View Full Version : Daunting Presence vs Frightful Presence

2019-05-14, 12:10 PM
I am playing a Tank fighter, his main job isn't to attack, but to act as a wall with his current 26 AC, and intimidate. He has the "Never Outnumbered" skill trick, but that isn't always enough, even with his 30 in Intimidate.

He is currently level 5, and I was looking for feats for him to get at 6th level, and I already planned to take "Improved Toughness." I was looking at Libris Mortis, and I saw the Daunting Presence feat, that reminded me of the Frightful Presence feat from Draconomicon.

I was wondering about which one is better, Daunting Prescence (30 ft Range) requires me to use a stadard action to activate, upon which they make a DC 18 (10 + 1/2 character level (3) + Cha mod (+5)) will save, if failed, they are Shaken for 10 minutes. Frightful prescence requires any enemy within 30 ft to make a DC 18 will save, or become shaken for 1d6+ cha rounds.

2019-05-14, 12:24 PM
I assume you already have imperious command.

Frightul presence is better from the action's economy standpoint, but won't work often dbecause of the limitation on the HD of the targets.

Daunting presence hasn't this limitation, but I don't know if it's the best use of a standard action in combat. It's also not ideal to escalate fear, and it's single-target.