View Full Version : Your Favourite GiantitP Username!

2007-10-05, 07:15 AM
I don't know about anyone else, but on this forum there are people posting with some great user names, a few of which make me laugh every time I see them! I was wondering, does anybody else have a favourite username they've seen on this forum?

Maybe its funny, clever, deep, or just conjures a certain image in your mind, something that makes it memorable.

The 3 I like the best are:

Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick (still makes me laugh every time I see it)
Atreyu the Masked Llama (Coupled with the avatars = comedy gold)
Lord Fullbladder Master of Goblins (This has now become a recurring goblin villain in my latest DnD campaign!)

Anybody else have any favourites?

2007-10-05, 07:51 AM
Lord Fullbladder makes me smile and chuckle every time I see one of his posts.

2007-10-05, 07:53 AM
some of the names wish i could change my name to something funny but I have to many people know me already

2007-10-05, 08:01 AM
Those are some pretty damn spiffing ones. Mine are pretty obvious, really: Cobra Ikari (where art thou?:smallfrown:), Viper something or something Viper, alas, I forget (for that matter, where art thou, also? :smallfrown:). I also liked Scaly Friend, before I realised Rex made it up :smallsigh:

Also, I still read Thes Hunter as The Shunter.

2007-10-05, 08:04 AM
Everybody needs their own Closet Skeleton

2007-10-05, 08:05 AM
Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins is probably the best. Go Fullbladder!

I liked Cobra Ikari too. Where has he gotten to? :smallfrown:

2007-10-05, 08:10 AM
I like Paragon Badger. Not all that funny, but the avatar that goes with it is great :smalltongue:

2007-10-05, 08:29 AM
On the subject of misreading peoples usernames, for the first 3 months I was here I read Supagoof as Sugarpuff, and posted it as that several times over in SMBG.

That was quite embarrassing :smalleek:

2007-10-05, 08:34 AM
Fax Celestis always rolls off the tongue nicely as des Roland St. Jude.

2007-10-05, 08:38 AM
I just love Brickwall. It's a great name. Simple, smooth, short, and yet so filled with layers upon layers of meaning, cemented together with the mortar that is the English language. :smallbiggrin:

I always liked Death's name. He grabbed it before anyone else did. Power to him.

2007-10-05, 08:43 AM
Ms. Elaneous wins the clever word play title, hands down.

Thes Hunter
2007-10-05, 08:45 AM
Also, I still read Thes Hunter as The Shunter.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!1!!!!!!!!!

NOT ! NOT NOT ! The Shunty!!!

2007-10-05, 08:52 AM
Heh heh heheh :smallamused:

2007-10-05, 08:57 AM
Death, your friend the reaper, off course.
And MrEdwardNigma, that one's spiffy too :smallbiggrin:

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-10-05, 08:59 AM
Thanks Banjo!!

I was fond of Combustible Porcupine's name. He had an awesome avi, too.
I like Amiria, Countess of Misspelling, too.

2007-10-05, 09:05 AM
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!1!!!!!!!!!

NOT ! NOT NOT !The Shunty!!!

The Shunter: the little engine that wouldn't. :smallwink:

Also the little engine that stretched the page out of shape. :smallannoyed:

2007-10-05, 09:09 AM
You can't of course go past the impossibility of The Obese Ninja

2007-10-05, 09:22 AM
I used to misread Radikalskippy as Radialskippy.

There are many interesting usernames on here.

2007-10-05, 09:27 AM
I read Supagoof as Sugarpuff, and posted it as that several times over in SMBG.

I used to misread Radikalskippy as Radialskippy.

Interesting. I also made those mistakes.

2007-10-05, 09:55 AM
I used to misread Radikalskippy as Radialskippy.

There are many interesting usernames on here.

OMG, thanks for pointing that out. I was still making that mistake.

Raiser Blade
2007-10-05, 09:57 AM
The shunter? Heh i never thought of that. :smallbiggrin:

I like Shadow and Atreyu.

2007-10-05, 10:09 AM
I used to misread Radikalskippy as Radialskippy.

I did that too, until about a month ago...then he corrected me otherwise I'd probably still be doing it now!

As for names, Almighty Salmons pretty funny too, it's just that random I always remember it and the avatar.

2007-10-05, 10:20 AM
I had no idea my name was cause of so much confusion here... Sorry guys.

2007-10-05, 10:22 AM
I enjoyed Combustible Porcupine with the avatar too.

And Bears with lasers, as the avatar cracked me up.

Shiny is highly amusing, as is Death.

Extra_Crispy is perfect for his back story. Even if I am territorial about phoenixes.

I am sure there are others that I am forgetting.

