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2019-05-22, 07:27 PM
The ship is apparently dual registered.

The Western Common lettering reads Dusk Treader but the Eastern pidgin picto-characters read Kobayashi Maru.

The ship is flying the flag of Midway Island. Obviously a flag of convenience.

Two men introduce themselves as the captains first officers. Johnson and Chin Li (Lee?). Apparently they swap roles depending on which port they are in.

They usher you below into the hold. Near the back they have curtained off space for you and have provided a mix of food. Cheese, raw fish, bread, fruit, and a bag of oats. They seem to be guessing.

The crew is a mix of westeners, easterners, and inbetweeners. They keep their distance and don't seem to know what to make of you.

The ship is pulled out of port, and sets sail along the coast for the next port where others will be joining you.

You have time to introduce yourselves.

2019-05-23, 10:52 AM
8 melds, 8 essentia, 2 binds to crown/feet/hands/totem:
Crystal helm, 2 essentia, +2 resistance to Will vs charm/compulsion, +2 deflection AC
Urskan greaves, 0 essentia, icewalk ; BOUND TO FEET, no benefit without essentia
Sphinx claws, 2 essentia, +3 competence to Strength checks and Strength skill checks
Girallon arms, 0 essentia, +2 competence to grapple and Climb checks ; BOUND TO TOTEM, four natural weapons at +0 enhancement atk/dmg
Blink shirt, 0 essentia, dimdoor 10' as standard action
Pauldrons of health, 2 essentia, immunity to sickened/naus/disease, +2 enhancement Fortitude
Dissolving spittle, 0 essentia, may make 30' ranged touch attacks for 1d6 acid
Wormtail belt, 2 essentia, +4 enhancement natural armor
6 melds (one expanded capacity), 4 essentia, 1 bind to crown and 1 bind to totem:
Shedu crown, 1 essentia, immune to bull rush, +1 save vs mind-affecting ; BOUND TO CROWN, telepathy 100'
Kraken mantle, 0 essentia, +8 competence Swim, swim 40' as full-round or 20' as move ; BOUND TO TOTEM, waterbreathing
Sighting gloves, 1 essentia, +2 insight ranged weapon damage
Blink shirt, expanded capacity, 2 essentia, dimdoor 30' as standard action
Kruthik claws, 0 essentia, +4 Hide and Move Silently
Wormtail belt, 0 essentia, +2 enhancement to natural armor

The odd-minded draco-monkey-man Tam sits with his legs and dragon tail wrapped around a bag of oats, grinning and tossing grains in the air to catch them in his mouth. He misses most of the time but shows no dismay, and he chews with gusto the few he does catch. He's simply having a good time, unlike his ratgirl companion who tries her best to keep close at hand, to protect him (from both himself and external threats).

The pair arrived in town some months ago with the subtlety of a typhoon and the grace of a cow on roller skates. While they've generally been kind, helpful, and fascinating, few will shed a tear that their weirdness will be leaving the city. Particularly given the nature of the mission -- fight fire with fire, and fight foreign strangeness with foreign strangeness.

"Master Tam, you're making a mess," the ratgirl complains. One nearby sailor mutters to another, "So, what's new?" and the second snickers uncharitably.

2019-05-24, 08:17 AM
"Harrumph. I'm rather quite certain that miscreant knew the bag of oats was for everyone being hired to go on a dangerous mission."

Using what he assumes to be an indoor voice, a bombastic and rather overfed looking raven waddles in a semi-circle back and forth around the person he's talking to, a sleepy eyed but wiry bodied girl wearing a dark blue peasant's tunic and various bands over her limbs, as well as a suspicious looking amulet shaped like a horse collar. She's setting cross legged in a meditative pose, ignoring the fat bird's literal walking over her as he mutters indignations. She barely opens her eyes.

"I'm not hungry 'Master' Pitch, though I'm flattered you care so much for my nutrition. Why not play a game of go or something to pass the time instead?"

"A game? Well, I suppose, but you'd better step up, my dear Natsu, I would rather fancy a challenge of my intellect before our mission begins..." he says, continuing to pace and passive aggressively attempt to shame the monkey-man.

2019-05-24, 10:33 PM
"A miscreant? Where?!" Tam spins as he gets up to look behind himself, knocking over the bag and spraying a fan of oats onto the Kobayashi Treader's treated deck; the ratgirl groans. Tam completes his turn and examines the mess. "Ah. I see the miscreant must have gotten behind me. Quick little buggers. Miss Chief, turn a hand here." He seems to be poking fun -- at both himself and his accuser.

As the ratgirl cleans up his mess, Tam approaches the raven, a few oats in his palm as a peace offering. "How do you do, Sir Corvus. Tell me, are you hengeyokai? Birds who speak are held as myth here."

2019-05-25, 08:31 AM
The ship starts to sway and bounce stronger than before. It looks like you are heading into bad weather.

2019-05-25, 10:27 PM
Natsu seems indifferent to Mr. Miscreant, closing her eyes and seemingly nodding off in spite of the ship swaying a bit more. She's been through worse, apparently.

Pitch, however, narrows his eyes and jabs at an oat seed or two with a spiteful peck, before launching into a new tirade.

"Mythic, indeed! I am no hengeyokai, but a powerful! Magnificent, Astounding--


"Quiet, Natsu. Anyway! Look upon me with awe, Sir Simian, for I am a powerful wizard crow. Perhaps THE most powerful wizard crow in existence! Natsu is my porter. She--and I were sent forth on a very important mission and I won't have you making such a mess! Here I was about to gather my wits and play a game of go when your hedonism distracted me! Now, what are you going to do about it, hmmm????"

2019-05-26, 07:55 AM
The pitching and yawning continues to increase making Go more difficult or easier to cheat at as the pieces slide around the board.

*SPLOT* goes the deck above. *SPLOT*...*SPLA-LOT*

The confused screams and panicked shouts of sailors carry though the decking. The ship feels like it is...spinning?

Running foot falls...The cabin boy opens your curtain, steps though, closes it behind him, hides behind the bag of oats. "m..m..m..mon..mom..st.st..t.sters" he fearfully stutters.

You only have time to look to each other when the curtain violently parts.

https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Grindylow (url if the link won't work)

The halfling sized goblin squid thing screeches at you, but cuts off mid-screech when it catches sight of the dragonborne.

"Hrurmmm?" The creature ***** its head in confusion. Edit: ***** is https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/rooster-in-field-picture-id143415254, in this case meaning 'to tilt'.

(no initiative, Role play or rollplay to bash it.)

2019-05-26, 12:39 PM
Both the bird and his woman companion act in an instant.

Natsu rolls up and pulling a staff from a quiver on her back (a weapon too long to normally fit into it) just launches herself at the octo-goblinoid thing and tries whacking it around before it gets any more ideas about assaulting crew or passengers.

Pitch... scrams. For a fat bird he sure can move fast when he wants to...

Tumble check to get next to this...thing... and attack without drawing an AoO-[roll0]
Attacks [roll1] [roll2]

Damages: [roll3][roll4]

He up and hides: [roll5]

2019-05-26, 04:33 PM
8 melds, 8 essentia, 2 binds to crown/feet/hands/totem:
Crystal helm, 2 essentia, +2 resistance to Will vs charm/compulsion, +2 deflection AC
Urskan greaves, 2 essentia, icewalk ; BOUND TO FEET, +2d4 damage on charge attacks
Sphinx claws, 0 essentia, +1 competence to Strength checks and Strength skill checks
Girallon arms, 3 essentia, +2 competence to grapple and Climb checks ; BOUND TO TOTEM, four natural weapons at +0 enhancement atk/dmg
Blink shirt, 0 essentia, dimdoor 10' as standard action
Pauldrons of health, 0 essentia, immunity to sickened/naus/disease, no further benefit without essentia
Dissolving spittle, 0 essentia, may make 30' ranged touch attacks for 1d6 acid
Wormtail belt, 1 essentia, +3 enhancement natural armor
6 melds (one expanded capacity), 4 essentia, 1 bind to crown and 1 bind to totem:
Shedu crown, 1 essentia, immune to bull rush, +1 save vs mind-affecting ; BOUND TO CROWN, telepathy 100'
Kraken mantle, 0 essentia, +8 competence Swim, swim 40' as full-round or 20' as move ; BOUND TO TOTEM, waterbreathing
Sighting gloves, 1 essentia, +2 insight ranged weapon damage
Blink shirt, expanded capacity, 0 essentia, dimdoor 30' as standard action
Kruthik claws, 0 essentia, +4 Hide and Move Silently
Wormtail belt, 2 essentia, +4 enhancement to natural armor

Tam grins and says "Fun!" before hurtling at the little beast, attacking with more body parts than he has any real right to. After a moment of looking stunned, the ratgirl furrows her brow, bares her incisors and grabs a big crossbow from the berth. A clear, high voice enters the heads of everyone on the ship, saying in Common, "Think your place at me if you see a monster!"

With the penalty for charging and a few reshuffled essentia, Tam's AC is now 20.
primary girallon: [roll0], hit: [roll1] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 1: [roll2], hit: [roll3] plus [roll4] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 2: [roll5], hit: [roll6] plus [roll7] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary tailslap: [roll8], hit: [roll9] plus [roll10] bludgeon and 1 fire
secondary girallon 1: [roll11], hit: [roll12] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 2: [roll13], hit: [roll14] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 3: [roll15], hit: [roll16] pierce/slash and 1 fire
I'll roll any crit threats separately.

2019-05-26, 09:32 PM

Between the precise staff strike and the Dragonborn going ape-<censor beep>, the monster looks like someone dropped something in a sushi kitchen and stepped on it.

Ratgirls gets a bunch of garbled team speak in nautical jargon relating to parts of the main deck, and a flash of the party as seen from behind the oatbag. The panicked crew seem to be reporting between 5 monsters on the main deck and twenty-something "they're everywhere".

place holder map. Note the stairs going up to the main deck.


2019-05-27, 04:33 AM
{We will go by order of post. You may go up either the front or rear steps to get to the deck. The top of the stairs are considered the staring space for the players.In either case there is a goblinpus 10 ft from the door. There is another one just south of each mast, one next to the spar, and 2 on the rear castle near the wheel. There aren't any balista on this ship. Call your move, roll a balance check to make it across the pitching deck (dc 15), and roll your attack and initiative for next round. if you fail the balance check, you fall down somewhere between the stairs and the intended target.}

Frightened crew tumble down the stairs seeking safety in the hold. The ship is now leaning left and swaying wildly.

Heroically (unless the players all want to go defensive and fight in the hold), the adventurers work their ways toward the stairs, front or rear as they favor.

Though the doors above you see glimpses of brown sky, foamy green sea, torn sail, and tentacles....

2019-05-27, 03:23 PM
Miss Chief pops out of the fore stairwell, muttering, "The ship sails south with good wind, but this 'went south' faster than expected!" She fires her crossbow at the closest monster just before Tam Fu Liree rips past to hurl himself at the nearest sushi in need of dicing.

Miss Chief: [roll0]
Tam: [roll1]
The ratling's crossbow attack isn't penalized for being prone. [roll2], [roll3] magic cold iron piercing damage. If Tam manages to keep his feet, here's another crazy-ass charge:
primary girallon: [roll4], hit: [roll5] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 1: [roll6], hit: [roll7] plus [roll8] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 2: [roll9], hit: [roll10] plus [roll11] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary tailslap: [roll12], hit: [roll13] plus [roll14] bludgeon and 1 fire
secondary girallon 1: [roll15], hit: [roll16] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 2: [roll17], hit: [roll18] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 3: [roll19], hit: [roll20] pierce/slash and 1 fire

The dracomonkeyman knocks his aide off balance in his rush, but he manages to keep his own feet on the madly tilting deck.

2019-05-27, 05:49 PM
The bolt catches one in the chest, and it falls, a 'clean' kill.

The assorted monkey dragon body parts...beat, tear, and burn he other one...like a angery 2 year old venting on a plate of speggettie. It died quickly, but what a mess!

The Dragonborn ends up next to the foremast.

2019-05-27, 10:35 PM
Meanwhile, at the docks in the next port of call....

(Written to show what a blind samurai 'sees'. The visual references are for the sighted. If you have scent you notice some of these no visual clues.)


The expensive smelling, but actually cheap for you get it in Manama, spiced tobacco and Jasmine calone of the ship's master.

The cheap local pipe weed, cheaper rotgut, muscle ointment of the sweaty longshore men unloading the spice cargo.

The ship smelled like Manama. Their particular dates, dust, perfume, and furtively cooked pork.

That ship left a week ago, but it hasn't rained since. It will today though. The scent of impending rain mixes with the salt and rotting fishbones.

The weathered wood of this now empy pier is sticky in places with pitch and years various spilt cargos. Small wake waves from ships in the harbor lap at the pilings. Disant calls from sailers to loaders and the cresks of rope carry from docking operations a few hundred feet away.

There are no gull cries. Or dove coos. Or even rat skitters. There isn't as much 'human' activity as there should be for this time of year. The omens seem to have everyone spooked.

The sea is a greenish brown, and the sky's overcast.

You are waiting at the pier for your ship. It is due anytime, but could be a while as the weather at sea seems worse than in the harbor. The pub that normally serves the area is closed, so hear you are, travel papers already stamped, waiting.

There is one middle aged local human fishing from the pier. Seems to be a merchant, though dressed in old "work" clothes. He smells too good to be fishing for subsistence, and his clothes aren't dirty enough to be a laborer. His bait is fresh chicken hearts. If he were poor enough to need to fish, he would let have just fried up his bait.

(New characters may talk to each other while waiting. They will have their own combat in a bit)

2019-05-27, 11:14 PM
Back on the ship, Natsu keeps up her work, only she fades from view the moment she steps out from the crew quarters. Assuming she keeps her balance even while invisible, one of the two close by goblinoids shall feel her wrath.

[roll0] Balance

Spending a ki point to turn invisible for one round

TWF Attacking an octogoblin who is probably flat footed at this point: [roll1] [roll2]

Damages: [roll3] [roll4]

Sneak Attack: [roll5] [roll6]

Pitch will move so he can see outside but remains attempting to hide: [roll7]

2019-05-27, 11:37 PM
Mōmoku walked through the streets towards the dock with Anaguma following behind her. Three katana click together on her side, while her ears flicked this was and that way to pick up the sounds of the world around her. "So The job is over here?" Momoku asks, moving with an easy unlike that of a normally blind person. "Yes, sir. I believe we are to wait here." The badger Anaguma had a chain around her waist with a kama hanging off one side of it. Neither of the two actually wore any armor but moved with a grace that made its eeem like they didn't need it.

2019-05-27, 11:52 PM
The first blow bounces off it's rubbery skin. (Ha ha. Flatfoot 13). The second crushes it.

The nearest one to the were horse shifts closer and tries to stab with its spear. And these things bite!


[roll0], crit? [roll1] . X3. Dam [roll2] ), bite [roll3] , crit ? [roll4], dam [roll5] , fort DC 17 or [roll6] Dex damage.

( I'm going to switch to keyboard and ttyoe out the rest)

2019-05-28, 12:13 AM
continuing on attacks against werehorse (we need to set up a characters chart in occ)

the oct-goblin's tentacles try to trip her. (free attempt, no retaliation)




The one near the spar moves to the railing and throws a spear at the monkey dragon.

[roll]1d20+3[roll], crit ?[roll]1d20+3[roll], dam [roll]1d6[roll]

The two on the rear castle watch to see how their comrades fare, (or will attack if another player joins in)

2019-05-28, 12:58 AM
A crit!
It of them knocks you on your bum.

rerolling the spear toss:

[roll0], crit ?[roll1], dam [roll2]

Edit: The spear misses and slides off the deck into the sea.

2019-05-28, 11:54 AM
Kiyoko sits on the pier, dozing off meditating on a small area she cleaned off, while waiting for the boat to arrive.

2019-05-29, 07:10 AM
Kiyoko sits on the pier, dozing off meditating on a small area she cleaned off, while waiting for the boat to arrive.

Mōmoku hears a rhythmic buzzing noise. Almost like a grig sawing a tiny log...

Meanwhile, at sea....

