2019-05-08, 07:55 AM
1 - B leaves. Teleport always transports the caster.
2 - Spell fails. Teleport must always transport the caster. If they don't go, no one does.

That would be my conclusion as well.

A green ray springs from your outstretched hand. You must make a ranged touch attack to hit the target. Any creature or object struck by the ray is covered with a shimmering emerald field that completely blocks extradimensional travel. Forms of movement barred by a dimensional anchor include astral projection, blink, dimension door, ethereal jaunt, etherealness, gate, maze, plane shift, shadow walk, teleport, and similar spell-like or psionic abilities. The spell also prevents the use of a gate or teleportation circle for the duration of the spell.

A dimensional anchor does not interfere with the movement of creatures already in ethereal or astral form when the spell is cast, nor does it block extradimensional perception or attack forms. Also, dimensional anchor does not prevent summoned creatures from disappearing at the end of a summoning spell.

Doesn't say anything here about intefering with any one else's teleportation here, so I would hazard denthor is either mistaken or looking at a spell from a different edition (it is different in PF or maybe thinking of, 5E maybe? I dunno? I'd check myself, but I have to go see a large purple man get his arse kicked (I hope) now.)

The Kool
2019-05-08, 07:57 AM
but I have to go see a large purple man get his arse kicked (I hope) now.)

Enjoy! I've seen it. That wasn't a suggestion either, I'm sure you will enjoy it. Do not delay any longer, spoiler ban is over so the internet is quickly becoming flooded!

2019-05-08, 08:49 AM
What if the locked person was one of the passengers? Would the spell also fail for all?

I'd say no - at that point the spell would go off because the caster was free to go (leaving their intended passenger behind). So if you're using Anchor, be careful with the targeting.

Note that dimensional anchor doesn't interfere with the transport spell itself, rather it stops the subject from using it. It would be no different than trying to teleport away with someone who was previously anchored.

2019-05-08, 08:25 PM
Assuming that if C is hit by the Dimensional Anchor, B still Teleports away (as most people seem to think):

What happens if there is a creature D, who is in contact with C but not with B? Does the fact that C fails to Teleport "break the chain" and mean that D is also left behind, or does the Dimensional Anchor only affect C?

My feeling is that D would also be left behind, but this seems less clear-cut to me than the examples in the OP. Thoughts?

2019-05-08, 08:53 PM
I'd say no - at that point the spell would go off because the caster was free to go (leaving their intended passenger behind). So if you're using Anchor, be careful with the targeting.

Note that dimensional anchor doesn't interfere with the transport spell itself, rather it stops the subject from using it. It would be no different than trying to teleport away with someone who was previously anchored.

This actually makes for some interesting potential outcomes. I'm imagining the big bad having a contingent dimensional anchor targeting a member of the PC's party other than the spellcaster such that if the PC's try to make an escape, they end up inadvertently leaving one of their friends behind for an impromptu 1v1. Dirty Tricks for Devilish DMs.

Lord of Shadows
2019-05-09, 01:07 AM
Quoting the original question, edited somewhat for clarity:

A caster has a readied action to cast Dimensional Anchor if the target casts a (Teleportation) spell.


That target casts Teleport on herself and one other creature to flee the scene


That target casts Teleport on herself, with two or more other creatures touching each other and one of those touching the caster

What happens if...

1- The Dimensional Anchor is successfully cast on the caster of Teleport?

2- The Dimensional Anchor is successfully cast on a single creature touching the caster?

3- The Dimensional Anchor is successfully cast a creature who is between the caster of Teleport and one or more other targets?

How would you rule this?

Answers, in agreement with some others, assuming the Dimensional Anchor succeeds against its target:

1- If the caster is Anchored, the spell fails, no one teleports

2- If one willing target is anchored, the caster teleports away, leaving the target behind

3- If a willing target who is between the caster and one or more other willing targets is anchored, the caster and all un-anchored, willing targets teleport away, leaving the anchored creature behind

Dimensional Anchor successfully cast on the caster of Teleport cancels the Teleport, and therefore no one can be brought along. If the caster does not go anywhere, no one goes anywhere.