Da Beast
2007-10-05, 10:22 AM
Death, your friend the reaper is a great name. I also like Almighty Salmon because it reminds me of one of the legendary monsters invented over on the gamefaqs PnP board.

Edit: I forgot about bears with lasers, that one's great two.

2007-10-05, 10:25 AM
What about Were-Sandwich? I had forgotten about him until I saw him post today...

2007-10-05, 10:26 AM
I'm still amused every single time when I read Quezovercoatl.
And I agree with PlatinumJester, both Fax Celestis and Roland St.Jude are really well sounding names.

Almighty Salmon
2007-10-05, 10:26 AM
Thanks Banjo and Brennus!

I've always like Death's username and Lord Fullbladder's.

Atreyu the Masked LLama is also another great one! :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Ooh, and the Vorpal Tribble.

2007-10-05, 10:33 AM
I had no idea my name was cause of so much confusion here... Sorry guys.

Hey don't worry about it, it's not your fault I can't read :smallbiggrin:

It's not as if you just shoved numbers after your name when it was already taken........:smallamused:

2007-10-05, 10:36 AM
I had no idea my name was cause of so much confusion here... Sorry guys. You don't need to be sorry. It's a good name either way.

Quezovercoatl :smallamused:

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-10-05, 10:55 AM
There are quite a few clever ones... but as usual I've forgotten them all :smallsigh:

Captain van der Decken
2007-10-05, 12:05 PM
Atreyu and Fullbladder's names are pretty amusing.

2007-10-05, 12:14 PM
Serpentine. I do not know why.

2007-10-05, 12:43 PM
Roland St. Jude. It just... works

2007-10-05, 12:46 PM
No-one's mentioned phoenix-Thingy yet? So much fun to read out loud!

I also like Ego Slayer for the intriguing concept, and Rex Idiotarum for the clever use of Latin :)

2007-10-05, 12:46 PM
I am sure there are others that I am forgetting.You mean like phoenixbackwards?
That one's always been my personal fav!

Damn! Simued!

Green Bean
2007-10-05, 12:54 PM
Vorpal Tribble just seems to work for me. It's so...descriptive.

2007-10-05, 01:16 PM
I like Vorpal Tribble too. I'm also quite fond of SurlySeraph, Rex Idiotarum, Darius Midnite and Amiria, Countess of Misspelling,

2007-10-05, 01:18 PM
Nexus-R.C. Mina is a perplexing one. I really want to know what is behind that username.

2007-10-05, 03:44 PM
Pretty much everyone who has a comma in their username. Death, your friend the reaper. Amiria, Countess of Mispelling. Shiny, Bearer of the Pokystick. Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins.

Ichneumon and Vorpal Tribble are good.

But my overall favorite has to be phoenixineohp.


Each username is a tiny little picture, a window into a soul...a soul I can exploit. Every username has it's own little part in my plans. I luff them all.

Why does this not surprise me even a little bit? Ha! I'm starting to understand D'anna! I'm starting to understand D'anna! Even chaos as great as his or hers can be categorized, reduced, and understood! Once again, Order prevails! *falls out of chair cackling with maniacally Lawful laughter*

2007-10-05, 03:52 PM
Each username is a tiny little picture, a window into a soul...a soul I can exploit. Every username has it's own little part in my plans. I luff them all.

2007-10-05, 04:02 PM

In fact... where is Baron? i havent seen him for... months...
*looks for Baron*

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-05, 04:06 PM
DoIhaveaname? and who? Because it makes me wonder, does he have a name and who is who?

2007-10-05, 04:10 PM
DoIhaveaname? and who? Because it makes me wonder, does he have a name and who is who?

We can safely assume the answer is no. On both counts.

2007-10-05, 04:19 PM
I think all of the names are great.

... Really amuses me though

And I just got phoenixineohp thanks to this thread.

Whats a phoenixne and why did i have o hp I kept wondering......

Zar Peter
2007-10-05, 05:10 PM
I'm always amused about [Insert neat username here]

Also because he's the founder (or first member) of the "Guy in the fancy cape" fanclub.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2007-10-05, 05:12 PM
So many to name, so little time...

