View Full Version : Help me make my first psion (3.5)

2019-05-10, 10:14 AM
I made a thread a while ago but now I have more info, so I’ll start fresh. I’m familiar with 3.5 but a bit hazy on psionics and I’m making my first psion. I’m set on a human shaper focused on his psicrystal. Maybe I could rework into a similar egoist, but probably not. I’ll be role playing the psicrystal as my main character and the human as a passive companion who doesn’t fight directly. So far the plan (which can be altered by suggestions) is to take improved psicrystal as many times as possible and have the psicrystal “take over” completely with the level 15 psicrystal ability by character level 9 (manifest powers through psicrystal up to a mile away). I’ll probably take extra power for metamorphosis at level 10. In the mean time I’ll have the psicrystal deliver touch powers, receive buffs & repairs, and also have an astral construct help out. His personality is extra heroic, single minded, anxious, adventurous, etc. He does not sit still. I’d like any entertaining/cool/funny ideas to take this concept further. Being viable is fine but I’m not too concerned with power since we have a couple rookies.

Character creation and test battle session (to let us fix mistakes) is tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon to evening PST. I’ll check this thread mid session.

Only books allowed:
Expanded psionics handbook
Complete psionics
All the “It’s _ Outside” books (stormwrack, frostburn, etc.)

Spell compendium and MIC are allowed but we can’t take non-psionic classes nor pick starting items so it’s bit moot for now.

Starting level 4 or 5. 5 I think. No prestige classes allowed until after level 10, then most likely not more than 2 or 3 (or 1 of course).

Thank you all in advance.