View Full Version : Making Druidic Matter in High Level Play

2019-05-14, 08:33 AM
My players are getting pretty close to Tier 3, and I expect them to start searching for the true names of some godly enemies to attempt to even the playing field.
As I prepared for this, I found that true names were in their own, special language built into the nature of the universe, which was spoken into existence by Ao.
When I heard that it was built into the nature of the universe, that got me thinking that maybe there was a group of people who could read this language left behind in every rock, tree, and constellation. And that the language of True Names could be Druidic.

Is there any particular reason I should not do this that I have missed?

2019-05-14, 09:55 AM
Well, I assume this would make for some interesting travelling Druidic Sage NPCs to try to track down, or have wander by. Getting one to proof-read your translation of a name or something. I suppose being friends with a Sphinx so you can travel though time and see a more complete version of a region/true name would be helpful.

I’m not aware of True Names doing anything in 5e, other than giving disadvantage to demons on a specific charisma saving through. I could imagine Shapechange allowing a powered down pseudo-version of Demon Lords would be a cool side effect.

2019-05-14, 11:17 AM
Oh I am aware that I have to basically invent the uses for a true name. Largely it will unlock certain rituals - to do anything with a god’s divine spark you have to know their true name, for example.
There’s a Druid in the party, so I’m struggling to think of ways to hint at this without immediately giving it away.

2019-05-15, 04:55 AM
Sounds legit.

As part of the story for the "proof-read" idea - there is the emerald enclave with their several layers of rangers and highranking druids.
If you want to know more about them or want to take inspiration for your own, then i can highly recommend the videos on youtube by either "Forgotten Realms History" or "Jorphdan"

Depending on your Setting, the "Nature of the Universe" could also be arcane Magic.
Maybe its more like the Weave formed by the Goddess Mystra.
Or more like the "program code" like style in the Dr.Strange Movie.

2019-05-15, 06:52 AM
I’m struggling to think of ways to hint at this without immediately giving it away.
One suggestion: The first truenamer they come across in ancient texts is a druid. So is the second. The third isn't, but digging into her history would show that she tried to become one early in her career. The fourth is a druid, too.
Another: When deciphering or analyzing some text regarding truenaming, some sort of check is called for. The druid gets advantage on all these checks, no immediate explanation given.