1. The Vorpal Tribble - Every time I see the name, I see Kirk thrust into the world of D&D, facing a fight, and drawing his Vorpal Tribble. :smallbiggrin:
2. Rex Idiotorum - So intriguing is the person behind the name that I was recently tempted to use him in a story idea. "Idiotorum" gave way to a fare more mundane name, but I'm sure it'll come back somewhere along the way. :smallwink:
3. Shiny, Bearer of the Pokey-Stick - Cracked me up the first time I saw the name. I keep seeing a deranged D&D character picking up a stick and declaring it an artifact. Said lunatic then goes about poking people with the stick, perpetually declaring the power the stick grants him. :smallbiggrin:
4. Death, Your Friend the Reaper - The name is not nearly as great as the person behind it. Death is almost always "in character." As a result, his posts are often the source of much needed laughter. :smallsmile:
5. Ego Slayer - I must confess that the very name struck fear in me. I was afraid she would crush my already damaged ego, and would be the kind of person to put someone else down in a split-second. I was pleasantly surprised to find otherwise. :smallsmile:
6. D'anna Beirs - Baffling. Completely baffling. The name is enough to make you scratch your head and ask, "What is this thing?" Then the purely evil thing at the keys perpetuates the confusion with posts that make it clear...that it wants to keep things unclear. :smallconfused:
7. Smellie Hippie - After all the encounters with him on these boards, I don't care what the guy smells like. Even I went old hat and made a "smellie" pun at one point. Once I got over that, I moved on to see a guy whose scent has nothing to do with the man behind the name. :smallsmile:
8. Magtok - Who knew that this newcomer would have such entertaining value. Really, folks...his name went from being "just a name" to "this name is synonimous with 'evil.'" :smallamused:
9 Em Blackleaf - Okay...We have Krimm Blackleaf, which I think would make a GREAT villain name. I mean, I could create an amazing story of his evil deeds across a fantasy globe...and then comes his adorable little sister, and you can't help but wonder if they were somehow seperated as children. He was reared by Vlad the Impaler, and she was reared by every Disney cartoon ever made. He's greatly feared and she's "cuddly-wuddly." Too funny. :smallsmile:

These are just the few that have come to mind at this very moment. I'm missing many, many great names on these boards. I would have to do some searching to find the other great names across the boards, but...well, I just don't want to right now. So :smalltongue: .

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-05, 05:42 PM
Wow, Bor, thanks for feeding my ego some more.
Quick, hide it before the Ego Slayer shows up.

A Rainy Knight
2007-10-05, 05:48 PM
I'm not sure why, but I always liked the names Serpentine, CurlyKitGirl, and Almighty Salmon.

2007-10-05, 05:59 PM
6. D'anna Beirs - Baffling. Completely baffling. The name is enough to make you scratch your head and ask, "What is this thing?" Then the purely evil thing at the keys perpetuates the confusion with posts that make it clear...that it wants to keep things unclear. :smallconfused:

Crap! An imposter! Not only an imposter, a skilled one! He's even managed to almost exactly duplicate my every move. I must keep on the watch with that one...who knows what his antics could do? He might even give me a reputation for, for, what's the word? Kindness! Oh my god, I have to go.

Em Blackleaf
2007-10-05, 06:00 PM
9 Em Blackleaf - Okay...We have Krimm Blackleaf, which I think would make a GREAT villain name. I mean, I could create an amazing story of his evil deeds across a fantasy globe...and then comes his adorable little sister, and you can't help but wonder if they were somehow seperated as children. He was reared by Vlad the Impaler, and she was reared by every Disney cartoon ever made. He's greatly feared and she's "cuddly-wuddly." Too funny. :smallsmile:

*Checks "cuddly-wuddly" off list of words used to describe me*

Krimm just has swords, and I have teddy bears.
It's the toys we were raised on. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-05, 06:01 PM
I wonder what would have happened if it would have been the other way around....

2007-10-05, 06:02 PM
Plush swords and razor-edged teddy bear labels.

Ego Slayer
2007-10-05, 10:16 PM
Another vote for Shiny. Amusing/cute name. ^_^

I also like Azrael, Dhavaer, Vonriel 'cos they just sound nice. And Sophistemon, because it's a merge of "sophos" and "epistemon" and it's just cool like that.

I also have a particular liking for ZombieRockStar. :smalltongue:

Sure I'm missing some. :smallsigh:

2007-10-05, 10:28 PM
Can I vote for Bor, the Barbarian Monk?

And now for some that haven't come to Friendly Banter for who know how long...Mostly Harmless, El Jaspero, the Pirate King, um, I can't really think of any more.

But for some reason, I have always liked The Vorpal Tribble. Somehow the inherent weirdness of a fluffy creature that reproduces so fast that bunnies appear sterile yet can take somebody's head off just always tickles my brain.

2007-10-05, 10:30 PM
Ego Slayer, Roland St. Jude, and my own.

2007-10-05, 10:34 PM
I never realized what phoenixineohp was until I read this thread. I always thought of it as phoenix-amenhotep for some weird reason.:smallconfused:
Some of my favorites are Vorpal Tribble and Bears with lasers.

2007-10-05, 10:55 PM
Serpentine. I do not know why.

I'm not sure why, but I always liked the names Serpentine...
It's because I am. Hssssss :smallwink:
I use it everywhere. Sometimes I get annoyed when I try to join some site, and it says it's taken. Then I try putting my password in, just in case. Then sometimes it works, and I get confused, because I don't remember being there before :smallconfused: Plan B is adding "16" to it.

