View Full Version : Fun little questionnaire on dnd 5e

2019-05-25, 01:57 AM
I've decided to make a small little dnd questionnaire to see what people's overall opinions are on certain things in the game. It's just here and has only 6 questions retaining to classes and races so getting some input from people would be greatly appreciated : ). I'll post replies on this when it seems like the majority of people have responded and I am not getting responses anymore

Edit: after seeing some comments I've edited the questionnaire to fit the complaints with a change of the first question to most powerful instead of just overpowered and notes on what this is a questionnaire on in the description (all official 5e books.) Additionally critiques will be taken into account for any future surveys such as the use of subclasses and other things

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18A4eB76Wy081adJDI2xLg8Qqmt1Ccum7Rrs9y2HdTDA/edit#response=ACYDBNg2kvBqBH2EsIaEYLH66aiEa7NaKTMv tpEygjuXHISY-ank2p3q5L3FWEg

2019-05-25, 04:21 PM
Your first question tripped me up already. Most Overpowered? This assumes that there are at least some classes which are overpowered. I am of the opinion that there are no overpowered classes so I couldn't answer your question.
I could probably answer the question "In your opinion, which class is the most powerful?". But still, it depends on context. Which pillar do you mean? I assume combat but there's also social and exploration. Did you mean overall, since that would change my answer. A would tier of play.

And for all question goes, which books am I to concider, core only or all splat? Should I concider UA material? I.e. I like the Ranger quite a lot, but not so much in this edition, unless I can play a Beast Conclave ranger.

2019-05-25, 05:02 PM
I too read the survey and none of the options given where appropriate answers in my opinion.

For example:

Which class is overpowered? In my opinion none. Some are better at certain things at certain levels perhaps but that is about it (2nd level moon druid for example but compare again at 5th or 6th there is no significant imbalance in my opinion).

Which class has the weakest mechanics? Again none? Some of the classes are so different from each other that there is no real comparison. Perhaps the ranger base class has the least combat useful abilities but in games with significant travel/exploration or similar elements they would be very useful (those style games are somewhat rare). In addition, since the DM knows that the ranger won't have any difficulty with those types of challenges then they are much more likely to be either dropped entirely or just narrated so the player may not even know that their character caused certain encounters not to appear because the character makes them trivial. However, this doesn't make the ranger "mechanically weak", it makes it "mechanically different" and designed to deal with different challenges.

Finally, there is probably more variation in the archetypes than there are the base classes in terms of weak vs strong. Hexblade vs fey from a combat perspective for example.

As for the rest of the questions, so far I actually like all the classes (I haven't played a cleric or druid yet but have tried the rest and have enjoyed playing a monk far more than I thought I would). Similarly, there isn't a class I dislike, they are all flavourful with enough differences to make them fun and close enough to balanced that they don't feel like a weak choice.

The same goes for races, I probably pick variant human the most due to the extra feat and build flexibility but I can't say I like them more than others and there probably isn't a race I dislike since again they add variety and flexibility when building a fun character to play. A certain race might not be my top choice for whatever reason but it usually isn't because I simply dislike it.

Anyway, interesting survey, but it might be worthwhile rethinking the questions a bit and offering options like "None".

2019-05-25, 07:15 PM
OP- Warlock
Weak- Ranger
Favorite- Paladin
Hated- Sorcerer but not by much
RaceFav- Human
RaceHate- Tiefling

2019-05-25, 08:05 PM
I wouldn’t call any ‘overpowered’ as a class... I put Wizard for having best access to the few exploitive tricks that may be closest (at high levels mostly)

2019-05-26, 01:55 AM
Strongest mechanics? Wizard
Weakest mechanics? Ranger
Favorite Class? Paladin
Least Favorite? Barbarian
Favorite Race? Tiefling
Least Favorite? Gnome

Ugh... Gnomes. x.x

2019-05-26, 01:16 PM
RaceHate- Tiefling

Favorite Race? Tiefling
Now fight!

2019-05-26, 02:08 PM
Now fight!

Tieflings, while they can be played just as well as any other race, has no real reason for inclusion with the classic races, & attracts the kind of player I really don’t want in my game.

2019-05-26, 04:36 PM
Tieflings, while they can be played just as well as any other race, has no real reason for inclusion with the classic races, & attracts the kind of player I really don’t want in my game.

For me it's because their mechanics are just really meh. Stat bonuses to two different mental stats, a resistance that can't be changed, ubiquitous (except for dragonborn?!?) darkvision and a handful of spells that are hardly unique.