The ship rocks and bucks as the waves alternate hitting different sides of the ship. The his no one at the wheel, and the wheel seems jammed all the way to port. The ship corkscrews though the sea unguided.

Above, ropes dangle from the rigging as a sail rips.

Someone had better get this situation under control before the ship flips over...

2019-05-29, 07:31 AM
After accepting the mission to combat the tentacles, an above average height anthropomorphic raven garbed in silver tabard over a golden robe with a sheathed blade on his side arrives at the dock, riding a moderate sized dog that can bear his weight. Seeing three occupants already there, Deku dismounts. He and his dog find a spot near the pier. The humanoid raven sits cross-legged in a meditative and prayer gesture while his dog standby as they wait for their sea vehicle to dock.

2019-05-29, 07:41 AM
The human fishing off the pier keeps looking over at the collection of animal people. He shakes his head bemusedly and softly chuckles.

2019-05-29, 05:51 PM
Kiyoko stifles a yawn as she wakes up comes out of her meditation. Seeing new people around, she offers a greeting. "Hello."

2019-05-29, 08:28 PM
Deku half-opens his lids but does not uncross his legs and waves with his wing hand before going back to his prayer but not before a quick glance at the sea.

Perception to see any incoming boat or hear any noises from the boat from a distance if it makes some: [roll0]

EDIT: Botched the roll. Should be 14.

2019-05-29, 09:44 PM
"Hello." the cat says in no real direction in particular "I take it the boat isn't here yet?" Meanwhile the badger "No it hasn't."

2019-05-29, 09:59 PM
Surprises all around.

The old, human Natsu wouldn't have literally fallen for this. Still, best not to tip her hand immediately as she tries to roll away from the octogob and get back on her feet.

Meanwhile, Pitch realizes his mighty magic actually can help the situation...sort of, and from his hiding spot flaps his feathers and whispers an incantation...

Natsu will roll tumble to try to get out of reach so she can stand up: [roll0]

Meanwhile Pitch will cast animate rope on some sturdy looking rope and try to command it to re-tie the sails. That's at least a first step; he can't very well sail the boat and Natsu has things to kill.

2019-05-29, 11:19 PM
Knowing full well the ratling's position is his own fault, Tam nevertheless snaps, "Quit lying down on the job and get to that ... that ... boat turny thing." He tries to make his way toward another octogoblin. Miss Chief hooks her crossbow on a convenient post so she has both hands free to crawl toward the tiller.

Tam Balance: [roll0]
Miss Balance: [roll1]

Let's do the easy one first. Spend a move action putting the crossbow somewhere it won't just slide over the edge into the drink, then spend a move action trying to get up. If successful, celebrate with a five-foot step toward the helmsman's spot.

If Tam can charge another monster, here's his ridiculous pile of rolls:
primary girallon: [roll2], hit: [roll3] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 1: [roll4], hit: [roll5] plus [roll6] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 2: [roll7], hit: [roll8] plus [roll9] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary tailslap: [roll10], hit: [roll11] plus [roll12] bludgeon and 1 fire
secondary girallon 1: [roll13], hit: [roll14] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 2: [roll15], hit: [roll16] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 3: [roll17], hit: [roll18] pierce/slash and 1 fire

2019-05-30, 02:05 AM
Two furry creatures atop some kind of reptile approach, and as they close, you can make out a blue-furred red panda wearing robes and a lance-wielding badger in a blacksmith's apron, riding some manner of two-tailed snake. The badger shouts, "Never fear, the cavalry has arrived!", and attempts to wiggle on board from the snake's lifted neck, as the red panda sighs and conjures some manner of chilling fog to surround each of the goblins.

Concentration check for vigorous motion (riding a moving mount): [roll0] succeeds on nat 1 so I think it's autosuccess but if there's fumbles I'm rolling anyway.

Dropping my Kelgore's combo on each of the remaining gobbos, such that it hits them but not my allies - deals [roll1] damage, half irresistible divine, and they need a DC 18 Will save or get dazed for 2 rounds.

Climb check if it's necessary for Osrik: [roll2]

(The snake is about 15 feet long so I feel like it shouldn't be too hard but I'm not sure how high the closest boat side is at this point)

2019-05-30, 05:37 AM
(explain the Kelgor stuff to me via email. For now we'll just run with it as described.)

The were horse (still in human form?) Rolls away to near the aft castle and stands.

Her friends aren't as fortunate, and lose their balance both are prone.

The animated rope starts tightening the loose sail, but is mostly causing a tangle.

As the creatures advance, you hear the badger calling from the back of his... Snake monster?

The blue (red) panda (like Shift in kf panda) casts a spell. Mists form and the octogoblins stiffen.

Rear mast

Aft castle


2019-05-30, 05:39 AM
Rear mast

Aft castle

[roll3] hi

Edit: all the octogoblins die.

There is a pause while the were horse climbs the steps and takes the wheel, while her friends stand up, and the newcomers mount climbs aboard. It, and the riders end up in the middle of the deck between the masts.

While she may not know the right way to stir a ship, she at least unjams it so the ship isn't pulling hard to port. Now it is just bouncing around a bit.

Just as introductions are commencing, Spears rain from the sky!

2019-05-30, 06:11 AM
Thunk! Thunk!

[roll0], crit? [roll1], (X3), dam [roll2]

[roll3], crit? [roll4], (X3), dam [roll5]

[roll6], crit? [roll7], (X3), dam [roll8]

[roll9], crit? [roll10], (X3), dam [roll11]

Blue panda
[roll12], crit? [roll13], (X3), dam [roll14]

[roll15], crit? [roll16], (X3), dam [roll17]
[roll18], crit? [roll19], (X3), dam [roll20]
[roll21], crit? [roll22], (X3), dam [roll23]..

Then it starts raining octogoblins!

If the attack beats your ac you take damage and then defend against a grapple. If it just hits your touch ac (not flat-footed), then you take no damage, but you are still getting grappled.

[roll24], crit? [roll25], dam [roll26]

Grapple : [roll27]

[roll28], crit? [roll29], dam [roll30]
Grapple : [roll31]
[roll32], crit? [roll33], dam [roll34]
Grapple : [roll35]

[roll36], crit? [roll37], dam [roll38]
Grapple : [roll39]

Blue panda
[roll40], crit? [roll41], dam [roll42]
Grapple : [roll43]

[roll44], crit? [roll45], dam [roll46]
Grapple : [roll47]

[roll48], crit? [roll49], dam [roll50]
Grapple : [roll51]

[roll52], crit? [roll53], dam [roll54]
Grapple : [roll55]
Meanwhile, on the pier...

The man fishing excitedly calls out, "Hey! I hooked something! First bite all week."

2019-05-30, 09:43 AM
Deku stands up.

"I have a bad feeling about this. We should brace for the inevitable if the man hoist an unknown creature from the depths."

Getting a quiver out from his haversack and strapped, he attempts to see if he can hear or see anything that the fisherman is about to hoist up. He whistles to his dog.

"Boy. Down!"

Regardless of whether the dog follows his order to hide or not (not sure if this needs a handle animal check but rolling one anyways just in case), the raven backs off from the starting area a bit (which will depend on which starting area the others are because he is with them).

Perception: [roll0]

Handle Animal to push an animal if needed: [roll1]

2019-05-30, 09:54 AM
Whistles usually mean "up", so the dog is confused, but you said "down" so , what ever, it sits back down.

You can't see anything from where you are. The angle is wrong and the water is pretty dark.

He seems to be having a hard time pulling it in. You have time to walk over to him where you can see what it is when it breaks the surface.

2019-05-30, 10:17 AM
Deku sighs and walks towards his dog.

"Up! Follow!"

The humanoid raven leads it towards a safe hiding spot (outside the map).

"Down! Wait!"

After leaving the dog, he returns to the three, awaiting their reaction.

2019-05-30, 10:27 AM


pier battle set up.

The grey thing on the bottom left is a sun shelter. That will be the player starting area. If you want to be out in the sun you may choose another area nearby.

See the long dock in the middle? The darker, lower dock next to it where the boats are tied? The fisherman is on that lower dock. The height difference is 5 ft. The water is about 3 ft below that.

2019-05-30, 02:12 PM
Well, its more interesting than just sitting and waiting for a ship to arrive. Kiyoko gets up, grabbing her staff with her tail, before following the tengu to the docks, transferring the staff to her hand.

2019-05-30, 05:04 PM
8 melds, 8 essentia, 2 binds to crown/feet/hands/totem:
Crystal helm, 2 essentia, +2 resistance to Will vs charm/compulsion, +2 deflection AC
Urskan greaves, 0 essentia, icewalk ; BOUND TO FEET, no further benefit without essentia
Sphinx claws, 0 essentia, +1 competence to Strength checks and Strength skill checks
Girallon arms, 3 essentia, +2 competence to grapple and Climb checks ; BOUND TO TOTEM, four natural weapons at +0 enhancement atk/dmg
Blink shirt, 0 essentia, dimdoor 10' as standard action
Pauldrons of health, 1 essentia, immunity to sickened/naus/disease, Fortitude +1 (to +10)
Dissolving spittle, 0 essentia, may make 30' ranged touch attacks for 1d6 acid
Wormtail belt, 2 essentia, +4 enhancement natural armor
6 melds (one expanded capacity), 4 essentia, 1 bind to crown and 1 bind to totem:
Shedu crown, 1 essentia, immune to bull rush, +1 save vs mind-affecting ; BOUND TO CROWN, telepathy 100'
Kraken mantle, 0 essentia, +8 competence Swim, swim 40' as full-round or 20' as move ; BOUND TO TOTEM, waterbreathing
Sighting gloves, 1 essentia, +2 insight ranged weapon damage
Blink shirt, expanded capacity, 0 essentia, dimdoor 30' as standard action
Kruthik claws, 0 essentia, +4 Hide and Move Silently
Wormtail belt, 2 essentia, +4 enhancement to natural armor

"Help! Master Tam! Flying tentacles!" Though the girl calls for help, she seems capable of helping herself, plipping out of existence to reappear in a less squiddy part of the deck. For his part, the dragon-monkey draws in a large breath, opens his jaw far enough to eat a titan's toe, and blasts out a scintillating stream of freezing cold. Mist forms briefly in the wet air, a sail turns into an icesheet, and two of the attackers frost over as well.

Miss Chief will dimdoor away using Blink Shirt. Like the dimension door spell, she can't take another action afterward.

I presume there's some way to five-foot-step that would get two bad guys and no allies in a 25' line. [roll0] cold damage, Reflex DC 15 for half damage. Can use breath weapon again in [roll1] rounds.

2019-05-31, 03:23 AM
Rat girl ends up on the forecastle.


2019-05-31, 04:11 AM
Tam freezes one to death. The other is unhappy and has bad frostbite on its face.

It attacks.

spear[roll0], crit? [roll1] (x3) , dam [roll2], bite[roll3], crit? [roll4], dam [roll5], save dc 17, or [roll6] dex

Free trip [roll7]

Situation recap:

Horse is on the aft castle at the wheel, with one goblopus.

BadgerKnight, The Blue Red Panda, and snakemount are between the two masts, with 5 globlopus. This is only about a 15 sq ft area, so its a charlie foxtrot.

Tam is between the forecastle and the foremast, he has a wounded opponent.

Ratgirl is now on the forecastle. For a moment she doesn't have a dance partner, then one appears out of thin air next to her. (spell craft or know:arcane) It is an hideous halfling sized blob of tentacles and flesh. https://66.media.tumblr.com/6859b0718de382d6c776e92d00fa8665/tumblr_o0lqa4dEoL1rtj3g0o1_500.jpg

It tires to grab her.

[roll8], crit? [roll9], dam [roll10], improved grab [roll11]

[roll12], crit? [roll13], dam [roll14], improved grab [roll15]

Meanwhile, at the port...

The Tegu and the Kitsuni walk up to the fisherman, stopping about 10 ft behind him(players may adjust). The blind catwoman and her seeing-eye badger wait at the shelter (pending player response; there will be enough to do regardless of starting position).

2019-05-31, 05:01 AM
Depending whether the kitsune descendant helps the fisherman with his pull or not, Deku will summon a celestial dolphin (expending the bless slot to spontaneously summon monster I) and (herald caller class feature summon and summoners to understand each other as if they share common language) then backs off to the shelter after instructing it to do the following.

"Swim down and scout. If the possible catch or what the fisherman is pulling up is harmless, report back. If it is dangerous, attack the creature!"

Possible attack with smite evil: [roll0]

Possible damage (+2 to damage if evil): [roll1]

2019-05-31, 05:49 AM


(When you summon something, please post the stats or at least a link.)


Fisherman is at B7

Tengu is at (well, you want the dolphin to hit the water, so) H7. Kitsuni is at I7
The white things are canvas tarps on poles providing sun shelter. They are about 7 ft high.

Everyone else is under the roof at o7.

Aoo 1, [roll0], [roll1]crit? , dam [roll2]. Grab [roll3], venom [roll4] con

Aoo 2, [roll5], [roll6]crit? , dam [roll7]. Grab [roll8], venom [roll9] con

Initiative pus. [roll10]
Initiative dolphin [roll11]

cmb for dolphin, if needed

Fort save for dolphin, if needed

2019-05-31, 06:05 AM
The water roils a bit.

Grapple check for pus to maintain hold.

first 4 attacks.

1, [roll2], [roll3]crit? , dam [roll4]. Grab [roll5], venom [roll6] con

2, Aoo 2, [roll7], [roll8]crit? , dam [roll9]. Grab [roll10], venom [roll11] con

3, Aoo 2, [roll12], [roll13]crit? , dam [roll14]. Grab [roll15], venom [roll16] con

4, Aoo 2, [roll17], [roll18]crit? , dam [roll19]. Grab [roll20], venom [roll21] con

will roll more if needed

Edit: Tegu is sickeningly aware that he doesn't need to dismiss the summoning spell, and probably has 1 round to cast a buff or run.

The fishing man is looking at you with a mix of annoyance and amazement. His line jerks wildly for a few seconds, and then becomes still again.

2019-05-31, 06:08 AM
(OOC: H7 should not be his location. Deku summoned the dolphin, gave it instruction and backed away to P7 if that is the shelter in his previous post. And my bad for not listing the square he backed to and stats, will do next time).

2019-05-31, 06:27 AM
I should have mentioned the casting direction. He is throwing his line to the north of the pier. Doesn't matter as Flipper didn't last very long.

You can be at the shelter, which has no walls, btw.

So, buffs?

2019-05-31, 10:35 AM
Ship battle

Needing posts for
badger knight/pet
And panda.

The airborne pair may join in.

Dock battle.
You may retro post greetings.
And take one round to buff and such in the shelter before...

The fishing man continues to pull in his taunt line.
"Ah, shoot." He mildly cusses as the line goes slack. "Must have gotten off."

A python sized snake emerges from the water with hardly a splash and bites at the man.

[roll0] . Dam [roll1] con [roll2]

Fort [roll3]

The snake doesn't try to hold on after biting the man's shoulder. It shakes it's head trying to dislodge the fishing lures caught in it's mouth.

The man falls, perhaps in surprise or fear as well as injury.

The snake is partly in the same square as the man, and partly in the square in front of him. Targeting either square may hit the snake.

Combat has begun. Party moves the snake goes again at start of round 2.

2019-05-31, 03:00 PM
Unlike her probable future companion, Kiyoko didn't run back after the summoning. When the fisherman was attacked, she was the first to rush forward to help him. Sliding her shield down to her hand, and adjusting her grip on the staff, and adding her tail for some extra oomph, she charges the creature. She also yells at the fisherman to get to safety.

Draw shield, put second "hand" on staff, charge attack the snake creature.

Kiyoko: 41hp

2019-05-31, 03:03 PM
Roll to confirm (or deny) critical fumble.

2019-05-31, 03:26 PM
Roll to confirm (or deny) critical fumble.

Critical Fumble rules? uhoh.


2019-05-31, 04:16 PM

Running charge.
Staff tightly grasped
Toe finds empty knothole in deck plank.
Body shifts instictually trying to catch itself,
But moving too fast.
Staff tip hits first,
Jams in gap between planks.
Results in ungaingly pole vault.
Crashes into tackel box.
Nose into bait bucket of raw chicken organs.
Feet collect fishing line.
Tail collects hooked lure resembling crawdad.
Slide-roll off dock.
Snake pivots to watch the passing fox.
The water is cold.