I second (third?) Zombie RockStar and VT. And Almighty Salmon. Shall ponder further.

2007-10-05, 11:34 PM

*knocks over neighbors' house*

Sorry about that, but that name is so awesome I always get overhyped when I hear it.

2007-10-05, 11:56 PM
I remembered another one! PhallicWarrior :smallbiggrin: It's so awesome I want to do an avi for it, but I'm not sure how to make it forum-suitable... Oh well, I'll just have to look at various comic movies and national monuments for inspiration :smallwink:

2007-10-06, 06:50 AM
Washington monument being one of those? :smalltongue:

It's been mentioned several times already, but yeah, Roland St. Jude is just an awesome name. Easy and stylish, I like. And Bears with Lasers simply because his avatar makes me laugh every single time.

2007-10-06, 07:07 AM
Fleeing Coward is a pretty awesome username. :smalltongue:

There's some other names which are cool...Dr. Bath, Djinn_In_Tonic, and Doihaveaname come to mind.

And Lord Fullbladder is a name made of pure win.

There'll be others I think of/see.

2007-10-06, 07:17 AM
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad ... take a sad soooooong and make it betteeeeer ...

Roland St. Jude.

And Bears with Lasers.

The Neoclassic
2007-10-06, 08:14 AM
My favorites:

Amiria, Countess of Mispelling
Lord Fullbladder Master of Goblins
Atreyu the Masked Llama

2007-10-06, 08:38 AM
Uh thanks, but you misspelled my name. :smalltongue:

I like Vorpal Tribble, Lord Fullbladder Master of Goblins, Almighty Salmon, Chris the Pontifex, SurlySeraph and Atreyu the Masked Llama ...

The Neoclassic
2007-10-06, 08:54 AM
Uh thanks, but you misspelled my name. :smalltongue:

I like Vorpal Tribble, Lord Fullbladder Master of Goblins, Almighty Salmon, Chris the Pontifex, SurlySeraph and Atreyu the Masked Llama ...

My apologies, Countess. Rather ironic... :smallredface:

*Goes back to spell correctly in original post*

2007-10-06, 08:59 AM
Vorpal Tribble, probably.

2007-10-06, 10:00 AM
Vorpal Tribble, hands down.
(Yes, I know I'm too young to like Star Trek.)

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-06, 10:02 AM
Something about him makes me want to hug him, but I'm afraid he'll cut my head off if I do...

Ego Slayer
2007-10-06, 11:25 AM
Hey, Jude, don't make it bad ... take a sad soooooong and make it betteeeeer ...

Roland St. Jude.

And Bears with Lasers.

Aye, Roland St. Jude is a cool name.

I always found BWL amusing because it reminded me of the laser bear cheat from Age of Mythology. (OH CANADA! :smalltongue:)

2007-10-06, 02:25 PM
I agree with many of those who have already been pointed out...

Let me add the following...

PurpleGelatinousCubeofDoom. 'nuff said.
Trog. Who else has a name that sounds like a verb, a drink, and an unpleasant bodily function. :smallamused:

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2007-10-06, 02:38 PM
Y'see, I was gonna mention Trog, but the entry kinda looked like this:

Trog - I...that is, he...ummm...it's a...yeah.

Hardly flattering. Still, it's easily one of the most easily recognizable names, and he often has the funniest posts around. :smallsmile:

2007-10-06, 02:52 PM
Atreyu the Masked Llama - because he lives to his name
Bears with Lasers - Which made me name my laser printer (my main pc's name is Kitty) Kitties with Lasers
DoIhaveaname - easily identifiable silver in the mine.

2007-10-06, 03:00 PM
The recently joined Kung Fu Kobold. It's sounds super cool :smallcool:.

I also like BrokenButterfly because it reminds me of guns and guns are fun.

2007-10-06, 03:09 PM
I'd second Tribble and Atreyu

2007-10-06, 04:00 PM
I'd second Tribble and Atreyu

That's the name I forgot!


Awesome name!

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2007-10-06, 04:01 PM
*sigh* Only one person placed a rather ambiguous vote for "Bor the Barbarian Monk." I knew I should have been "Bor the Monk Barbarian." :smallamused:

2007-10-06, 04:09 PM
*sigh* Only one person placed a rather ambiguous vote for "Bor the Barbarian Monk." I knew I should have been "Bor the Monk Barbarian." :smallamused:

No, that doesn't roll off the tongue as well. Linguistically, Bor the Barbarian Monk is much better.

2007-10-06, 04:15 PM
I like Bor, the Barbarian Monk. :smallsmile:

2007-10-06, 05:16 PM
Bor's cool. So's Smellie Hippie. Lord fullbladder is just pure funny.