The affect that Dimensional Anchor has on those other than the caster is not as obvious. Teleport specifies (using Pathfinder D20PFSRD):

"You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature or its equivalent per three caster levels." So, it only affects willing creatures.


"All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you."

At this point it is DM decision what to do with those further down the line, but one possibility is that Teleport is one level higher than Dimensional Anchor and so it could be argued that, as the more powerful spell, it passes through all unwilling creatures and affects all willing creatures. Dimensional Anchor could be said to simply change a target from willing to unwilling, thereby excluding them from the spell.

Additionally, Teleport has No Save and No Spell Resistance*, and affects some number of willing creatures. Dimensional Anchor affects one creature and has No Save but allows Spell Resistance. One consideration comes from the rules of spell casting and special abilities.

The spell Teleport (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/teleport/) has as its Target: "you and touched objects or other touched willing creatures." The section on Aiming a Spell (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/Magic/#TOC-Aiming-a-Spell) in the Magic rules says, "Some spells restrict you to willing targets only. Declaring yourself as a willing target is something that can be done at any time. Unconscious creatures are automatically considered willing, but a character who is conscious but immobile or helpless is not automatically willing.

The Special Abilities section has this on Spell Resistance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/Gamemastering/special-abilities/#TOC-Spell-Resistance) vs Targeted Spells: "Spell resistance applies if the spell is targeted at the creature. Some individually targeted spells can be directed at several creatures simultaneously. In such cases, a creature’s spell resistance applies only to the portion of the spell actually targeted at that creature. If several different resistant creatures are subjected to such a spell, each checks its spell resistance separately."

So again, the argument could be made that a successful Dimensional Anchor acts only to exclude its target from that portion of the Teleport that affects it directly.

One way to avoid the problem would be to have each target touch the caster themselves to insure transport. Touch spells allow casters to touch six targets per round, although this would be the reverse of that (targets touching a caster). Or you could go with position and allow eight targets to touch the caster (4 adjacent and 4 diagonal).

*Normally even a willing creature has to lower its SR to be affected, which in the rules is a Standard Action; otherwise the caster has to make a caster level check vs. the SR value. Spells for which SR does not apply ignore this rule completely.

2019-05-09, 09:24 AM
This actually makes for some interesting potential outcomes. I'm imagining the big bad having a contingent dimensional anchor targeting a member of the PC's party other than the spellcaster such that if the PC's try to make an escape, they end up inadvertently leaving one of their friends behind for an impromptu 1v1. Dirty Tricks for Devilish DMs.

Not to burst your evil bubble, but both Contingency and Contingent Spells have to target the caster; you can't contingent a dimensional anchor that shoots someone else.

You could however use this to anchor yourself if someone tries to knock you out and teleport away with you, or Shadow Walk/Plane Shift you against your will and you fail your save.

What happens if there is a creature D, who is in contact with C but not with B? Does the fact that C fails to Teleport "break the chain" and mean that D is also left behind, or does the Dimensional Anchor only affect C?

"At least one of those creatures must be in contact with you." Of those = the creatures to be transported. If you're only touching someone who won't be transported, nobody else comes along. That's a pretty good incentive to have everyone touch you directly, or at least to hold hands with more than one person.

2019-05-09, 10:12 AM
Assuming that if C is hit by the Dimensional Anchor, B still Teleports away (as most people seem to think):

What happens if there is a creature D, who is in contact with C but not with B? Does the fact that C fails to Teleport "break the chain" and mean that D is also left behind, or does the Dimensional Anchor only affect C?

My feeling is that D would also be left behind, but this seems less clear-cut to me than the examples in the OP. Thoughts?

I'd just rule that the anchored person stays, but no one else. It's magic, not an electrical circuit.

2019-05-09, 02:24 PM
Not to burst your evil bubble, but both Contingency and Contingent Spells have to target the caster; you can't contingent a dimensional anchor that shoots someone else.

You could however use this to anchor yourself if someone tries to knock you out and teleport away with you, or Shadow Walk/Plane Shift you against your will and you fail your save.

Hmm...so a readied action would be the only way to do it. Shame. That limits the viability of the trick.