View Full Version : Competitive Campaigns

2019-05-20, 03:20 PM
So that star wars/video game meme about a plotline involving the players working together, as much as normal, and then have them be coerced/need to kill the other teammates as a campaign ender. "You were my friend Player 2."

It got me wondering about running a campaign like that. But ive never done a campaign similar. Weve had to face off before, and all players are down with the end result (ive asked them all separately, implying none of the others knew).

Has anyone had any experience with this situation? Are there any tips on running one? Any ideas to put to the test? Im open to anything.

2019-05-20, 04:45 PM
If it's just a game-ender, you can proceed as normal.

For a fully competitive campaign, it might be a bit harder. It also would involve a great deal of one on one DMing, which would mean you'd be actually DMing multiple tables at the same time, so it isn't that easy, especially time-wise.

I advise you to only do it if you can DM via Skype/Roll20/Discord. Otherwise, you'll need to have separate sessions with every player on separate dates(meaning you'd be constantly getting people to your house, which is tiring), and only some with multiple players. Scheduling that would be true hell.

Also, look up MMV's Dragons of the Great Game for potential campaign ideas.

2019-05-20, 05:16 PM
If it's just a game-ender, you can proceed as normal.

For a fully competitive campaign, it might be a bit harder. It also would involve a great deal of one on one DMing, which would mean you'd be actually DMing multiple tables at the same time, so it isn't that easy, especially time-wise.

I advise you to only do it if you can DM via Skype/Roll20/Discord. Otherwise, you'll need to have separate sessions with every player on separate dates(meaning you'd be constantly getting people to your house, which is tiring), and only some with multiple players. Scheduling that would be true hell.

Also, look up MMV's Dragons of the Great Game for potential campaign ideas.

I honestly forgot about Xorvintaal. That would be perfect motivation to fight another player. Being on opposite sides of The Great Game.

And instead of competetive, i actually should be asking about teamwork intensive campaigns.

2019-05-22, 11:32 AM
A couple of years back, I DMed what you could very well call a ''Competitive Campaign''

My players were all Evil, in a squad enforcing the Overlord's will. After every level-up, they would fight it off in an arena of sorts to designate their squad leader. During actual missions, they would constantly try to frame each other in case of defeat, all the while trying to look like the most valuable member of the squad in case of victory. They were quite good at it, succeeding only by the skin of their teeth most of the time.

The tricky part was to balance the campaign to give spaces where they could ''safely'' compete, and spaces where they had to get along in order to succeed. This balance point really depends on the scheming abilities of your players.

2019-05-22, 12:03 PM
Not quite the way you asked, but once I did run a competetive Campaign.

Namely, back in the good old college days when players were aplenty, I set two 4 man groups at the same Campaign.
THey made quite different choices, and about 4 sessions in it was clear one Group went straight for the "Light Guys" (Light and Dark were only very loosely tied to ood and evil there) while the other slowly went Dark.

Cue in 2 more sessions and they were at opposing sides, and with a lot of juggling I managed to make them compete with each other...until they had to meet they didnt even realize the others were Players too.

Sadly one group was much more competent tacticwise, and at their second meeting decided to "end things". Ah well, it was a lot of fun while it lasted. :)