Da Beast
2007-10-06, 06:59 PM
I'd like to dedicate this post to all the people who've chosen a name that would make for a great DnD character. I think there are a lot of cool names on this sight that have been overlooked because they lack the pizzazz and comedic value of names like Bears with lasers or Zombie Rock Star. Arameus, Castaras, Xerillum, Amotis and so many others I'm forgetting, this one goes out to you.

2007-10-06, 07:15 PM
Some of the ones I like or liked are

Rainspattered Goodnight
Atreyu, the Masked LLama (is always a must)
Shadow of the Sun
The Vorpal Tribble
Roland St Jude
El Jaspero, the Pirate King
Death, Your Friend the Reaper, (some of the most comfy feet anywhere)
Blue Wizard
SweetRein (I like the way it's spelled)
Angel Sword
Dark Lady of the Sith

Thanatos 51-50
2007-10-06, 07:16 PM
WXDruid takes the cake, for I am a WX nerd.

2007-10-06, 07:27 PM
Before the switch of board software from yabb to vbulletin a year ago, you could change your name at will. This lead to some people giving themselves some interesting epithets. Unfortunately, I can't remember a whole lot of them...

"Amotis, Eyes of a Tragedy" or something like that.
Ego had a couple, including "the Inane" and "+5 Flaming Ego Slayer"

I'm sure there were others. Jibar had some, I think, but I can't remember. Help me out here?

2007-10-06, 07:36 PM
I like Tape Measure's answer to that trend (beside liking the sn). He just shortened his name to "TM" and others followed suit with "S" and "D".

Totally Guy
2007-10-06, 07:44 PM
Trog. Who else has a name that sounds like a verb, a drink, and an unpleasant bodily function. :smallamused:

I nearly qualify for that.

Roland St. Jude
2007-10-06, 07:44 PM
Wow, so much love for the name. :smallredface: I should call my mum and let her know that she did well. :smallsmile:

As for misreadings, I know "Thes Hunter" is not "the shunter" - I remember when she first had to point that out to people - but I still think "the shunter" whenever I see her name. Sorry!

My favorite username? Well, I like The Giant because of the backstory to it and the B5 reference. The Vorpal Tribble is great too, just for the juxtaposition, and I do like Ms. Elaneous for the pun. Oh, and Chris the Pontifex, who makes really great avatars, who it turns out really is a pontifex, which is so cool.

Really lots of great usernames here. A really clever bunch I'd say.

2007-10-06, 07:53 PM
I like PurpleGelatinouscubeo' doom. Djinn_in_Tonic is pretty awesome too. My favorite has to be CockroachTeaParty.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2007-10-06, 08:08 PM
All of the above. And those below to. What can i say.

2007-10-06, 08:30 PM
Eh, I'll settle for one obscure mention. Better than some other people got. :smallcool:

All of mine have already been said. Death, my Friend the Reaper; phoenixineohp; Djinn in Tonic; Amiria, Countess of Mispelling; and more. Dhavaer gets an honorable mention, because I can't figure out how so many people can misspell it. Also, in the vein of the unmentioned, I liked Caw because of the simplicity, and the avatar.

Umm, that's about it.

The Orange Zergling
2007-10-06, 08:40 PM
Vonriel - Rolls off the tongue nicely.
Death, your friend the reaper - Why not like it?
Bears with Lasers - Its no shark with a laser beam attached to it's head, but it'll do. :smallwink:

2007-10-06, 10:12 PM
I love his username:smallbiggrin:

2007-10-06, 10:37 PM
...Oh, and Chris the Pontifex, who makes really great avatars, who it turns out really is a pontifex, which is so cool...

He is a high priest? Or am I missing something? :smallconfused:

2007-10-06, 10:59 PM
Phoenixineohp is pretty goo, but I give the prize to the Almighty Salmon. Just wicked.

So really, no love for Vuzzmop? Back to the ol' sobb'n corner for me.

2007-10-06, 11:06 PM
my favorites would have to be Death, Shiny, VT, Phoenix, Roland, Djinn, Bor, and Vuzzmop

Roland St. Jude
2007-10-06, 11:17 PM
He is a high priest? Or am I missing something? :smallconfused:

Oh no, no, he's a Tremere leader just below the rank of Lord who governs over a large geographic area in western Europe. :smallwink:

No, I meant "pontifex" more literally. He builds bridges.