The kitsuni disappears into the murky water.

For a worrying ten seconds she is gone.

Then her tail, then rear, covered in fishing gear emerges from the water.

Then the rest of her.
Then the greenish transparent blister she is laying on.
There is a hooded figure inside it.
Then the head (mantle really) of the giant octopus...the passenger blister is above the eyes where the forehead would be...
Then 7 more snakes...
Which turn out to be snake heads on the ends of the octopus's arms.

The fisherman does run away.

Fox lady is eye to...where the eyes should be, under the hood of the ...man?...on the other side of the transparent conopy.

His head tilts, as though considering her.

In her mind she hears Hello Friend. Have you heard the Good News? About the immenient awakening of our Lord and Devourer?

2019-05-31, 05:27 PM
Unlike the fox or tengu, the cat woman calmly begins walking towards the snake, with the badger behind her. Both unleashing their weapons as they approach. "It smells rather fishy." "It is a fish.. thing." "That explains it. Seems to be a lot of them. Ready?" She asks as she approaches the first snake, unleashing her first attack.

Mōmoku AC 23 now. Uncanny dodge
36/36 hp

Swift - Crane Style.. though technically already in it

Kitsune Mystique - Can feint as part of a move action

Fighting Defensively only incurs a -2 to my AC for a +4 to AC due to ranks in acrobatics and Crane style

+1 Merciful Katana - NonLethal Active
If Crit [roll2]

[roll3] + [roll4]
If Crit add [roll5]
If the enemy is flat footed
Iajitsu Focus
If 10-14 if 15-19 if 20-24
[roll7] + [roll8] + [roll9]

Miss Chance
20% Chance

AC 17 (Increases by +1 for each enemy adjacent to her

Not as much going on mechanically with her
Masterwork Kusigmai
If Crit [roll13]

If Crit add [roll15]

2019-05-31, 06:31 PM
Seeing the octopus creature swallow the kitsune fills Deku with righteous anger. Taking drawing out his bow, he pronounce a destructive judgement on his foes (swift action) and summons a spiritual scimitar that swings at the head of the snake head that the cat woman and her badger companion is currently engaging with after flying to its destination. (Not sure if this is the same space as A6-7 & B6-7 but the scimitar is targetting the head that Momuku attacked)

Spiritual Weapon attack (crit at 18-20 & x2 damage if crit confirm): [roll0]
Spiritual Weapon Damage: [roll1]

Deku: 40/40

Spiritual Weapon: 5 rounds

Judgement (Destruction): +2 damage on his attack for the rest of the combat.

2019-05-31, 07:31 PM
Momentarily stunned, Kiyoko whimpers once she realizes where she's at. "For the record, I have never met any of these people, and I was just trying to get the fisherman out."

2019-05-31, 09:35 PM
Momentarily stunned, Kiyoko whimpers once she realizes where she's at. "For the record, I have never met any of these people, and I was just trying to get the fisherman out."

Diplomacy/ bluff check.

Will save vs charm.

Now let me turn my laptop back on to get the monster stats...

2019-05-31, 09:37 PM
Diplomacy [roll0] +4 if Evil Outsider
Will [roll1]

2019-06-01, 03:51 AM
Ok. Let's see what we've got...

Badgerboy(girl?)/Anaguma is at , lets say he climbed to the higher dock...C8. He misses his attacks.

Looks like I was calling the fisherman's location incorrectly.
Should have been c7. That is where Catwoman is now.

Mōmoku is at c7. Crit does not confirm. Secon attack misses.

The wack that does hit knocks 'fishhook ' head out.

The Spiritual Weapon redirects to the next head, and misses.

Kiyoko has made a new friend. He is letting her in on the Good News as she hangs on to the canopy of the octophis.

HE will bring peace as HE devours all. HE brings forth a world without strife or discrimination. HE consumes all equally.

She starts to sing along even as he teachers her the Initiants' Rhymes.

"Ik'thulu' -'ll eat me,
This I know,
For the Codex Tells me so..."

The octophis attacks.

...after I take the baby for a walk...

2019-06-01, 04:19 AM
<the mid Ramadan school break has screwed up everybody's nap schedules. >

Three snake heads attack Badger.
Three attack cat.
One stands ready to keep Fox from falling off...

Attacks on Badgerboy:

tentacle bite 1 [roll0] melee , crit?[roll1]; damage [roll2] bite, fort dc 17 or [roll3] con (no secondary), and grapple

tentacle bite 2 [roll5] melee , crit?[roll6]; damage [roll7] bite, fort dc 17 or [roll8] con (no secondary), and grapple

tentacle bite 3 [roll10] melee , crit?[roll11]; damage [roll12] bite, fort dc 17 or [roll13] con (no secondary), and grapple

Attacks on Cat:

tentacle bite 4 [roll15] melee , crit?[roll16]; damage [roll17] bite, fort dc 17 or [roll18] con (no secondary), and grapple

tentacle bite 5 [roll20] melee , crit?[roll21]; damage [roll22] bite, fort dc 17 or [roll23] con (no secondary), and grapple

tentacle bite 6 [roll25] melee , crit?[roll26]; damage [roll27] bite, fort dc 17 or [roll28] con (no secondary), and grapple

Mean while, 5 Redish-brown, squat, halfling sized octopus-things climb up the dock pilings at I- 2, 7, 9, 18, and 20.

Where is Tengu's location, and are you sure you want the Spiritual weapon attacking snake heads instead of octopus body?

Ik-thu-lu eats the little chilllll-dren,
All of the chil-dren in the world.
Red, yellow, black n white
they are h'dourves in His sight.
Ik-thu-lu eats the children of the world!

2019-06-01, 04:28 AM
Each of the spears plinks off of the magic armor of the new arrivals. Then, the serpent attacks the two goblins threatening the blue panda, first with its tail, then with its bite.

Attacks: tail: [roll0], tail: [roll1], bite: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

Two tail attacks are DC 18 fort or daze for 1 turn if they hit. Prioritizing undazed, conscious targets.

Then, the blue panda tries to cast again, conjuring more fog.

Casting defensively, if needed: [roll6], DC 17

Damage: [roll7]

Hit the unique monster, plus two gobbos on me if still alive and unstunned, plus the next closest one.

The badger, on the other hand, looks disgusted at the goblins nearest, and attempts to skewer one on his lance without touching it. "Disgusting! I thought this was a glorious battle, not a pest extermination!"

Attack: [roll8], damage: [roll9]

2019-06-01, 04:51 AM
Each of the spears plinks off of the magic armor of the new arrivals. Then, the serpent attacks the two goblins threatening the blue panda, first with its tail, then with its bite.

Attacks: tail: [roll0], tail: [roll1], bite: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

Two tail attacks are DC 18 fort or daze for 1 turn if they hit. Prioritizing undazed, conscious targets.

Then, the blue panda tries to cast again, conjuring more fog.

Casting defensively, if needed: [roll6], DC 17

Damage: [roll7]

Hit the unique monster, plus two gobbos on me if still alive and unstunned, plus the next closest one.

The badger, on the other hand, looks disgusted at the goblins nearest, and attempts to skewer one on his lance without touching it. "Disgusting! I thought this was a glorious battle, not a pest extermination!"

Attack: [roll8], damage: [roll9]

The BadgerKnight misses.
The Snakemount SPATTERS 3 of them.
The spell injures but does not kill the closest two, does kill the one fighting Tam, and Injures tentacle beast on the forecastle.

Of the remaining two, one tries to run towards the aft castle (attack of opportunity for mount), and the other attacks the panda.

spear , crit?(x3) [roll1], dam [roll2], bite [roll]1d20–2, crit?1d20–2 , dam [roll3], fort dc 17 or [roll4] dex

Auto trip [roll5]

While I have this typed out, here is the attack on Horse if she doesn't kill it first.

spear [roll6], crit?(x3) [roll7], dam [roll8], bite 1d20–2, crit?1d20–2 , dam [roll9], fort dc 17 or [roll10] dex

Auto trip [roll11]

2019-06-01, 04:54 AM
what is wrong with the bite attacks?
maybe those are dashes instead of minuses.

Trying again.

[roll0], crit?[roll1]

[roll2], crit?[roll3]

2019-06-01, 05:13 AM
Dock Battle situation:

Anaguma took 3 hits for
needs to make dc 17 Fort save to prevent 3 con damage
needs to make dc 17 Fort save to prevent 3 con damage
needs to make dc 17 Fort save to prevent 1 con damage

Needs to oppose grapples of 17 to avoid grapple
Needs to oppose grapples of 31 to avoid grapple
Needs to oppose grapples of 21 to avoid grapple

(almost certainly grappled) Is grappled, but by how many arms? just one. his cmd is 22

Mōmoku took 2 hits for12
needs to make dc 17 Fort save to prevent 2 con damage
needs to make dc 17 Fort save to prevent 3 con damage

Needs to oppose grapples of 31 to avoid grapple
Needs to oppose grapples of 26 to avoid grapple

is grappled. Will need to oppose next round.

The creature has one snake head not functioning.
BTW, the creature counts as only one opponent. All the heads are part of the same creature.

2019-06-01, 05:25 AM
Diplomacy [roll0] +4 if Evil Outsider
Will [roll1]

You've made a new friend. He is so charming! He's telling you all about the Good News.

You've earned a skill point. In the Mythos Lore skill.
Deduct 1 point, and another 1d6 from your Sanity.
Starting Sanity is 5 x Wis Score.

All these new songs are great!

2019-06-01, 09:40 AM
Since I've only been rolling low when I wanted to roll high, GIMME A SIX!

2019-06-01, 12:06 PM
Mr. tentacles seems so nice, Is it really ok for my job to be fighting against him? Kiyoko thinks to herself. Though eating children doesn't sound nice. Maybe its a metaphor? Mom always taught be to be respectful of other religions, even if I don't agree with them. "Tell me more about Ik'thulu."

Somebody please stop me or give me a reason to try and resist the enchantment. Preferably BEFORE I lose all my sanity and become a NPC before the game really starts.

2019-06-01, 12:29 PM
For a donation of 500 in gold or gems, 500 pounds of living flesh, or 5 souls, one of which may be your own... You will receive your very own travel size edition of the [I]Codex[/l] with the murmers of our Lord in Amber print.

Your generosity will support the over throw of principalities and and the sponsorship of youth in attending Holiday Codex Camps where they too can hear the Good News.

(Who says all the PC's have to be on the same side?)
It is the players' turn for the docks battle.

2019-06-01, 01:01 PM
[roll0] for save
[roll1] for save
[roll2] for save


2019-06-01, 02:16 PM
The two attempt to futilely defeat the army of snake tentacles.

Mōmoku AC 23 now. Uncanny dodge
36/36 hp

Swift - Crane Style.. though technically already in it

Kitsune Mystique

Not Fighting Defensively

+1 Merciful Katana - NonLethal Active
If Crit [1d20+7]

[1d8+3] + [1d6]
If Crit add []

AC 17 (Increases by +1 for each enemy adjacent to her

Not as much going on mechanically with her
Masterwork Kusigmai - Attacking with the kama
If Crit [1d20+4]

If Crit add [1d6+2]

2019-06-01, 02:23 PM
The two attempt to futilely defeat the army of snake tentacles.

Trying this again..
Mōmoku AC 13 now. Uncanny dodge
8/36 hp

Swift - Crane Style.. though technically already in it

Kitsune Mystique - not used

Not Fighting Defensively

+1 Merciful Katana - NonLethal Active
If Crit [roll1]

[roll2] + [roll3]
If Crit add [roll4]

9/36 hp
AC 15 (Increases by +1 for each enemy adjacent to her

Not as much going on mechanically with her
Masterwork Kusigmai - Attacking with the kama
If Crit [roll6]

If Crit add [roll8]

2019-06-01, 02:27 PM
Ok. Let's see if the spiritual weapon, bow attack, and/or some friendly diplomacy saves the day.

2019-06-01, 11:37 PM
Miss Chief utters a sort of high-pitched growl before vanishing out of the beast's reach once again. She reappears back down a tier, in reach of her weapon, though she's momentarily too disoriented to reach for it.

After a nod of appreciation toward where he last saw the raven -- for who else but a mighty wizard could call forth such magic power as had aided him a moment ago? -- Master Tam uncorks another blast of cold at the aberrations that had been menacing his young ward.

She teleports back to the crossbow, and he icebarfs a gobbopus. [roll0] damage, Reflex DC 15 half, [roll1] rounds until refreshed. If possible I'd also like Tam to end up about 3 squares' walk away from a foe -- ideally a chargeable one, but my understanding is that this is no longer a 'target-rich environment', so beggars can't be choosers.

2019-06-01, 11:59 PM
Let's adjust that a bit... Tam moves up the stairs to get the tentacle blob thing at the right angle and breathes ice at it. It twists a bit, recoiling from the frost, and vanishes (spell craft check).

The environment is more target rich than it may appear... switching to laptop....

2019-06-02, 12:50 AM
Rolling for Natsu:
She takes a wack at the gob next to here.
[roll0], cirt? [roll1], dam [roll2]

2019-06-02, 01:06 AM
Natsu misses, takes 3 points from the counter attack.

About that target poor environment.
No body has looked up since getting a rain of spears and a rain of Octo-goblins....

Shimmering arcs lash down from the rigging...

At :

TAM x3

melee bludgeon, crit? [roll1], Dam [roll2], improved grab grapple [roll3]

[roll4] melee bludgeon, crit? [roll5], Dam [roll6], improved grab grapple [roll7]

[roll8] melee bludgeon, crit? [roll9], Dam [roll10], improved grab grapple [roll]adger1d20+19


[roll11] melee bludgeon, crit? [roll12], Dam [roll13], improved grab grapple [roll14]


[roll15] melee bludgeon, crit? [roll16], Dam [roll17], improved grab grapple [roll18]

Badger Knight:

[roll19] melee bludgeon, crit? [roll20], Dam [roll21], improved grab grapple [roll22]

Blue panda:

[roll23] melee bludgeon, crit? [roll24], Dam [roll25], improved grab grapple [roll26]

Snake-mount: (no grab attempt)

[roll27] melee bludgeon, crit? [roll28], Dam [roll29],

Hey....There's a giant flying octopus up in the rigging! The color shifting natural camouflage is really good, but doesn't work as well when all the arms are moving. It is about 40 ft up there, and has really long arms. The head is inflated like a gas bag.

Spot checks.

EDIT: Is everybody grappled?
for this monster, individual tentacles can be targeted. Natural or light weapons may be used.

2019-06-02, 01:40 AM
"At that price, it better be bound in gold." The kitsune thinks for a moment. Trying to get me to pay before telling me about his religion, huh? "You do have one for sale on you, right? Not trying to swindle me like the last door-to-door missionaries I met, I hope."

Alright, lets see if this can "un"intentionally get the Jenova's Witness to focus on me for a little bit, and not the battered cat and his sidekick (sorry for otherwise being useless). Maybe search his robes for a spare copy.
Diplomacy [roll0]

2019-06-02, 01:41 AM
The dragon team had missed the boat and looked about seeing not choice they took off. The dragons had an easy flight for the first half of the trip to catch up to the res at the dock and the others. Unfortunately for the two dragons as they got closer a storm hit them which was a slight annoyance to him but a struggle for his sidekick. Once they did catch up the battle it seemed to have been going on for a bit he noticed the gray wearing man. The black dragon humanoid would tell his sidekick a dragon in a dragoinc you use range attack to aid the cat women if he can. he would look to the gray robed man and use his breath weapon on it.

Jegan- bratheth weapon [roll0] negative energy damage dc 17 reflex for half damage

Jiraz- he used the spell Ray of Enfeeblement: Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels+1 [roll1] . at the creature attacking cat lady dc 15 fort half

2019-06-02, 02:49 AM
"At that price, it better be bound in gold." The kitsune thinks for a moment. Trying to get me to pay before telling me about his religion, huh? "You do have one for sale on you, right? Not trying to swindle me like the last door-to-door missionaries I met, I hope."

