View Full Version : Healing Sources Question

2019-05-20, 06:04 PM
Based on your personal averages, how much of your healing comes from Hit Dice and how much from other sources? 50/50? 10/90?
How long do your hit dice usually last for?
Is there a way to gift hit dice, like comrades' succor from 4e?

All generally speaking, of course.
And please specify tier of play^^

2019-05-20, 06:14 PM
Tier 1 and 2 Warlocks. 5% from hit dice, 95% from spells, potions, and/or long rests.

2019-05-20, 06:31 PM
In my current campaign for level 1-17, we as a group have used maybe 30 total hit die. However, we have a moon druid with goodberries, healing spirit, and the healer feat and a multiclass bard with cures to.

2019-05-20, 06:41 PM
In a specific setting, would you find this a reasonable houserule:

A character can spend one or more Hit Dice at the end of a short rest, up to the character’s maximum number of Hit Dice, which is equal to the character’s level. For each Hit Die spent in this way, the player adds the character’s Constitution modifier to the maximum result of his hit die. The character regains Hit Points equal to the total.

This would increase the "hp reservoir" from 60-90% to roughly 100-150%

2019-05-20, 07:37 PM
In a specific setting, would you find this a reasonable houserule:

This would increase the "hp reservoir" from 60-90% to roughly 100-150%

It really depends on your goal. Are you playing in a campaign where no one wants to be a healing class? Are you planning on making it a brutal campaign where they have much harder fights and take more of a beating?

If they answer to either of these is Yes, then sure you could probably do it. Although make sure the players know in character creation, because they may choose to arrange their stats differently if they know that.

2019-05-20, 08:27 PM
It varies based on the character in the party. The more damage they take the more evenly the healing sources.
Inspiring Leader feat / Healer feat > Aid (from Warlocks) > Lay on Hands / Hit Dice > Aura of Vitality / Prayer of Healing > Cure Wounds / Healing Word

We usually end the day with 51% - 75% of our Hit Dice remaining. They probably contributed 20% - 30% of the healing that day.

Your buff to Hit Dice would not affect our group in a significant way. So it would be a reasonable rule by reason of not being unbalanced. Other groups might be affected more.

2019-05-20, 09:30 PM
Based on your personal averages, how much of your healing comes from Hit Dice and how much from other sources? 50/50? 10/90?

That depends an awful lot on the party composition.

If there's a good healer build in the party (like HDLC), the entire party's hit dice combined is simply dwarfed by them. If there isn't then it's not.

2019-05-21, 01:58 AM
Based on your personal averages, how much of your healing comes from Hit Dice and how much from other sources? 50/50? 10/90?
How long do your hit dice usually last for?
Is there a way to gift hit dice, like comrades' succor from 4e?

All generally speaking, of course.
And please specify tier of play^^

My first 5e Cleric, it was definitely about 90/10, spells/hit die. It was not a fun way to play as I was the only healer.

Second Cleric: 65/35. I was no longer the only character with healing spells, but the party was also slower and more methodical. We also had another Cleric in the group who was fully invested into healing, so we had a nice little 2 character act going where I could be back up healer but mostly use support spells while the other Cleric was primarily focusing on healing with only the occasional support spell.

2019-05-21, 03:19 AM
In my SKT campaign (1-12) all of our healing was almost exclusively through spells and long resting.

In the current DotMM campaign, I play a Redemption Paladin 12/Hexblade 2 who is designed to heal primarily off short resting using Periapt of Wound Closure. I would estimate the healing percentage is 70% Short Rest, 10% Long Rest and 20% Lay on Hands.

2019-05-21, 04:48 AM
If you have a Life Cleric in the party, they heal an enormous amount, especially at high levels.

As an example, if you have a level 20 party with a d6 HD, d8 HD, d10 HD, and d12 HD character, and 2 of them have 14 Constitutions and 2 of them have 16 Constitution, then that entire party heals 600 hp in total with hit dice.

A Life Cleric heals 900 with her Channel Divinity alone in a standard adventuring day, and thousands more with her spell slots. If they used their Channel Divinity and nothing else, they'd already account for nearly 2/3rds of the party's healing. But if they're using their spell slots to heal, that 600hp becomes a drop in the ocean.

Her level 9 spell slot? That's Mass Heal, and in a 4-person party it's getting 755 hit points worth of healing... enough to restore the entire party from 0 hit points to full.

Her level 7 and 8 slots? Regenerate heals 75 hit points on the first round in a Life Cleric's hands, and 10 hit points on each subsequent round, over the course of 600 rounds. As a non-Concentration buff. And the healing happens at the START of the recipient's turn, so it pops them up off the death gate automatically. It's so much healing that you can't use it all even with its hour's duration. 6065 healing!

It's basically "this character does not need to worry about hit points for an hour."

Her level 6 slot? Well, it could be Heal... if you were a non-Life Cleric. But that only heals 86 hit points to one target (at least that's better than the 70 it heals for normal Clerics). You could use Mass Cure Wounds and (due to Supreme Healing + Disciple of Life + Blessed Healer) heal 53-278 hit points based on the number of targets you hit.

Level 5 slot? Mass Cure Wounds again.

And so on down the line. Even your lowly level 1 spell slots heal 15-19 hit points (15 for Healing Word, 19 for Cure Wounds).

Got a bit of downtime? The oft-maligned Prayer of Healing does 104 healing if it affects 4 targets, +37 more for each upcast.

Point is... Life Clerics be good, yo.

2019-05-21, 04:58 AM
In our group we heal mostly using hit dice and long rests, barring the odd second wind and token goodberry. Heal spells are reserved for picking up fallen comrades.

It seems to work just fine until now. We had a druid with healing spirit once. Now that was a luxury! Then it was reversed: most healing came from that spell back then.