2007-10-06, 11:22 PM
member of the supreme college of priests in ancient Rome, 1579, from L. pontifex, probably from pont-, stem of pons "bridge" + -fex, -ficis, root of facere "make." If so, the word originally meant "bridge-maker," or "path-maker." Weekley points out that, "bridge-building has always been regarded as a pious work of divine inspiration." Or the term may be metaphoric of bridging the earthly world and the realm of the gods. Other suggestions trace it to Oscan-Umbrian puntis "propitiary offering," or to a lost Etruscan word, in either case altered by folk-etymology to resemble the L. for "bridge-maker."

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper


2007-10-06, 11:32 PM
Well darn that's clever. :smalltongue:

And thanks to those who like my name. And I'm glad this has helped some figure it out. :smallwink:

2007-10-07, 12:48 AM

Roland St. Jude's username was originally RolandStJ, he played a lot in the silly message board games and was often asked what the J stood for. People also started making up names (mostly silly) to fill in the gap.

2007-10-07, 01:05 AM
Dhavaer gets an honorable mention, because I can't figure out how so many people can misspell it.

Indeed! We must purge the land/boards of these fools!

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-07, 01:06 AM
O! My favorite! Aallaarraa!

Dr. Bath
2007-10-07, 06:40 AM
I must admit I have a liking for the usernames with wordplay attatched,

Mr. Edward Nigma
and Djinn in Tonic.

2007-10-07, 11:39 AM
I like Hannes! It equals me and leads to many people mistaking me for that damn underwear company. (http://www.hanes.com/hanes/Default.aspx)

2007-10-07, 11:54 AM
I am, for the first time, bearing witness to a great number of interesting, amusing, or otherwise impressive names. Perhaps I should skulk around more of these forums to observe what discussion may be attached to them.

As for a favourite, I don't think I have the gumption to pick one from this magnificent litter. Just assume that if you read this post, I enjoy your moniker. How's that for an ego-stroke?

Ego Slayer
2007-10-07, 01:38 PM
How's that for an ego-stroke?
Don't touch me! :smalltongue:

Djinn In Tonic is a fun name, too.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2007-10-07, 02:18 PM
pheonixinoehp is always entertaining to see, as it reminds me of a book I once had filled with silly palindromes, given to me by my good friend, Julie. (Kinda funny how a palimdrome isn't a palindrome.)

Oh...the name of the book? Go Hang A Salami, I'm a Lasagna Hog. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-08, 11:24 PM
I'd like to dedicate this post to all the people who've chosen a name that would make for a great DnD character. I think there are a lot of cool names on this sight that have been overlooked because they lack the pizzazz and comedic value of names like Bears with lasers or Zombie Rock Star. Arameus, Castaras, Xerillum, Amotis and so many others I'm forgetting, this one goes out to you.

Hey, first on the list!! :smallcool:

... Hey, what do you mean, it 'lacks pizzazz?' :smallfurious:

2007-10-09, 01:44 AM
Hehe...Phoenixineohp takes me back to a movie...

It was a guy called Ineedmoney and you said it like this: I nee ma nee.

Phoenix i nee o haechpee :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-09, 01:47 AM
No love for the Face of Evil? Well, that's fine. I hate all of you anyways! :smallfrown:

(Goes and cries in the corner)

P.S. How come nobody's mentioned "I'm da Rogue?" I thought that was pretty cute.

The Valiant Turtle
2007-10-09, 11:57 AM
Hmmm, I believe I must agree with others that Shiny, bearer of the Pokystick is perhaps the best username on the boards.

Others that I enjoy:
Atreyu, the Masked Llama
Vorpal Tribble
El Jaspero
Purple cube 'o doom
Exachix (no idea why)
Castaras (no idea again)
Bor, the Barbarian Monk
Djinn in Tonic

2007-10-09, 03:21 PM
So many bring a smile to my face, but they already been kudoed so I won't repeat what others have said. :smallsmile:

And sorry to all those who have mixed my name. I don't mind the sugapoof - it happens quite frequently. For me though, I constantly mix up good and goof in error while typing. I'm just glad I haven't done the same when typing duck.

2007-10-09, 03:23 PM
So many bring a smile to my face, but they already been kudoed so I won't repeat what others have said. :smallsmile:

And sorry to all those who have mixed my name. I don't mind the sugapoof - it happens quite frequently. For me though, I constantly mix up good and goof in error while typing. I'm just glad I haven't done the same when typing duck.

Twice I've been tempted to quote-sig you today. This is one of them.

2007-10-09, 04:33 PM
A couple that I think are cool that no one mentioned yet:

HellPuppi - Simple but strong, cute and fearsome at the same time. The "i" spelling adds to cuteness.
darthmario - I think the juxtaposition of both characters represents quite well some of the crazy discussions in Media Discussions pitting totally unrelated characters against each other.

pheonixinoehp is always entertaining to see, as it reminds me of a book I once had filled with silly palindromes, given to me by my good friend, Julie. (Kinda funny how a palimdrome isn't a palindrome.)



