View Full Version : What's your craziest character concept?

2019-05-24, 12:19 PM
Title says it all.

I've come across Chain Warlocks where the Familiar was what was actually played, and the 'person' was more of a husk. Works best with GOOLock, I think.

I've seen Gnome Noblemen that fly into a rage whenever someone cracks about their height, that's an interesting way to play Barbarian.

So... Whatcha got?

2019-05-24, 12:22 PM
Crown Paladin that is basically a combination of a Valkyrie and a Drill Sergeant.


Most of the Crown Paladin's features revolve around:

Protecting allies near them.
Healing nearby allies at low HP.
Forcing enemies to stay near the Paladin.

So the Crown Paladin does a great job of aiding melee allies. I mocked this up as "I only help the worthy".


Flying Tiefling Hexblade Warlock Shadow Sorcerer. Was a Paladin Human that got converted into a half-demon along with the rest of his demon-slaying order as a sick revenge plot. Now he uses his new powers to put down the members of his order that are running rampant, as well as recycling the revenge upon his tormentors before he goes batsh** and kills innocent people.


Ancestral Guardian with Mobile and low Constitution for a Barbarian (10-12). He was a troublemaker of his tribe. When his tribe was destroyed, he fled. Now his tribe haunts him, trying to guide him to be less of a troublemaker and to set up roots, start the tribe anew, etc. In combat, he harasses enemies and runs away, while his guardians protect his allies as an apology for the recklessness of their cowardly prince.

2019-05-24, 12:27 PM
A wizard who only learns utility/buff/niche spells and has no options (cantrip or spell) for causing damage all the way up until lv 17. Whereupon they take Meteor Swarm.

The almost-always pacifist who definitely isn't a touch unstable at all.

Alternatively, a fiendlock flavored as a Simulacrum who made a deal with a devil to gain a soul and has become more lifelike and functional as a result. Better if done with an ice-themed fiend, as this character has leftover phobias over hot surfaces and melting snow.

2019-05-24, 02:36 PM
Ancestral guardian-war wizard combo. took mostly defensive and utility spells from war wizard. rage swapped the character from self defense to party defense. flavored the character as an unexpected champion for the unfinished business of his family's ancestors. shield, absorb elements and arcane deflection made him hard to hit/take down when not raging flavored as channeling ancestral spirits to block things targeted at himself. then when raging the spirits spread out to help his allies instead of him.

purely flavor-wise, I was told I plan too much (was annoying other players in previous campaigns) so I was challenged to do the opposite. make a character that doesn't plan at all. so I intentionally did not pay attention during combat with the restriction that I was not going to slow down the game. (online game so I wasn't being distracting to other players). I would then only have 1 minute to declare my actions for the turn based on what I saw when my initiative came up. it was a memorable character for all involved. once sat down in the middle of a fight and talked a kenku into joining us. we all had fun and I grew as a player.

2019-05-24, 02:39 PM
I played a character whom one god would not let stat dead. as soon as he died his soul was forced to take the next creature born on the material plane

2019-05-24, 02:52 PM
I played a character whom one god would not let stat dead. as soon as he died his soul was forced to take the next creature born on the material plane

So...kinda like a Deva with the Reincarnate spell?

2019-05-24, 03:03 PM
I'm currently playing a Thogaturge with the Noble background.

2019-05-24, 03:27 PM
Rock Gnome Beast Master with an Ape companion. He rides around on it Mad Max Master-Blaster style, and refers to all PCs, NPCs, and Monsters as "Baby". Himself and the Ape included.

An vHuman (Maker Mark) Alchemist conspiracy nut who combined several tools to create spray paint, and then tags signs to read like in "They Live".

An Urchin Halfling Archivist who changes up the form of his Artificial Mind's manifestation every few rounds because he wants to be the very best, like no one ever was...

A Warforged Envoy EK with a soldier background whose built in tool is a land vehicle. Roll out!

A Simic Hybrid (shark) Conjuration Wizard with the Entertainer background with reskinned manifestations of his spells and abilities as shapeshifting into tools or to hide. He solves crimes and plays drums on weekends, acting like a blend of Curly of the 3 Stooges and Rodney Dangerfield.

2019-05-24, 03:40 PM
The character my DM was totally psyched up to have in his next campaign, but I never got to play because my wife and I decided to move across country:

Revenant Dragonborn. He was the reincarnation of a dragon the PCs had killed in our previous campaign. He'd been sent back to the world to redeem himself and atone for the evil deeds of his previous life. He also wanted to get his old body back. I ran him as a "melee oriented sorcerer" with Draconic sorcery and lots of combat spells.