2019-05-26, 04:54 PM
The Tiefling variants did a lot to redeem the race for me; and the racial feats carved out a niche for them (albeit a very specific one)

2019-05-26, 05:11 PM
Very shallow questionnaire
I was hoping for more.

2019-05-26, 05:29 PM
Classes I like: Warlock, Paladin, Cleric
Classes I dislike: Monk, Ranger, Sorcerer

Races I like: Elf, Dwarf, Halfling
Races if dislike: Dragonborn, Half-Orc, Tiefling

Not considering content beyond PHB

2019-05-26, 05:45 PM
For me it's because their mechanics are just really meh. Stat bonuses to two different mental stats, a resistance that can't be changed, ubiquitous (except for dragonborn?!?) darkvision and a handful of spells that are hardly unique.

Truly a disservice to Dragonborn & I don’t even really play them. I always give them History Skill & Darkvision

2019-05-26, 05:48 PM
Yeah for my tables they get Darkvision and a version of stonecunning that applies to 'hoard items' (eg currency, jewelry, artwork).

Ranger Wolfe
2019-07-10, 02:13 PM
I think that the worst race overall in Wizards content is the Orc. It has massive disadvantages in RAW, and roughly the same role play as a Half-Orc. I don't know why anyone would pick an Orc, except under extremely limited circumstances.

Ranger Wolfe
2019-07-10, 02:14 PM
I think that the worst race overall in Wizards content is the Orc. It has massive disadvantages in RAW, and roughly the same role play as a Half-Orc. I don't know why anyone would pick an Orc, except under extremely limited circumstances.

Also, I miss the old Shadar-Kai from the UA released a while ago, and the UA Raven Queen warlock subclass (which was a match made in heaven). Both scratched just the right itch for my ironic edgelord character I had been making. Wish they became official content.

2019-07-10, 03:40 PM
OP- Warlock

Really? I know warlocks can have some good, consistent, low level utility, and they have some decent ranged shenanigans with Eldritch Blast, but most overpowered?

Personally, I'd reserve that for Clerics or Paladins. So much value in those classes that it's really hard to play them wrong.

2019-07-10, 03:56 PM
Really? I know warlocks can have some good, consistent, low level utility, and they have some decent ranged shenanigans with Eldritch Blast, but most overpowered?

Personally, I'd reserve that for Clerics or Paladins. So much value in those classes that it's really hard to play them wrong.

I can only assume he means Hexblade lvl 1

2019-07-10, 05:14 PM
I can't stand gnomes. They're either too "chaotic random magic" or they step too much on the toes of dwarves and halflings and fail to distinguish themselves.

2019-07-10, 05:31 PM
I can't stand gnomes. They're either too "chaotic random magic" or they step too much on the toes of dwarves and halflings and fail to distinguish themselves.

That's always been odd to me. I've always imagined Gnomes as the master tinkerer, the alchemist, the one that treats his expertise as a hobby. He's a recluse not because he hates people, but only because his research is just a lot more valuable than you are. The kind to ignore everything you're saying to come up with a new formula. They're the ones that shout "EUREKA" in the middle of your monologue.

Nobody else really captures the focused intellect trope like a gnome. They are Megamind, Doofenshmirtz, Edna, and every other lovable genius.

2019-07-10, 06:48 PM
That's always been odd to me. I've always imagined Gnomes as the master tinkerer, the alchemist, the one that treats his expertise as a hobby. He's a recluse not because he hates people, but only because his research is just a lot more valuable than you are. The kind to ignore everything you're saying to come up with a new formula. They're the ones that shout "EUREKA" in the middle of your monologue.

Nobody else really captures the focused intellect trope like a gnome. They are Megamind, Doofenshmirtz, Edna, and every other lovable genius.
I feel like this only really applies to the rock gnome (or other fantasy depictions of gnomes, like in Warcraft). Forest gnomes are more like "garden gnome meets leprechaun".

In any case, I can see how dwarves, halflings, and gnomes might appear superficially similar, but if you dig a bit deeper those similarities kind of evaporate.

Dawrves are the dour and surly inhabitants of deep mountain fortresses, excellent miners and smiths, masters of their craft, and very down-to-earth and practical. Can suffer from greed.
Halflings are the plump and cheerful inhabitants of small countryside villages. They cook and they eat. A lot. Like dwarves, they are practical, but tend to value family over material wealth.
Gnomes are secretive and eccentric, with a hint of mischief. They tend to live in secluded places like a mushroom tower or hidden cave. They have an intense curiosity that tends to get the better of them.

Granted, I haven't delved much into the lore of any of these races (especially the D&D versions), but if they seem superficial to you it's probably because you haven't looked deeper into their lore, either. For example, I didn't appreciate gnolls as something more than "just another monster" until I encountered them in a game where the DM really played up the cannibal aspect (and also dropped a severed head on my character).