It's a palindrome!!! I just realized this with Bor's post :o
I can't believe I never saw that! We even discussed her name before, in the pronounciation thread, and I never worked that out! I really thought they were random letters after "Phoenixine", which does sound like a regular username.

With this new information, I'm gonna have to declare it the coolest name.

Raiser Blade
2007-10-09, 04:45 PM
Whoa i saw Bor's post and i still didn't figure it out until now.

:o It is the coolest name now.

2007-10-10, 12:12 AM
I also like Ego Slayer for the intriguing concept, and Rex Idiotarum for the clever use of Latin :)

But Idiot isn't first declension! (Sorry, I'm just having a latin test on first declension tomorrow and I had to mention it. :smallwink: )

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2007-10-10, 12:20 AM
Whoa i saw Bor's post and i still didn't figure it out until now.

:o It is the coolest name now.
Huh? What post? I don't post here. Well, I post rarely. See beneath my name? It's a LIE! I'm a pixie. Ask anyone. :smalltongue:

2007-10-10, 12:26 AM
Gotta say, I've always like The Vorpal Tribble. It's just awesome.

2007-10-10, 12:32 AM
Bosssmily: The huge amount of 's'es makes me pronounce it B'SMILEY!

PurePolarPanzer: Whats NOT to love?!

CockroachTeaParty: Would you like some tea, sir? Why yes thank you, myes.

Yeah. B'Smiley makes me laugh.:smallbiggrin:

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-10, 06:30 AM
But Idiot isn't first declension! (Sorry, I'm just having a latin test on first declension tomorrow and I had to mention it. :smallwink: )

Actually, that Latin word Idiota, which means "layman", is first declension.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-10-10, 10:28 AM
Djinn in Tonic
Thats one I was trying to remember! That one made me grin from the beginning :smallcool:

Missing Shoe
2007-10-10, 12:49 PM
I think Roland St. Jude is my favorite, followed by Dhavaer. I'm not exactly sure why, they have always stuck out for me. Not sticking out as "annoying hang nail I HATE YOU!!", rather sticking out like "Mmmm is someone baking a pie?!".

2007-10-10, 01:03 PM
At the risk of sounding like a total fanboy...

Fax Celestis. It fits so well. It doesn't smack you in the face, but it's totally cooler than you are. Kinda like Fax himself...

I also like Djinn in Tonic, as well as dhavaer.

2007-10-10, 01:50 PM

Slightly upset no-one's mentioned my name, but then it is pretty obscure. For me:

Em Blackleaf,
Roland St. Jude,
Bor the Barbarian Monk,
I'm da Rogue,
and last, but not least:
Face of Evil

2007-10-10, 02:43 PM
Roland St. Jude - Because Dark Tower references automatically win.
El Jaspero
Phoenixineohp - because it took me so long to figure out... >.<
and I got this one stuck in my head... ExRev...don't know where that one came from... :smallbiggrin: :smallwink:

2007-10-10, 05:57 PM
You mean like phoenixbackwards?
That one's always been my personal fav!

Damn! Simued!

My favorite too.

I also really like Djinn in Tonic, Eloquent Rune, Vael (I'm not sure why), Fax Celestis, PenguinSushi, Atreyu the Masked Llama, Exachix, and Shiny, bearer of the pokeystick

O! My favorite! Aallaarraa!

Darth Mario
2007-10-10, 05:59 PM
My favorite's Djinn in Tonic, simply brilliant!

Hell Puppi
2007-10-10, 09:02 PM
Djinn in Tonic
Darth Mario
Atreyu the masked llama
Vorpal tribble
Fax...I can't spell the second part properly...
Smelly Hippie
Bor the Barbarian Monk

2007-10-10, 11:01 PM
Djinn in Tonic is one of my favorites. Oh, and Rex Idiotarum is pretty cool.

Also, I've always liked Roland St. Jude

2007-10-11, 06:22 AM
I'm just stunned that someone actually likes my username...:smallredface:

My choices are PurpleGelatinousCubeofDoom, and Death, Your Friend The Reaper, since both of them just sound sooo cool.

My humour choice is probably Bears with Lasers, since the name and avatar make me chuckle every time I see the combo.

2007-10-11, 10:48 AM
I'm just stunned that someone actually likes my username...:smallredface:

I love your username! :smile:

Em Blackleaf
2007-10-11, 12:30 PM
Quincunx is my favorite username.

2007-10-11, 07:50 PM
Last time I tried this a few days ago my PC chewed it up, but lets try again...