Alright, lets see if this can "un"intentionally get the Jenova's Witness to focus on me for a little bit, and not the battered cat and his sidekick (sorry for otherwise being useless). Maybe search his robes for a spare copy.
Diplomacy [roll0]

I can give you this sample copy. It is a bit worn, but is a complete version. If you have a little patience and trust, your personalized ordered copy with your name and nutritional information engraved on the back cover will be delivered in 6 to 8 weeks.

Totally distracted, he doesn't make a save vs the flyby attacks...

2019-06-02, 04:26 AM
Deku backs away further from his position on the roof. He prays as he nocks an arrow and sends it flying towards the octopus. His spiritual weapons continues to swipe at the large crustacean that is holding two lives.

Arrow attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Spiritual Weapon: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

HP: 40/40

Location: 30 ft from P7

Spiritual Weapon (4 rounds)

2019-06-02, 05:15 AM
Excuse me child. We will have to finish this conversation later.

The gripping tentacles take the two furry fighters and slam their heads together for [roll0] subdual and drops them onto the lower dock at c7.

The other tentacles pick up the kitsuni and, more gently, drop her on top of the cat and badger.

Look after these for me, please. I'll be back for you all later.

The octophis sinks out of sight into the water. (I guess the spiritual weapon can follow it?)

The small octopus at I7 moves to I8. The one at I20 moves to I19.
2 more appear at E18 and 19.

Then they all spit what looks like handsized rocks.

2 at Deku,
[roll1], crit? [roll2], Dam [roll3]

[roll4], crit? [roll5], Dam [roll6]

2 at Jiraz

[roll7], crit? [roll8], Dam [roll9]

[roll10], crit? [roll11], Dam [roll12]

3 at Jegan

[roll13], crit? [roll14], Dam [roll15]

[roll16], crit? [roll17], Dam [roll18]

[roll19], crit? [roll20], Dam [roll21]

Another climbs up at H22 but doesn't attack.

Where are the dragonpeople?

2019-06-02, 06:16 AM
Dock battle: it is players' turn again. If anyone wants to start looking for potions or picking off minions...

Ship Battle: it is player's turn again. If anyone wants to pick off the last 3 minions or start trying to pry the tentacles of the boss off...

2019-06-02, 06:40 AM
The tengu sighs with relief as the two furries are left alive and the kitsune is dropped onto the pier without lasting damage. Then as his concentration on the battlefield wavers, a slab hit his throat causing him to make noises as if choking on a fish stuck in his throat. Deku glares at the small octogoblins, nocking another arrow and fire at the one at I8. After surveying the arrow either kills or maims designated target, he directs his spiritual scimitar to fly towards his target and swings at them; at the one at I8 if it is not killed or I9 if octogoblin at I8 is killed. Then, he drop prone (+4 to AC vs ranged attack)

Arrow attack on octogoblin at I8: [roll0]

Arrow damage: [roll1]

Spiritual Weapon attack on octogoblin on I8 (if injured) or I9 (if octogoblin on I8 is killed): [roll2]

Spiritual weapon damage: [roll3]

HP: 31/40

Spiritual Weapon (3 rounds)

Judgement: Destruction (+2 to all weapon damage; active until combat over)

Standard: Attack octogoblin at I8

Move: Redirect Spiritual Scimitar to either octogoblin at (if injured) or I9 (if octogoblin on I8 is killed)

Free: Drop Prone (+4 AC vs ranged attack so his AC is 23 vs ranged)

2019-06-02, 07:17 AM
The docks doesn't have octogoblins.

It has these

The Inquisitor's attack kills one of them.

The inquisitor drops prone.

2019-06-02, 08:28 AM
OOC: Did spiritual weapon attack octoroks at I9 or did attack+spiritual weapon combination kill the one in I8?

2019-06-02, 08:35 AM
I8. AC12, 13 hp. If you are just sniping, go ahead a roll for a couple of rounds.

2019-06-02, 12:23 PM
the spit rocks came at them but to jegan, they did nothing as they were unable to penetrate his chain shirt covered dense dragon hide. His sidekick was not as lucky as one of the rocks hit him hard enough to hit his hide body through his chain sort doing damage to him. jagen would move closer to the gray robed figure to ready to attack him. jiraz would pull out his longbow ready himself to fire an arrow at the closest creature.

2019-06-02, 12:31 PM
The robed figure and his octopus has disappeared beneath the water.

The nearest foes are the rock spitters at i9 and i8.

Accounting for height, they are about 35 ft away.

Roll your attacks.

2019-06-02, 01:47 PM
Reflex [roll0] This is gonna hurt.
Kiyoko takes the full 20 damage from the breath weapon. Being attacked from above, still covered in fishing gear, and distracted by the book (Nutritional information?), she wasn't able to move out of the way.

While she was thankful for being moved back to the shore, she was not happy about being attacked from behind. She would help her new friend, but she was asked to look after the two unconscious bodies next to her. So she'll do it. She feels a little vulnerable without her staff, so she casts a defensive spell to help fortify her: "Protection from Evil!"

Finally, a chance to get out of the mind control. And this time I'll remember my Still Mind.
Will [roll0]

Kiyoko 21/41hp, new AC 21/15/18, New CMD 20, Spell points 10/10 | 24/25

2019-06-03, 03:43 AM
Zander, not liking his odds in a tentacle's grasp, shifts away slightly on the back of the snake. "The nerve!"

He then, again, conjures more fog.

(Teleporting 5 feet back onto the mount with Abrupt Jaunt, targetting the boss and any surviving undazed gobbos with the mist)

Dazing Consecrated Shaped Enlarged Kelgore's Grave Mist:

[roll0] damage, half cold, half unstoppable holy (no SR)

DC 18 save or daze for 2 rounds

Hits 4 10ft cubes

Fatigues (SR applies)


Osrik yells out, "Hey, you guys are hurt right? Let me help with that!"

(Readying an action to channel energy right before the big boss goes. Won't use it if nobody responds that they need healing.)

[roll2] healing, +12 for Osrik
Rerolling 1s: [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

Then, the snake smashes the nearby tentacles.

Tail/Tail/Bite: [roll9], [roll10], [roll11]

Damage: [roll12], [roll13], [roll14]

DC 18 daze for the tails on hit.

2019-06-03, 04:19 AM
Let's just say that Snek goes first so we don't have to worry with figuring out if either were grappled or need to make concentration checks.

The 3 tentacles that attacked admidship are severed.

Remaining minions die.

Healing is needed so the channel energy goes off.

Boss takes a hit. [roll0] (will add mod mentally)
stun save [roll1]

Will let Tam, Rat, Natsu go before boss moves again.

2019-06-03, 04:43 AM
Boss is dazed.
Everyone take an extra round of actions.
If you are grappled you can take a full round action to slip loose.

The flying octopus is 40 ft up.

2019-06-03, 12:54 PM
the dragon team would attack the two octos that spit rocks at them. Jegan had moved closer to his opponent (i8) now close enough he would do a full round attack using his bite and claws on them. Jiraz would notch an arrow and shoot it at his opponent (i9) with one. they both hoped that they can kill these and move on to next targets as he was sure others might need thier help

Bite- Attack [roll0] / crit- if need [roll1] / damage- [roll2]
Claw- Attack [roll3] / crit- if need [roll4] / damage- [roll5]
Claw- Attack [roll6] / crit- if need [roll7] / damage- [roll8]


range- Attack [roll9] / crit- if need [roll10] / damage- [roll11]

2019-06-03, 03:30 PM
My mistake, I8 was already dead. Redirecting the bow shot to wound I2 .


The dragon man rips about the remaining one on the long dock and his sidekick shoots the one to the east (left of the map).

The others don't like dragonpeople attacking their friends.

Three spit at Jegan.

[roll0], crit? [roll1], dam [roll2]

[roll3], crit? [roll4], dam [roll5]

[roll6], crit? [roll7], dam [roll8]

Three spit at Jiraz.

[roll9], crit? [roll10], dam [roll11]

[roll12], crit? [roll13], dam [roll14]

[roll15], crit? [roll16], dam [roll17]

players may go again.

2019-06-03, 07:41 PM
Still in hiding, Deku directs his spirit scimitar to attack the octorok at I9 while he shoots at the one at I18.

Spiritual weapon attack on octorok (I9): [roll0]

Spiritual weapon damage on octorok (I9): [roll1]

Bow attack on octorok (I18): [roll2]

Arrow damage on octorok (I18): [roll3]

HP: 31/40

Spiritual Weapon (2 rounds)

Judgement (Active)

Condition: Prone

Move Action: Redirect Spiritual Weapon to attack octorok (I9)

Standard Action: Bow attack on octorok (I18)

2019-06-03, 09:01 PM
(I9 is dead, so applying flying sword attacks to I19.)

The magic sword flies across the dock and slashes the new target, wounding it.

Deku skewers another (i18) to death with an arrow.

(I moved the tokens on the map.)

2019-06-03, 09:11 PM
OOC: @jakarta do you meant I20 or E19? You kind of enlarge the map which make all the pieces out of position that I have to fix that.

2019-06-03, 09:13 PM
The dragon team having gotten rid of one and goes to continue to aid the others. The creatures with defeat their attack would harmlessly do nothing as they dragon scaled body just watches as the spit rocks bounce off doing nothing but be an annoyance to the dragon team. Jiraz would fire another arrow at the octo at I2. Jegan finishing off his opponent would move through the air towards the far dock (d18) to face the octo their.

2019-06-03, 10:15 PM
Tam, 21/45 hp ; Miss Chief, 24/32 hp

Tam wriggles in the suckered grasp of two massive tentacles, laying into the freakish creature (arguably even moreso than himself) with everything he can muster. Miss Chief slips free while the beast is stunned and fires a bolt right at its heart.

First full attack
primary girallon: [roll0], hit: [roll1] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 1: [roll2], hit: [roll3] plus [roll4] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 2: [roll5], hit: [roll6] plus [roll7] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary tailslap: [roll8], hit: [roll9] plus [roll10] bludgeon and 1 fire
secondary girallon 1: [roll11], hit: [roll12] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 2: [roll13], hit: [roll14] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 3: [roll15], hit: [roll16] pierce/slash and 1 fire

Second full attack
primary girallon: [roll17], hit: [roll18] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 1: [roll19], hit: [roll20] plus [roll21] pierce/slash and 1 fire
primary talon 2: [roll22], hit: [roll23] plus [roll24] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary tailslap: [roll25], hit: [roll26] plus [roll27] bludgeon and 1 fire
secondary girallon 1: [roll28], hit: [roll29] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 2: [roll30], hit: [roll31] pierce/slash and 1 fire
secondary girallon 3: [roll32], hit: [roll33] pierce/slash and 1 fire

Nezumi's crossbow bolt: [roll34], hit: [roll35] magic cold-iron piercing

2019-06-03, 10:53 PM
SHIP: Tam severs the 2 tentacles grasping him, as well as the one grabbing for the Ratgirl.

Give me an INT and a WIS check for Tam, please.

The crossbow shot misses.

The skytopus only has 2 tentacles now.

If there hasn't been a roll for Natsu after I finish my shower I'll roll for her and we can start the next round.


YAS I mean the one showing on i20. It moved to i19 a couple rounds ago, but the map was close enough so I didn't move it. I'm having problems moving the icons on the dock map now. I didn't mean to resize. I just don't know what I'm doing.

NIW18: go ahead and make your attack rolls. In the future, when you narrate your intended actions, go ahead and make any associated rolls. If for some reason the rolls aren't needed or are misdirected I'll fix it in my post.

2019-06-03, 11:22 PM
With the spell finding absolutely nothing wrong with her mind, Kiyoko grabs her nearby staff, and spends a couple rounds patching up the downed swordsmen. She keeps an eye on the other tentacle monsters as well. Just because the one was nice and friendly, doesn't mean the rest aren't still her job.

Grab staff, Lesser Vigor (Fast Healing 1 for 15 rounds) on cat and badger.

Kiyoko 21/41hp, AC 21/15/18, CMD 20, Spell points 10/10 | 22/25
Buffs: Protection from Evil

2019-06-04, 12:56 AM
Tam realizes that fire seems to hurt this thing.

Natsu squirms loose and then wacks the tentacle. [roll0], crit? [roll1], damage [roll2]

2019-06-04, 12:58 AM
Natsu crushes the tentacle. One is left.

Spot checks.

2019-06-04, 03:50 AM
jegan now in front of the octo would attack the octo that's in front of him (d18) with a full round attack and mentally wonders if anyone has soya sauce for the octo's. jiraz would fire another arrow at the otco he was working on (I2).

Bite- [roll0] / crit - if needed [roll1] / damage- [roll2]
claw-[roll3] / crit - if needed [roll4] / damage- [roll5]
claw-[roll6] / crit - if needed [roll7] / damage- [roll8]

range- [roll9] / crit - if needed [roll10] / damage- [roll11] for previos arrow
range- [roll12] / crit - if needed [roll13] / damage- [roll14] arrow this round

2019-06-04, 04:08 AM
That kills both targets.

The remaining retaliate at the closest threats.

Two Spit at Jegan.

[roll0], crit? [roll1], dam [roll2]

[roll3], crit? [roll4], dam [roll5]

Two Skit at Jiraz.

[roll6], crit? [roll7], dam [roll8]

[roll9], crit? [roll10], dam [roll11]

The wounds on Cat and Badgerboy begin to heal, but they probably won't recover until the skirmish is over.

2019-06-04, 04:24 AM
Deku's spirit scimitar continues its assault on its target. The anthro raven stands, shoots the one at I19 (if not dead) or H22 (if the one at I19 is dead) then falls back into hiding again.

Spiritual weapon attack on octorok (I19): [roll0]

Spiritual weapon damage on octorok (I19): [roll1]

Bow attack on octorok (I19) or (H22): [roll2]

Arrow damage on octorok (I19) or (H22): [roll3]

HP: 31/40

Spiritual Weapon (1 round; disappears at the end of this round)

Judgement (Active)

Condition: Prone (+4 AC vs ranged attack, -4 on melee/ranged attacks & -4 AC vs melee attacks. Current AC: 23 vs ranged attacks)

Move Action: Stand Up

Standard Action: Bow attack on octorok (I18)

Free Action: Drop Prone

2019-06-04, 04:41 AM
Where ever they are, that kills 2 of them. :smallsmile:

NIW18, care to finish off the last two?

Hellfire, any other healing?

2019-06-04, 02:55 PM
he would go full round attack to the otco (e19) his sidekick would fly and move into range to use his arrow. once in range he would fire his arrow at the other octo (h22).

Bite- attack- / Crit in needed- [roll1] / damage- [roll]1d8+6
claw- attack- / Crit in needed- [roll3] / damage- [roll]1d8+6
claw- attack- / Crit in needed- [roll5] / damage- [roll]1d8+6

Range- attack- / Crit in needed- [roll7] / damage- [roll]1d8+2[

2019-06-04, 03:17 PM
Jegan shreads his target.

Jiraz shoots his target, but the injury is not fatal.

It shoots back at him.

[roll0] , crit? [roll1], dam [roll2]

2019-06-04, 03:59 PM
Cat and Badger heals. Badger staggers to her feet, looking for cat

2019-06-04, 04:02 PM
She is right under him. They were dumped in the same pile.

Everything smells like octopus.

2019-06-04, 07:25 PM
Deku's spirit scimitar disappears. The anthro raven stands, shoots the one at the remaining enemy at I2 then falls back into hiding again or runs down to heal the cat and badger up to half HP with his touch of healing if it is dead.

Bow attack on octorok (I2)): [roll0]

Arrow damage on octorok (I2): [roll1]

HP: 31/40

Judgement (Active)

Condition: Prone (+4 AC vs ranged attack, -4 on melee/ranged attacks & -4 AC vs melee attacks. Current AC: 23 vs ranged attacks)

Move Action: Stand Up

Standard Action: Bow attack on octorok (I2)

Free Action: Drop Prone (if octorok not dead)

2019-06-04, 10:19 PM
The last one defates into a pile goo.

2019-06-04, 10:24 PM
Seeing that the threats are all dead, Deku runs to the recovering cat and badger to heal them with his touch of healing (6 hp/round til 1/2 HP) and let the remaining recovery magic casted by the kitsune work its magic. He studies the goo afterwards to identify what monster they fought.

