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View Full Version : Rules Q&A Price Breakdown of Pale Green Ioun Stone

2019-05-29, 07:37 PM
So I'd like to improve the bonus provided but I'm having trouble breaking it down. It provides bonuses to things that aren't spelled out later in the DMG on p285. Anyone ever break that down, as skill bonuses are priced out differently than save bonuses, and ability checks and attack bonuses aren't even listed.

2019-05-29, 08:04 PM
Well, many items follow the formula of bonus squared * (X) gp.

For a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks, it costs 30,000gp.

So +2 might be 120,000gp; +3 might be 270,000gp etc.

But there's no RAW I can back that up with.

2019-05-29, 08:27 PM
Do you want to increase the bonus of the whole thing, or increase the specific bonuses individually? If the former, the price would presumably increase as the square of the bonus provided, because that's how attack, save and skill bonuses work on other items, so a +2 stone would cost 120,000GP, a +3 stone would cost 270,000GP (and require Craft Epic Wondrous Item to create) and so on.

If you want to increase bonuses individually, that's a bit more complicated. The best I can suggest is to look at similar items and compare them. For example, the Stone of Good Luck gives a +1 Luck bonus (which costs the same as a competence bonus) to saves, ability checks and skill checks, doesn't take up a body slot, and costs 20,000GP. The save bonus should cost 4,000GP as per DMG p.285, so that's 16,000GP for the skill and ability bonuses, but I don't know how to separate the cost of those two. Subtracting the cost of the whole Stone of Good Luck from the cost of the cost of the Ioun Stone gives 10,000GP, so presumably that's the cost of the attack bonus part, since that's the only bonus it gives that the Luckstone doesn't.

So to increase the attack bonus to +2 should cost 30,000GP, the save bonus 12,000GP, and the skill and ability bonuses 48,000GP.

Likewise to increase the attack bonus to +3 would cost 50,000GP, the save bonus 20,000GP and the skill and ability bonuses 80,000GP.

(Edited as I realised I'd made a wrong assumption about the way bonus costs scale).

2019-05-30, 05:04 PM
Honestly thinking of trying to improve only parts of it...maybe even create a new stone.

2019-05-30, 06:02 PM
Have edited my previous post as I realised it doesn't actually make any difference whether you calculate the costs separately or not.

Which part(s) in particular were you interested in improving? If you want to increase attack bonus it should work as above (pretty sure I've got it right now...), likewise if you're happy to increase skill and ability bonuses together. If you want to increase skill and ability bonuses separately, you've got two options:

1) try and find an item which increases either all skill checks or all ability checks separately so you've got a basis for comparison. I don't ever remember seeing such an item, but it's possible there's one somewhere

2) eyeball it, or ask your DM to

2019-05-30, 06:24 PM
Have edited my previous post as I realised it doesn't actually make any difference whether you calculate the costs separately or not.

Which part(s) in particular were you interested in improving? If you want to increase attack bonus it should work as above (pretty sure I've got it right now...), likewise if you're happy to increase skill and ability bonuses together. If you want to increase skill and ability bonuses separately, you've got two options:

1) try and find an item which increases either all skill checks or all ability checks separately so you've got a basis for comparison. I don't ever remember seeing such an item, but it's possible there's one somewhere

2) eyeball it, or ask your DM to

Yes I was/am trying to focus on attack rolls.

1-You're the effin man, Stone of Good Luck is 20,000, and is the same with the exception of attack rolls.:smallcool:

2-I am the DM

2019-05-30, 08:46 PM
Ah, yes in that case an Ioun Stone which gave just an attack bonus should be 10,000GP for a +1, 40,000GP for a +2 etc.

I did mention the Stone of Good Luck as the way to work out the cost of the attack bonus in my previous post, perhaps my explanation wasn't as clear as it might have been...

2019-05-31, 08:54 AM
Crake in the other thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?589188-(3-5)-Skill-or-ability-bonuses-which-would-you-rather-have) I started about this has found a way to work out the cost for ability checks, so I can now answer your original question:

Attack bonus: 10,000GP
Save bonus: 4,000GP
Skill bonus: 10,000GP
Ability bonus: 6,000GP

2019-05-31, 04:15 PM
Crake in the other thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?589188-(3-5)-Skill-or-ability-bonuses-which-would-you-rather-have) I started about this has found a way to work out the cost for ability checks, so I can now answer your original question:

Attack bonus: 10,000GP
Save bonus: 4,000GP
Skill bonus: 10,000GP
Ability bonus: 6,000GP

Great job in researching and reversing engineering the bonuses!

2019-05-31, 05:04 PM
Ah, yes in that case an Ioun Stone which gave just an attack bonus should be 10,000GP for a +1, 40,000GP for a +2 etc.

I did mention the Stone of Good Luck as the way to work out the cost of the attack bonus in my previous post, perhaps my explanation wasn't as clear as it might have been...

It must've been subconscious as to why it came to mind so quick, I just didn't remember reading it so I forgot to give you your due.

Thanks again, and Well Done Playground!