View Full Version : Help with a decision for Pholtus worshipping character and his worried player

2019-05-12, 12:20 AM
So. Feel free to skip to bottom alot of this is just information for people whom might not know of the good lord Pholtus, and a explanation of scenario. Not sure if it matters but I am plauing in a 5e campaign but have taken info from lots of different things to build character.

The idea for this character is he was once a orc gladiator and eventually had his freedom bought by church of pholtus whom saw potential in him
He had spent time with them before learning medicines and etc

Afterward he full on leaped into the life of a servant of Pholtus. Preffering the equivalent of the Pholtan old testamant (other than the no other gods part because there are other gods and they are very active. However Pholtus is the path that is just)

In short

He's a hard ass , there hasn't been any conflict in party and for awhile he even had a squire for 5 ish sessions before they betrayed us (squire had same kind of backstory as the character and through religion roll and rp I thought he was forsaking the path of vengeance and easy power in black dragon cult.)

Things that may help

- mainly using 2ed info havent been able to find much more than that

- the idea is that he is a "Lightbringer" (just made it up with dm.) But pretty much faction of pholtan inquisition that is the first feet on ground. They go to the places of chaos and places envoloped in darkness and home of darkfriends bringing light of Pholtus.

-Dogma from 2ed

It is an incontrovertible fact that light travels in a straight line to its destination. Likewise, the faithful must be constant and inflexible. If you act in accordance with Law and Justice you follow the One True Path and are ensured salvation and eternal life in Pholtus’ Fields of Gold in Arcadia. Light is the most natural force in the universe, as it exists in itself. The sun and moons are proofs thereof, and their eternally constant voyage across the sky shows the order of the world. Darkness is always brought on by something: The darkness in a cave is the result of the masses of rock between the cave and the Light; the darkness of the night is because of the absence of the sun and moons. Likewise, the minds and thoughts of certain beings are dark because they keep out the Light on purpose. These Darkfriends must be fought, no matter their outer shape: The fairest maid and the foulest orc can both be Darkfriends (the orc usually is), but they can be brought to see the Light and thus receive redemption (in the Pale: through cleansing fire).

-Lastly using the The complete Paladin handbook I decided they'd have these edicts
--symbol (always bear symbol of pholtus openly displayed.) It is on the chest of their armor and
-- Fire. Wields a torch as their weapon to bring Darkfriends and evil creatures that natural fear of fire Pholtus inflicts. Also uses oil, alchemist fire and other burning effects (re flavored acid)

-They are a barbarian that rps a lot like a palladin but has no power from his god instead uses his power for his god


In one of last major cities in a apocalyptic world the red fog is plaguing killing all it touches. This fog recedes from fire and cold , we are in extreme north.

Haven't been here long and just arrived, have found out through my character doing investigation to make sure this city is on path of light that secretly its being ran by a circle of vampires.

The vampires brought order by having those whom commit serious crimes dissapear and be used as cattle for blood.

The people who know (very few) about them revere them and see them as an end justifies a mean.

Dm has stated that the vampires are CG , but then went on to say that the way he does alignment is it isnt a set thing and instead is in the eye of the beholder (not a pun i swear) so actually the desperate people see them as the willing to do anything for the cause saviors.

- My character has a really high Intellegence and the way he sees it is even though things are good now. And their isn't crime. The vampires will run out of blood due to lifespan of those they took (mainly desperate thug humans)

- the way I see it is this will cause major issues for the city , split the population for small civil war. And it feels like its already decided that one of the last cities will now fall and I feel like my character will be cause

Another situation!!

-- there are werewolves whom have snuck into city, they are attempting to fight there hungers and urges. Chaining up etc to not harm people.

-these werewolves became werewolves willingly

-they oppose the vampires however are still evil creatures

- a few people have been killed accidently and then was covered up by gaurds.

-some gaurds ignore areas of there watch so more werewolves can sneak in avoiding the main entrance in case anyone is watching for them (also entering without notifying the legal authorities when many are thugs killers etc)


What in Pholtus name do I do.

Its tempting to stock up on holy water and just be straight with party "if this isn't plot we want to go after that's ok but this character would and instead of ignoring that I am willing to let this one go do his thing dying for his cause and staying true to character."

-I really wanna rp this without going to players , him talking to them and having them come to his inn room where he has the grave cleric or druid cast detect magic to make sure there is no scrying (he feels that since his symbol his displayed openly and he knows about them they definitely know about him) and rp it out how evil is evil. Doesn't matter if they are on our side for now its only a matter of time. They can't change (DM pointed that out as fact for his world. That my character would know.)

I'm very new to religious character and first attempt at LG
Going for Lawful Good not Lawful nice. Old testament hard ass who has a soft spot for others he keeps hidden.

He is in no way Lawful Stupid and has had to make real hard decisions but he made them without a stutter and it was amazing and enjoyable to rp. He hasn't second guessed his deity at all

The term Darkfriend I have tried limiting to this

Darkfriends- a person whom although they have free will and the full potential to do good cant. Either for reason of upbringing, situation, or some other cause. They have sided with dark, chaos, or both , and cannot be persauded despite attempts (although some are so obviously gone that no attempt is made)

So , outside of how I explain this to party (we ended session before I fully decided.. Mainly because I put a pin in it not sharing the info with party. They have been following tracks of something else regarding the dragon cult we are hiding from cuz we have a book they want.) This will be a major sode quest and will most likely loose the ground we have gotten ahead of cult.

Ok so
I think that wall of text is enough info.