Knowledge (Planes): [roll0]

Knowledge (Dungeoneering): [roll1]

Knowledge (Nature): [roll2]

2019-06-04, 10:36 PM
It's an octorok. Usually native to Hylia. You find a green crystal.

2019-06-04, 10:52 PM
Seeing as how the creatures are all gone, Kiyoko hits herself with a healing spell as well, before beginning to remove the fishing gear that was still hanging on her. "Anyone else hurt enough to need healing?" She also throws a couple prestidigitation spells on herself, both to dry her and her clothes, and to get rid of the stench.

2019-06-05, 02:13 AM
The ape-dragon-man wipes off octo-goo and a bit of blood before going to quietly confer with his young associate. As they talk, their wounds lessen.

Three separate uses. One for Miss Chief, [roll0], and two for Tam, [roll1] [roll2].

Then he seeks out Natsu. "Your master worked most excellent magics in that battle, I see. He made it much easier to defeat the oddity. Please extend to him my -- our -- thanks." He bows gracefully.

2019-06-05, 04:33 AM
<a lit premature. The boss isn't dead yet. BadgerKnight and Panda get a go, then the Boss.>

Ichor both white and black drip from the damaged tentacles. they writhe about in the sails and rigging.

2019-06-06, 01:18 AM
The tengu turns to Kiyoko.

"Perhaps I will take your offer after I heal these two."

Deku lays a hand on the blind cat swordwoman then her badger companion, life-linking them then cutting off after the slightest of contact after healing them. (+5 HP to Momoku & Anaguma, -10 HP to Deku) then he channels healing everyone in the vicinity.

Channel Energy: [roll0]

Deku looks at himself then at the kitsune.

"Thank for your offer but I am healed enough. Save your spells."

Deku's HP: 38/40

2019-06-06, 01:34 AM
The fishing man is not in the vicinity, and passed his save vs venom. He is probably still running...

As your immediate situation stabilizes, your focus expands.

You notice the bells,... the alarms,...the smoke,...the flondering ships in the distance.

It seems that your front was but a small skirmish in a larger raid.

Your pair of dragonish overfly the area briefly, and find damaged docks, sinking ships, and flameing warehouses. The attackers already withdrawn back into the sea, and the survivors panicking at the sight of dragonish is the sky, they return to your pier.

2019-06-06, 02:22 AM
"Alright, I'm going to save the rest of my magic. You guys can deal with that thing." Zander dusts himself off and hops onto the ship.

Fog daze is for 2 rounds, and it continues taking damage/needing to save, so:


I assume the fatigue doesn't stack to exhausted. The most reasonable interpretation is probably that the fatigue is in the cloud only, but technically it's entirely possible it instead "permanently" fatigues each round.

Osrik climbs atop Snek and grumbles, trailing off, "Lazy arrogant..."

Osrik mounts Snek. Snek uses their 20 ft climb speed to climb up to the boss - if that was less than 20 feet of movement (including 10 ft reach and probably 10 ft of body), it attacks.

[roll1], [roll2]

2019-06-06, 02:30 AM
"Alright, I'm going to save the rest of my magic. You guys can deal with that thing." Zander dusts himself off and hops onto the ship.

Fog daze is for 2 rounds, and it continues taking damage/needing to save, so:


I assume the fatigue doesn't stack to exhausted. The most reasonable interpretation is probably that the fatigue is in the cloud only, but technically it's entirely possible it instead "permanently" fatigues each round.

Save v damage [roll0]
Save v daze [roll1]

Osrik climbs atop Snek and grumbles, trailing off, "Lazy arrogant..."

Osrik mounts Snek. Snek uses their 20 ft climb speed to climb up to the boss - if that was less than 20 feet of movement (including 10 ft reach and probably 10 ft of body), it attacks.

[roll1], [roll2]

Snek manages to grab a drooping tentacle trunk.

2019-06-06, 02:31 AM
It is dazed again.

2019-06-06, 03:00 AM
Take another round of actions.

2019-06-06, 03:58 PM
"Fair enough." Kiyoko says, casting another cantrip to clean herself. Prestidigitation, what can't you do?

2019-06-06, 07:46 PM
8 melds, 8 essentia, 2 binds to crown/feet/hands/totem:
Crystal helm, 2 essentia, +2 resistance to Will vs charm/compulsion, +2 deflection AC
Urskan greaves, 0 essentia, icewalk ; BOUND TO FEET, no further benefit without essentia
Sphinx claws, 2 essentia, +3 competence to Strength checks and Strength skill checks
Girallon arms, 0 essentia, +2 competence to grapple and Climb checks ; BOUND TO TOTEM, four natural weapons at +0 enhancement atk/dmg
Blink shirt, 0 essentia, dimdoor 10' as standard action
Pauldrons of health, 0 essentia, immunity to sickened/naus/disease, Fortitude +0
Dissolving spittle, 2 essentia, may make 30' ranged touch attacks for 3d6 acid
Wormtail belt, 2 essentia, +4 enhancement natural armor

6 melds (one expanded capacity), 4 essentia, 1 bind to crown and 1 bind to totem:
Shedu crown, 1 essentia, immune to bull rush, +1 save vs mind-affecting ; BOUND TO CROWN, telepathy 100'
Kraken mantle, 0 essentia, +8 competence Swim, swim 40' as full-round or 20' as move ; BOUND TO TOTEM, waterbreathing
Sighting gloves, 1 essentia, +2 insight ranged weapon damage
Blink shirt, expanded capacity, 0 essentia, dimdoor 10' as standard action
Kruthik claws, 0 essentia, +4 Hide and Move Silently
Wormtail belt, 2 essentia, +4 enhancement to natural armor

Tam tells his rattish friend, "Don't let it fall on you," and then goes right where the floating tentacle-beast might fall on him. He nimbly scampers up the mast. His cheeks seem to swell for a moment, surrounded by a dim blue light, and he spits a large wad of something vile up at his foe. Miss Chief wisely backs off and reloads her crossbow.

Miss Chief: leave the fall zone and load up.
Tam: use climb speed up the mast, then spit at beastie, [roll0] to hit touch AC, [roll1] acid damage. If a crit threat, [roll2] to add [roll3].

2019-06-06, 09:30 PM
Crit on the dazed creature!

Spit. Sisssszzzzzzel hiiissssssssfoooomkracaBOOOOOOOM!!!!


Reflex save as the giant octopus filled with hydrogen detonates.

2019-06-06, 10:42 PM
Oh, that save is for everyone, though the damage type will be adjusted by distance.

2019-06-07, 01:53 AM
Reflex saves: Tam [roll0], ratling [roll1]

2019-06-07, 05:35 AM
Nat 1. Fortunately, she isn't "where it would fall on her" , and is therefore in the non-lethal zone. she does get knocked into next week, where she finds herself in a hospital bed with all of her exposed fur singed off.

I'll assume everybody fails the save and edit the days of hospital days as needed.

The blast crackes both masts, incinerates the sails, and sends splinters, pullies, flaming remnants of cloth, and scorched calamari across everything and everyone on deck, preceded by a fur (singing singe singeing I'll check the spelling in a bit) "burning off" wave of heat, and followed by a layer of mostly carbonized squid ink. Rat, Natzu, and Raven are knocked down (and probably all out), and are then rained on by more flash fried octopus.

As for those who were "where it would fall on you"...

Tam, Snek, and his rider, Osrik, are engulfed by the fire ball and blasted down, bouncing off the masts and each other, landing on Zander as they crash into the deck. Fortunately, the removable lattice grate covering the hold isn't as stout as the rest of the deck. It, and several bones, breaks on impact, absorbing some of the force.

Directly under the grating are crates of cargo that the crew figured wouldn't be hurt if a little water fell through the grating.
This cargo consists of crates cockery, mostly cheap dinner plates and "China" tea service sets, the white ones with blue patterns featuring roosters and windmills. The crates, and a few organs, burst under the force. The cockery, and several vertabrea, shatters into lacerating fragments, distributing the force. Then, of course, a ton of hot octopus flumps over the plie of shattered dinnerware and adventurers.

Several hours later, the crew are shocked to find them broken, burn, but barely breathing. For in one if the Universe's fits of G[/U]reatly Magnificant Benevolent Synergies, the healing belt work by Tam was deteonated by the blast, and cooked off it's remaining charged, which enteracted with the mist of octopus fragments, which acted as an additional spell component. Octopus, you see, has regenerative qualities much like lizard tail, which can enhance healing spells....

Everybody, due to the discharge of the belt, is stable at no less than -9, and will awaken in the Military Naval Hospital sometime next week.


The remaining crew press every remaining pole and scrap of fabric into service as makeshift sales, and manage to get close enough to port to tow the ship in with row boats.

Entering the port, they discover that this battered ship is the lucky one. Every other ship is capsized, sunk, or burned to the water line. And every docking station but one has been burned or smashed.

The party at the dock are taken into custody and confined under guard at the hospital. After all, three were seen hugging the attacking octophis.... After their identifies are confirmed
And a statement taken from the fishing merchant, the guards are stood down.

The party in the ship are taken to the same facility. After it is discovered that both groups were meant to join on the same mission, all are moved to the same ward.

The coastline becomes militarized.

....(more after dinner)

2019-06-07, 08:02 AM
During the week in the hospital after his group has been detained and released from custody, Deku helped to heal the patients by channeling and casting healing spells on them. For critical injuries, he spent time treating the burns carefully. When he had free time, the tengu tried to identify the green crystals they found on the octoroks.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

2019-06-07, 08:38 AM
It is a green crystal that seems to be of no particular significance. (Ever play A Link to the Past?) Might be worth a gold piece to some one who doesnt know gems.

The authorities fear another assault and mass troops, but the only incident is an attack on the Seaworth orphanage at a small coastal town thought to be not worth attacking. They found 5 orthans arranged in a pentagram around a horse. Their eyes were removed....

There was debat as to what to do, but it was decided to stick to the original plan. The armies are now needed to defend the coast, and the Animal Adventurers, as they now dub you were the most effective force during the raid, though some comparison to roosters and Unsullied was mentioned.

Deku is given a voucher for 5000 gp in consumables (charged items, potions, scrolls, wands, alchemicals, ammonition...)

A second voucher for the same amount is given to whomever wakes up frist from the ship group.

A strange book was found in the wreckage on the deck of the Maru. The exterior and page edges were scorched, but the interior is mostly unharmed. Many of the pages need to be cleaned of octopus in that seeped between the pages. This would probably take weeks.

A military ship, the Reliant is pressed into service and you launch as soon as the healers have everyone on their feet. Their new fur hasn't grown in yet, but the 2 month voyage will provide time for that.

2019-06-07, 08:47 AM
During the week in the hospital after his group has been detained and released from custody, Deku helped to heal the patients by channeling and casting healing spells on them. For critical injuries, he spent time treating the burns carefully. When he had free time, the tengu tried to identify the green crystals they found on the octoroks.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

You have time to examine the rest of the docks.

2019-06-07, 08:49 AM
Deku surveys the dock.

Perception: [roll0]

2019-06-07, 08:55 AM
He finds 3 more green crystals, a red one, and what looks like an hand held cogwork device.

2019-06-07, 09:18 AM
Deku tries to identify the red crystal to see if it is more useful/valuable than the green ones and that it can be used as a power source.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0]

2019-06-07, 09:26 AM
Not that he can tell. No auras.. seems exactly the same as the green ones, other than being red.

2019-06-07, 09:44 AM
OOC: Not sure if he used detect magic. I assumed that you assumed Deku did. If he did, he will try to detect four alignment (chaos, good, law, evil) next.

2019-06-07, 10:11 AM
Some time during the week before the voyage, or during the voyage...no auras on the crystals.

2019-06-07, 03:11 PM
"Still trying to figure out those crystals? I can give a second opinion if you want."

During the downtime, I heal my SAN damage and help with the ability damage.

If Deku accepts my help with the crystals:
Green: Appraise [roll0]
Red: Appraise [roll1]

Know Arcane: [roll2]
red: [roll3]

Know Nature: [roll4]
red: [roll5]

Know Religion: [roll6]
red: [roll7]

And, if none of those work:
Know Mythos: [roll8]
red: [roll9]
I got it, I'm using it

2019-06-07, 04:30 PM
"By all means."

Deku shifts a little to give Kiyoko space to analyze the crystals.

"Note that they are not magical."

2019-06-07, 11:12 PM
Tam comes to his senses long enough to accept kudos for the brave anti-tentacle defense, ask after his companions' health, and notice that his everything hurts. "I have been in worse fights. I'm sure I have, it's just that the explosion harmed my memory, that's why I don't remember any such battles."

After hearing the fate of the other manimal weirdos, Tam returns to sleep for another day or two. But soon enough he's up and hobbling about on crutches. He shops for military supplies, flirts outrageously with two barmaids and one cow, challenges strangers to burping contests in the town square and generally makes an amusing pest of himself. Tam and his protege are both quite fit, so their recovery is quick. Somewhat to the dismay of the townsfolk.

(( Jakarta, is there a limit on what kind of things we can get with those vouchers? ))

2019-06-07, 11:18 PM
(yes, you can get another belt.:smallwink:)
The quartermaster tells you that it is for charged, consumable, and otherwise expendable items.

2019-06-08, 12:10 AM
Mōmoku sighed after she was released with Anaguma, "I don't know why the ended up arresting us as well.. but seems we might need to work on our game of avoiding multiple other attacks.." "I'm sorry, it was my fault I wasn't able to stop the other heads" "No ones fault on that.. I'm not even sure how we ended up living after that."

2019-06-08, 01:33 AM
Is anyone examining the book that was found on the ship?


The crystals are valuable only as a novelty.

They are hamless, ,and harmless) but you might choke on them if you try to swallow them, and might contribute to an obstructed it impacted bowel.

They might be ground up as a component for a spell requiring powdered glass or crystal.

They are not religious items in and of themselves, but might be used in rituals involving crystals.

Charlatan or deluded crystal healing practitioners might employe such crystals in their frauds and useless procedures.

The green crystals have no mythos significance, but the red one can be used to produce the red light needed to summon

Naw....it doesn't work that way.

Sanity heals by die rolls after

(Got to parent for a bit...)

2019-06-08, 11:02 AM
After his first day out of bed, the military assign a gu...err... escort and "drinking buddy" to Tam, as does the Association to Guard the Virtues of Milkmaids, who usually don't worry with the Virtues of cows....

Momoku's and Anaguma find a nice garden to meditate in.

The rest...rest...recovering in the hospital or preparing for the mission.


Sanity heals by die roll after accomplishing something signicant against the dark forces, or while under physiatrist care, or after an extended separation from the mythos. You might,say, be awarded 2d6 sanity for stopping the cult's ritual, or after a couple months of avoiding any mythos interactions.

As for skill checks, right now you have only been slightly exposed. You have learned of the existence of a cult, and enough about it to be disturbed. However, before you can do anything "useful" with the skill, you would need to "hit the books", which might lead to learning some thing and additional sanity loss.

Speaking of which, they did find a book on the ship...


The day you depart on the Reliant, a brown paper wrapped package arrived for you.

You unwrap it to discover a Codex. On the back cover is your name. It seems you are a good source of vitamin A, but you don't know if you should be embarrassed by your fat content.

The personalization inculdes "Sacrificed in your name by "Mr. Tentacles" " and a list.

Julie Rivers age 6
Brandon Flowers age 9
Rob Stonehammer age 23
Maria Exposito age 11
Carlos Inglesia age 4

Charlie the Lame Horse 1265 lbs.

There is a book mark, actually a donation request flyer for the Seaworth Children's Home network, marking a page in the Hymns Appendix.

Ik thu lu eats the little chillll dren
All of the children of the world...

What do you do with your Codex?

2019-06-08, 06:15 PM
Kiyoko checks with the 'ship party', and asks about the book. "We still have a bit of time til we can leave, and I'm getting a bit bored, too much meditation. Anyone know who's book that is that came off the ship with you?"

When I first receive it, I'll stick it in my bag of holding til I can look at it later. Randomly getting a package? Seems suspicious.
When I discover what it actually is, I'm definitely keeping it in the bag of holding when people are around. It doesn't seem like the kind of thing I should be should be seen with.

