View Full Version : Who's Your Favorite Dragon Deity?

2019-05-14, 04:41 PM
Who's your favorite Dragon deity? My favorite Dragon Deity is Hlal. She loves to pull pranks on everybody including all of her dragon siblings just to be annoyed by her. :biggrin:

2019-05-14, 05:19 PM
Back when they were officially separate Deities, I liked Takhisis for the fact that she was the primary evil God who happened to be a Dragon, rather than a minor league sideshow like Tiamat often is. She was always a gambler who swung for the fences with her schemes; and refused to retreat even when it might have been wiser to do so, which I found a nice change of pace from so many big evil things that rabbited at the first sign of their plans really going sideways.

2019-05-14, 06:09 PM
Back when they were officially separate Deities, I liked Takhisis for the fact that she was the primary evil God who happened to be a Dragon, rather than a minor league sideshow like Tiamat often is. She was always a gambler who swung for the fences with her schemes; and refused to retreat even when it might have been wiser to do so, which I found a nice change of pace from so many big evil things that rabbited at the first sign of their plans really going sideways.Cool. It's true what you said about Tiamat. She's a lesser Dragon goddess just like most of her siblings.

Bad Wolf
2019-05-15, 12:21 AM
Is it lazy to say Io? I like the idea of a truly neutral deity that both reds and golds can be clerics of.

2019-05-15, 12:52 AM
The Dark Queen of Krynn.

Maat Mons
2019-05-15, 01:56 AM
Astilabor, the true neutral dragon goddess of acquiring wealth. Her holy symbol is a d12, and she absolutely does not condone theft... usually.

Also, mechanically, her initiate feat is one of the few ways to get the Open Lock skill and the Knock spell on a Cleric. It's just a shame she doesn't offer the kobold domain

2019-05-15, 02:34 AM
I like Bahamut. I once played a FS of Bahamut.

He's my go to deity if I'm wanting to play an LG chacracter.

2019-05-15, 05:01 AM
Is it lazy to say Io? I like the idea of a truly neutral deity that both reds and golds can be clerics of.

No, it not.

2019-05-15, 08:07 AM
Falazure, just because after having an idea for a dracolich BBEG that worshiped a god of disease, the Draconomicon came along was just "here you go". Never wound up actually using said BBEG because the campaign ended, players moved apart, etc. But still, silver dragon goes evil dracolich, spends most of her time in alternate form as an elderly dwarven women living alone way out in the mountains as the secret disease-themed villain was a character I really wanted to use.

2019-05-15, 08:22 AM
I personally love Pun-Pun.

2019-05-15, 08:28 AM
I personally love Pun-Pun.

Pun-Pun isn't a dragon. He's a kobold.

2019-05-15, 08:50 AM
Chronepsis, of course. He's just so deeply fascinating, multifasceted and easy to involve in a story.

Okay, that was sarcasm. Nothing against a deity of time and death as a concept, but he's just too passive to do anything with.

Probably Io too, yeah. Tiamat's cool too, though.

2019-05-15, 09:09 AM
I mostly enjoy Tiamat because in Episode 1 of the old D&D cartoon they threw Tiamat itself at the new party, which appeals greatly to my inner crazy.

"Oh, first episode, we need something monstrous to get the group moving. OH, LET'S THROW AT THEM THE MULTIHEADED DRAGON DEITY!"

2019-05-15, 10:14 AM
Pun-Pun isn't a dragon. He's a kobold.

Dragonwrought Kobolds are Dragons.

2019-05-15, 10:21 AM
Dragonwrought Kobolds are Dragons.

I hate to break this for you but Dragonwrought Kobolds aren't really Dragons at all. And it's has been discussed so many times by so many threads and other D&D and RPG forums.

2019-05-15, 11:01 AM
Pun-Pun isn't a dragon. He's a kobold.

Now I have a doubt...are dragon deities dragons (or augmented dragons) at all? Aren't they just outsiders? I haven't deities and demigods at hand at the moment...

2019-05-15, 11:08 AM
Now I have a doubt...are dragon deities dragons (or augmented dragons) at all? Aren't they just outsiders? I haven't deities and demigods at hand at the moment...

Dragon deities are dragons.

2019-05-15, 11:13 AM
Gotta go with Bahamut personally.

I hate to break this for you but Dragonwrought Kobolds aren't really Dragons at all. And it's has been discussed so many times by so many threads and other D&D and RPG forums.

