View Full Version : Player Help Need Crew Members

Great Dragon
2019-05-27, 07:58 AM
Ok. I'm actually able to be a Player.

My Fighter 1/Evoker 4 Pirate was given a Sailing Ship, and a Crew of Twenty.

The Party has decided to go "deal with Dragons", and I was allowed to take 5 Crew up to 4th level with me.

While my PC is a (NG) Pirate (basically a more friendly Jack Sparrow, but dressed like Darth Vader and looks like Rick Moranis) he's pretty open-minded.

I figured that the Crew is a mix of races and a rag-tag bunch. So, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Humans, Tiefling/Aasimar, (Halflings?) and with random other races thrown in.

But, what I'm asking ya'all for is some interesting "pirate/sailor" Character Names, Race/Class and personality ideas. Traits/Ideals/Bonds/Flaws are bonus.

Other Backgrounds that immediately make sense are: Urchin, Criminal, and Outlander.
Anyone got other Background ideas?

I've got until Wednesday, and all I got are:
(I'm using Point Buy)

"Want Cleric." Tempest?

"Want Rogue."
(Swashbuckler is obvious, but what else might there be?)

"Want another tank."
Barbarian? (Not Bear)

Ranger? Hunter or Monster Slayer? New Beastmaster?

Druid? Coast?
Moon doesn't have Bear form; Sealion?

What other Races and Classes/Subclasses would be interesting to add to the roster?

Heck, getting all twenty Crew is even better, for choosing from in the future.

2019-05-27, 09:11 AM
If you want to figure out who is on a sailing ship, then you should first figure out why people join sailing ships.

You mentioned that your character is a pirate, but is your ship a pirate ship and is your crew a pirate crew?

People sign up for a tour at sea for a huge variety of reasons:

1) Religious
Storm worshippers who take to the sea to be closer to their god, or who were hired by the crew to help keep the ship free of dangerous storms.
Warlocks who made a pact with a denizen of the deep, a kraken or an old god, and who seek to be closer to their source of power.
A sorcerer of the storm may be driven to commune with the primal forces that imbued him with his power.

2) Financial
Treasure seekers.
Low-paid dock workers who wanted to take their chances at a big score at sea.
Beggars without any other place to go hoping for a chance at a regular meal aboard the ship.

3) Desperation
Criminal on the run from the law, leaving port in the hopes of taking the heat off and maybe relocating to another land.
Struggling young unmarried man who wants to leave Saltmarsh but can't afford it otherwise, so he offers to work on a ship until they make port somewhere else.
Victim of abuse (physical, financial, emotional) fleeing their abuser.

4) Emotional
Some may join ships for the same reason modern people join gangs, a sense of belonging and protection that they didn't have at home.
A friend or a lover of another crew member may sign up because they can't bear to see their loved one gone for so long.
A sailor haunted by his past who signs up for increasingly dangerous missions with the secret hope that the next one kills him.

I think if you start with character motivations, the actual race/class/background stuff will fall into place naturally.

2019-05-27, 09:25 AM
So, wait, you're making the PCs for the other players?

Great Dragon
2019-05-27, 10:04 AM
If you want to figure out who is on a sailing ship, then you should first figure out why people join sailing ships.

You mentioned that your character is a pirate, but is your ship a pirate ship and is your crew a pirate crew?

I'm actually figuring that his behavior is a lot like "Privateer/Pirates" of old. Most of the time they were "normal" trade ships, transporting cargo (rarely living) and maybe passengers.
(Which I'm not counting as Crew)

Only when times were hard, or if an easy mark (or a ship of the target Nation) was found, did the Jolly Rogers rise.

For my PC's ship, think more "(NPC) Adventurers with a mobile base" with my Pirate PC as their Boss.
Sure, they will do piracy if nothing else is available.
But, are just as likely to accept being hired as mercenaries.
Or go explore that (plot hook) Dungeon.

People sign up for a tour at sea for a huge variety of reasons:
Right, I was figuring that at least some of those would be part of the History/Backstory.

So, wait, you're making the PCs for the other players?
LoL. No. They have their own PCs.

But I'd rather make these NPCs more PC-style than just grabbing some "monster stat block" (Bandit, Mage, etc) and using them as 2D "faceless" Mooks.

I admit that I have real problems Naming People (and things, as noted in my now-dead Old Keep thread) and I figured that GitP people might be able to come up with lots more "interesting" Character ideas, then I can by myself.

Just a few lines is needed for each.
Name. Race. Class/Subclass.
(Stats optional)
Personality: behavior, quirks, etc.
Background with F/I/B/F bonus.
History/backstory optional.

Thanks for responding.

My friend and I now came up with:

(1)"Parot" (Ruffles) Kenku (m)
GoO Chainlock.
Prefers to perch on a high object.
Crab Familiar.

(2) "Akemi" V-Human (f)
Fighter Samurai.
Great Weapon Style, GWM, PAM
"Must attack insulter."
Great Katana or Naginata.

(3) "Skragg" Half-Orc (m)
Ranger Monster Slayer.
Mage Slayer Feat. Aberrations. Archery.
Terrain: Coast.
"Must dominate Orcs"

(4) "Zivu" Kobold (m)
Rogue Thief.
Lucky feat.
Expertise Investigation & Thieves Tools.
Rapier, Daggers, Hand xbow.
"Dragon Fever" (horde everything)

(5) Irryn Amekir Half-Elf (f)
Life Cleric
"Extravagant Lifestyle" (Elven Princess sydrome)