2019-05-24, 03:45 PM
Old Dragon Lance campaign. A Qualanesti Elf Noble ranger who hated nobles and felt that elves were the root of all evil and considered bringing up his being either to be fight to the death words.

2019-05-24, 04:06 PM
One of my backups for my current campaign is a Mark of Making Human Artificer (Artillerist) whose dream is to build five constructs which can transform into pieces of gear, effectively turning him into the pilot of a tiny mech. I'm still trying to sell my DM on the idea. He keeps on groaning.

2019-05-24, 04:21 PM
A Dwarf ex foreman of a mining guild who eventually heeded the call of Bahamut to fight the good fight, as he was not a warrior he wouldn't think of attacking the enemies but bark orders to his people "GET UP SOLDIER!"(Holy Word), or his enemies: "DROP THAT SWORD"(Command). When members of his Order fell, he would do their passing rites, but this wouldn't stop him from ordering them to action post mortem (Spirit Guardians, Guadian of Faith)

2019-05-24, 08:08 PM
In an upcoming campaign I'll be playing a kenku pirate who looks and sounds like a parrot

2019-05-24, 08:25 PM
Warforged Divine Soul Sorcerer Hexblade Warlock.
Animated by the burgeoning soul of a dead god & wielding a fragment of the weapon which slew him

2019-05-24, 08:38 PM
Warlock/bard multiclass dwarf chef cook who pretends to be only a bard. Inspiration is throwing food to party members. Sometimes his hat would wobble and some crazy effects would happen.

Turns out there is an pact of the chain imp living under his hat directing/influencing him.

It's a morbid take on the ratatouille movie.

2019-05-24, 09:47 PM
I'm playing a blind Nuetral Good Monk/Fiendlock 3 right now who can only see through the eyes of his imp. Does that count? Lol

One day I want to play a reverse Druid. His base form is Wolf or Panther(can't decide) and he can only wild shape into humanoids. Also, can only cast spells and speak while wildshaped.

Another character I'm using right now is a beautiful female Scourge Aasimar Bardbarian. She wears a dress, sings, and has a very bad temper lol

I still think a straightforward Gnome Conquest Paladin would be a lot of fun

2019-05-25, 06:12 AM
I think the craziest character concept I've seen in 5e was a 'Good' necromancer with a habit of committing suicide. She had a heart in the right place and a brain that probably wasn't and she got around any moral questions regarding her necromancy by only ever animating her own corpse.

We started at level 16 and had more money than we could possibly know what to do with. She only had around 30-something HP, and it wasn't uncommon for her to die multiple times in a fight. Every time she did she'd just teleport back to us and keep fighting the next turn. She even saved every single corpse of herself in a series of demiplanes and over the year had built up a large enough army of her zombie selves to fight an entire kingdom to a standstill. She was never particularly useful in combat because she couldn't control that many zombies at once and she'd often die more times in a fight than she had spell slots for teleports, but you can solve a surprising number of issues with a wizard happy and willing to die to make things even minor things slightly more convenient for you, even if most of those could have been solved by most other wizards quite a bit faster and in a less absurd manner. If she could solve a problem with her own corpse, she would. It never failed to be hilarious. Her "scrying" was just her teleporting to an area and running around as fast as possible to see as much as she could until she died. She also tried to end all hunger in a city by feeding herself to the homeless.

2019-05-25, 06:21 AM
A Envoy Warforged Cavalier/Hexblade who uses Polearm Master and very sketchy interpretation of War Caster to Agonizing/Repelling Blast everything that comes within 10 ft. They're a robotic poledancer with integrated lightshow/bouncer and outfits that change as quickly as they come off

Look, but don't touch.

2019-05-25, 06:52 AM
A Envoy Warforged Cavalier/Hexblade who uses Polearm Master and very sketchy interpretation of War Caster to Agonizing/Repelling Blast everything that comes within 10 ft. They're a robotic poledancer with integrated lightshow/bouncer and outfits that change as quickly as they come off

Look, but don't touch.

Master of Many Faces, perhaps?

2019-05-25, 07:28 AM
Master of Many Faces, perhaps?

I'm an optimizer at heart, and with only 2 levels in hexblade I'd have to lose out on damage or control/theme, sadly. Alas, they'll have to make do with their integrated Disguise Kit to craft new attire and...other aesthetic modifications

2019-05-25, 09:46 AM
Mechanically the npc skeleton from the dmg as a berserker barbarian that never gets levels of exhaustion. Flavour-wise an old half-elf sage was seeking immortality and instead discovered a magic pool that created undead that had free will (if one voluntarily drowned in the magical pool, out popped the skeleton) this allowing for a good alignment. The sage left notes before dying, both to explain what happened to their “spiritual son” and to explain to others (handy, since skeletons can’t talk). So I would take the hermit background. Still haven’t got a chance to try this character but I live in hope.