Thats just about them being "true" dragons or not. they are unquestionably dragons. its just a matter of if theyre true dragons, lesser dragons, or some other undefined category.

2019-05-15, 11:23 AM
Gotta go with Bahamut personally.

Thats just about them being "true" dragons or not. they are unquestionably dragons. its just a matter of if theyre true dragons, lesser dragons, or some other undefined category.

But they're not dragons at all period. Just because the creator of D&D created dragonwrought kobold doesn't means they're dragons.

2019-05-15, 11:24 AM
I hate to break this for you but Dragonwrought Kobolds aren't really Dragons at all. And it's has been discussed so many times by so many threads and other D&D and RPG forums.

I think Pun-Pun has the "Yeah, I'm a Dragon whenever I feel like it" ability.

2019-05-15, 11:35 AM
I hate to break this for you but Dragonwrought Kobolds aren't really Dragons at all. And it's has been discussed so many times by so many threads and other D&D and RPG forums.

Stop ruining the joke.

Also they do have the Dragon type. That's irrefutable evidence.

2019-05-15, 11:49 AM
Stop ruining the joke.

Also, they do have the Dragon type. That's irrefutable evidence.

Oh really? Wow, I guess Kobolds are dragons then. D'oh! :sigh:

2019-05-15, 12:08 PM
Never thought I'd see someone say Pun-Pun isn't something. He is everything at the same time and possesses every class, race, divine power, etc in the game to max proficiency. He is so omnipotent that the working theory is he went back in time and created the universe himself just to be sure he would be born.

2019-05-15, 12:59 PM
Never thought I'd see someone say Pun-Pun isn't something. He is everything at the same time and possesses every class, race, divine power, etc in the game to max proficiency. He is so omnipotent that the working theory is he went back in time and created the universe himself just to be sure he would be born.

He also an overdeity basically.

2019-05-15, 02:40 PM
Red fel is an human spell to power erudite that is the god of telling people that dragons are actually dangerous in order to have more dragons to kill and loot.
Dragons worship red fel in fear of being killed by red fel and in order to stay within the good graces of red fel they have to pillage as much valuable stuff as possible and give everything they own to red fel.
Thus red fel is a deity for dragons aka: a dragon deity.
The starting post did not specify the deity had to be a dragon only that it had to be a dragon deity.

2019-05-16, 08:08 PM
Red feel is a human spell to power erudite that is the god of telling people that dragons are actually dangerous in order to have more dragons to kill and loot.
Dragons worship red feel in fear of being killed by red fel and in order to stay within the good graces of red feel they have to pillage as much valuable stuff as possible and give everything they own to red feel.
Thus red feel is a deity for dragons aka a dragon deity.
The starting post did not specify the deity had to be a dragon only that it had to be a dragon deity.
Wow. That's something.

2019-05-17, 10:37 AM
Gnarlack, because I made her and I'm biased. :tongue: She is a necromantic druid sort of character sort of embodying a darker fey, doesn't matter the act if its for the betterment or in defense of the wilds. Fairly aloof and not really seeking worshipers though having a small cult, most of her power was not from her divinity.

On the note of Tiamat's, was her Purple/Orange/Yellow sister ever statted out or even mentioned beyond the fluff in Dragon Magazine?

2019-05-17, 10:38 AM
It's hard to beat Bahamut and Tiamat for how iconic they are - being known even outside of D&D, e.g. Final Fantasy.

I like the PF version of Bahamut (Apsu).

2019-05-17, 10:41 AM
Gnarlack, because I made her and I'm biased. :tongue: She is a necromantic druid sort of character sort of embodying a darker fey, doesn't matter the act if its for the betterment or in defense of the wilds. Fairly aloof and not really seeking worshipers though having a small cult, most of her power was not from her divinity.

On the note of Tiamat's, was her Purple/Orange/Yellow sister ever statted out or even mentioned beyond the fluff in Dragon Magazine?
I don't know. Does her sister have a name?

2019-05-17, 10:46 AM
It's hard to beat Bahamut and Tiamat for how iconic they are - being known even outside of D&D, e.g. Final Fantasy.

I like the PF version of Bahamut (Apsu).

Fafnir, Jormungand, and Nidhogg deserve honorable mentions.

2019-05-20, 07:55 PM
I also like Bahamut and Tiamat, Tamara is nice. Faluzure and Garyx is ok. Lendys is good. Astilabor, Chronepsis ands Sardior are nice. Aasterinian is fun of laughs. Io is ok. But out of all the Dragon Deities Hlal is my favorite one.