2019-06-08, 07:52 PM
The Reliant is much larger than the Maru. You are offered individual cabins, though you can pair off if you wish.

2019-06-08, 09:39 PM
Zander wakes up and, as soon as their new quarters are made know to them, makes their way to there to study. Osrik mostly helps with the healing, though they grumble about Zander's habit of shutting themselves in.

Zander: [roll0]
Osrik: [roll1]

2019-06-08, 09:55 PM
Osrik made the save for half of the blast damage. We didn't calculate the falling damage though, so he still had a good bit to recover from, as did Snek.

Will you be buying anything?

2019-06-09, 09:13 AM
Tam: Shopping for the group, what are you buying? Healing belts all around?

Deku: What is going into your basket?


The Codex is oddly organized.

First, it is in Sumarian, with margin and foot notes in Infernal.

Second, it uses a mix of styles, and they change without warning. Some pages don't have spacesbetweenwordsands
ometimesthewordsbreakatthelineedgespunctuationseem sopt

and sometimes the direction of the text changes at the end of each line.

on some page pages the words wrap around the edges of the page and corkscrew inward like a snail shell...and when you read starting at the center the message is different...

other pages are laid out like a grid, and it seems the words can be read in any direction...

Anyone else? any notes? Wish lists for the potion and ammo shop?

2019-06-09, 10:30 PM
The badger and cat continued their walk, back towards where they were suppose to meet up with other people of the party.

2019-06-10, 04:19 AM
(you may still describe actions before the ship leaves and finish shopping)

“The Heist”


-“Flail” the Flind

Ears, Feathers, and Hooves thought this caper up.

Ears and Feathers both used to work together as assistants to an illusionist. The kind of illusionist who doesn’t know any real magic and only makes it appear like he is sawing women in half and escaping form locked crates before getting smashed. A locked crate just like this one.

Feathers and Hooves used to work together in the shipping and postal industries. They know how all this stuff with the shipping labels work. We don’t even have to carry anything away. Just swap the labels and the stuff will be delivered to our fence.

So that’s what we’re doing, me and “Axe”. We’re sitting in this dark box. We got delivered to this warehouse. Been sitting in here a few days. Just a bit longer, the magic alarm clock will go off to tell us that it’s after midnight, then we pull the peg that keeps the trick box closed.

This trick box folds open and flat in an instant when you pull the peg. And it comes apart easy, so we just scatter the parts around the warehouse and anyone who sees them just thinks they’re extra crate lids. Just got to remember to take the shipping label off the crate we’re in. That is on the list. Follow the list and we’re good!

Then we just find the crates with the goods, and the crates with the dummy shipments, swap the shipping labels, leave via the window, and we are golden. Even if we set off an alarm, we’ll be long gone by the time anyone responds, and they won’t find anything missing, so they won’t even know to look for us.

They’ll deliver the goods to us, and they’ll be fenced before the dummy goods get across the sea. This is a perfect crime. Lucky for us that Ears and the others needed “experience, expert operators” like us to pull it off for them. Cut us in for an easy 20%.

Oh, there it is. The glow and the cricket chirps of the alarm.

It is go time.

“Ready Axe? Yeah? Good! Let’s do this!”

Pull the peg.

Box opens perfect!

Uh oh….

First, it is day light. Not night time. Did ears forget time zones, or daylight savings, or get AM and PM mixed up?

Second, it is day light, as in sun light. This isn’t a warehouse. Oh, it used to be. Looks like it burned to the foundation and has been swept up already. The dummy shipment is stacked up right next to us there. But it is the only stack of crates here. Outside. Under a clear blue sky. In the daytime sunlight. Where all of them can see us.

Third. Them. The completely surrounding them. The constables, town guards, Port Authority Police, Wells Fargo Security, chubby NCIS agent, Coast Guard, and a few hundred of every other branch of the military services..….in our immediate proximity and packed along every possible avenue of escape.





Most are watching that ship over there, but some are looking right at us.

Wait. That isn’t the smug smile of a copper how knows he’s got you cornered and red handed.

That is the smile of surprised but genuinely happy to see you. Joy even. They all develop that smile when they notice us. And now a lot of them have noticed us. And are joy smiling… it is almost creepy!

Those aren’t hands reaching to catch, subdue, beat, handcuff, and incarcerate. Those are reaching to shake hands, backslap, applaud, and usher ‘right this way, friend!’

So, we’re walking down the street here ushered by a friendly mob of cops and troops, and civilians are handing us flowers and packages of food and are all happy to see us… this isn’t the usual reception for Hyena-kin!

Looking back, Axe is carrying an enormous fruit basket and various other goodies with both hands…and a marine is carrying his axe for him… shrug what ever.

Oh, they are taking us to the ship. Past a bunch of mages. Ok, so casting prestidigitation without permission is rude, but hey, we were in that box for a while and were a bit ripe and now we don’t stink any more, so ok.

Oh, dignitaries! Did I just shake hands with the Mayor? Was that a Prince?

Oh, um, thanks for the back pack.

At the gangplank now. Where a red headed human girl and a short for a halfling bald guy are arguing with a soldier of some type about wanting to get on the ship.

Oh, up the gang plank we go, the gang plank lined with armed troops, with the whole port’s worth of troops and cops behind us so we have no where else to go.

Welcome aboard. Oh thank you. Glad to be here! …. Where is here I wonder…

Oh, there is a fox lady, and a cat lady, and a badger lady, and a little badger dude and a …blue…red… panda guy…and a crow guy…and some scaly dudes and others…. Ah! They think we’re with them! Is this a circus ship doing a military tour? A military ship transporting a sideshow? Some of these folks looks like they were in a fire and will need a while for new fur to grow in.

Oh, hey, that tiny halfling dude is getting really feisty with the gangplank guard. And that redhead has a ridiculously oversized hammer.

“We don’t need you Shrimp! Be gone with ya, before I punt ya!”

“Shrimp! Punt! I am going aboard this ship!”

The halfling’s nose and ears enlarge and unfold as his skin greys and fangs grow.
No, not fangs. Tusks. And the guard is now craning his neck to look up at the now 13 ft tall no longer halfling but bipedal elephant.

Everyone is dead silent. Seconds pass as elephant glowers down at guard.

The guard swallows. Snaps to attention saluting.

“Yes Sir, Mr. Jumbo, Sir.”

The guard snaps to the side and aside face, arm extended up the gangplank. All the other guards copy the gesture.

The crowd breathes and resumes cheering as the elephant strides up the gangplank. If he didn't like the Jumbo crack is isn't letting one. He comes to a stop at the top. The Officer looking guy stands there confused, facing the elephant.

The redhead sticks her head from behind the elephant. “Permission to come aboard?”

“Um, Granted. Welcome aboard.” Goes the officer. The elephant and the redhead board and come over to stand next to us.

A different officer with a clipboard looks at the elephant, at his clipboard, then runs to the side of the ship. He yells down at someone below. “YOU THERE! WE’LL BE HAVING THOSE NUTS! AND EVERYTHING ELSE THERE! LOAD IT UP QUICK.”

The mages pitch in with the cranes and with unbelievable speed they load a crate of walnuts, a crate of peanuts, 5 crates of ‘whatever’ vegetables, and a wagon load of cabbage still in the wagon.

“Sir, we don’t have room in the hold..”
“Nail it to the Deck, Cover with oilcloth. We are leaving now.” Cuts off the apparent quarter master.

Click, click, click, clan’uk!
“Anchor secure, Captain.”

“Very good. Set sails, cast off lines. Number One, You may signal the Mages when ready.” Goes the guy in the really big hat.

Now? Ready? Hey…Oh, the gangplank is already gone.

Who is the first officer waving his hat at?

Oh, about 20 mages. Blue and white robes. Water and air mages. All casting together now…

A surge of wind and water carries the ship right off the dock and across the harbor, gathering speed as it makes for open water….

Were are we going?

Thus, Flail the Flind, Axe the Gnoll, Tori the halfling were-elephant, and his human daughter Terka the Barbarian join the party.

2019-06-10, 05:28 AM
"Ridiculous dimwit! You would think that they would accept whatever help they could get! It is not as if we were expecting compensation." The large elephant man shakes his head in disgust, a trumpety snort blowing through his trunk. "You know very well Father that people don't take an unarmed Halfling seriously. You should carry a rapier or the like so you at least look capable of harming more than a fly." The red headed woman pats the Were Elephant's arm, strangely attempting to calm her father down. Usually it's HIM trying to calm HER down. "BAH! Why should I carry a dinky little piece of metal when my own tusks are as good as any blade? I shouldn't have to be a two ton elephant to get a little respect my dear...." The giant gray brute slowly begins to shrink back down into the well dressed halfing with a shining head. "Well....no matter, we made it on! We should go introduce ourselves to the Animal Adventurers!" "Agreed Father"

2019-06-10, 07:16 AM
"Curses! Another plan ruined!"
"There's been a change of plans, mum."
"What? Are you behind this?"
"They paid up front, mum. These people need the help."
"Bah! I expect to be paid at the end of it, too! Now what kind of therapy session did you sign me up for this time?"
"An expedition to the southern continent..."
"Ooh, the tentacle place? Could be fun!"
"Oh whatever you prude." The massive hyena in leathers with a pair of scourges at it's waist turned to the rest of the ship. "All hail Flail Flind! And my sidekick, Axe boy!"
The smaller gnoll, with chain, a shield, and some reversed sickle sword/axe thing, facepalmed. "...Its a Khopesh..."

2019-06-10, 07:37 AM
Given extra funds for the journey, Deku is certain what he wants and certain that it is unfair to hog all of them. Telling the others that he is going to the market, he asks whether they have any requests. After that is done, he goes to the market and begins to shop.

2019-06-10, 01:34 PM
Leaning on the handrail of the ship, Kiyoko enjoys the cool sea breeze before they set out. She needed a break from studying the books, and just adding the new spells to her prayerbook wasn't enough. Seeing some new people joining the expedition, she goes to introduce herself...

"...nd of therapy session did you sign me up for this time?"
"An expedition to the southern continent..."
"Ooh, the tentacle place? Could be fun!"

... and promptly turns around. The shrine maiden is having enough difficulty with all the tentacle dreams going around, compounded by the recent events and research. She doesn't need someone looking forward to it to make it worse. She walks away, blushing heavily.

After a couple minutes of cooling off, Kiyoko notices another pair conversing on the deck. Hoping they aren't as colorful as the last one, she goes and begins to introduces herself. "Hello, I'm Kiyoko, part of the main expedition to the southern continent."

2019-06-11, 01:56 PM
The fox lady approaches the Elephant halfling and his lass.

(feel free to post about events in port, shopping, time spent at sea, introductions. The rest of the week will be a bit rushed for me as it is the end of the school year her. For the new people, I'm a High School English/Biology teacher, so if I sometimes come off as pedantic...)

The Voyage goes smoothly. Almost too smoothly. It is as though the clouds are as scared to come out as the birds and fish.

The quartermaster's fears of suddenly having to feed an elephant turn out to have been overwrought. It turns out that Were Elephants only need elephant sized meals 3 nights a month. So, after learning this, everyone is fed extra vegetables before they can spoil, and the walnuts and peanuts become a casual treat for the crew, and you, to snack on as you please.

Unlike the crew of the previous ship, the chef and cook here ask you want you usually eat, and then try to provide that for you. Though if you really want a bag of oats, they will let you have one.

The crew, and the officers, don't really know what to do with you. (That will depend on how/if you interact with them.)

The captain invites you in turn to dine at the captain's table, and makes polite conversation. Jellico doesn't know if he should be annoyed that they are sending you instead of a team of human rangers, but doesn't seem to begrudge any of you personally.

The ships armorer and fletcher take measurements of your gear. They will provide mundane arrows and bolts, as well as simple bows and crossbows if requested.

The quartermaster also informs you that there is a crate of 'junk' that has been provided for your group.

In the crate is a random assortment of 'gear'. Any of you may take items or leave them on the ship. After you inventory it, you have:

Mithral plate +2, resizes to wearer.
Small Bag of Spices (25 gp),
Ceramic Holy Symbol (of a Goddess of Healing) (25 gp),
Fine Cloth Vest threaded with Bronze (25 gp),
Ceramic Urn (25 gp),
Copper Cloth Gloves (25 gp),
Polished Stone Rod (25 gp),
Potion of Speed
Periapt of Health,
Potion of Diminution ,
Potion of Superior Healing
Silver holy symbol of Thor
Masterwork Composite Longbow (+4 Str bonus) (800 gp)
Masterwork Composite Shortbow (375 gp)
Masterwork Composite Shortbow (+1 Str bonus) (450 gp)
Masterwork Sai (301 gp)
Masterwork Shortsword (310 gp)
Masterwork lyre
Oil of Magic Weapon (cr, 50 gp)
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (cr, 50 gp)
Potion of Hide from Undead (cr, 50 gp)
Potion of Protection from Evil (cr, 50 gp)
Potion of Protection from Good (cr, 50 gp)
Scroll of Bless (cr, 25 gp)
Scroll of Burning Hands (cr, 25 gp)
Scroll of Diagnose Disease (um, 25 gp)
Scroll of Obscuring Mist (cr, 25 gp)
Scroll of Sanctuary (cr, 25 gp)

Bag of Chalk (1 sp, 1/2 lb)
9 x Bag of Iron Nails
Bottle of Honey (4 sp, 4 lb)
Bottle of Vinegar (1 sp, 4 lb)
36 x Flint and Steel (1 gp)
Mortar and Pestle
Small Cask of Wax (2 sp, 5 lb)
Tent (10 gp, 20 lb)
Tiny Lead Box (1 gp, 5 lb)
14 x Wood Axe (5 gp, 8 lb)
potion of invisibility
6 +1 javelin
6 regular javelin
+1 leather helm
+1 halberd
12 darts (like a javelin, but fletched)
potion of resistance
12 +3 darts
scroll of dominate
scroll of fear
ring of stealth (+4)
scroll of teleport
potion of levitation
boots of escape (+5 ft movement speed)
cap of endurance (orioles)(+3 hp)
Dexterous gloves (+1 to hit)
scroll of blink
potion of speed (+5 ft movement for an hour)

2019-06-11, 05:35 PM
Now what kind of therapy session did you sign me up for this time?"
"An expedition to the southern continent..."
"Ooh, the tentacle place? Could be fun!"
"Oh whatever you prude."

Tori tilts his head slightly after hearing this while Terk just shakes her head slightly. "Fun? What would be fun about evil tentacles?""Don't worry about it Father" Terk then notices the fox lady quickly turn away, the blush on her face evident. Smiling, Terk walks over. "Hi there, my name is Terk. Please tell me that we're not just working with them." She gestures her head towards the two gnolls, of whom Tori is now approaching. "Excuse me, exactly what is fun about covorting with dark forces? How is that....appealing in any way?"

2019-06-11, 05:50 PM
(gm clarification: the flind is talking to himself. Like Norman from Hichcock's Bates Hotel. Psycho. He. May have meant it as an internal dialogue)

2019-06-11, 07:28 PM
(It's meant as witty banter between a crazy leader and a long suffering follower.)

2019-06-11, 07:39 PM
She gestures her head towards the two gnolls, of whom Tori is now approaching. "Excuse me, exactly what is fun about covorting with dark forces? How is that....appealing in any way?"

"Pay her no mind, she isnt stable at the best of times," said the smaller hyena, the one with chainmail and shield.
The larger gnoll, wearing leathers that have lots of pockets and sheaths, with multiple flails and bolas hanging and making a clatter whenever it moves, cackles. "Dark forces? Sounds like a family reunion! Remember old Draj the ritualist?"
"Mum, they dont need to know..."
"Now THERE was a DARK one! Like a child of the Demon Lord Yeenoghu himself!"
"Mum, we need to work with these people..."
"I'm ANSWERING a QUESTION, buddy. Honestly, children have no respect for their elders anymore."

2019-06-11, 08:32 PM
(oh, I didn't pick up the Flind was female. It does sorta make sense given hyena pack structure. I just thought he) was crazy and talking to an invisible mother. Can you please use different color text for each character?)

