View Full Version : Question about Perfect Wight

Max Caysey
2019-05-17, 06:14 AM

I was looking through ELH and saw that the Perfect Wight has the following Prerequisites:

1) 24 ranks of Hide and Move Silently
2) the feat: Self-Concealment

However, self-concealment's prerequisite is 30 ranks in Hide and Move Silently

So the question is simply; Why? Why have a class, with one skill requirement, which is void, when the other requirement requires a lot more.

Has this been erretta'd somewhere or is this just another designflaw/ poorly designed class in a poorly written book? And finally, how can it be fixed?


2019-05-17, 07:40 AM
just another designflaw/ poorly designed class in a poorly written book

It's D&D. My bet is on this one.

As for how to fix it, lower the pre-reqs of Self-concealment to 18 ranks or some pre-epic number. It's hardly a strong enough feat to justify the epic tag.

2019-05-17, 12:27 PM
Why? Why have a class, with one skill requirement, which is void, when the other requirement requires a lot more.

So that if you somehow get the feat as a bonus feat early without meeting the prereqs you still can't take the PrC before the intended level. I don't know how you'd get a prereq free early epic feat but that's why PrCs in general have skill prereqs to lock it behind a specific level.

2019-05-17, 03:19 PM
So that if you somehow get the feat as a bonus feat early without meeting the prereqs you still can't take the PrC before the intended level. I don't know how you'd get a prereq free early epic feat but that's why PrCs in general have skill prereqs to lock it behind a specific level.

If that's the case though, the feat should have matched the intended entry point of 24 ranks.

I'm going with option 2 (poorly edited.)

2019-05-17, 04:51 PM
So that if you somehow get the feat as a bonus feat early without meeting the prereqs you still can't take the PrC before the intended level. I don't know how you'd get a prereq free early epic feat but that's why PrCs in general have skill prereqs to lock it behind a specific level.

If that's the case though, the feat should have matched the intended entry point of 24 ranks.

I'm going with option 2 (poorly edited.)
Could be either. There's certainly other cases similar to this.

Fleshwarper, for instance. Requires 4 ranks in Heal, and also the Graft Flesh feat, which requires 10 ranks in Heal.

2019-05-17, 05:25 PM
I'm guessing you can cheese your way to getting a feat without needing to meet its prereqs.