View Full Version : Maneuvering Attack

2019-05-15, 11:32 PM
A battle master using Maneuvering Attack lets a friendly creature use his reaction to move half his speed without provoking an opportunity attack from the opponent attacked. However, the wording of the maneuver doesn't specifically say the friendly creature has to be next to the opponent you attack. He just has to be able to see and hear you. Is this accurate that you can use the maneuver on any party member anywhere in the combat? If yes a nice maneuver has become awesome to me.

2019-05-15, 11:36 PM
Pretty sure it can be used on any friendly creature who can see and hear you, indeed.

But it lets you move safely away from the opponent you attacked, so unless you want to give an ally a chance to move in, attack the opponent, then move away without Disengaging it won't be much help. Still pretty useful if you do, it helps conserving ki points and bonus actions for the classes who already have an incentive to do that, and it gives an incentive to do it for the classes who don't.

2019-05-16, 12:00 PM
Pretty sure it can be used on any friendly creature who can see and hear you, indeed.

But it lets you move safely away from the opponent you attacked, so unless you want to give an ally a chance to move in, attack the opponent, then move away without Disengaging it won't be much help. Still pretty useful if you do, it helps conserving ki points and bonus actions for the classes who already have an incentive to do that, and it gives an incentive to do it for the classes who don't.

I like the idea of giving a party member almost free (costs reaction) 15 ft movement. Distance has mattered in various combats. It's a bonus tactical idea in addition to letting a party member move away from the opponent I attack. It reminds me of Ye Olde 3E Tome of Battle maneuver Order Forged From Chaos. It's not as powerful as that was, but the extra movement is effective.

2019-05-16, 12:26 PM
also nice to move someone so that the Wizard can hit more optimally with her fireball or move an ally through the Druid's healing spirit for a second tick of healing.

2019-05-16, 02:20 PM
also nice to move someone so that the Wizard can hit more optimally with her fireball or move an ally through the Druid's healing spirit for a second tick of healing.

Oh, geez, i hadn't thought about healing spirit. that is a great use. (if it weren't for the detail that Healing spirit is already too strong. dammit)

2019-05-16, 06:58 PM
I took it through Martial Adept on my Redemption Paladin so that I could ensure that my casters always had an opportunity to stay inside my aura even when I have to rush down a threatening enemy.

It helps that our party sorcerer has little use otherwise forgets that he does have uses for his reaction. It works bonus as a reminder that he does, in fact, have a reaction.