2019-06-12, 02:19 AM
Zander meanders out to see what's made such a ruckus, then shrugs. Osrik looks at him, and says, "You're not going to introduce yourself?" Zander shrugs and retreats back to his quarters, prompting Osrik to roll his eyes and walk forward. "Well, that was Zander, I'm Osrik, and this is our snake Snek. I'm a healer and general clerical practitioner, he's a metamagic researcher, and Snek is just very good at hitting things until they die. If you need any of us, Snek and I will be around, and he'll be hiding."

Gonna buy a bunch more scrolls, I'll update my list. Also maybe some alchemical goods and/or other consumables - maybe a wand of Wieldskill.

2019-06-12, 02:24 AM
Zander is a red panda, with blue fur.
Osrik is a halfling sized badger.
Both are recovering from terrible Burns and their fur hasn't grown back in yet.

2019-06-12, 10:32 AM
The Dragon team will just at the moment sit cross-legged and will wait till everyone else done before they do as dragons do hoard treasure from the random loot between them. The would look out both wondering where these octopus themed monsters seemed to be coming into existence from. Jegan thought he really needed to find more soya sauce before next fight with them as they taste like eating rubber. jiraz would look to his master and mentor and in dragonic " master jegan where are these monstrosities coming for and why now" he asked out of curiosity. jegan would then and try to draw knowledge of planes to recoil if he remembers and creatures like these before.

knowledge planes to see if he has knowledge of knowing or seeing the octo creatures in other planes [roll0]

2019-06-12, 11:55 AM
While cooling off, Kiyoko decides to try another angle for the book (not the codex), this time with magic assistance.

prepared spells changed slightly during the ship voyage, replaced Omen of Peril and Lesser Vigor for Improvisation and Tears to Wine

cast Tears to Wine on a mug of water, drink (+2 enhancement to int/wis skills)

Linguistics to Decipher Script per page:
1d20+12 if failed: dc 5 wisdom, rolled secretly by DM

2019-06-12, 08:07 PM
"Well, that was Zander, I'm Osrik, and this is our snake Snek. I'm a healer and general clerical practitioner, he's a metamagic researcher, and Snek is just very good at hitting things until they die. If you need any of us, Snek and I will be around, and he'll be hiding."

The smaller hyena stepped foreward and offered a paw. "Mum and I are bodyguards, mageslayers, anti-skirmishers. We're really good at making things regret ignoring us. That should make things easy for the rest of you, but we'll probably need the majority of your services."

2019-06-12, 08:53 PM
Tam scampers down from the ship's rigging to join in the introductions. "Eyyo. I'm Tam Fu Liree, and I swing souls at bad creatures until they die. The bad creatures, not the souls. I also make a mean pot pie. Flail Flind? And you mentioned a willworker named Draj? You wouldn't happen to be the daughter of Flindbar the Barbarian King, wouldja? Oh, and that's my protege over there, Miss Chief." He points at a nezumi who is facing away but has rotated her ears to listen more closely to the hubbub.

2019-06-13, 12:35 AM
The Dragon team will just at the moment sit cross-legged and will wait till everyone else done before they do as dragons do hoard treasure from the random loot between them. The would look out both wondering where these octopus themed monsters seemed to be coming into existence from. Jegan thought he really needed to find more soya sauce before next fight with them as they taste like eating rubber. jiraz would look to his master and mentor and in dragonic " master jegan where are these monstrosities coming for and why now" he asked out of curiosity. jegan would then and try to draw knowledge of planes to recoil if he remembers and creatures like these before.

knowledge planes to see if he has knowledge of knowing or seeing the octo creatures in other planes [roll0]

Jegan knows that

Resembling 🐙 octopoids and squid, or that have tentacles are common to many planes, except for the Plane without shrimp.

The ones you were fighting seemed native to your plane.

Sometimes if there is a planer alignment, similar creatures from different planes may influence each other...

2019-06-13, 12:37 AM
While cooling off, Kiyoko decides to try another angle for the book (not the codex), this time with magic assistance.

prepared spells changed slightly during the ship voyage, replaced Omen of Peril and Lesser Vigor for Improvisation and Tears to Wine

cast Tears to Wine on a mug of water, drink (+2 enhancement to int/wis skills)

Linguistics to Decipher Script per page:
1d20+12 if failed: dc 5 wisdom, rolled secretly by DM

How many pages are you trying to read? There are [roll0] pages.

2019-06-13, 05:20 AM
Tam scampers down from the ship's rigging to join in the introductions. "Eyyo. I'm Tam Fu Liree, and I swing souls at bad creatures until they die. The bad creatures, not the souls. I also make a mean pot pie. Flail Flind? And you mentioned a willworker named Draj? You wouldn't happen to be the daughter of Flindbar the Barbarian King, wouldja? Oh, and that's my protege over there, Miss Chief." He points at a nezumi who is facing away but has rotated her ears to listen more closely to the hubbub.

"Great granddaughter, on my grandfather's side," crowed FF. "Of the third Flindbar King, long may she feast on those taken by the Demon Lord. You civilized races always judge our lives by your own, and miss how quickly reins change in the Outlands."

"She heard a story once," sighed the smaller hyena. "She does this every time."

2019-06-13, 10:29 AM
Weeks pass aboard the Reliant.

You grow accustomed to sleeping on the rocking vessel, but still some times you have disturbed dreams.


Works on the recovered book. (Before we get into spell effects, let me describe it.)

Cleaning the 🐙 octopus ink off the pages is laborious,and stains your hands black. It takes hours to clean a page, and even then, some of the words are unrecoverable. The book, or maybe the octopus ink, seems resistant to cleaning spells.

You discover that you really have 2 books here. Someone was recycling. There is an older text that has been whiped away, but the stains of the old ink are still mostly visible. The new text was written in a translucent reddish yellow ink. With close examination you can make out both texts. However, some times you must guess at overwritten or destroyed characters. The

The new text is in a mix of abyssal and dragonic. It seems to be describing communion with other planes, cocktail recipes, and a spell casting system. (Roll 2d6 + 6, note as POW)

The older text is in a mix of ancient elvish script and frost giant runes. It seems to be a poorly updated and organized personal log with many scribbles squeezed into spaces between other entries, stories that stop suddenly and pick up again on other pages, and several things partially crossed out and corrected. It looks like a travel log mixed with the notes of an apprentice priest or mage, with some giant drinking songs and cookie recipes. And their are notes on some type of spell casting system...(roll 6 + 2d6, note as MAG)

You can only clean about 1 page a day.

And you are starting to dream about cleaning pages and how good a spa day would feel...

Of an avatar of Bahamet fighting a dragon in a damp cave.

J and J the dragonish
A terrible purple sword relentlessly chasing you.

Osrik in his dreams an 👼 angle offering a mighty sword.

Flail and Axe the yapping of a strange pack.do they want to play, or fight?

Tori of a black cloud calling you to a ruined fortress

Momoku and her squire of cold, wet, slimy embraces...and then a good shiatsu session...

Deku weird chickens in his sleep

Terka really wants to go to a salon. Every night. New hairdo dream.

Ratta about sausages with eyes

Zander is somehow stuck in a night school learning to read Sumarian.

And everyone is dreaming of Drums.

2019-06-13, 02:46 PM
Weeks pass aboard the Reliant.

You grow accustomed to sleeping on the rocking vessel, but still some times you have disturbed dreams.


Works on the recovered book. (Before we get into spell effects, let me describe it.)

Cleaning the 🐙 octopus ink off the pages is laborious,and stains your hands black. It takes hours to clean a page, and even then, some of the words are unrecoverable. The book, or maybe the octopus ink, seems resistant to cleaning spells.

You discover that you really have 2 books here. Someone was recycling. There is an older text that has been whiped away, but the stains of the old ink are still mostly visible. The new text was written in a translucent reddish yellow ink. With close examination you can make out both texts. However, some times you must guess at overwritten or destroyed characters. The

The new text is in a mix of abyssal and dragonic. It seems to be describing communion with other planes, cocktail recipes, and a spell casting system. (Roll 2d6 + 6, note as POW)

The older text is in a mix of ancient elvish script and frost giant runes. It seems to be a poorly updated and organized personal log with many scribbles squeezed into spaces between other entries, stories that stop suddenly and pick up again on other pages, and several things partially crossed out and corrected. It looks like a travel log mixed with the notes of an apprentice priest or mage, with some giant drinking songs and cookie recipes. And their are notes on some type of spell casting system...(roll 6 + 2d6, note as MAG)

You can only clean about 1 page a day.

And you are starting to dream about cleaning pages and how good a spa day would feel...

And everyone is dreaming of Drums.

Was only aiming at 1-2 pages for the time, before going back and socializing. Oh well.
More spellcasting? As if 2 prepared lists weren't enough :smalltongue:
I see I'm gonna need more Linguistics ranks. And maybe craft(cooking)

POW [roll0]
MAG [roll1]

2019-06-13, 04:10 PM
Weeks pass aboard the Reliant.

You grow accustomed to sleeping on the rocking vessel, but still some times you have disturbed dreams.
Flail and Axe the yapping of a strange pack.do they want to play, or fight?

The children of Yeenoghu know not the difference between play and battle. Flail flind will playfully set up to kill when she can; Axe is cautius, and will avoid them if possible, fight if pressed.

2019-06-13, 10:11 PM
The seas are quiet. Too quiet. No birds. No fish. No dolphins. You pass far fewer ships than you should be for a trade and postal route.

Near day 45 dark bands of clouds are spotted in the air. They seem to gradually curl to the same direction, a distant destination.

On day 50 Liberia Island is sighted. It is a large island that take about 3 days to walk across. There is a settlement there and the native tribes are friendly. It is a planned stop to take on water. But something, well, a lot of things, are amiss.

The black bands of clouds join others from around the horizon, and they swirl together, seeming to converge at the center of the island.

There are no boats from the settlement, nor from natives, upon the water. Usually they come out to greet arriving ships, or are at least out fishing.

Spyglasses reveal that there are hundreds of dug out canoes and primitive rafts seemingly abandoned on the beaches. These are varied in design and most are not the outrigger types favored by the natives.

There seems to be some activity in the seaside fishing village, but not as much as there normally should be, and certifiably not enough for all the extra canoes. But there is chimney smoke, laundry on lines, and some detectable movement.

Old Maggie, the ship's witch says that "Bad Mojo" is brewing on the Island. From this distance she can't tell if it is worse Mojo than on Austeros proper, or just closer bad Mojo.

2019-06-14, 02:40 AM
The smaller hyena stepped foreward and offered a paw. "Mum and I are bodyguards, mageslayers, anti-skirmishers. We're really good at making things regret ignoring us. That should make things easy for the rest of you, but we'll probably need the majority of your services."

Osrik shakes heartily, though winces when his burns make contact. "Good to hear. We'll get along just fine, as long as you slay the other mages and not mine."

2019-06-14, 03:31 AM
Not the talkative type, Deku enjoys the voyage observing the sea, listening to any conversations and the crewmen manning the mast and the wheel. The hyenas' loud banter behind makes him shifts his head and raises his eyebrow at their craze exchange and as more and more people introduce themselves to each other, he walks to the group and waves.

"Deku. Unless any of you have any emergency needs, I will be right over there."

Deku points to where he originated, walks back his spot, continuing his people and sightseeing.

2019-06-14, 05:00 AM

From the island, the drums go on and on...

2019-06-14, 06:20 AM
Osrik shakes heartily, though winces when his burns make contact. "Good to hear. We'll get along just fine, as long as you slay the other mages and not mine."The small gnoll leaned closer. "It's all the same, really. Big monster gets in their face, they decide they have better places to be, and we go for the hamstrings while their back is turned."


From the island, the drums go on and on...

FF yawned as she rose to the deck. "What's that racket? Can't I get some decent shut-eye around here?"

2019-06-14, 11:00 AM
Tori and Terk look out towards the island. It has been a rather quiet trip for them. It has felt rather awkward and strange being with these new people, and the disturbing dreams they experienced have left them tired and irritable. The strange woman Maggie, who the others have denoted as their ship's witch, denotes the island being 'Bad Mojo' despite the supposed friendliness of the native tribe. "Let's go there then! We've spent enough time on this bloody vessel already, I'm eager to bash something to pieces!' "Calm yourself Terk, we can't just rush in without preparing for the unexpected. Though I am in agreement, I feel like it has been too long since I have had a good stretch. And those drums.....I feel we need to investigate"

2019-06-14, 12:14 PM
The captain draws the Animals and his officers around a table on the aft castle. Navigator Savik spreads a map.

"The approaches to the island are all on the south side. The main harbor is roughly in the middle here. That would be the direct approach. Anyone watching from the port would see you coming. There are sea caves 3 miles west of the port, where you might land and hide your boat. You would need to work your way around the cliffs.... On the east if the port, about 5 miles is a lighthouse. We don't know why the light house is there, but there is a beach nearby where you could land."

2019-06-14, 12:19 PM
The first officer adds, " The good news is that we have spotted birds and seals on the Island. So there must be food in the water for them."

Maggie will supply 3 scrolls of message, and 3 of animal messenger. Also, a bag of popcorn.

The air seems charged. Your clothes occasionally Pop, despite the humidity.

2019-06-14, 01:33 PM
Momoku and her squire move to the deck of the ship themselves. "I don't see what the big deal is here. Looks perfectly normal to me. The sound though.." Momoku says standing on the ship as she faces the direction the others are facing. The badger remains silent behind her for now.

2019-06-14, 06:52 PM
Momoku and her squire move to the deck of the ship themselves. "I don't see what the big deal is here. Looks perfectly normal to me. The sound though.." Momoku says standing on the ship as she faces the direction the others are facing. The badger remains silent behind her for now.

Momoku's skin...it feels like little ants are moving at random across it.

Conflicting sensations. The heaviness of tropical summer, and the crackle of a silk robe on a dry winter day.

2019-06-14, 07:54 PM
Deku turns to the first officer while squinting his eyes for a better view and keeping his ears peeled for any unusual sounds.

"Are you certain there is little sign of activities in the village?"

Perception: [roll0]

2019-06-14, 08:29 PM
Kiyoko remains silent, watching the island, and not having anything to add at this time.

2019-06-15, 12:13 AM
"The approaches to the island are all on the south side. The main harbor is roughly in the middle here. That would be the direct approach. Anyone watching from the port would see you coming."

The ratling wonders aloud, "You don't think they already saw the Reliant?" Her mind is mostly focused on smells, though ...

In case there's some invisible monstrosity hanging overhead again, well, the sidekick has Scent ability. Also, does she smell anything unusual around the island? Like, say, ozone?

2019-06-15, 12:30 AM
Burnt bananas.

But burnt bananas aren't that odd for a tropical island.

I could give you a list of faint odors, but they all add up to "typical tropical island".

Is anyone trying other detection abilities?

You are a few miles out, but if someone on the ship can see the island, then someone on the island can see the ship.

2019-06-15, 12:41 AM
Oh, and she doesn't smell "sky octopus" or any other overly fishy or octopussy smell from the air.

2019-06-15, 02:11 AM
OOC: You missed my post somehow.

2019-06-15, 02:31 AM
Deku turns to the first officer while squinting his eyes for a better view and keeping his ears peeled for any unusual sounds.

"Are you certain there is little sign of activities in the village?"

Perception: [roll0]

First Officer Thomas calls up to the Crow's nest, "RO, WHAT DI YOUR ELF EYES SEE?"


Without a glass, a seasoned elven sailor's eyes, or elevation, Deku cannot confirm the observation., But has no reason to doubt it.

2019-06-15, 02:34 AM
OOC: Even with low light vision?

2019-06-15, 02:38 AM
*ding ding....* The ship's bell rings to signal 10 in the morning.

(The "elf eyes" was a lot joke. Nearly everything else is a Star Trek ref)

2019-06-15, 02:46 AM
OOC: He has "elf eyes" though. Unless you are meaning that his roll in general failed.

2019-06-15, 03:08 AM
(Hopefully not in his pocket...:smallwink:)

Thomas asks Deku, "Do you want to take your dog along?"

2019-06-15, 05:10 AM
OOC: We are going off tangent here. What I mean is "low light vision" literally instead of meme/reference. I am not sure whether the roll or the vision failed. Instead of making it complicated, can you give me a clear answer?

