View Full Version : Pathfinder Rogue wants to stop divination & detection

2019-05-11, 10:54 AM
In a campaign, I've got a level 5 slyph unchained rogue. Nothing too special yet (other than the alternate racials for +5 move and +4 stealth). Took unchained perception as my level 5 skill unlock.

But... the deities of the campaign world are threatening to destroy it if a challenge isn't met by the inhabitants. My character's just a tad bit... upset over that.

Since they're a rogue, and sneaky, how can I improve this natural sneakiness to the point of foiling divination, scrying, and similar effects? Looking for things I can aim for as I level up such as feats, magic items, etc?

I do not appear to have the benefit of having a base, I'm off adventuring and traveling the world.

2019-05-11, 10:57 AM
Wait... You want foil divination from deities? Yeah, good luck, mortal.

2019-05-11, 11:07 AM
In a campaign, I've got a level 5 slyph unchained rogue. Nothing too special yet (other than the alternate racials for +5 move and +4 stealth). Took unchained perception as my level 5 skill unlock.

But... the deities of the campaign world are threatening to destroy it if a challenge isn't met by the inhabitants. My character's just a tad bit... upset over that.

Since they're a rogue, and sneaky, how can I improve this natural sneakiness to the point of foiling divination, scrying, and similar effects? Looking for things I can aim for as I level up such as feats, magic items, etc?

I do not appear to have the benefit of having a base, I'm off adventuring and traveling the world.

Figure out a way to encase your character entirely in lead without hampering breathing or his ability to interact with the world around him.

And I do mean entirely, there can’t be any holes.

2019-05-11, 11:20 AM
Wait... You want foil divination from deities? Yeah, good luck, mortal.

Yeah, this was my first reaction. Are you actually trying to hide from deities? Or are you trying to hide from fellow mortals who just happen to be on the side of these opposing deities? One of these is a lot more possible than the other, especially at your level.

Going further, just who are you hiding from? How do these folks know you? Name, reputation, appearance, personal interaction? Mundane disguises work up to a point if that’s your thing. Most magic doesn’t automatically pierce a nonmagical disguise unless/until they’re aware of who you really are and they’re looking specifically for you. (If they know your real identity and cast scrying targeting your real identity, they’ll pick you up, but if they don’t know who you really are and just happen to glance in your direction with true seeing up, they’ll see your nonmagical disguise, not your real face.) It’s hard to stop someone looking specifically for you, but it’s easier to stop someone who doesn’t know they need to look for you. What’s the context in which you’re expecting to encounter these divinations?

Long-term, mind blank is the gold standard, but you’re definitely not getting that at level 5.

How cartoony is your game? Is your carrying capacity high enough to get away with hauling around a Belkar Bitterleaf-brand lead sheet in hostile territory?

2019-05-11, 06:36 PM
Post got erased, you cannot hide from any god, but hiding from the clerics is easy, first get a good disguise, next introduce yourself as someone else, every time you meet a new person, answer too every name, all the time, get cursed so you can't remember your own name properly to explain it if you must.
Next thing, never dress like a rogue, instead, get wizard clothes or dress like a sorcerer, if you have a wizard in the party, act like an apprentice, get a ring that has prestidigitation on it to make "failed spells"

Now, purposely spread word of a character who did all this stuff (really you) and at the end of every tale, "he never gave his name"
they will keep looking for the fake version of you that you keep telling them about, all roads lead back to dead ends and the confused and cursed apprentice is of no help...

2019-05-11, 07:46 PM
I was also thinking along the lines of if I take something... I don't need them being able to locate object/scry to find it.

Name-wise, already in character story from day 1, character doesn't even know their proper name.

They introduce themselves as Lit to everyone. They know their first name is Lightning-in-the-sky (Thanks Mom! [Yes, I know, a slyph with lightning as part of their name is cliched). But name is too long, so just "Lit".
Last name, well, their mom never corrected them. It's really Hoarborne. The character, growing up with their mother being a lady of negotiable virtue, thinks it's a different phrase. Entire town/everyone who knew Lit growing up is under the same misunderstanding.

Game wise, Gm did just drop a bag of holding in recent loot. It's party's second bag. We're on our way to ruins, so their's nothing really to put in the bag yet. My character, Lit the rogue, standing watch in this desert... has filled it with sand. (If we were at a fresh water source, it would have been water.) Lit got bored standing watch.

Thank you for the disguise tips, hadn't thought on those lines.

2019-05-11, 09:38 PM
A lead box will prevent Locate Object working on items you take.

You can get scrolls of Nondetection for 425GP, but they only last for 5 hours. At low levels, Disguises are probably your best bet.

2019-05-13, 01:23 AM
Probably the most drastic way of achieving this: The "Vecna-Blooded" template, from Monster Manual 5 (p. 66).

2019-05-14, 07:44 AM
A lead box will prevent Locate Object working on items you take.

You can get scrolls of Nondetection for 425GP, but they only last for 5 hours. At low levels, Disguises are probably your best bet.

I think frankly speaking investing in a necklace of nondetection or a cheap hat of anonymity could serve as a decent protection for most paranoid characters, but the problem is that divine and epic characters have clear ways to overcome these items, but the strongest defense against such characters is simply that you posess information they are not aware of yet.

The thing is that you have to be super paranoid and careful about even speaking about it, as it will, when spoken by someone not protected (or even those protected in this case I think) will make them keenly aware.

Of course, you best stand a chance if the secret doesn't touch the deity in question's domains. If epic characters are actively sussing you out, you are screwed.

2019-05-14, 02:57 PM
Figure out a way to encase your character entirely in lead without hampering breathing or his ability to interact with the world around him.

And I do mean entirely, there can’t be any holes.

Well, there is the spell Lead Plating that does exactly that… it doesn't say how it let's you breath, but somehow it does. Downside: it only lasts one minute per level, so it is quite useless in most cases. (https://www.aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Lead%20Plating)

2019-05-14, 11:06 PM
Well, there is the spell Lead Plating that does exactly that… it doesn't say how it let's you breath, but somehow it does. Downside: it only lasts one minute per level, so it is quite useless in most cases. (https://www.aonprd.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Lead%20Plating)

It’s only a level 2 spell, so I smell a cheap use-activated custom magic item.

2019-05-15, 05:52 AM
Honestly go for mundane means. I have learned the hard way that trusting in magical protections is bound to fail if you are not exactly as powerful as your opponent. Moving is easy to do. Disguising and hiding is another thing to do. If the deities cannot walk the earth they cannot get close to you, so they never count as "familiar" regarding yourself. Secondly, usually deities cannot directly cast spells in the mortal world but need expies or clerics to do so. So buff your will save in any means necessary.

On the rules side, you CAN buff your rolls in stealth, disguise and bluff skyhigh with the right build so not even gods can see through that (PF gods have a stat block of NO, 3.5 gods have equivalent of +45ish on sense motive and perception).

But again, I assume this is an OotSesque situation where gods cannot walk the prime material but have to rely on clerics (else your world would be destroyed already).