2019-05-25, 03:43 PM
Crazy hermit "druid" - a fey warlock that only picks stuff to summon animals, speak with animals, and generally "defend" herself only in ways allowed in Disney movies. As a half-elf I had nice Cha but invest in none of the skills, and most Wisdom skills plus Herbalism.

She was meant to EMBODY Disney princesses which would have went even better with gloomier APs like Underdark epics or Curse of Strahd. Here she is: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1887324

2019-05-25, 03:50 PM
Zealot barbarian, race doesn't matter because he is offing himself and being reincarnated every day by a druid friend.

You and he never know what he will be the next adventuring day.

Also Phil from the Disney Hercules movie would be a fun character. He would likely make an interesting Fey or Lord Bard.

2019-05-25, 05:10 PM
Don't know if this is good, but I've played a bard whose famous for beating asmodeus in a musical duel and won asmodeus's golden fiddle after getting his soul. He's an aasimar named john, but ever since he beat asmodeus, a demon has been guiding him as well as his diva, the proverbial angel and demon on his shoulders.

I also have a character who was a soldier but kinda lost it after his third company died and he survived, this happened after his village burned to the ground and his father, a blacksmith, was killed. Anyways, he became unhinged and decided that time was the route of all evils. He is a ranger with time as his greater favoured enemy. He applies this bonus to any followers of gods with time domains, those gods themselves, or the ultimate personification of time, which he believes to exist, and he hunts this physical manifestation relentlessly, believing himself to be a lone warrior in the nobelest battle no one knows of.
He calls himself the timekiller, and carries the fingers of fallen comrades with him in a velvet case just in case he finds someone with true resurrection. He dualwields two lances and uses a sling for ranged combat. He also uses two immovable rods to climb through the air and then shoots from midair supported by them.
He uses the sling to help control the battlefield, throwing elemental gems as ammo for the sling as well as the marbles from dust of drying. He also uses flasks of oil and cloth balls filled with flour (it's highly explosive), as well as bags of ball bearings.
He pairs all this together with a cloak of elven kind to hide, while in midair, drooping ball bearings to trip you, oil, flour dust, and then fire elementals to burn you, and if you get close he hits you with two lances at once. This is probably my craziest concept.

2019-05-25, 06:40 PM
Atival Drazil, a stingy 150-year-old Gnome Wizard. He doesn't trust anything younger than him, unless it's written down, in which case it is always 100% legit, no matter the source. He hates anyone and everyone taller than him, which means anyone over 1'5". He also speaks Goblin so he can insult his enemies while he kills them. Honestly? I don't blame him.

Ea Temerity, a 19-year-old Tiefling with an anger management problem. Don't ask. You should ask.

Taka Dross, a Halfling rogue who used to be a florist. She also has a debilitating fear of the letter q, and she avoids using it at all costs. Again, don't ask. Halfling Rogue. How original.

2019-05-26, 12:01 AM
One of my backups for my current campaign is a Mark of Making Human Artificer (Artillerist) whose dream is to build five constructs which can transform into pieces of gear, effectively turning him into the pilot of a tiny mech. I'm still trying to sell my DM on the idea. He keeps on groaning.

Your DM sounds like he needs to unclench.
I'd be up for trying something like that in my game.
Mini-mechs are awesome!

..Excuse me while I steal this idea for some magic items that an NPC might have/work on.
If one of the players gets this idea, I'll be prepared, too.

Edit: My 'craziest' character concept is probably a (Rock) Gnome Artillerist Artificer, who forsakes using a shield to instead use a "2-handed Battle Wand" (that may or may not be designed to look like a minigun), while riding atop one of his Turrets and cackling as he wreaks havoc.
For added points: He totally isn't bald, with a red coat, goggles, and a big bristly moustache about half as wide as he is tall.

2019-05-26, 01:10 AM
Not sure if these are crazy or I'm just unoriginal.

Lizardfolk Sun Soul Monk/Giant Soul Sorcerer. You are now Godzilla. Shoot those lazer beams. Alternatively you could play it as Primeval Guardian Ranger/SunSoul Monk. works out a little bit better stat wise but you loose all those cool sorcerer spells.

VHuman(Martial Adept), BattleMaster 3/Hexblade 3/Kensai 3 . Then Finish whatever, (probably more kensai and BM) to get a cool Mugen type character.

Rock Gnome? Ranger BM 3/Artilleist 3/wizard 1/Lore Bard 6/Shadow Sorcerer 6

Ranger Pet
Magical Secrets for Find Steed and Tiny Servants
Shadow Hound

Who could want more companions? If could id somehow add slome more with 1 more level i would. Someone Help.

