View Full Version : Putting off extra attack during mcing, when is to much

2019-05-15, 07:34 AM
So I'm getting ready for an a.l game and I was wondering when playing a build that consists of multiclassing what's the latest level you'd want extra attack? Does it change based off of build?

Mainly asking for when multiclassing into the half casters (ranger palladin) and when multi classing barbarian and fighter

The three options I see

-don't multi class till after level 5

- multi class early causing extra attack to be between 6th-8th level

-multi class into 2 classes for features you want and then level for extra attack (generally 2-3 dips) 9th-11th until extra attack.

The third option seems like itd be putting it off for a real long time and you'd be most likely missing out on a asi

Just wanted opinions rather new to martial multi classing (only ever did a spell sniper Glaive using sorc in a homebrew game for booming blade and gfb) other than that usually play straight class generally rogue

2019-05-15, 07:53 AM
You d'ont want to delay extra attack if at all possible.

However, multiclassing with Rogue makes a less painfull delay (since you get sneak attack damage to compensate, especially if your build gets plenty of reaction attacks)) or with a blade cantrip (booming/greenflame) which auto scale at 5. Outside of those case, I would not delay and multiclass after 5.

2019-05-15, 07:57 AM
The weapon cantrips and feats like Crossbow Expert and Polearm Master help compensate, but you still shouldn't put it off too long, especially if you have other things to be doing with your Bonus action.

2019-05-15, 07:57 AM
If you put it off for a long time(2+ levels) with a half caster you pretty much always want to pick up a 2nd attack or a scaling attack. Horde Slayer for Ranger, PAM for Paladin, Booming blade for either. Eldritch Blast for Paladin is another option. Perhaps Toll the Dead for Ranger if you have a decent Wisdom score. Basically a feat tax to get it or a MC cost. Very few cases where that works well. MC to Hexblade for Paladin is about the only one I would say is worth the delay as it saves you 2 ASI to become SAD. Worth delaying extra attack AND you can pick up booming blade so you're not suffering at 5th level though you'll still be slightly underpowered compared to a pure martial class.

2019-05-15, 08:53 AM
I wouldn't want to delay more than 1 level, or 2 if you can get your hands on Booming/Green Flame Blade.

2019-05-15, 08:56 AM
I never delay extra attack.

I don't multi-class much, either.

2019-05-15, 09:16 AM
Mk guys thanks for the help! Just wasn't sure where it sit on priority

.so what I got from this is
Don't delay more than 1 or 2 levels unless

- way of getting attacks such as horde breaker/Gloom stalker or PAM

-have SCAG cantrip scaling at 5m character level 5

- rogue levels

Would it be fair to put divine smite in same column as rogue levels? Ie would a fighter or etc wanna put off extra attack for divine smite?

Thanks again for looking at this !!

2019-05-15, 09:28 AM
The problem with divine smite is it's a very limited resource, especially at low paladin levels with 2-3 spell slots. Things like extra attack, SCAG cantrips, rogue sneak attack, all of the "pseudo extra attacks" listed above are available at will and don't consume a resource.

I personally would not consider divine smite a replacement for any of the above. I played a paladin to level 6 and it was very easy to burn through your spell slots even at that level.

2019-05-15, 10:06 AM
The problem with divine smite is it's a very limited resource, especially at low paladin levels with 2-3 spell slots. Things like extra attack, SCAG cantrips, rogue sneak attack, all of the "pseudo extra attacks" listed above are available at will and don't consume a resource.

I personally would not consider divine smite a replacement for any of the above. I played a paladin to level 6 and it was very easy to burn through your spell slots even at that level.

I see where your coming from
That makes sense!

2019-05-15, 11:41 AM
I think the key issue to stress is that Extra Attack is doubling your damage per turn typically.

It is difficult for whatever you're getting out of multiclassing to be as valuable as doubling your damage. Plus levels take longer after you hit 5 as well.

2019-05-15, 12:04 PM
It's also worth noting that having additional hits in other ways (dual wielding, martial arts, war priest, frenzied rage, Spiritual Weapon) will tide you over for a level or two before you start realizing you're dragging damage-wise.

2019-05-15, 12:07 PM
And I guess it makes sense , but on dual wielding stand point it is only really 50% increase ish? Because you already have two therefore 3 isn't as much a change as 1-2?

2019-05-15, 12:55 PM
You'll want to figure out what your character is generally doing in combat, how much time you spend in combat, how quickly you'll go through the mid levels, and how long the campaign will last. As a general rule, putting off extra attack from 5-6 to pick up something cool is almost always going to be worth it, putting it off longer is almost always going to be disappointing.

If you're typically using your action for attacks (or grapples etc), you want extra attack more. If you're doing lots of bonus attack and reaction attacks, you want it less since attack is less of your damage (for example, a variant human with polearm master, crossbow master, or sentinel will be doing lots of bonus and/or reaction attacks). If you use spells or sneak attack for a large portion of your damage, you want it less for similar reasons.

If the campaign is not very combat oriented, it can be a good trade to be less effective in combat but more effective at infiltration, social skills, or whatever other focus you have. If you're going to spend a lot of time at the levels where you're missing the attack, you'll notice it more, while if you're zooming through those levels it's not a big deal. (In AL, you can use DM rewards to skip over 'bad' levels completely, for example). Similarly, if you expect the campaign to wrap up at a certain level, you either want to just write it off completely, or make sure you have it long enough to enjoy it. If you do expect the campaign to reach tier 3 and 4, look carefully at your multiclass choices and whether they'll hold up then - a lot of multiclass ideas do great in tier 2 but flop around in tier 3 when they really miss higher level abilities.