2019-06-15, 06:14 AM
(yes, I know he has low light vision. It doesn't matter because it is daytime and they are out doors and lowlight only means seeing twice as well as a human in dim light. There isn't anything to spot here, but some paranoia is healthy for pcs...

Since the only party members without low light vision are the Human Terka, and the Blind Monoku (who has limited blind sense) I'm usually not going to mention lighting conditions unless darkvision is a factor)

The cooks bring up bowls of stew (with walnuts and peanuts), and a snack of peanut butter on crackers with a side of roasted peanuts for your dinner later. The quarter master gives each of you 3 days of prepackaged rations and a day and a half worth of water.

"Where do you want to set ashore?"

(Sea Caves, Docks, or Light house. First 3 players who agree decides)

2019-06-15, 06:25 AM
As everyone preps to go to shore, Terk pulls Tori into the storage area. "Come on Father, I think I saw something in here that could be useful to you." "What are you on about Terk? Can't you see we are about to land?" Going into the chests, Terk eventually finds and pulls out a set of Mithral Plate Armor. "Here it is! This would be perfect for you Father, I remember the captain saying there was some armor that magically resizes to its wearer in the storage. You'd be able to wear this in both of your forms!" "Bah! My hide is already incredibly thick during battle, I don't need this weighing me down." Tori says stubbornly. Looking at Terk's hurt expression however, the small halfling man sighs. ".....Help me put it on" Suddenly happy that she got her way, Terk helps her father don the armor. He feels clumsy in the plate, unused to the feeling of such protection, but knows he will be able to make the best of it. The pair go back on deck to prepare to land with thr others.

What type of Plate is the armor, Half or Full? Need to know what stats to add on.

2019-06-15, 06:34 AM
Let's hit the docks first.

2019-06-15, 06:37 AM
(Full, but note weight modification for the special material.)

The Halfling is downright shiny in his new armor.

2019-06-15, 06:41 AM
The cooks, as has become their habit, make sure the Hyena-kin get the marked bowls with the soup bones in them.

"Do ya want a ranged weapon?" asks the quartermaster.

2019-06-15, 06:55 AM
OOC: Ah, should have mention daytime, lol. Maybe he cannot see too far then. That's another probable explanation.

"Perhaps not if we are exploring the docks. Only miles offshore. While you are waiting for our findings, keep him fed. He gets hungry often."

Deku restock his arrows then scanning the ship with his detection spells (magic, law, good, evil, chaos) before joining others in exploring the docks, repeating the same procedure he did on the ship (see detection spells) all the while taking the time to scan the new area with his natural senses.

Perception (Take 20) - 31

Do I need to pay to restock arrows? If yes, he will skip this.

Stuff that Deku always do; detection spells (detect magic, law, chaos, good & evil) upon reaching new area & lead his mount to the nearest place before combat (if it is with him)

2019-06-15, 07:25 AM
The ship doesn't have a magic shop, and Old Maggie is being left intentionally undefined. She is a character of convenience to provide minor plot relevant items like 'scrolls of check in with the ship", and allow the gm to provide magical information, but not otherwise overshadow the party.

The armory will provide 'regular' old arrows to top off quivers, and can make silver arrow heads if you provided them with alchemical grade silver. These are free. If you need to say you bought a few silver arrows (or such) before you left port, you may.

...more later, got to babysit

2019-06-15, 07:49 AM
The cooks, as has become their habit, make sure the Hyena-kin get the marked bowls with the soup bones in them.

"Do ya want a ranged weapon?" asks the quartermaster.

"Bah! Coward's weapons!"
"What about the birds?"
"Cowards, every one of them. Of course I used one." FF patted the trio of bolas on her harness of weapons and useful items.

Axe sighed and turned back to the quartermaster. "If you could make sure you have a few replacements on hand when we get back, it would save us all some screaming."

When the quartermaster asked him, he patted the tomahawks in his belt. "When mum insists on a theme, she becomes unmanageable unless she gets her way." Leaning foreward, he murmurs, "But if someone happens to be carrying a bow they cant use, I am a decent shot."

2019-06-15, 08:07 AM
(OOC: He has the means to imbue his arrows with silver & cold iron so he's good)

2019-06-15, 08:34 AM
For those with detection abilities:
"Bad" Mojo could mean many things.
"Not good aligned"
"Not Lawfully aligned"
"Not neutrally aligned"
"rotted magic gone bad"
"Broken magic working improperly"
"undefinable; not following the usual rules; perhaps not of our system"

This seems to be maybe all of those.

It is as though motes of magic, chaos, and weird are floating in the air and water. Your 'vision' is clouded. Everything detects as magic, chaos, and pineapple flavored grapenuts.

Experimenting with familiar items, those that you know the normal auras of, you find that you can concentrate to get a true reading, but it takes more time and proximity than usual.

Something is definitely wrong on that island.

2019-06-15, 10:11 AM
For the moment, Momoku and her badger companion remain silent on the deck of the ship. No sense in getting worked about things, especially since they couldn't yet be seen, even with people with functional eyes.

2019-06-15, 10:18 AM
Does Monoku or her companion have an opinion on the proper landing zone?

2019-06-15, 10:27 AM
"If we're going to go anywhere, might as well start off in the normal starting place for ships.. "

2019-06-15, 05:44 PM
"Chaotic magic. Island not what it seems. Bad feeling. This should be exciting."

Deku concentrates his detection magic to get a true reading.

2019-06-15, 06:34 PM
"I think we should go to the docks, get a better idea of whats going on at the village, if possible."

2019-06-15, 08:44 PM
to the docks of the port village in the harbor of the bay...

The deck hands help the group to board the launch.

Osrik and Zander ride on Snek.

"Team dragon" start out in the boat, but might fly off later.

It takes a few minutes to coordinate your rowing efforts. A few different arrangements are needed before the strength and rate of the sides are balanced and you start going in more of a straight line than a series of semi circles.

The closer you get to the island, the more charged things feel. Motes of bright and dark drift in the air. There is an almost overbearing sense of anticipation.

Nothing attacks you. There are seagulls around, but they avoid you. You catch glimpses of people hiding in the trees, watching from behind beached boats, and disappearing into warehouse alleys.

At the end of the pier sits a young man. He looks like he spends most of his time sitting here. Sun bleached hair, sun darkened skin, cane pole in hand, torn shorts, and a shirt that is more hole than cloth. He doesn't call out or respond to your greetings. He just watches, seeming more interested in Snek than anything else.


2019-06-15, 08:45 PM
(OOC:Any result from him concentrating his detection spell all the way?)

2019-06-15, 09:08 PM
( only that he figures out that detection abilities are now a chore. Everything detects as choatic, magical, and the scent of an out of tune piccolo playing bluegrass. It takes a few minutes of close examination to determine the true qualities of an item's aura. Getting closer helps as there aren't as the fewer motes between you and the object the less obsured things are.)

The boy watches as you tie up the boat and disembark.

The drums continue...

2019-06-15, 09:12 PM
Deku keeps his eyes and ears sharp for any peculiarity.

Perception (Take 20) - 31

2019-06-15, 11:50 PM
From somewhere deeper in the villiage out of site, Deku hears clucking.

Anyone speaking to the boy? From his looks and demeanor it is hard to guess his age. Somewhere between 15 and 25. Looks like he spends most of his time outdoors.

2019-06-16, 12:05 AM
"Yello!" Tam pipes up. "Catching fish? Or just staying away from the drums?"

2019-06-16, 12:51 AM
He tilts he head and cups an ear towards Tam. His eyes look intently at Tam's lips and his lips quiver for a moment.

2019-06-16, 07:24 AM
The hyenas skirt the local, looking to secure the ramp up to the village.

2019-06-16, 08:54 AM
The gnolls move 60 ft north.

There are warehouses north of the docks.

the One on the east side is heavily damaged by a recent fire.

The one on the west side seems intact.

They hear clucking coming from behind the fire damaged one.

2019-06-16, 09:07 AM
Tori and Terk get off the boat, happy to finally be on solid land despite the sense of dread and chaos in the air. The pair look around to see where they should head first. They see the small child speaking with the one called Tam, as well as the gnolls skulking about. They decide to leave Tam with the boy, too many people approaching at once could scare him off. And wherever the hyenas go, they silently agree that they will go the opposite way.

Tori Perception Check [roll0]
Terk Perception Check [roll1]

If they don't see any more than anyone else, they'll go to the opposite spot that FF and Axe decide to go to.

2019-06-16, 09:26 AM
The tengu tails the hyenas, stopping just some distance behind them. Deku awaits what the group will do. In the mean time, he straps two quivers he retrieve from his haversack. While he is near to the source of clucking, he tries to use his senses to identify the any other noises besides the clucking and whether the clucking is from chickens.

Perception: [roll0]

2019-06-16, 09:45 AM
The fishing boy looks past Tam. [roll0]

2019-06-16, 09:55 AM
Something in the boy's head seems to click.

He quickly sets his pole down and digs into his tackel box.
He pulls out something and unwraps it dropping the oil cloth next to his gear. He steps around Tam and jogs after Terka.

Catching up to her, he opens the small wooden box he is carrying. He takes out a card presents it to Terka.

Smiling, he looks over the group, and then goes around presenting cards to the females, except Flail.

The card reads:


This card good for one free "B" treatment.

Deku: The sounds sound like *Cluck uck* *BaWK-awK*. It sounds like a flock of chickens.

2019-06-16, 10:00 AM
Something in the boy's head seems to click.

He quickly sets his pole down and digs into his tackle box.
He pulls out something and unwraps it dropping the oil cloth next to his gear. He steps around Tam and jogs after Terka.

Catching up to her, he opens the small wooden box he is carrying. He takes out a card presents it to Terka.

Smiling, he looks over the group, and then goes around presenting cards to the females, except Flail.

The card reads:


This card good for one free "B" treatment.

Deku: The sounds sound like *Cluck uck* *BaWK-awK*. It sounds like a flock of chickens.

Tori: spots something small and yellow go behind the intact warehouse.

2019-06-16, 10:18 AM
Tori's eyes pick up the movement of something small and yellow sneak behind the building over there. "There is something over there.....let's go Terk." He moves to go investigate before he sees if she follows.

Terk begins to follow her father when the little boy suddenly runs up to her. Smiling, she greets the child. "How's it going little fella? Can I help you?" Terk takes the card the boy hands to her and reads it. When she sees what is on the card, her face goes white, as though she saw a ghost. It quickly changes to bright red, one can almost hear a vein pop in her forehead. "DO I LOOK LIKE I NEED TO RELAX! AND I ALREADY LOOK BEAUTIFUL! RUDE LITTLE BRAT! GET BACK HERE!" She screams after the boy as he runs to give the other woman cards.

2019-06-16, 10:32 AM
The halfling heads off to go around the intact warehouse.

The redhead angrily cases after the 15-25 year old 'boy'.

He sees her coming, and after tossing his last intended card delivery at Monoku's feet, drops his box near his fishing gear and jumps into the water.

2019-06-16, 02:16 PM
Monoku tilts her head with the badger following after as they disembark. "Something was just thrown at me." she pauses for a moment reaching down to pick it up and sniffs it. It appears to be some sort of card, Monoku The badger says

2019-06-16, 03:02 PM
*splash* the boy goes in the water.

*Bumba Bumba Bumba Bumba* repeats the drums.

The air smells of burnt banana.

The clucking of chickens.

The raving of an angry woman.

These things the cat samurai precieves.

2019-06-16, 07:03 PM
Kiyoko, who was following Terk and Tori and watching the interaction, blinks and asks, "What was that about?"

2019-06-16, 07:34 PM
Monoku hands the card to her badger companion, "Well it looks like everyone else running off on their own there. She approaches Kiyoko "Are you heading out too? Someone seems to be heading towards the clucking sound."

2019-06-16, 07:43 PM
Tori is heading towards the yellow thing he saw, and is going around the front (water facing) side of the intact warehouse.

Deku and the gnolls are in the ramp area, which is a southern extension of the intersection of the road between the two warehouses and the waterfront "street" .

The boy is some where in the water.

Everybody else is on the dock.

2019-06-16, 07:49 PM
Tori proceeds cautiously, focusing on catching up on the yellow blur without letting it know what he can do....yet

"Damn jerk.......you should never insult a lady like that." Terk turns from the water after she loses sight of the boy. Hearing Kiyoko's question, Terk turns to her. "The punk was suggesting that I'm not already beautiful and need to relax. I am the PINNACLE of CALM and RELAXED!" She takes a few deep breathes before continuing. "I'm sorry......I've been having weird dreams, and this card reminded me of them...."

Tori will spend as many rds as necessary to move behind the warehouse. He isn't gonna run but will double move until given a reason not to. 20 ft speed thanks to the armor

2019-06-16, 07:52 PM
All of the "move" 30 and 40 people can easily catch up with the armored halfling.

2019-06-16, 09:06 PM
"Was that as strange as me?" Tam asks Miss Chief, confused by the boy's behavior. "No, master Tam. Not close." "Ah. Well, grab a gaggle of gear and let's get going." The two pick up fairly heavy packs and move toward Tori, who looks to have found something to be curious about. FUN! :smallcool:

2019-06-17, 03:44 AM
Looks like we are in "everyone follow the halfling" formation.

Perspective marching order? The road is 15 ft wide.

2019-06-17, 04:51 AM
Deku sighs before following after Tam and her assistant towards where Terk is heading.

2019-06-17, 05:20 AM
Everyone bunches up behind the halfling.

Spot checks.

2019-06-17, 05:23 AM
Axe: [roll0]
FF: [roll1]

2019-06-17, 06:23 AM
Tori: [roll0]
Terk: [roll1]

2019-06-17, 06:46 AM
Deku: [roll0]

2019-06-17, 06:48 AM
FF, a shadow in one of the windows.

Tori and Terka against the side of the building a bit of white cream. https://www.errenskitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/whipped-cream-e1541428357820.jpgabout 3 inches tall.

The warehouse is about 35 ft tall with windows 30 ft up. There are doors every 30 ft, but they all looked chained up.

2019-06-17, 06:51 AM
Deku: [roll0]

Deku a shadow in one of the windows.

2019-06-17, 10:57 AM
Tam steps in something soft and gooey.

2019-06-17, 03:55 PM
To Monoku, "Last time I went out on my own, I was mentally molested by a tentacle monster. I'll let other people go first for a while."

Perception: [roll0]

2019-06-17, 04:37 PM
Flail Flind glances up at one of the village windows. "Ladies, please, we have an audience!"

2019-06-17, 06:01 PM
Deku points to the door.

"Anyone want to do the honors of knocking or unlocking?"

2019-06-17, 06:25 PM
To Monoku, "Last time I went out on my own, I was mentally molested by a tentacle monster. I'll let other people go first for a while."

Perception: [roll0]

Kikoyu also sees the shadow in the window.

The door is a double door, 15 ft wide. Chains and a padlock secure it.

What Tam stepped in is yellowish and smells like rotten fruit.

2019-06-17, 06:43 PM
Tori approaches the door. "If I may have the honor Deku." His skin suddenly ripples before he enlarges into his Hybrid form. Raising both his meaty fists, he pounds on the door, taking care to avoid any parts that have that disturbing cream on it.

Move Action: Change Shape
Standard Action: Slam Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Delay 1 rd if not next to the door

2019-06-17, 06:47 PM
Tori approaches the door. "If I may have the honor Deku." His skin suddenly ripples before he enlarges into his Hybrid form. Raising both his meaty fists, he pounds on the door, taking care to avoid any parts that have that disturbing cream on it.

Move Action: Change Shape
Standard Action: Slam Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Delay 1 rd if not next to the door

Give me a strength check for Tori.

2019-06-17, 06:51 PM
"Well yes.. that does tend to happen. I believe I was bitten by snakes myself once." she hums a little, "Well if its a door we should be goin.. Thud thud! She jumps a little at meat filled fists hamfisting the door. "Oh we brought a battering ram."

Monoku, I'm not sure we should be here, we don't even know who owns this warehouse

"True enough.. maybe we should go find some place like the city hall or whatever they have here first before we finish breaking in the door."

2019-06-17, 06:59 PM
Whoever's up in the window tosses a bottle at Tori.

Ranged touch [roll0] dam 1 physical and [roll1] fire.