There is a better name in the playground than phoenixineohp...

p h o e n i x i n e o h p

And special thanks to Trog:

You can even go one better:

p p p
h h h
o o o
e e e
n n n
i i i
p h o e n i x i n e o h p
i i i
n n n
e e e
o o o
h h h
p p p

Ego Slayer
2007-10-11, 07:59 PM
Rawhide, is there anything awesome you don't have up your sleeve? :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-11, 10:12 PM
Rawhide, is there anything awesome you don't have up your sleeve? :smallbiggrin:

Himself. Mainly cause that'd create a paradox and isn't in the mood to destroy the universe.


2007-10-11, 10:24 PM

2007-10-11, 10:26 PM
The answer to your question is no.
Simply No.

2007-10-12, 06:50 AM
Other than myself (Quirinus Obsidian) I also enjoy the names: Ego Slayer ; The Vorpal Tribble (aforementioned Juxtaposition is hilarious). Ye all are too creative; I just took an old DnD character name :smallsmile:

2007-10-12, 07:03 AM
Other than myself (Quirinus Obsidian) I also enjoy the names: Ego Slayer ; The Vorpal Tribble (aforementioned Juxtaposition is hilarious). Ye all are too creative; I just took an old DnD character name :smallsmile:

So did I, nothing wrong with that. The current "title" just came when Chris the Pontifex messed around with my original Mistress of Counterspelling "title".

2007-10-12, 11:56 AM
So did I, nothing wrong with that. The current "title" just came when Chris the Pontifex messed around with my original Mistress of Counterspelling "title".

Still a wicked cool name though, Amiria :smallbiggrin:

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-10-15, 12:55 AM
If Manticorkscrew hasn't been mentioned yet, he is officially on my list of very clever user names.

2007-10-15, 01:05 AM
The Great Skenardo. What's a skenardo? Who knows, but it sounds damn cool.

Fax Celestis. A fine work of name design, much like Fax's works in game design.

Dhavaer. It always catches my attention for some reason. And yet I can never remember how to spell it.

2007-10-15, 06:19 AM
If Manticorkscrew hasn't been mentioned yet, he is officially on my list of very clever user names.

I have just noticed the joke in that name!

*runs off to enter it at #5 on his best usernames list!*

2007-10-15, 07:06 AM
I would say probably Darth Mario and phoenixineohp would be my favorite usernames.

2007-10-15, 05:45 PM
Platinum Jestar was one that I liked scince I saw it

2007-10-16, 12:07 PM
I just found a new pixie to add to that list.

Kung Fu Kobold! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?find=lastposter&t=59606)

2007-10-16, 12:36 PM
Lord Fullbladder

2007-10-16, 01:40 PM
First: my own name (a cookie to anyone who can figure out where it came from. Or even how it was made (like, linguistically))

After that, Ego Slayer, Lord Full bladder, darthmario, djinn in tonic, and just about any of the other amusing ones.

btw, I didn't understand pheonixineonhp untill just now when I actually thought about it.

2007-10-16, 05:40 PM
There are a lot of good ones. Here are the ones I like that i can remember, in no particular order:

Amiria, Countess of Mispelling
Platinum Jester
Penguinizer (i mean, it has "penguin" in it...)
Zombie Rock Star
Death, Your Friend the Reaper
Djinn in Tonic

I've probably got too many, so I'll just arbitrarily decide to stop there...


2007-10-16, 06:04 PM
Fax Celestis, for the Latin.

Phoenixineohp, for the palindrome (and for my pronounciation, which evokes some kind of a flaming bird-mummy).


The Vorpal Tribble

FlWiPig, because I know what it stands for.

Darth Mario
2007-10-16, 06:31 PM
Penguinsushi, not for the name, but for the hidden classic Apple logo on his avi.

2007-10-16, 07:27 PM
FlWiPig, because I know what it stands for.

wOOt. I'm FAMOUS!!

Anyone care to guess?
Even if you did, I'm sure it wouldn't make much sense to you...I'll give you a clue, it's what I would choose for a Native American Indian name!

Midnight Son
2007-10-16, 11:03 PM
Hmmm, no love for Midnight Son, eh?:smallcool:

Ego Slayer - Cause she's too damn awesome!
Death, Your Friend the Reaper - Just slays me every time I see it.
Vorpal Tribble - I laughed my head off the first time I saw it.
Wampax - Cause there's nothing uncool about Wampas

2007-10-16, 11:07 PM
Hmmm, no love for Midnight Son, eh?:smallcool:

Oh, right. I think Midnight Son is an awesome name, too. :smallwink:

2007-10-16, 11:13 PM
Hmmm, no love for Midnight Son, eh?:smallcool:

Now that you mention it, I probably ought to give that a nod as I think it was on my list of possibles for the name of a band i was in in highschool...


2007-10-17, 09:44 AM
Hmmm, no love for Midnight Son, eh?:smallcool:
Oh dear, I only just got the joke of that one :D