2019-07-10, 07:03 PM
That's always been odd to me. I've always imagined Gnomes as the master tinkerer, the alchemist, the one that treats his expertise as a hobby. He's a recluse not because he hates people, but only because his research is just a lot more valuable than you are. The kind to ignore everything you're saying to come up with a new formula. They're the ones that shout "EUREKA" in the middle of your monologue.

Nobody else really captures the focused intellect trope like a gnome. They are Megamind, Doofenshmirtz, Edna, and every other lovable genius.

This is now the gnome I intend to encourage. Thanks MoG

2019-07-10, 07:50 PM
Overpowered varies based on level.

Some classes are front loaded in the early levels but get little of note later on. Some classes only come into their true power in their final levels.

The answer to this question is going to vary wildly based on the highest level you believe you will achieve during the course of the campaign, and if the campaign will continue being played after level 20 is reached. After all, what good is a level 20 ability if the campaign ends the moment level 20 is reached? Or five to ten levels before you hit level 20?

2019-07-10, 08:58 PM
Overpowered varies based on level.

Some classes are front loaded in the early levels but get little of note later on. Some classes only come into their true power in their final levels.

The answer to this question is going to vary wildly based on the highest level you believe you will achieve during the course of the campaign, and if the campaign will continue being played after level 20 is reached. After all, what good is a level 20 ability if the campaign ends the moment level 20 is reached? Or five to ten levels before you hit level 20?

That's why I see Bards and Wizards as strong-to-overpowered. They both have tools to solve or enable others to solve nearly every problem that isn't combat, and become more and more able to do so as they get better spells, eventually becoming able to literally warp reality. They truly shine in solving problems without resorting to combat, and while direct combat isn't their forte, with the right build/feats/spell choices/etc., they're no slouch in that department either.

Considering that this has been an issue with Wizards in particular for what feels like every edition, I can't say I'm surprised :P

2019-07-11, 03:37 PM
What class do you feel has the most powerful mechanics overall? * None of them.

What class do you feel has the weakest mechanics? * Not sure what you mean by "weakest"

What class do you like the most? * Paladin

What class do you dislike or like the least? *
I like them all.

what race do you like the most? * I have no one favorite.

what race do you dislike the most? * For PC races, I have no use for the tiefling, unless we are in the Planescape setting. Mechanically and RP wise, the Kenku are a disaster. Yuan Ti in Volo's guide were so poorly thought out (in terms of the Magic resistance thing) that they should all go to their rooms without supper.

2019-07-11, 03:45 PM
I can't answer the first 2. I tried to answer the others but the first 2 are required.

2019-07-11, 05:12 PM
I can't stand gnomes. They're either too "chaotic random magic" or they step too much on the toes of dwarves and halflings and fail to distinguish themselves.

I feel the same way about dwarfs. They step on the role of gnomes too much.

2019-07-11, 06:21 PM
Do we get to see the responses?

Fable Wright
2019-07-12, 02:13 AM
Strongest mechanics? Wizard
Weakest mechanics? Ranger
Favorite Class? Druid
Least Favorite? Bard
Favorite Race? Warforged. Wasn't sure if Warforged Envoy was too specific, but it's the most customizable nonhuman race and has some good survivability.
Least Favorite? Tiefling

For me it's because their mechanics are just really meh. Stat bonuses to two different mental stats, a resistance that can't be changed, ubiquitous (except for dragonborn?!?) darkvision and a handful of spells that are hardly unique.

Who wants Charisma and Intelligence? The spells are mechanically all over the place, it's not customizable, and resistance doesn't really change the way you play your character. People only play Tiefling for the specific fluff they're bundled with... so instead of being a palette on which to build a character, they're a character with mechanics that are hardcoded to be bad.

Don't get me wrong, there are people who can play Tieflings well and paint unique fluff with them. But give me 50 warforged and 50 tieflings, there's going to be a lot more variety among the former than the latter.

I can't stand gnomes. They're either too "chaotic random magic" or they step too much on the toes of dwarves and halflings and fail to distinguish themselves.

I used to feel that way, then I tried playing a gnome for a change.

He is, in fact, the smart guy you protect. Quick as a whip, unable to survive on his own, and an easy heart for the team. No gnome could really make it on their own—they've got an endearing weakness that powerful dwarves and lucky halflings just lack.

2019-07-12, 09:03 AM
That was fun, actually ^.^ I tried to answer as fast and spontaneously as I could, and I think I learned something about my own preferences!