View Full Version : Pathfinder PaizoCon PF 2 Spoiler Cards

2019-05-29, 08:20 AM
Good morning everybody,

For anybody interested in Pathfinder 2e, PaizoCon this last weekend released 100 spoiler cards with #mypathfinderspoiler. Since then, several of us over on the official forums and social media have compiled most of the cards here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g55e2S4C2bYEibLJVHhlEgclrVZhvqH_z_fpJZ-EHIQ/edit?usp=sharing).

At the moment, we are only missing cards 6, 20, 26, 50, 51, 72, and 85. Per Jason Buhlman from Paizo, if we can get all 100 by 6/17, he'll provide even more spoilers for everybody.

So, if you attended PaizoCon, or know somebody who has, please see if you have access to any of the cards above so we can add them and get some more early looks at the new edition for everybody.

Thank you all for the help.
- Kevin

2019-05-30, 10:24 AM
Just checking back in here. We had some fakes labeled "Spoil-lies" posted on the Paizo board yesterday, so we're still in need of the cards above.

Thank you again.

2019-05-30, 12:27 PM
Well, some of these feats confirm my suspicion that the terrible weak garbage feats from the playtest were not outliers. Reaction for CON mod THP when you down an enemy? Trivial. End rage and be fatigued for 10 or less bonus damage on one attack? Garbage. Only to #34 and not sure its worth finishing.

2019-06-13, 10:39 AM
Currently only #85 remains to be found. Any help with this last card I'm sure will be celebrated across the forums/social media where we've posted.

Our list is current too. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g55e2S4C2bYEibLJVHhlEgclrVZhvqH_z_fpJZ-EHIQ/edit?usp=sharing)

2019-06-14, 09:49 AM
Well, some of these feats confirm my suspicion that the terrible weak garbage feats from the playtest were not outliers. Reaction for CON mod THP when you down an enemy? Trivial. End rage and be fatigued for 10 or less bonus damage on one attack? Garbage. Only to #34 and not sure its worth finishing.

And the THP only lasts a round, to boot. The brutal level prerequisites seem to have stayed as well.

2019-06-14, 10:11 AM
And the THP only lasts a round, to boot. The brutal level prerequisites seem to have stayed as well.

Rather than think of it as bad design, I like to think of it as ensuring the market for third party products.:biggrin:

2019-06-14, 10:40 AM
It sounds like character creation will be very much modular in 2E. Not sure if that’s true and if so how I’d feel about it...

2019-06-14, 11:00 AM
From what I’ve seen, it doesn’t look to be that much more modular than PF1, though the modularity is certainly at the forefront. 5e-style backgrounds are added, but traits are gone. Alternate racial abilities are now just racial feats. Rage powers and rogue talents are now just called class feats. The biggest difference I can see from a character creation standpoint is the multi-step process for ability score generation. That’s easy enough to mod to point buys or arrays, but just because you’re doing it doesn’t mean the average table you’re playing at does.