View Full Version : Kineticist Blast - Infusion Saves...

2019-05-25, 12:13 PM
I am playing a Hydro-kineticist and I have the Entangling infusion:

Element universal; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
Your cloud, deadly earth, or wall blast grows tendrils that hold
your enemies in place. Whenever a creature takes damage from
the infused blast, you can attempt a combat maneuver check to
have the blast grapple that opponent. Your bonus on this check is
equal to 2 + your kineticist level + your Constitution modifier (treat
the blast as a Huge creature). The blast only grapples opponents;
it can’t perform other functions of grapple maneuvers such as
pinning or moving the opponent. If the blast is already grappling
an opponent, it receives a +5 bonus on its combat maneuver check
to maintain the grapple, as normal. You can use this infusion only
if you also use the cloud, deadly earth, or wall form infusion.

If they save is the damage negated as well, or just the entangled part of the infusion?

N. Jolly
2019-05-25, 12:42 PM
I'd say just the entangled part myself.

2019-05-25, 01:00 PM
If they save against WHAT? The infusion doesn't allow a save, nor do its three possible prereqs (cloud/wall/deadly earth).

2019-05-25, 01:05 PM
If they save against WHAT? The infusion doesn't allow a save, nor do its three possible prereqs (cloud/wall/deadly earth).

I am so sorry, I got the wrong one in... it reads as follows

Element earth or water; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
Associated Blasts blizzard, cold, earth, ice, magma, metal,
mud, sandstorm
Saving Throw Reflex negates
Your kinetic blast surrounds your foes in elemental matter.
Whenever a blast with this infusion deals damage to a foe, that
foe becomes entangled for 1 minute. The foe can remove this
condition as a standard action with a successful Escape Artist or
Strength check (with the same DC as for saves against your kinetic
blast) or by dealing an amount of damage to the entangling matter
equal to double your kineticist level (the matter has hardness 0).
If the foe was already entangled by this infusion and fails its save
against a second instance of this infusion, the increased amount
of elemental matter fuses to the ground, causing the foe to be
rooted in place as though anchored to an immobile object.

2019-05-25, 01:12 PM
Ah, gotcha. I didn't read the OP carefully enough. I agree with N. Jolly -- there doesn't seem to be any reason that saving against this alteration would affect the damage.

N. Jolly
2019-05-25, 01:43 PM
Ah, gotcha. I didn't read the OP carefully enough. I agree with N. Jolly -- there doesn't seem to be any reason that saving against this alteration would affect the damage.

I just said what I did because that's how saves normally work for infusions, didn't even think that the one they brought up didn't have a save related to it.