View Full Version : Tips for evil game

2019-05-21, 02:22 PM
My players have gotten bored of the normal hero routine. So I’ve started designing an evil campaign. I’m thinking if something where they are hired as henchmen of (for lack of any creativity at the moment) Shalron (how ever it’s spelled). They would be sent around the world causing chaos and destroying countries. Has anyone done something like this? Have any tips?

2019-05-21, 02:31 PM
Create many NPC groups that also work for this thing. Evils are not really see it through to the end types.

You may want to institute a no kill rule among PC 's.

Present opportunity for random evil.

We decided as a group we did not want to pay a goblin tribe to pass their land. We kidnapped a baby and mother. The goblins killed the baby playing football. We made the mother watch. Then ate both. How evil do they want to go?

Let them have a base to set up shop anything they want for a price and taxes. I opened my church human sacrifice got me to consider your request from spells and potion making.

You can have devil's and demons offer to make magic items for a price(not gold). Their souls others souls[good is worth more].

Really sky is the limit. Give me a direction will give ideas.

2019-05-21, 02:35 PM
Give the PCs a good reason to work together. Evil turns on evil is an old trope for a good reason. Not everyone can be a selfish bastard without coming into some serious conflict.

I personally love playing an evil Bastard who is fiercely loyal to the party. I think its superfun, but I don't think everyone leans that way.

So maybe establish some ties and bonds for the party first.

2019-05-21, 08:34 PM
Define what sort of evil do they want?

Are they looking to be a group of Darth Vaders?
A group of Jokers?
A group Lex Luthors?
A group of Magnetos?
A group of Thanoses?