View Full Version : Injustice 2 Gods among us. Character inspired by joker finisher

2019-05-24, 01:22 AM
So title explains it

But for those whom havent played and dont feel like youtubing it essentially starts with

Mainly doing this for fun , I might make a character based off it but that's because I'm not enjoying my current character.

1. Pie to face

2. 2 crowbar hits

3. Crowbar esc feint into point blank pistol( dnd hand x bow)

4. A rearing smack from a big club Esq object

5. Point blank shot from a large bazooka (reflavor as a spell or as heavy crossbow)

Takes roughly 10 seconds

So lets say 2 turns

Doesn't need to be able to do this every turn in fact I'd be ok with once per short rest

When not doing this would be a solo dagger user occasionally drawing hand x bow or throwing a vial

Requirements- AL legal. Human or whatevet race you think would fit a joker esq feel (preferably not a small race), light armor at most, preferably none.

Feel free to post your thoughts and ideas

Depending on how this goes I might look into another characters

My idea , wouldn't kick in till roughly 8

5 fighter battle master 3 rogue thief Vhuman (dual wielder)(crossbow expert)

Point buy

Str - 13, +1
Dex 16, +3
Con- 8 , -1
Int - 14, +2
Wis- 9 , -1
Cha - 14 , +2

Start with oil and "crowbar" in hand

Pie -theatrically re flavored oil (thief bonus action)

Crow bars- improvised weapon or re flavored weapon. Extra attack

Draw hand x bow

Next turn

Feint manuever (bonus action )

Attack with hand x bow (attack action )

Drop weapons

Draw club and a Alchemist fire flask

Action surge

Club attack (battle master prone maneuver)

Second attack from extra attack re flavored alchemist flask

In theory

1d20+3+1d8 to hit for oil (precision if needed cuz PIE) 8 bonus damage next time they take fire damage

Crow bar , reskinned finesse weapon
(2×) 1d20+6 to hit 1d4/1d6+3 damage (+2d6.sneak if applicable)

Draw hand crossbow

Next turn
Bonus action feint
1d20+6 to hit with advantage 1d6+1d8+2d6+3

Draw two weapons (club and alchemist fire flask )

1d20+4 hit 1d4+1d8+1 damage dc 14 save or prone

1d20+3 (+1d8 or adv) hit 1d4+3 damage (+additional 8 if oil hit) (add 1d8 if prone) (precision if prone didn't land, if prone landed add another prone.)

Damage assuming everything hit (which is unlikely)

Oil 8 extra fire damage

Crowbar. 2d6+6+2d6 average (20 average)

Crossbow 3d6+1d8+3 (18 average)

Club 1d4+1+1d8 (8 average)

Alchemist fire
1d4+3+8+1d8 (18 average at start of their turn. Every turn after unless put out 1d4+3 damage 5.5)

72 damage average or 36 a turn average

Not very optimal but sounds fun as hell