2019-05-26, 01:12 AM
Edit: My 'craziest' character concept is probably a (Rock) Gnome Artillerist Artificer, who forsakes using a shield to instead use a "2-handed Battle Wand" (that may or may not be designed to look like a minigun), while riding atop one of his Turrets and cackling as he wreaks havoc.
For added points: He totally isn't bald, with a red coat, goggles, and a big bristly moustache about half as wide as he is tall.


2019-05-26, 01:42 AM
A fighter who uses... TWO swords!

2019-05-26, 01:50 AM
An awakened Cat sorcerer with a Human familiar. The human was complete with robes, staff, big heavy book etc.

A 4 INT Wild Mage Sorcerer.

But I still want to find a DM prepared to let me play a sorcadin Pixie with a Faerie Dragon mount.

2019-05-26, 03:29 AM
Not sure if double-dipping is allowed, but on the other hand the Poledancer has so far been merely theoretical, so I'll go with one that actually saw quite a bit of play. A Crossbow Expert Fighter named Darell, who was a cowboy, who sought to found an order of cowboy-themed adventurers. And of course, I picked a subclass that was a dead-ringer for the cowboy theme...Samurai

Aluminum Man
2019-05-26, 03:33 AM
Trying to create Whiplash from Marvel comics. I gave up after about thirty minutes when I realized it would take too many feats and the payoff wasn't practical.

2019-05-26, 04:33 AM
Doc was a gnome alchemist who forgot to try out that potion on an undergrad first and became a dwarf-sized happy Hulk. I think the only word he ever said was "Boom!" in various intonations. Despite having a dreadful INT, he still had Alchemy skill. He would scrape some paint off a wall, dig something off the underside of the table, add some booze and breadcrumbs, and stir. Sometimes it would emit a puff of smoke or turn blue and he would happily hand it to one of the party members and expect them to drink it.

In 4e I was tired of being the party leader, so I took a pixie sorcerer who was unable to tell truth from fiction. He believed that if he said it, it was true, and he tended to say whatever popped into mind no matter how irrelevant it was. He was Chaotic without being a jerk, he had absolutely no useful input on party decisions, and was a lot of fun.

Witty Username
2019-05-26, 11:07 AM
way of the four elements monk cannibal. He thought meat is food. I was using dragonball as a reference, and I figured eating goblin was something yagerobi(I regret nothing) might do.

2019-05-26, 12:14 PM

Whatever gave you that idea?
I saod he totally didn't have those things.😂

2019-05-26, 12:33 PM
I rolled a character that had a single 16 and a 14 or 15 in all other stats. So they can multiclass to their heart's desire. I also picked every aspect via random die rolls, so my lawful neutral female half-elf barbarian has the soldier background, and has subsequently taken a level in rogue, bard, cleric, and wizard. All of these for in-story reasons. The best part is that I play her as no-nonsense and actually a bit of a grump who is out to save the universe because everyone else is an idiot in her estimation, including the guy who grants her clerical powers (he's a mortal who inherited the office of a god).

2019-05-26, 12:36 PM
Honestly I don't know how strange this character is but she has been my favorite PC I ever played. Ari Ravenwind Kenku trickery cleric. My DM said that kenku having no original thought was lame and everyone at my table agrees so kenku just can only mimic what they have heard. Ari though never has been around people so she can't say anything in common though she can read and right just fine. As a result I have a journal in which I right all the phrases she hears.

Archpaladin Zousha
2019-05-26, 07:30 PM
After reading this post from the D&D Headcanons thread in the Roleplaying Games section, I became inspired for something suitably crazy!

Drow cities do not look like human cities built on the floor of a giant cavern. They are carved and shaped directly into stone, only sometimes around a natural cave system. Open spaces actually tend to frighten Drow, as beyond their dark-vision range could be full of Beholders or worse. Their cities are mazes that make no sense to outsiders, a natural defence against invasion. Dwarf cities, mines, and forts on the other hand are all built off the same "perfect" plans.

Dark-vision is useless underwater, meaning few underdark Drow ever learn to swim. If a body of water is large enough to swim in, it's large enough for other things to swim in.

Water sources, ventilation, and sewage are frequently targets for inter-house conflict in Drow societies, not to mention the never-ending creature infestations. Drow Warrior-Plumbers are the very best there is.
Now I want to play one of these Drow Warrior-Plumbers, like a mashup of Drizzt Do'Urden and Harry Tuttle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dht_3NziwSw), Heating Engineer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olXUIcb80N0)! :smallcool: